Author Topic: It's a family curse.  (Read 15087 times)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #120 on: 25 May 2024, 17:44:13 »
"How bad is it really...

...Your Grace?"  Simon Gallagher asked as the staff car pulled into evening traffic.

"He ruined my bra, and this blouse, and it hurts like hell itself." she told him, "but the wounds are closed, and I'm not leaking anywhere."

"I saw that..."

"I can't rock a bikini." she added, "too many scars now...but the claws still retract, and it'll take a dentist to find my fangs, so I'm not so distorted as I might be.  Still not as much myself as before we had our first meeting."

"When you use the abilities, it gets worse?" he speculated.

"gold star." she nodded, "the more I act with the...the more of the beast I let out, the more stays when I'm calm.  I think..." she regarded herself in the staff car's rear-view, "...I was never a raving beauty, but it looks like I can't even look forward to being pretty." she shook her head.

He glanced over at her, "you're still pretty." he told her.

"flatterer!" she gently punched his arm, "I am not! not anymore."

"A certain...ethereal sort of pretty." he told her, "Like a dangerous creature that has brilliant markings."

she laughed, a happy sound. "Charmer!" but she seemed to relax.

"Who's next?"

"Lord Huntingdon." she said, "Estates General budget committee, non military but according to your files here, he's diverted public funds to some private groups of questionable loyalty.  Not quite Ryan Steiner, but he's accessible and a bag-man for half a dozen factions, and that hurts the nation."

"Standard package?" Gallagher asked.

"I think we need to find out more first." she told him.  "Verify his customers, confirm their ties, confirm the theft."

"very good, Your Grace." Gallagher nodded.  "Would like his psychological workup?"

"If you please, Simon, yes-it was fun scaring Bhailovic, and relatively cheap to get him on-board, but I doubt a Noble on the Estates General is going to be quite so thinly disguised a coward."

"what about the bomb, and the bomber?" Simon asked.

"Victor has, according to your sources, the bomber in custody, and he's got Ryan Steiner in custody.  if there was someone else?  They're going to hide deep and there's a... a hunter after me, which limits what I can really do-those two are obviously bait."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #121 on: 25 May 2024, 18:04:40 »
Liz being on to the trap isn't surprising at all... I wonder if she'll find out it's Sithers before she's caught... ;)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #122 on: 25 May 2024, 20:19:17 »

"So he's dead? finally dead?"  Etienne asked.

Wendi looked up, "no. Immobilized, paralyzed, neural functions are suspended.  Pull the plug out and he'll be up and attacking the nearest person before you figure out what happened."


"Stake through the heart-doesn't kill him, just focuses all the body's functions-as in all of them on removing the intrusion.  So far, silver impregnated hardwoods seem to work pretty well, same for iridium, Cobalt...silver seems to work best.  Functionally he's in a state of forced hibernation, I'm tracking how long it takes his body to reject the intrusion and push it back out."


"About a half miliimeter in the last two months, but I can confirm he isn't hearing, seeing, or feeling anything like this.  I suspect a cap on each end and he won't be able to reject the intrusion."

"How did-"

"I started with what we KNOW about them." the female scientist caste said, "Elbar.  Ngo picked up recruits who matched his elite soldiers in capability, and he impaled quite a few Rim Worlds troops-not just the senior officers but lots of them, it occurred to me if he was trying to figure out how to keep them dead, that's where he'd be doing the research-we can't get Elbar Bluewood here, but Oakbrush wood saturated in an acidic solution to penetrate the same compounds works pretty well-at least, for a while."

"Wooden stake to the heart.  That sounds positively primitive."

"He's not attacking guards like this, and I can get biological samples without picking up injuries or needing warriors in elemental armor to restrain him.  A few tests we found a few other things.  Susceptiblity to certan metallics explains why thee spike works-Silver Nitrate seems to work like a powerful tranquilizer, if some jackass had not burned his forebrain, I might even be able to get more than a few disconnected words in Viet out of him.  I'm considering trying to re-teach him speech and maybe reading and writing-his brain recovered but it's like a formatted data drive-most of the original information is gone, and what remains is...well, it would be traumatic on any animal."

"What else?"

"The alteration to the dna molecules is definitely severe.  Mister Ngo in there? has a DNA watermark, it's partially obscured by generations of breeding out, but it is still there in the Mitochondrials, as well as some inherent structures we don't have, but he does."

"what is it?"

"If you had any doubt as to who created this young man? put it away, 'This organism is property of House Cameron, Terran Hegemony Forces' followed by a partial stock number ending in Two-One Echo.  I need to see the files we do not admit to having, it turns out the Scorpion seeker was dead right about too many things, and if those scavengers can put it together? there must be more in the files locked away by ilKhan's order."

"I can not get you that access, if it even existed."  the Scientist-General said stuffily.

"Too bad.  I still can not crack how they made the changes and why they are heritable but not contagious. everything about it says it should be fluid-borne and contagious and it is not."

"How do you know?"

"Ethically challenged, I think that was the descriptor? I experimented, the alien structures died in seconds."

"animal testing?"

"Try again."

"HUMAN testing??"

"Obviously.  Oh, do not make that face, Etienne, I did not waste a Laborer on lab-ratting this.  I tested it on myself-it does not spread, and it really ought to. something in their procedure eludes me, and without that, I cannot make effective changes to reduce the bloodlust and mindless aggression-a weapon that cannot be controlled, is no weapon.  The whole purpose of biological weapons is that you do not deploy them unless you have the hard counter in hand...and we do not. te other problem I cannot solve, is where he gets the energy from-the healing rates are truly too fast to be biologically based, everything takes energy and ATP does not generate enough for the recovery from injuries, enhanced physical capabilities, or the mutations."  she finally looked up from her monitors.  "You know, maybe I should consult with a Cloud Cobra, they may have an indirect insight we can use-I mean, staking the vampire is right there in folklore and theology..."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #123 on: 25 May 2024, 20:41:38 »
All of a sudden, I'm hearing, "Renfield, you !!!-!!!!!"
it's highly probable that movie is what inspired our muse (He WAS absent a LONG time on the story forums)

Helm. Park this &^%$.

