I can make a 50 ton WiGE with the same amount of armor, more firepower, that's capable of hitting 23MP as a Phoenix Hawk LAM.
I can make a 25 ton VTOL that has as much armor, more firepower and can hit 30MP as a Stinger LAM.
I'm sure I can build other really fast units but I don't need to. We have a Fireball that can hit 40MP, without Sprinting.
We have a lot of other units that can hit 9/14 or better.
But it's AirMechs that need to be nerfed because their speed is unbalanced. They must be slowed, have high AMMs, and must use turn mode because their TMM is too high. Never mind that other units are as fast or faster with TMMs as good or better than AirMechs. Because AirMechs must be balanced!
I don't think people want balance. They claim they do but if they did, they wouldn't be focused on AirMechs. They'd be focusing on the TMMs.
Besides, it doesn't matter that a 50 ton WiGE can't get a +7TMM. It doesn't need to. It can mount Stealth Armor. That's up to an additional +2 to hit modifier. AirMechs cannot use Stealth Armor. They're balanced.
Mech's can use Stealth Armor, Null Signature Systems, Chameleon LPS, or Void Signature. Sure the Void Signature System works better for slower Mechs but it's additional to hit modifiers can be as high as +3. And Null Sig and Chameleon can be as high as +2 each and stack for a +4! LAMs can't use any of these things. They need their high speed and high TMMs to be balanced against other units.
Really, I'm starting to believe the old rules were more balanced. Not the original rules, although those did help with Fighter Mode vs ASF/CF. I mean the ones pre-Quick Start Rules.
Think about it.
A 100 ton LAMs has 12MP. It can move 10 hexes if it took off that turn. That was scary vs 3025 units. But a lot of 3025 units can hit 10+MP for a +4TMM. And we haven't had just "standard" tech since 1989. By the time we get to MaxTech we can build a 100 ton Mech that can hit 12MP. The same MP as the LAM, with a lower AMM, same TMM and depending on the other tech an additional +4 to hit modifier. And for that speed the LAM pays 18 tons. The 100 ton Mech? It can use tech the LAM cannot and free up tonnage to be faster than the LAM in AirMech mode. Want to go faster? For the 100 Mech, swap MASC for TSM and free up tonnage. For the LAM, switch to prototype improved jump jets and pay another 2-4 tons. Sure there are some weight saving items the LAM can use but is the cost worth it? Increased piloting modifiers, double damage for the structure, and JJ that explode as 10 point ammo explosion. Sure and engine hit is bad but 1 hit could destroy the LAM. In any case, the 100 ton Mech still ends up as fast as the LAM.
The only advantage the 100 ton LAM has over the 100 ton Mech is that it can fly. Go over a forest or other terrain that would slow the Mech down and the 100 ton LAM, with firepower of an 80 ton Mech can have a chance to fly get away or get behind the more powerful mech as it only pays a +1MP for changes in elevation. The 100 ton LAM though can use tech to increase it's to hit modifiers. The result, is a terrain advantage vs tech advantage. And that is only while in AirMech mode. On the ground, the advantage is solidly in the Mech's favor.
Now, even though both the LAM and the Mech have the same MP, the LAM's AMM is now twice that of the Mech, it costs the LAM 2MP per hex, nullifying it's terrain advantage. It also has to use turn modes making turning more risky. The odds were already against the LAM. Now they're worse. And that doesn't take into account that the LAM has 6 fewer critical slots and it doesn't including all the penalties the Illegal Quirk gives the 100 ton LAM. That isn't balanced.
For lighter faster units, the Locust moves 8/12 has 3 tons of weaponry, and 4 tons of armor. The Stinger LAM's AirMech mode had 18MP, 3 tons of weaponry, and 5 tons of armor. In 3025, the Stinger LAM is a challenge for the Locust but not an insurmountable one. Give the Locust some upgrades and the fight is more even. The Stinger LAM's advantages end up terrain. Add in the more modern MP costs, higher AMMs, and turn modes, and even that advantage is reduced. Even the added MP for flanking doesn't help with all the penalties AirMechs have under the current rules.
It gets worse when we look at slow LAMs like the UrbanMech LAM. Under the old rules it's AirMech Mode could move 9 hexes. Now, it can move 14. But take offs cost 5MP. It used to be 2MP. Landing is free now. It used to be 2MP but I don't think that's enough compensation. Not when it costs 2MP per hex at 2+elevations. Under the old rules a UrbanMech LAM would pay 2MP to take off from a forest, dead end city block or whatever, climb 1 elevation and still be able to fly the 6 hex minimum movement. Now, even with a lower 5 hex minimum, the Urbie LAM would need 16 MP to fly. Sure it can hover but that costs 5MP. Add in the MP costs for taking off and gaining elevation and it's spent 11MP. That means it can move forward 1 hex or change 1 facing. It can do that walking and stay out of the line of site! If it needs to move faster, it'd be better for Urbie LAM to convert to Mech mode and jump 3 hexes. It'd have a lower AMM and a higher TMM. Even a LAM with 4 jump jets still couldn't take off and fly away that turn. That isn't even unbalanced. That's broken! And people want to lower the AirMech's MP even more! And not change any of the other rules while doing so.
That isn't balance either. That's pure punishment. Slow LAMs can barely function now. A slower MP would cripple them. They may as well be BiModal LAMs with an improved conversion system.
And before anyone complains about always flying higher, flying higher depends on the terrain. Sometimes you just have to fly higher. Sometimes you don't. The AirMech could fly over water or ice, etc. The fact remains the advantages the LAM had, speed and maneuverability over terrain that would slow other units has been nullified under the current rules. That isn't balanced. Not when other units can make use of tech to counter those same issues. Maybe it wouldn't be unbalanced if LAMs didn't have so many tech restrictions but the tech restrictions were put in place to balance LAMs and other units. Nerfing LAMs movement advantage unbalances the scales.
Really the old rules were better balanced. There are some things I like about the new rules but overall, the old rules were more balanced. They just need better clarification. I think removing "jumping" and giving AirMechs the choice of walk/run, hover, or fly was a good choice. I'd keep that but Flanking just isn't worth all the penalties that have been imposed. I'd rather just have the 3xJJ and the old movement costs, flat +3 AMM when flying, and lack of turn modes than all the costs now.
I'd also change some of the tech restrictions, not all but if TSM can be put in one location why not Clan ES or FF? And cargo may be carried internally and externally.