I actually think a story where the ilClan/3rd Star League commits themselves to sending an ambassador/military unit/lots of supplies or equipment or engineering support to the Scorpions to try to help them, could be very interesting. That mix of politics/military action could be an interesting story. It would also be a great chance to portray not just the Scorpions but the 3rd Star League/ilClan through the eyes of one or more characters loyal to it, but who is also operating far from Terra's authority.
The logic behind it could be to build the Scorpions up as a buffer state and almost like an early warning beacon. The Scorpions in turn might just be offered a very sweet deal, especially if it includes things like we'll build some factories or shipyards or fortifications for you. In return all we ask is that if the Home Clans come out swinging, send us a warning, and if they try to bypass you, please harass them.
In that kind of story, the distance from the Inner Sphere could become a virtue (of good storytelling) and not a hindrance. Whoever is sent is given a lot of autonomy to decide how to proceed out of sheer necessity. Rather than taking orders directly from Terra. So the author of that story doesn't have to worry about whether Alaric would approve of every single decision. Everything, every scene, every decision, is being decided at a few tiers down the ladder from Alaric's desk. That gives an author a little more creative freedom.
That was one of the more interesting virtues of the novels depicting Taskforce Serpent, those leaders were on their own. They had a mission and parameters for that mission but they had a lot of autonomy to decide how best to carry it out. But even that was largely a straight-up military operation. This would be more like a blended political/military/engineering operation. So more facets to it, more complex.