As for Scientist Wendi: Maybe she is the reason the Nova Cats named a 'mech, the Wendigo...
« Last Edit: 25 May 2024, 21:00:16 by ThePW »
Even my Page posting rate is better than my KPD rate IG...

2Feb2023: The day my main toon on DDO/Cannith, an Artificer typically in the back, TANKED in a LH VoD.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #124 on: 26 May 2024, 03:36:46 »
Sometimes there's no other fix...

sometimes there's no fix.  The container was marked Cryogenically stored biological sample.  It was a lot easier than the fiction's hiding a casket in a shipping crate.

"stand back."  Dr. Mai Huyn came with the 'samples'.  she punched in the codes, and the lid opened.

What came out of the box wasn't human...anymore.  "Colonel Ngo? are you-"

"I'm aware of who I am, and I'm in control." 

"Welcome to the New Avalon Institute of Science, Colonel."

"Is your biology department ready to begin work?" Tranh Truk Ngo asked, "You'll understand, we're under a bit of a time constraint, and it was a very long trip from the Kowloon system, if you're not ready, I'll be...disappointed but unsurprised, doctor..."

"Banzai, sir."

"right, and the kid next to you?"

"A-Arthur Steiner-Davion!" the boy announced.

"Dammit, I told you not to have anyone present you value! there's no guarantee the drugs I'm on would be enough after weeks in torpor!!"

"I-I-I insisted,sir!!"  arthur announced.

"and your parents? wait...right, New Avalon, means your adult supervision is half the sphere Huyn?"

"Got it here sir." she handed him a blood bag from a cooler, and the thing sipped from the IV hose.  "right then, Arthur, I assume you were briefed into this, tell me what we're doing here, and why."

"We're going to try and discover a treatment to reverse the Star League covert project Twenty One Echo biological modification project."

"And why?"

"because the side effects are...undesirable?"

"No, because everyone who's had it done to them, has turned into an undead flesh-eating monster with cannibalistic tendencies and a short fuse, and the last living relative I've got is rapidly on her way to becoming just like me and I'm not okay with that, neither are your Brother or Mother.  We're here to try and figure out a fix, because whatever House Cameron were trying for, they made monsters.  Generously, I'll be sharing my personal memories and observations of the War against Amaris, and the outbreak of the Star League's Civil war, in some vain hope that future generations can avoid our mistakes."

"I know, I'm doing History this semester..."

"Oh, good, you're in the line of succession, so I better make sure I'm clear while I explain to you just how ****** up the Star League was becoming, behind the scenes, before the fat Bastard killed his meal ticket to try and become the boss, it'll be an interesting diversion from being strapped on a table while we try to undo what House Cameron's mad scientists did to me."

"That's part I'm not clear on-House Cameron?"

"I was born in 2693, Arthur-may I call you Arthur?  I was a serving Star League Officer, I still remember my enlistment day, shipping for Sandhurst, followed by special operatoins training at Langebaan in 2717, officer's school, half a dozen operations that didn't make it into the official reports, and being fingered as a possible terrorist sympathizer as cover for being taken to a top secret lab where they turned me into an undead monster.  It's a lot of material and you're not carrying a notebook or pen, so we'll get detailed while we try to figure out, once again, how to get rid of this while keeping the patient alive.  Sounds like fun, kid?"

Arthur nodded.

"Doctor Banzai, Let's get to your labs, we need to get started asap.  Lizzie isn't getting any less...altered."

"What happens if it fails, sir?"

"Well, I expect the failure will be accompanied by sensible precautions, so while it's not Jimmy Qua's grand gesture of diving into a sun, I'll be finally dead, and with my wife."  the ancient thing said, "Which may just be enough comfort for failing once again."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #125 on: 26 May 2024, 05:42:25 »
Hmmm... so who's in charge of the Regiment in the Colonel's absence?


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #126 on: 26 May 2024, 06:44:16 »
When a soldier is 18 to 22 years old, they...

often suffer from a lack of life experience outside the service, constant supervision and institutionalization is kind of expected.

Most of the 171st Kowloon Volunteers-that is, most of the regiment that is awake, are pushing over 200 years old, and the methods for such old veterans to keep their sanity (and this is actually an important problem) are well developed...

as is the concept of 'chain of command' along with the parallel enlisted concept of 'chain of responsibility'.

"Lightly" hazing the Coast Guard Marine trainees doing their off-planet training cycles? well, that's just good fun, as long as nobody dies or gets seriously hurt, and if there's a real discipline issue, the second oldest revenant with the most 'awake time' between 2805 and the present, is Anh Cu'ong.

She's had decades more than the rest to sharpen her skills, as she's spent less time than most 'sleeping it off' with a stake in her chest.

back in 2728, she'd been on the short list for a tour flying for Recruitment Command as part of one of the SLDF's premier aerobatic squadrons. If her career hadn't been interrupted, she would have been one of maybe twenty total spacer-born 'beltas' serving active duty in the Star League Defense Forces, and she'd intended to be a lifer.

To that end, she'd learned how to fly in planetary gravity and atmosphere, how to fly rotory wing and vectored lift vehicles, how to march and now to stand under the sun without a pressure suit on a planet.

She'd even mastered how to ride a Bicycle during her Academy training at the Naval academy on Mars in 2710.

Her background, and accusations that Kowloon's native spacer community were involved with the 2729 uprising were enough that Military Police with an Intelligence Officer docked with her ship (SLS Bougainville) and took her away from her squadron and ship under suspicion...a suspcion she found out later wasn't so much 'suspected of insurrectionist sentiment' so much as 'Suspected of being easier to disappear than the average'.

Like nearly a thousand others, she was 'disappeared' into a facility whose cover identity was a political prison, but was in fact a military laboratory, doing human trials.

