All that says is "two Artillery Battalions" without specifying if they're Tube or Arrow. The final total is 7 total Artillery Battalions (5+2), and it becomes apparent the two new ones are one Tube and one Arrow.
Heh, your right.
Was looking too much at the tubes I guess.
Plus that originally it was said too be two tubes and now it says nothing about what is what.
Now I wonder about one thing, how intact are their transport dropships?
Do they still have them all?
Getting the blueprints for a Hudges, if they don't have them already, might actually help them quite a bit.
Their problem will be transport and the limited amount of time they have, when the Kerensky Desertion, happens.
The Hegemony will become a combat zone, quite soon, same for any travel roads, they might want to take.
It's a very small window.
They might want to see if they can find a M9 and some M5's, to guard a mothball fleet.
Mmm, do they have the nav data for the Hidden SLDF Shipyard Star Systems?
Second Edit:
With that structual design flaw and the cramped space, the Excalibur classdropship has, would she not do better in a more Fortress layout, basing it on the Seeker & Union class dropships?
Limit the bays to 50 tons or less and...
Actual troop bays, might help off set some of that cramped space and not max loading, will help with not overloading, thanks to that structual flaw.
Heck, I can see Kerensky his ilk, going for the heavier units, first, so grapping lighter ones, might actually be easier.
Are there any that are actually good and how could you thus accidentally counter the Excalibur it's structual flaw, from the get go, via a conversion?
Are there any SDS Modular Defense Stations that they could lay their hands on?
They might be able to upgrade their fabrication ability, for one.
I wonder what for sort of fabrication machinery they will be able to get, though.
And what about food production?
A Invader uses about three collars, their weight, for food production, can they thus set something up for that, in some way?
They will have to figure out some way to lower the amount of resupply, while getting access to full on royal gear & manufactoring.
A fun butterfly could be them getting a few more HPG's, with the ability to make them.
I would laugh if the 295th would thus end up getting a different fate.
Same for the SLS Mannassas.
But I guess not.
I can see some hulks still having a intact FTL system, that is actually still quite new as well, while some of the surviving SLDF warships, are in a need of a yard job, for dtive uokeep reasons.
That wrecked ASF factory, did it still have some intact machinery or parts, that could be of use?
Might let them do refits, later on or maybe couble together, their own ASF line.
Even if it are the parts that could alter deathrides to quite save birds to fly.
Just look up Nova CEWS and it's for-runner, then the CC Raven(?) Battlemech it's attempt to such a setup..., if recovery of machinery, happend to give them the fabrication machinery for the better elements for this...
We all know the Raven ended up sporting standaard Royal SDLF based Gear.
So them thus getting some of the better elements, for such a setup, I can see happing.
I do think them laying their hands on Dragoon & Mercury Battlemechs, can only be a good thing, since if implimented on a larger scale.....
Just think of the dropships their weapon mounts, what if if that standaardisation can be implimented there?
The SLDF had a ASF with a similar modularity setup, so the needed technology exist.
Same for stealth systems and automation.
Being able to sneak up on a balistic course...