Author Topic: (Answered) Mud, Bog Down and 'Mechs  (Read 1382 times)


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(Answered) Mud, Bog Down and 'Mechs
« on: 07 July 2024, 12:39:09 »
Reading through these rules I am little confused.

On Page 48, the rules state:

A quick and easy way to apply mud to a playing area is to make any Depth 0 water hex mud. As always, though, players can choose to add mud however they wish.
Apply a +1 MP cost to enter a mud hex, as well as a +1 modifier to all Driving Skill Rolls made while in that hex.
Units entering a hex containing the Mud terrain modification may also get stuck (see Bog Down Rules, p. 60)
’Mechs, Hover Vehicles and Mobile Structures: Hover Vehicles and Mobile Structures ignore mud. ’Mechs apply the standard penalties from mud, but cannot get bogged down in it.

Ok, so the rules for MUD states a 'Mech cannot get bogged down in the mud.

But then under BOG DOWN rules on page 60, it states:

Some planetary conditions may actually stick a unit in place, as noted in the description of such conditions.
Any time a unit enters a hex that may cause it to get stuck, the controlling player must make a Piloting/Driving Skill Roll. If the roll fails, the unit gets stuck in the hex and may not move for the rest of the turn; a ’Mech that fails this roll does not fall. The unit may torso twist or rotate its turret normally, but it may not change its facing. For any weapon or physical attacks made against a unit stuck in a hex, modify the to-hit number by –2.

And additonally:

Additional Modifiers: For tundra, deep snow and mud hexes, apply a –1 modifier to the Piloting Skill Roll to determine whether a unit entering such terrain gets stuck. Apply the same modifier to Piloting Skill Rolls made to free a stuck unit.
and then on Page 61:

Jumping: A jumping ’Mech that lands in such a hex automatically gets stuck; jumping infantry are not automatically stuck, however.

These two rules under BOG DOWN directly contradicts what the rules say under MUD

So, which one is correct? Do 'Mechs not get bogged down as per MUD or do they get bogged down as per BOG DOWN rules?

*edit* corrected spelling boo-boo in title.
« Last Edit: 24 November 2024, 01:25:49 by Xotl »
AGENT #575, Vancouver Canada


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Re: Mud, Bod Down and 'Mechs
« Reply #1 on: 07 July 2024, 12:50:04 »
This is further confused as in BATTLEMECH MANUAL, page 61:

Cannot be used with Extreme Temperatures (see p. 62) of –30 degrees Celsius and below.
MP Modifier: A hex covered in mud adds +1 MP cost per hex (but see Reckless Movement, p. 20).
PSRs: Entering a mud hex forces a Piloting Skill Roll. All PSRs made in a hex with mud (including the PSR made when entering one) apply a +1 Target Number modifier.

And Page 13 in the callout paragraph:

As you move your ’Mech about, you’ll almost certainly be called on to make a Piloting Skill Roll (a “PSR”) to avoid falling. Typically this is due to entering difficult terrain, such as water and rubble, but damaged ’Mechs may fall when navigating even clear hexes. As PSRs can be called for as a result of combat as well, we’ve placed the rules for them in the Other Actions chapter (see p. 53). Players should familiarize themselves with the PSR rules before beginning play.

Note this callout is defined as being OPTIONAL on page 5 of BMM, but utilizing is still in contradiction, as TO says a failed PSR in Mud does not cause a fail, but rather ending movement, but BMM implies a fall (taking damage), but can still continue movement.
AGENT #575, Vancouver Canada


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Re: Mud, Bog Down and 'Mechs
« Reply #2 on: 24 November 2024, 01:25:42 »
If you're using the BMM, you're not using the TO rules: they're separate.  That's why it's "Mud (Simplified)".

The p. 60 "Additional Modifiers" para should read "Piloting/Driving Skill Roll", rather than just "Piloting".  That should make it clear that it's just trying to cover all its bases, rather than contradicting earlier bits.  It's just saying that if the situation applies, you apply the modifier.

Similarly the Jumping para doesn't say "Mud gets you stuck".  It says if you jump into a hex that you can get stuck in, then you're stuck.  Mechs can't get stuck in mud, so it wouldn't apply there.

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Re: (Answered) Mud, Bog Down and 'Mechs
« Reply #3 on: 24 November 2024, 08:08:56 »
Whew! Good to get outta this mud  :wink:

Thanx again
AGENT #575, Vancouver Canada