She saw what happened to the first two batches of 'volunteers' (draftees), and experienced some of the experiments the scientists were using to try and prevent the mindless violence and loss of sapience caused by the first series of treatments.

and the second.

And the third.

And the fifth...

She'd helped lead the escape in 2744, and she'd shown she had not lost the expensive Academy training, nor the craft-like family training she'd grown up with in the Kowloon Oort where, as a small girl she had studied books on Planetary ecosystems and watched endless hours of vid and tridee on life at the bottom of the gravity well.

Before Jimmy Qua decided staying wasn't worth it? she had been the number three among the survivors, and the most frequent Revenant to meet a descendant who turned, she'd learned how to induct them, and she'd made sure the mortal humans at the Archive knew how to stop one, and if necessary, end their unlife.

If Alicia Li is the face of the Coast Guard, Anh Cu'ong birthed it in the kinetic drops that broke the Rim Worlds Republic garrisons on Kowloon in 2769.  When she'd been arrested, she'd been loyal, would have reported any insurrectionist.  After enduring the process of becoming a Revenant, she was perfectly okay with insurrection against a government so thoroughly and abruptly evil as the Rim Worlds Republic, and not particularly averse to revolt against the impersonal, callus and sometimes insane Star League itself.

"Caffrey, he needs to be able to breathe-let my Marine trainee up, and do what you're told."  Nils Caffrey had been from somewhere in the Taurus region, another career Star League officer who was chosen on 'suspicion'.  He'd been with the Unit since the break out, when they realized they had to watch over each other thanks to what had been done to them.

"Right...sorry Pol, I forget sometimes."  Caffrey let the dirtyfoot Marine up.

Pol Nguyen rubbed his neck, "No problem, it was just a spar..thanks for pulling your punches."

"You're a good troop, Nguyen, get back to your company area."

"ayeh Sargeant."

Caffrey looked to Anh, "You've trained them pretty well over the years, that kid has potential and good foundations, Commander."

"Yah, as long as you don't pop his head like a zit or mistake him for a juice bag.  I need you to come assist with the evaluations for the next graduation class."

"Something to do while the Old Man strikes out on a solution again?"

she nodded. "Yeah, these days they're practically barbs, and the info was lost anyway, so I'm going to chalk this up as one of Tranh Truk Ngo's valiant, doomed crusades."

"careful boss, you know Qua was saying shit like that before he took the dive."

"I'm being careful.  I also wanted to hit you up on who we need to wake up next."

"You mean 'who's going to be safe to wake up'." Caffrey corrected, "as a Medical man, I'd say Delta second Platoon by section, space 'em out over a few weeks for briefings on the modern world and what we don't have anymore.  Cyril and Jennings especially-Jennings spent some of the gap years working tech, R&D type stuff, and Cyril's got a gift for breaking shit down so it's easy for even a dumbass doctor like me to understand.  Feeding is going to be a problem, so mayb slow down the wakeups until we've got a war front we can hit for supplies, most of that blood bank needs to be kept for the humans-they're going to get hurt, and tehy don't recover as fast or as thoroughly as we do."

"How would you feel about a more direct role in the teaching side?" she asked.

"what kind of role?"

"You qualified as a surgeon and worked trauma wards across half the old Star League, doing ditch medicine for colonists during the 'gap years' after our escape...they need instructors to teach medicine down at the bottom of the well."

"Can't do it, bosslady." He said, "Suntan problem."

" about an extension campus on Rabbit Moon? or Hatter?"

"Hatter works. do I get to pick my team?"

"Seems reasonable. the system's in 'gearing up for war' from a dead stop, training assets are worth more than starships right now, and they're going to need more doctors...and corpsmen, and nurses..."

"gotcha. Yeah, I can make a stab at teaching Hatters how to fix bodies, I mean, I've got over a century's experience doing it...and it'll be better than playing paddy-cake with your Human marine candidates in the gym...this is also about spreading out the impact, isn't it?"

"am I that obvious?"

"I, too, can read a statistics sheet, Oh Commander-my-Captain, we can't have this many of us concentrated with this thin a food supply, not when we aren't going to feed on our own, so it makes sense to spread the load a bit, since the order to start waking the regiment was issued, and it keeps our guys busy enough they don't get bored and start doing stupid things."

"Pick up a beeper at supply on your way to the shuttle bay after you've picked your team and drawn your gear." she told him, "Work with the locals, see what they know and what they need to learn."

"I know how to teach medicine, ma'am, Don't Worry, if any of mine get out of line, I can put them back to sleep."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #127 on: 26 May 2024, 06:51:40 »
Hmmm... so who's in charge of the Regiment in the Colonel's absence?

Yes, your question inspired that last post, because It Makes Sense that there'd be someone to wrangle the walking dead.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #128 on: 26 May 2024, 07:21:18 »
Ahn makes perfect sense! :)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #129 on: 26 May 2024, 10:39:31 »
Things with Huntingdon worked out...

...better than expected, really.  Elizabeth used some cosmetics, and a file, to look human, and she sold the funding bundler on the idea that it's hard to retire super-wealthy if the whole of human space belongs to the Clans because the armies that had to face them, were using junk equipment and suffering leadership issues.

The man asked reasonable questions, offered intelligent suggestions, and on the whole, didn't require her to regenerate after a demonstration of 'taking eight bullets to drive the point home'.

She finished their meeting at 03:30 local time, well ahead of sunrise.

she didn't even need to make a major threat, or he had superhuman control of his heartbeat and sweat glands.

"We'll have to see if he carries through."  Gallagher reminded her, "There are men who can fool the best neural pathway equipment under interrogation, after all, and he might change his mind."

"SO could the people I've had to threaten, and will have to threaten." Liz observed, "They could all change their minds, they could decide it's showmanship, or that they can get away, or that I'm not serious...I'm not the Archon, I can't use absolutes all the time, I can only hope that relatively reasonable people will come to reasonably self-serving conclusions when presented with information...turn left and head down into the low-town, Simon."


"Famished." she said, "Let's find an abusive pimp, or some nice juicy muggers, the kind of scum that deserve it."

