Author Topic: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art  (Read 440 times)


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Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« on: 27 June 2024, 20:54:08 »
Once more using AI art, but this bot is brought to us by perchance.  It does do a little better conveying certain things than Nemu's but I still won't link to it directly as it can get a little forum rule breaking.

I will also be re-using some art when the time comes.

First up the main character Fatiama Bre'Kla.

Pending Cannonshop's approval her rescuer Tom Cartwright.

Tom's XO Cass Riley.(also pending approval)


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #1 on: 27 June 2024, 20:56:36 »
Dinh Ngo.(also pending approval)

Kham Sithers.(also pending approval)

Tom's ex Bianh.(also pending approval)


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #2 on: 28 June 2024, 03:36:52 »
At least this art bot can do hands right! :)


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #3 on: 28 June 2024, 09:06:29 »
And the women that should be adults look a lot more like proper adults too.  Eyes are still a little wonky but also better.


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #4 on: 28 June 2024, 13:44:34 »
I sort like the more anime images. 
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #5 on: 28 June 2024, 14:26:48 »
Perchance can do that style too.  I just find this style does do better conveying age.  I'll see what I can do for some of these people in different art styles when I get home from work.


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #6 on: 03 July 2024, 12:17:47 »
looks good as they are..


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #7 on: 07 July 2024, 13:00:53 »
Okay I think Part Three is almost ready, just want to give Daryk and Cannonshop a bit more time to go over the last round of edits and additions before I post it.

But to tide you all over I sat down with the Artbot and made a few additions.  A lot of these neither Daryk or Cannonshop have weighed in on yet so you all will be getting a bunch of the variations too, not just the final version.

First up Asa Bin Halawi, the local planetary administrator that sided with Amaris and since all Cannonshop gave me was a name the top three entries turned out interesting to say the least.


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #8 on: 07 July 2024, 13:02:45 »
The artbot only gave me two really good candidates for Doctor Kenneth Gearing, head of the Rim Worlds Republic/Amaris Empire efforts at Running Deer.  Again all I was really given was a name.


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #9 on: 07 July 2024, 13:04:55 »
And one Colonel Sam Winters.  The artbot was particularly uncooperative on this one.

Two options for Corporal/medic Tracey Nguyen:


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #10 on: 07 July 2024, 13:06:47 »
Okay so I need to redo these at some point to get the silver/white in his hair that is described but otherwise I think any of these three could work for Tranh Truk Ngo:


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #11 on: 07 July 2024, 13:13:29 »
Tough call on Colonel Ngo!  Those are all three pretty solid in my mind.

Winters looks too young.

Neither uniform seems right for Nguyen.

I think the second one for Gearing works better, and not just because it looks like he's trying to conceal a tissue sample in one hand... :D

For Halawi, while "Asa" can be a boy's or girl's name, it seems to be more strongly associated with males.  That said, the first picture's head is too big for his body.


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #12 on: Today at 02:48:21 »
A few contenders for Amanda Roshack Ngo:

Cannonshop said this could work too if she got a hair cut.  Yes I know I'm re-using art for this one.


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Re: Chrono Jump 'verse Fan Art
« Reply #13 on: Today at 03:24:27 »
I think number 2 is the best of that lot... :)

