Author Topic: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation  (Read 841 times)


  • Warrant Officer
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"Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« on: 01 June 2024, 20:13:23 »
I have always loved the detail and crunch of the A Time of War RPG. But we all know the hurdle of Character Creation, especially for new players. I have come up with a "quick" method to get people up and running as soon as possible.

I do not think there is a reason to reinvent the wheel, so I want to use what is already there. To start I would use a variation of the Point-Buy system mixed in with the Character Templates in the A Time of War Companion (since they are built with 5000 Points).

Basically you break up the sections of the Character Template and have the Player make choices to build their character. For the Attributes, total the number of Attributes and allow the Player to spread those points as they see fit. Of course you have to use the Maximums based on the Character's Archetype (Human, Clan, etc.) For the Traits, take the total Positive/Negative Traits in the Template and have the Player pick from both sets of Traits. Finally for the Skills, record the total number of Skill Levels for the Template and have the Player fill in the specific Skills and assign the remaining Levels available.

For example, take the Hot Shot Mechwarrior Template (ATOW Companion p.86). There is a total of 38 Points spread across the eight Attributes. There are a total of 10 Traits Points (TP) and -2 TP to select Positive/Negative Traits respectively. Finally there are one +3, four +2, six +1 and two +0 Skills to select.

I think this can work since each Template is built with 5000 XP. For more detail and focus, you can select the Skills and Traits from Life Modules and apply them as previously mentioned. This can work with the Character Archetypes from the ATOW Core Book, although you will have to add the final 500 XP since they are built with 4500 XP. I think this can be helpful for getting folks up to speed for online and table play.

So what do you guys think?


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #1 on: 01 June 2024, 20:39:46 »
As a GM, I talk to the players about their characters and do the heavy lifting for them.  I'll present them with a draft and we tweak from there.

Your method could work for the first game or two for new players, but eventually, they should feel comfortable with the system.

That's just my opinion, of course.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #2 on: 01 June 2024, 21:10:01 »
As a GM, I talk to the players about their characters and do the heavy lifting for them.  I'll present them with a draft and we tweak from there.

Your method could work for the first game or two for new players, but eventually, they should feel comfortable with the system.

That's just my opinion, of course.

That's fair...I would hope after a few times, the Players could dive into the full Point-Buy or even Life Module systems. Honestly I believe to get the full flavor, you need to incorporate Life Modules in some way.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #3 on: 02 June 2024, 06:08:14 »
Absolutely!  Life Modules do a fantastic job of making characters that fit organically into the universe.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #4 on: 02 June 2024, 10:37:08 »
Absolutely!  Life Modules do a fantastic job of making characters that fit organically into the universe.

Exactly! Which is why I use them as a Guide even when using Point-Buy. List all of the Skills/Traits from the Life Paths chosen and pick from there.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #5 on: 02 June 2024, 10:39:36 »
Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone in advocating for them!  The switch to point-buy as standard had me worried...


  • Corporal
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #6 on: 02 June 2024, 13:19:55 »
I also like using the Life Path as general guidelines too. I’m real curious what the revised version of ATOW will look like. Hopefully just streamlining and reorganization rather than a full system overhaul.


  • Lieutenant General
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #7 on: 02 June 2024, 13:30:54 »
That makes three of us at least! :)


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #8 on: 02 June 2024, 17:33:50 »
I also like using the Life Path as general guidelines too. I’m real curious what the revised version of ATOW will look like. Hopefully just streamlining and reorganization rather than a full system overhaul.

Wait...they are doing another revision???


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #9 on: 02 June 2024, 17:34:40 »
This is how it would look. Here are the first three Templates from the ATOW Companion:

Hot Shot
   • Attributes
      ○ 38 Total Score
   • Traits
      ○ +10 TP / -2 TP
   • Skills
      ○ +3 x1
      ○ +2 x4
      ○ +1 x6
      ○ +0 x2
Grizzled Veteran
   • Attributes
      ○ 38 Total Score
   • Traits
      ○ +9 TP / -4 TP
   • Skills
      ○ +4 x1
      ○ +3 x3
      ○ +2 x1
      ○ +1 x9
      ○ +0 x1

Chopper Pilot
   • Attributes
      ○ 36 Total Score
   • Traits
      ○ +10 TP / -1 TP
   • Skills
      ○ +3 x1
      ○ +2 x4
      ○ +1 x6
      ○ +0 x2
Remember the Templates are created with 5000 XP, so no further changes are needed. Just build your character with the stated Attributes/Traits/Skills. Then you add the Derived Attributes such as Movement/Wounds/Fatigue and then determine Wealth and purchase Equipment. Or pick one of the Equipment packages in the ATOW Core Book Archetypes.

Here are the first three Archetypes from the ATOW Core Book:

   • Attributes
      ○ 35 Total Score
   • Traits
      ○ +5 TP / -5 TP
   • Skills
      ○ +3 x6
      ○ +2 x6
      ○ +1 x5
      ○ +0 x2

   • Attributes
      ○ 31 Total Score
   • Traits
      ○ +7 TP / -3 TP
   • Skills
      ○ +3 x4
      ○ +2 x7
      ○ +1 x9
      ○ +0 x3

Aerospace Pilot
   • Attributes
      ○ 32 Total Score
   • Traits
      ○ +6 TP / -4 TP
   • Skills
      ○ +3 x6
      ○ +2 x5
      ○ +1 x7
      ○ +0 x7
You can build a character like noted before, but remember that All Archetypes are built with 4500 XP. You can add the extra 500 XP yourself, or add the following XP Package:
   • +2 Attributes
   • +2 TP
   • Choice of one of three Skill Packages:
      ○ Focused (+3/+0)
      ○ General (+2/+1/+0)
      ○ Jack-of-all-Trades (+1/+1/+0/+0)
It breaks down each Template/Archetype to its simple components and allows Players to quickly build their PCs with the information in the books.   


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 434
Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #10 on: 02 June 2024, 17:39:41 »
Now I just need to write up a quick online RPG session so I can test this Homebrew Character Creation method and run a One-Shot. I ran Mechwarrior Destiny one-shot a while back and it went really well. I really want to run an ATOW one-shot because honestly I prefer that system. But we do have to get over the character creation hurdle.


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #11 on: 02 June 2024, 18:40:46 »
If you need help with that, I LOVE doing characters... if you give me outlines, I can generate them pretty quickly with my spreadsheet... :)


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #12 on: 02 June 2024, 18:58:22 »
Oh method should work well with any spreadsheet.


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #13 on: 02 June 2024, 20:02:15 »
My sheet's linked in my sig block if you want to take a look... :)


  • Corporal
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #14 on: 02 June 2024, 21:28:22 »
Wait...they are doing another revision???
I believe it was in the weekly updates last Tuesday is where it was mentioned that a revised ATOW is in the works.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #15 on: 03 June 2024, 17:36:26 »
Do we really need another Revision?


  • Major
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #16 on: 03 June 2024, 18:09:34 »
Do we really need another Revision?
I just kinda got this system down
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Lieutenant General
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  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #17 on: 04 June 2024, 03:20:09 »
Do we really need another Revision?
Some seem to think so...


  • Corporal
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #18 on: 04 June 2024, 13:36:22 »
I’m glad it’s still getting attention. When Destiny was announced, I was certain ATOW and support for it would end. I’m happy to see both are getting support.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: "Quick" ATOW Character Creation
« Reply #19 on: 11 June 2024, 10:40:26 »
Ironically ATOW seems to have more support than Destiny. Two books compared to one and there are more ATOW stats in other products (i.e. Sourcebooks, Field Manuals) than Destiny.