"I could get you a list of criminals on early release-"

"They're on parole Simon!" she sighed and shook her head, "which means unless they're breaking their parole, they're civilians who don't deserve me to come into the end of their lives."

"regardless of their crime?"

"We have to give people the option to opt out of evil, Simon.  You don't forgive someone who deserves it, because someone who deserves forgiveness? didn't do anything wrong enough.  We forgive and give second chances to people who are not deserving, because they're the ones who need redemption...but a second chance is not a third, or infinity quantity.  Let's stick to finding someone who's actually doing evil if possible.  someone doing actual harm."

"Your moral compass is peculiar, Your Grace." he said.

"Yeah, I get that. it comes from being a predatory parasite trying to be a symbiote." she said, "it would be a hell of a lot easier to just grab someone homeless off the street for take-out, but it wouldn't be right.  I'm going to be a thing for a long time, if prior examples are any indicator-I'd like to think I can hold on to some of my humanity for as long as possible, that I can pretend I still have a soul, that my sins will matter to god when I'm sent to hell."

"you also care about the common folk." he observed, "More than most Nobles I've worked with."

"They their own way." she said agreeably.  "People care, they sometimes forget they can do something about it without making someone else carry the burden, but they can care...without remembering that our titles are not just a set of privileges and some land deeds and special tax status.  There's an implied obligation when people give that much of their power to a leader.  it's immoral to abuse that."

"Hence, Criminals and corrupt officials?"

she nodded, "yeah.  back home, we had the option of catching Pirates, too...not much piracy this deep in the Commonwealth, so it's ordinary two-legged predators who hurt the citizens, and those in higher station who abuse it...but that's also something else, Simon-I'm doing it because I can do it, not because I'm the best person or judge to be doing it, but I'm here, and I can-that's never going to be a good excuse, I have to rely on my outcomes being better enough given my methods are horrifying."

It was almost four before she spotted someone who fit her menu choices.
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #130 on: 26 May 2024, 10:57:41 »
MUCH better than expected, especially after the previous one... :D


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #131 on: 26 May 2024, 11:26:39 »
"Her prey choices...

...are almost textbook." Sithers explained, "She's supplementing with street criminals-violent ones preferred, and in a large city like this, there are, actually quite a lot of violent offenders on the streets and not enough police to keep them completely under control."


"case studies on Revenants, Your Majesty." she explained, "Particularly Major James Qua, who kind of set a behavioral standard for the One-Seventy-First-he insisted on upholding the Ares conventions after Elbar, despite the whole rest of the Star League abandoning them during the Reunification war."

"what happened to this man?"

"He went sundiving-he gave up on a cure and he got sufficiently worse.  He was one of the ones who established a civilian family during the gap years between the escape in 2744 and the revolution of 2769.  He took the trip, as the Old Veterans call it, about the same year Dinh Ngo was dragged off to Blackgate for criticizing Alessandro Steiner's administration."


"take a shuttle, point it at a star, burn all the fuel on a balistic course for the surface of a star." she explained.  "Story is that Major Qua had a slip, and civilians were hurt, so he sentenced himself to death,but the Colonel believes he may have simply given in to despair and decided to end it...point is, Major Qua tended to focus his ...feeding...on human monsters.  child abusers, abusive street criminals, violent criminals, repeat offenders and psychopaths.  THe sort that ordinary people would say society is better off without.  he established guidelines for processing bandits and pirates as well."


"As food." she said.  "You need to understand, Your Highness, they're dangerous.  Whatever the mad scientists thought they were doing, what they created was the next best thing to classic, fictional mythology vampires, and then, they couldn't keep them under control or contained.  The trick is, these revenants, are self-aware enough to recognize their existence is...problematic, and nobody wants to believe they're a monster, even when it's obvious to all around them that that is exactly what they are.  The leadership of the one-seven-one took steps to minimize the damage and try to strike an equilibrium.  One of the nicer benefits of that, is that my home system managed to retain quite a lot of knowledge that was lost to most of the inner sphere in three centuries of all out warfare with apocalypse bombs flicked by all sides like tiddlywinks."

"The trade off being you harbored blood-drinking undead cannibalistic monsters?"  Victor asked.

She nodded. "exactly, equilibrium, we started training teams to go after the ones who don't play ball, or who lose it, or, like Duchess Ngo, get out of control.  Our methods were developed by those same monsters, and without them, we'd all be pretty ******, Your Highness."


"because for almost twenty years after the escape, none of them knew it would breed true, your majesty." she said, "So when they realized it, during the Revolution, they had to make a plan, and stick to it, to keep it from...well, from spreading out of control and saddling mankind with a new alpha predator.  there's a reason nobody with a family link back to the originals is allowed to get the training and education I have-hunters are a counter for retail issues with the revenants-we're a counter to keep them from getting ideas like 'rule the world' or 'hunt the innocent because they're easier prey'."

"and wholesale?"

"We have nukes in the case of a mass action." she told him.  "They can still burn if you get enough energy on them, and monatomic ash doesn't regenerate."

victor digested this for a moment, then, "You said textbook...clarify?"

"She doesn't want to be a bad person, so she's going to focus on what regular people will tend to think deserves to die-what are commonly identified as 'deserving of death even if they're not going to be executed' type criminals, when she's not going after corrupt officials, which fills the same gap in her thinking."


"because she's a Noble, your Highness, and believes that privileged status imposes certain obligations-and those obligations are worth a life when they're abused."

"Noblesse Oblige." Victor said, "Jesus...Dad would've loved someone like that, he'd have been frustrated beyond words, but he'd love someone who actually upholds that principle, especially given how many Nobles don't."

"Is there any progess with the Colonel at your science establishment?" Linda asked.

"I haven't read the reports yet." Victor said uneasily, "They're being moved by courier instead of HPG."

"Wise." she said, "The Communications Ministry hasn't been the Communications ministry for a long time, but it IS headquartered on Old Earth...and that comes with other baggage."

