Author Topic: Real Life Laser AMS!  (Read 253 times)

The Wobbly Guy

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Real Life Laser AMS!
« on: 14 July 2024, 03:25:10 »
South Korea has developed an actual laser Anti Missile System.

The footage is unreal.


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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #1 on: 14 July 2024, 04:00:22 »
Not only anti-missile. The real kicker on the modern battlefield is that this system can zap drones for (reportedly) under two bucks a shot. That is a gamechanger in a world where shooting down a drone is currently more expensive than building the thing.

Of course, the drawback of the system is that you need to hook it up to a really solid power line. We have Laser AMS now but fusion power is still 40-ish years out.  :rolleyes: BattleTechWiki Admin
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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #2 on: 14 July 2024, 05:56:34 »
I'm paraphrasing a quote from the Fringe thread, "once laser anti-air systems are developed, aircraft become scarce on the battlefield."  This just set the bar for entry.
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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #3 on: 14 July 2024, 06:48:49 »
The Israelis were working on one for years... I'll believe this one is operationally deployed when I see it.


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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #4 on: 14 July 2024, 07:30:30 »
This is the new arms-race of our time, expect a lot of developments in this decade.
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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #5 on: 14 July 2024, 07:58:21 »
The British Dragonfire is supposed to deployed by 2027 time will tell I guess
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The Wobbly Guy

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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #6 on: 14 July 2024, 08:18:12 »
Even if the power issue isn't fully settled, it's still a great plus for fixed installations and massive targets with integral power sources (coughaircraft carriercough).

Energy storage density is always gonna be a pain.


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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #7 on: 14 July 2024, 08:51:09 »
Lasers on ships have other challenges too... the Navy has been working on them for over a decade.


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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #8 on: 14 July 2024, 19:30:55 »
I know from experience that, lasers AMS can only engage one volley of TVLGs at a time.


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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #9 on: 14 July 2024, 20:55:33 »
Not sure about laser AMS, but Vulcans can defend against nearly as many TVLGs as they want, with diminishing chances, of course. Or are we not bringing Renegade Lengion into this?

As Kamas alluded, once these types of systems get on-line, we will start to get back to our roots: the Ogreverse and Slammerverse. I can't wait. Good times in those places.
Thought I might get a rocket ride when I was a child.          We are the wild youth,                                And through villages of ether
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But I'd think of something better if I could
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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #10 on: 15 July 2024, 00:18:14 »
I feel like that's fine for a drone, but I'm not sure how well it works against something moving fast or even dodging.

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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #11 on: 15 July 2024, 00:48:29 »
I think both the South Korean and the Israeli systems are primarily intended to stop "nuisance attacks" more than repell an artillery barrage. A small number of simple rockets or drones.

E.g. Ukraine could really have used such systems against Shaheed (sp?) Drones, but would still have needed something heavier to take down an Iskander.


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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #12 on: 15 July 2024, 01:17:39 »
I think I want to see some actual data on how these perform in real-world conditions before celebrating.  Especially how they perform in things like rain and fog- I have a feeling that that will be a big test for them.
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Re: Real Life Laser AMS!
« Reply #13 on: 16 July 2024, 00:29:10 »
The Turkish laser system supposedly already saw use against drones in Libya, but there is no independent confirmation on that.
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