The packet has some info, but the missions will only be revealed at the event, as the twists for the fedcom civil war era 6k games I want to be a surprise, as I think they will be a lot more fun if everyone is coming in blind. My main advice is to bring a balanced force. The objectives will be very easy to score, so win/loss/tie.
The ilclan missions are more straight forward, with 50 points for primary, 30 points for owning secondary objective points, and 20 points for kills. No twists on this one, cause the ilclan tech is already wild enough. I haven't received my Kickstarter stuff yet, so the BSP is going to be 5 BSP from the battlemech manual instead of the new mercenaries Kickstarter stuff... I was hoping to incorporate kickstarter stuff, but instead I bought for everyone the objective pack of vehicles that death ray designs makes as a giveaway, instead of the objective box set from the kickstarter... since I dont have that yet!