"what kind of 'baggage'?" Victor asked.

"Folkways from MY background, I guess, but ever since the suppression of Free Stars in 2765? none of MY people trust the Earthers-they exterminated an entire Belter faction including their settlements on Ganymede-so we don't trust Earth.  the saying is 'Gaia eats her children'."

Victor nodded slowly, "and Comstar is headquartered on Terra..."

"yep...and they're the effective government of what's left of the Terran Hegemony, and they have national interests and a history of meddling with deadly consequences for the people they're screwing with."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #132 on: 26 May 2024, 11:35:11 »
Noblesse Oblige on STEROIDS! ;D


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #133 on: 26 May 2024, 11:46:16 »
"... and those obligations are worth a life when they're abused..."

Old-school Noblesse Oblige; the People are accountable to their Lords, and the Lords are accountable to their People.


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #134 on: 26 May 2024, 12:02:48 »
3056, 02, 17, 10:20 AM UST, Kowloon system...

The term in aviation is 'Delivery flight'.  In this case, 'delivery flight' for half a dozen Tracker class compact-core jumpships, slated for the AFFC Transport Command's naval branch.

racked in open structures in a constellation of satellites orbiting the gas giant 'boojum' were eighteen more under construction, and a look would show the relative level of completion in each slip.

"I trust your inspection crews found the vessels to be correct?"  Coast Guard Commodore Alicia Li asked her guest.

Admiral Alistair ("call me Al") Buchwald turned from the monitor board.  "yes,  the officers were quite impressed with the work, Commodore."

"Good...and the customer checks on the vessels under construction? those were also acceptable?"

"Yes...It was a little disocncerting, you're using bladders instead of proper pressure yards."

"easier to replace, cheaper,  and mostly what we could manage, sir." she said, "tower installations like Boeing Galax, Titan, or Luna are complex and difficult and far too hard to replace if they're successfully attacked.  the open architecture here cut a lot of costs in upkeep as well, and the workers already know how to live in a suit."

"True." he nodded sagely.

"Paperwork?" she asked, holding out a stack of forms, "So that the Federated Commonwealth's navy can actually assert legitimate ownership?"

He chuckled, and accepted the stack of digital document readers.  "I almost expected you to have actual paper paperwork."

"We can do that, it'd take more than a shuttle to haul it, but we can do it.  digitized single-use PADDs take up less volume and tonnage."

"What's in the big docks? I don't recognize the shape..."

"an intermediate design we're going to be submitting to AFFC for trials for the Durandal program." she told him, "Now that you've ordered light corvettes, a heavier escort design to complement the Foxes and fortify cruiser units...but of course, it's mostly private venture, so unless the yard gets the contract, it's a vanity project.  I doubt the Nation would tolerate export sales."

"i was going to ask-where are you getting this much germanium?"

"not from shallow dirt-scratch mines on planets, herr Admiral." she told him.  "Germanium, like most similar elements, tends to be easier to find in the outer system, rather than trying to scratch little traces of it off a planetary surface.  Your ships were all fabricated from a single asteroid strike here in the Kowloon system."

"remarkable, how do you secure it?"

"secure it?"

"From being stolen? from..."

"good recordkeeping and assays, and an armed patrol force with law enforcement functions, sir." she told him, "And somewhere in there, are the tools used to crack planetoids into workable chunks-if you were a Pirate, would you try to raid someone who uses atomic bombs as an ordinary tool, or hit a surface mine guarded by Battlemechs? One of those is survivable, the other isn't, after all."

"wait you have NUCLEAR WEAPONS in the hands of police?"

"No, they're industrial tooling, they're in the hands of citizens.  we use full-on fusion tipped missiles if we need to use the patrols, it's all past the seventy five kay limit, after all."

He almost swallowed his tongue.

"Oh, come on, Admiral..." she shook her head, "YOu don't think we could manage a decent pace of production using, what, small lasers and blastex? on rocks five kilometers across sometimes?"

" many?"

"Not sure, I'd have to check with the co-ops, but enough to keep raw materials going to the smelters and forges in useful quantities...I mean, seriously, it's centuries old technology..."

he regained his composure, "You're joking, of course."

"Of course." she smiled, "gotcha."

"This story alone is worth a beer back on New Avalon..." he said with a chuckle.

Dirtyfoot Admiral, dammit. Alicia didn't let it reach her expression.  "Let's get these forms signed so your crews can take the ships to their destination, ja?"

"of course."

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #135 on: 26 May 2024, 12:57:36 »
Of course! ::)


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #136 on: 26 May 2024, 15:48:37 »
i'd guess they use fusion warheads mainly for safety reasons. most of the rocks they're breaking up for germanium would also have plenty of uranium in them, which in theory could be used to make the mining charges using fission tech.. but between the radiation and contamination hazards of fissionables in the warheads, and the fact that refining uranium (much less getting it weapons grade concentrations) involves some hellaciously nasty chemicals (which are not only lethally poisonous but highly corrosive), making weapons grade uranium in bulk has a significant risk factor.


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #137 on: 26 May 2024, 17:27:02 »
Now I'm wondering if BT technology makes plasma separation economically valid ... lots of power, lots of magnetics, might be a step up on centrifuging.
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #138 on: 26 May 2024, 17:30:02 »
Real world fusion probably not, but magical BT fusion?  Almost certainly! ;D

Liam's Ghost

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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #139 on: 26 May 2024, 19:41:20 »
So is the dirtyfoot saying she's joking because he doesn't believe they're actually using atomic mining charges.

Or is he saying she's joking because he doesn't want to be anywhere near all the paperwork believing her might entail?
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #140 on: 26 May 2024, 19:43:50 »
I'd have to go with "yes" to that question... ;D


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #141 on: 27 May 2024, 07:48:05 »
"Practically virgin out here... know that? you'd think with a few centuries they'd have at least sent Prospecters!"  Being in the Tharkad system, was boring for Bianh Vu Dao.  She'd been here since October, and it wasn't getting better in the slightest.

