The FedEx guy must have heard my whining, because my box ended up arriving as I was walking out the door to my game. I got to quickly grab the LRM carrier model I was planning to use in the game, and the salvage boxes so I could see what I got and give any dupes to my gaming buddy. (He ended up getting a Warhammer). Obligatory haul pic attached. The salvage box pulls were the aforementioned Warhammer, plus a Marauder II, Marauder IIC, Centurion, Gargoyle, Conjurer, Hellbringer, and a Panther.
I obviously haven't fully dug into everything yet, but I skimmed the box set rules. I like that BV costs are provided for the battlefield support options now. I don't think I'll use the support rules for vehicles most of the time (I like the TW rules), but I could see myself throwing in a strike or two to make use of a few spare BV that aren't quite enough for a useful unit (or when I'm already up to the agreed unit cap). It could also be useful for asymmetric scenarios where one side should have access to defensive options that the other doesn't. I could also see using the support rules for vehicles in a climatic battle where we want to put a ton of models on the table but don't want the game to last all weekend.
The mercenaries campaign mostly gets me excited for the upcoming Mechcommander's Handbook/Hot Spots: Hinterlands products. It looks like what I'd been hoping for: a PvP campaign that brings over the flavor of the Campaign Operations rules for running a merc company, but streamlined with far less bookkeeping, and without requiring a game master to run everything. What's included in the box set seems to be just enough to give you a taste for what's to come in those upcoming products.