Author Topic: Melee Master SPA Question. Does it work with all melee weapons?  (Read 320 times)


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  • Posts: 1
"A MechWarrior with the Melee Master Ability has elevated
physical combat to blinding new levels, achieving physical
combat speeds other warriors can only dream of. When
executing a physical attack, a MechWarrior with this ability can
deliver one extra punch, kick, club, or hatchet attack during
the Physical Attack Phase (so long as all other restrictions are
met, such as not firing weapons in the attacking limb). This
attack may even be combined with a Charge or Death from
Above attack." Page 77 Campaign Operations

So my question is in CBT does this ability only work with Hatchets and Clubs or can you use any melee weapon with it such as Swords, retractable blades and such?

Thanks in advance and sorry if I did not place in the correct location.