The only relaxation for her, being that the System Patrols didn't bother following her around anymore-they couldn't.  No Jump Drive.

"Contact from Tharkad Traffic Control, Light Delay says it's several hours old, Mum."  RTO Luana Jennings-Deen621 reported.

"What do the dirtyfeet traffic monitors want?"  Bianh had been doing survey to kill time.  So far, she'd identified forty six high-nickel rocks suitable for conversion by solar ice balloon into structures for burrows within only a few light minutes of each other, eighteen Hi-Water content cometary bodies, a few hundred high probability colloids, and dropped a sampler into the moons of both system Gas Giants, with the result that showed two Near-Titans and an Almost-Ganymede.

You could buy a goddam forest for the quantities of strategic materials out here...and nobody was claiming, never mind working, it.

******, you could buy a forest, meat-packing plant and a herd of bison so far-and that's with the cursory check she'd been running while doing navigation calc exercises.

"This is ARCHON PRINCE Victor Ian Steiner-Davion, Archon Prince of the Federated Commonwealth, CGS Mary Rourke, Get your asses back to Tharkad Orbit post-haste, and get your CO down here to the triad-I don't care if you have to put her in a shielded box, so she can tell me what the bloody blue ****** you're doing running weekly in-system jumps all over my ****** Capital System!!"

"It's automated, they knew we're that far out, Mum, it repeats every two minutes."  Her RTO-the equivalent role would a warship's Comms officer, said.  "can he do that?"

"Order me to the surface? Yeah, he can do that...******.  I hate planets...I really hate planets...Tell Corpsman Vien to mix me up a happy drugs cocktail to deal with the anxiety. one of the few people who can give me an order I have to obey, just told me to shag my ass down to the Royal Palace and tell him about our little prospecting expedition."

"He's a foreigner, why do you...why do WE have to obey a foreigner?"

"because you signed the same enlistment contracts I did.  If you break your word?"

"Word's no good.  understood mum."

"Chief of the boat, burn hydrogen and get the core charged, it'd take a month of waiting out this far to do it with the sail,  and I expect the Archon Prince would like a bit more hurry than that."

"Aye Mum, switching to hot-charge..."

Plotting the Tharkan L1 wasn't that hard, and pulling onegee she could make orbit in only a day or so. easier if I used the moon point, but explaining it to twitchy civil defense guys, even with advance warning? not so good.

"RTO, send text Tharkad Traffic Control on the standard channel as soon as we have a clean solution, we're going for the Tharkad/Solar  L1 to expedite His Majesty's request."

"Ayeh Mum."

« Last Edit: 27 May 2024, 09:34:14 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #142 on: 27 May 2024, 09:33:43 »
That's going to be one interesting dressing down! :D


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #143 on: 27 May 2024, 09:46:35 »
Well, Victor just broadcast that He is the Archon-Prince. So he is the man-in-charge now.

And about the prospecting, as Archon he owns everything.
"Constructive critism is never a bad comment"

"By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
- Socrates


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #144 on: 27 May 2024, 10:06:23 »
It took them...

...Almost a week, first to charge the core using the fusion plants old-colony style, then, moving from the Tharkad/solar L1 to the Capital Planet at one gravity-this second part being because of FCS Robert Steiner insisting on a boarding delay with ordnance teams.

Bianh found herself with AFFC Marines as an escort, down to the Triad in person.

"Nukes."  His Majesty said.

"Well, we're not loading them with hard candy, Your Highness. What's the big deal?  My paper says we're an AFFC reserve unit, those carry weapons, correct?"

"Normally control over thermonuclear ordnance is reserved for a minimum of Senior Flag Rank, Lieutenant Commander, you're about several levels short of authority on those, under active regulation."

She muttered something under her breath.

"What was that?" Victor asked.

"That's bullshit, sir.  My boat's a rebuild mod of a type fifty one, we stretched it and installed a modern core, but she's armed with count 'em two Naval Lasers and a four-tube antishipping missile pack, with tinfoil armor and shit acceleration-we're like one step down from a Tracker because one of those can at least carry dropships.  I gots six fighters and four shuttles total for an air wing, and the space above the Truce Line is happy hunting for the Clans, who have actual Naval Warships, we don't engage inside the seventy five Kay limit, and those warheads are smaller than the ones my father uses for mining charges back home.  Her grace didn't let me bring any rock-splitters."

"Well, when you're giving my Naval Advisors and System Control crews the screaming fits by pulling pirate point jumps-"

"Not pirate point, sure, we hopped into the outer system using the Tharkad L1 back in November, but we've been riding outside the traditional zone for everything but the two survey trips on the gas giant systems." she argued, "Pirates try to be sneaky about it, I sent flight plans every single time.  It's really not my fault that Tharkad System Patrol is poking around in dropships.  they need better gear, and better relay sats!"

Victor leaned forward in his chair, "Tell me what else they need." he ordered-and it was clearly an Order.  "Details, Lieutenant Commander Vu Dao, every issue you have stumbled over in the last few months since you've been here, after bringing your Duchess."

"Well...let's see...Your ready prep is good in the close orbital, but those stations at the zenith and nadir aren't anything but a convenient range target for someone with real hardware, you don't have enough fueling docks in the outer system and no flexible garrisons to protect and maintain them, with that, I could become obscenely wealthy off Tharkad's unclaimed outer system, provided I could sucker someone in the Government to give me the exploitation licenses, which is also why you don't have enough assets off the main planet to wage a campaign of defense in depth or run a fleet in being to harass anyone who overcomes the slowboats and short fighter wings."

"go on."

"Detection grid needs updating, along with your system charting and monitoring.  I mean, it's a complete pain in the ass, but a smuggler or attacker can be inside your defense limit without you ever finding out they're there until they hit you-no pirate point needed, they can just slide in through the outer system at the jump limit and ride newtonian into the system for a few weeks if they get a good thrust burn while you're not looking....and I'd say outside of a couple of thirty five degree deep radar pulses and monitoring of the local L1? your guys aren't looking-because they got jack shit to look with...your Majesty."

He regarded her more closely, "you're high as a kite."

"Yes sir, I am, it's how I can be down here without having to deal with panic attacks since the doors aren't pressure bulkheads and there's nothing but some gravity and a magnetic field for a roof, sir.  My gut is still screaming 'we're in a deathtrap' and..."

"I read your file." he told her, "Did you bring a dress uniform?"


"You're going to brief the Estates General in twenty hours, in full dress uniform, with teaching aids, to explain to them why a certain reform bill must pass, I want you to think up as many scary scenarios using what you've observed, as you can dream up, don't embellish much but your goal, my command intent, that is, is to make six hundred politicians and Nobles scared enough to stop fighting some necessary changes.  Can you do that?"

"ah, you need the Duchess for that...don't you?"

"She's unavailable and you're here." Victor told her, "I'll have someone coach you on word choices, just make sure they understand you've been probing the Tharkad system for vulnerabilities, and you found a lot of them."

"Ayeh sirrah..."

« Last Edit: 27 May 2024, 10:07:55 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #145 on: 27 May 2024, 11:41:41 »
And the dressing down did NOT disappoint! :D


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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #146 on: 27 May 2024, 21:59:38 »
"She's on enough...

...tranquilizers to turn an armor-bear into winnie-the-pooh, how good is she going to be tonight?"  Curiatis asked. 

"The expert I want up there would scare the shit out of them for all the wrong reasons." Victor countered.  "Deformed zombies don't inspire trust and I'm not sure I could get Anh Cu'ong in front of a camera in any case.  If Lizzie hadn't gone full batman, we could have used her instead-she's a good speaker and knows how to work the room."


"Classic english lit, and art history, a 'superhero'." Victor said it with a sour expression, "Look it up in your nonexistent free time, some of the material's intriguing in a horrifying way."

"the failure of the experts to corner her."

"yeah."  he sat down in the Archon's traditional oversight box, looking out over the Estates General.  "I shoujd be in the field, Mom should be doing this, or..."

"Katherine disqualified herself with a murder plot, your highness."

"I know, which means she stuck me with...with all this!" he shook his head in frustration.

Bianh Vu Dao's drugged state didn't keep her from looking dignified as she stepped up to the witness podium.

"Jumpships." she said, "Most of you wouldn't have a seat in here without them.  Every interstellar capable nation exists because our ancestors built jumpships,"

she fussed with her notes before continuing.  "This is something everyone in here ought to be aware of right there with potty training.  Every world in the Commonwealth was colonized from somewhere, goiing all the way back to the very beginning, and it wouldn't be a commonwealth, we would not have a nation without the flow of goods and information carried on jumpships...and neither would the enemies of the Commonwealth."

she put the notes down.  "But, I'm told, the axis of decision, is a walking tank with an extra-special heavy equipment operator.  This has decided the priorities of this body and by extension, the High Command since the end of the first clash of the succession wars-earlier, even, with the advent of the Ares Conventions and then, the repeal of those conventions and the founding of the Star League-which solidified this surface bound walking tank as the axis of decision-and who can argue with success?  Tharkad's defenses are strong, right??"

"I challenge anyone here, who ascribes to that idea, the following challenge;  'Walk to Tamar without a jumpship'...or, we can try a shorter route, maybe Gallery? Hesperus?? can you march from Hesperus II to the aid of Tharkad without ships?"

she paused agian, "Damn, I thought that would be hilarious, I'm not a good speaker, I didn't take Rhetoric at the Academy...or any academy.  I'm just a spacer who does Miltia part-time, Tonight marks the longest continuous period I've been on the surface of a so-called 'habitable' world since I was five.  That's Twenty Two Hours continuous, for those of you keeping score...but I am a Lyran, and I care about this nation, and I gave my word-I swore an oath..." she turned to look meaningfully at Victor's position.  "...and I was ordered to address you all in person, so I'm here, to explain my reality."

she tapped a control on the podium, and a holoprojector in the floor rose, and lit.

"This is the Tharkad system.  This is not to scale, because if I did it to scale, nobody would be able to make out the icons of Tharkad's defense network, which is why I'm here tonight-the Capital is undefended.  To be more specific, there are 'defenders' and they're good at their jobs, but to an attacker who knows the basics, this world is as undefended as an unlocked door in a slum.  what should be the same defense as a shotgun by the bed? is all you have-an intruder can walk right in, right past the highly trained, expensively equipped, extensive, defense nets that you all have relied on since the Star League was a wet dream in the mind of the Terrans...and for a while, it's been alright, but here's the problem; We Lyrans have an enemy whom has taken forty percent of the realm, and that enemy has a fleet of warships, and despite how wonderful 'mechs and 'mechwarriors are in ground combat?  They're worthless if you can't get them from where they are, to where they are needed...especially when your enemy can do so without issue."

"Colored in red? that's the detection range of the Deep Radar and early warning networks of the Tharkad system.  For the last four months, I've been probing holes in that network-while filing flight plans telling them exactly what I'm doing.  an enemy will not be so courteous, but even as a non-enemy, the response times measured out in the days, when in a real crisis, the needed timeframe is minutes to seconds."

she rested on her hands, "Tharkad has fine, powerful gates, and no curtain wall.  The strike that can decapitate the Commonwealth can be launched tomorrow and you won't know it was even coming before cities are burning, Mount Asgard has been cratered, and your people are wearing green bondcords and saing 'aff', or having to learn Japanese."

"If you don't believe me, believe this: My Duchess, Elizabeth Ngo, was eleven years old when she formulated a means to destroy the capital world of the Draconis Combine for less than half a billion kroner from start to finish, if her plan were put into action, there would be no defense and whoever did it would be among the worst criminals in history...but if an eleven year old girl can understand it, to that level?  A Psychopath like the ones who scoured Edo from Turtle Bay can certainly grasp how to do it...and do it without so much as enriching a single lump of uranium or buying a single laser trigger.  but let's talk less...apocalyptic methods."

a course lit up.  "This, is a course any bandit, pirate, or criminal can use to evade ninety nine percent of Tharkad's traffic control to deliver or extract raiders to or from any point on the planet.  The gap is so wide, an invasion fleet can use it, and the fastest response outside of ground based fighter units, is several days away from being able to deliver an effective response.  They can have an army standing in the Triad before the outer bases have even got word the planet is under attack."

another course lit, "this is another one.  Total transit time is three months, but it's three months where they can listen in on every broadcast and Civil Defense cannot see them coming...because resources are limited, trained personnel? also limited.  There's nobody to witness the arrival and call it in, because the outer system is empty of people, bases, and cache sites.  The fleet units based here, cannot do anything but try to defend a fixed point, because they have no fall back position and no way  to maintain the ability to fight beyond that first clash."

"This system, is undefended.  the planet is well defended-but at a significant disadvantage-losing orbital superiority loses air superiority, lose air superiority and you're fighting from the low ground against an enemy who can strike at will.  The impact of this, can be seen in some of the defeats the AFFC has suffered on the Clan fronts-forces that could not be reinforced or relieved because the enemy can protect his airspace, and we cannot protect our own, because his convoys are protected and ours? ours are not."

she gestured at the Archon's box, "The Archon Prince has a plan to deal with this critical crisis.  It's probably a good idea to listen to that plan, and even better to put it into action, before someone remembers how easy it is to wage total war against an unprepared opponent.  Thank you for your time, Ladies and Gentlemen."

she walked off the stage.

« Last Edit: 27 May 2024, 22:16:54 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #147 on: 27 May 2024, 23:21:11 »
Total Mic drop here! :smilie_happy_clapping:


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #148 on: 28 May 2024, 03:22:57 »
Bian did fine, joke falling flat or no... ;)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: It's a family curse.
« Reply #149 on: 28 May 2024, 08:55:06 »
"That was almost evil...

...your highness."  Alistair Buchwald had taken the 'express route' after collecting six ships from Boojum.

"Is she right?"

"Let me counter that question with a question-where did you find her, and were there any laying around unsecured?" the AFFC Admiral asked rhetorically, "Why is she doing duty driver work for noble when she should be heading up planning and tactics at FedCom G3?"

"You're asking because you know the answer." Victor said.

"Yeah, that girl was stoned almost insensate just being down here, that was almost evil because it's cruel, your Highness.  It's why I don't have a special detail out recruiting from The Folk...well, not yet anyway.  The kid hasn't got twenty minutes in a proper academy, does she?"

"not that I know of, no."

"Right, because she's a Rockjack, so her tactical training was given her by one of those walking dead-one named Anh Cu'ong, who wouldn't give me a meeting, because I'm a foreigner."

"So you know."

"You made sure I knew, I just believe a hell of a lot more than I did when you asked me to look in on their shipyard program."  Al answered.  "If I ask for waivers, can I count on you to sign them?"

"Yeah." Victor nodded, "You can...I take it you're wanting to recruit from these spacers, just like I'd like to."

"Yes." Al said with a vigorous nod, "I would.  I don't have to teach them how to live in space, and you just showed that a half-stoned twenty-something Light Commander has a better grasp of strategic naval warfare than half the field grade and flag grade officers in the Naval Branch."

"Transport Command wants them too." Victor said, "Right now they're available because for a very long time, most of them have exemptions to the draft due to that whole 'phobia about planets' thing."

"it's real, Highness.  Hell, we've had to turn down enlistments from Cambiano and other places because of it."

"I can do more with them than Krieghoffer, sir."

"Funny, she said the same thing about you." Victor quipped, "the academy problem is a problem, we don't have a lot of the kind of facilities we'd need to make use of them...of course, it would help if someone were greasing the wheels inside the system to make that no longer a barrier."

"IF I do that, will it have Royal Backing, sir?" Al asked bluntly, "because I've seen my predecessors destroyed when it got to a conflict between Naval Branch, Transport Command, or 'more battlemechs for glory', and you're a 'mechwarrior."

"Ever seen a man screaming without a face, Al?" Victor asked, "because I saw that during my tour in the 'mechwarrior branch. I've walked through cities shattered by gunfire, and seen civilians cowering in fear because titans are duking it out in what used to be their front garden.  If you tell me you want to stop that before it happens?  If you're going to do everything you can with what I give you, to make war as distant as possible for civilians on the ground?  I'll back you to the goddam hilt.  Pick four systems you think can handle spacer-based academies, I'll make Department of Military Education fund it if I have to go impersonate a revenant to get it expedited."

"You could send Duchess Ngo."  Al said.

"If I had her on speed dial? I would." Victor told him, "I have a unique perspective here, Al, I saw for myself, we're losing, we're likely to keep losing if we don't change the game, Tukayyid got us a fifteen year break and we've wasted four of it.  We're nowhere close to matching the Clans in the ground fight, but if they can't land, they can't win...but we have to start beating them in the space game to do that, and right now we're only roughly equivalent with aerofighters."

"What's the long game, Highness?"

"Soldiers defeat Warriors when other factors are near equal, when soldiers have superior numbers, they can beat smaller groups of warriors with better gear-Tukayyid taught us that-we only need to get close and swamp them, but there's an additional dimension there-the Clanners are on an eighteen month long supply line.  Naval can cut supply lines according to my textbooks from grade, we need a navy that can do that, while still delivering soldiers and equipment for the ground fight...and those ground fights get a hell of a lot easier if WE have supplies and spares and they don't."

"Your orders for today sir?"

"Go meet with Magda Krieghoffer at Transport Command, and hammer out a plan to get this done-we need an expeditionary quality Naval force without compromising our ground forces transport requirement, that expeditionary navy should be optimized to play by Spacer's rules, corksrewy thinking and weird solutions to the front of the line, get me?"

"AYE Sir!"

"Alright, now I have to go schmooze with politicians and smooth ruffled feathers." Victor said, "So you're dismissed for now."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

