Author Topic: A Long Journey  (Read 29066 times)


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #540 on: 20 September 2024, 06:09:57 »
I just read up on the Towne Debacle in the 1st SW book... that should have prompted Prince John to give Mitchell even more slack! :)

Taron Storm

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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #541 on: 20 September 2024, 09:14:31 »
Thought that happened in 2785?


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #542 on: 20 September 2024, 09:29:01 »
Thought that happened in 2785?
Thought so too.
Still, it would point out how badly their forces are actually are trained.
So being able to create a training command...


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #543 on: 20 September 2024, 10:10:34 »
It did happen in 2785.  Current year is 2786...


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #544 on: 20 September 2024, 21:31:19 »
17 January 2787
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

 The first true Merchant Jumpship had finally arrived once the new jump core was installed. Warrant Officer Bart Cooks had decided to just pull the jump core back out and send it back to Site 222 to recover another Merchant Jumpship. The crew being taken back to Site 222 were also hauling the modified Snowden Core Grinder back to where it could begin work grinding up the jump cores as they were pulled from ships. While he was coordinating getting the Merchant into the Olympus stations yard to make pulling the core easier, at the Zenith Jump Point a pair of Star Lord Jumpships had arrived carrying Lockheed Galactic and completing its move to Mackolla. He figured the best purchase Gerald Mitchell had made was the two Pusher Tugs he had bought with the first cash windfall. Civilian tugs that could push around the largest civilian Jumpships with ease. One was currently maneuvering the Merchant towards the repair bay, the other was docked and waiting for the final decision to be made where to locate Lockheed Galactic's maintenance slip.

 There had been several fairly heated discussions over the last week about where to actually locate it, near the Olympus Recharge Station, which was favored by Gerald Mitchell. The other option was at the Zenith Jump Point where they were currently located. He favored the Zenith because he did not want prying eyes on what they might be working on, Gerald wanted option one because he figured it was the perfect place. Commodore Patricia Mitchell had not been much help seeing the wisdom in either option.

 On the surface, Gerald Mitchell had jumped for joy when the funds from the sale of the Invader Jumpship had come thru, mainly because building all the housing and infrastructure for all the incoming employees had put a strain on his on-hand cash supply. Tomorrow, he and Patricia would take a shuttle up to the Olympus Recharge Station and settle where to assemble Lockheed Galactic's maintenance slip and Christopher Namath, the ranking Lockheed Galactic head, would be meeting them on the Olympic Recharge Station also for his own input on the subject.

21 January 2787

 Handshakes were exchanged all around as each person introduced themselves to Christopher Namath. They were on the stations grav deck in a conference room for this small meeting. Gerald Mitchell sat at the head of the table just because it was the closest to him. Once everyone was seated, he started the meeting.

 "Now that we can put a face to names and all that, we still have not chosen a site for Lockheed Galactic's maintenance slip. But now that Mister Namath is here, maybe he can enlighten us and maybe offer us some insight into where he thinks the slip should be located. Lockheed Galactic is the first company to relocate under Mackolla Enterprises and others are on the way. So, Mister Namath, share with us what Lockheed Galactic brings to the table."

 "First, let me say it is damned good to not be travelling anymore. Second, thank you for sending a Dropship up to ferry folks to the surface, most are not used to months of limited gravity. Lockheed Galactic has a state-of-the-art maintenance slip, though we cannot manufacture parts, or we thought we couldn't, we can handle every maintenance need a Jumpship or even a Warship up to one million tons could need. The slip itself is fully outfitted with automated lifts, welders and cutters. It can house a crew of two hundred which we rotate weekly. One week based on the slip and two weeks on the surface. If we had a major project, we hot bunk and work until the job is complete.

 I said we thought we could not manufacture our own parts because someone, no telling when, forgot that at some point just under 19,000 tons of manufacturing and final production equipment had been stored away in warehouses. When we were pulling it all out of the warehouses, I looked it all over and everything was vacuum sealed when stowed, and the seals were intact. I am going to go out on a limb and say that it is all the machinery for the Leviathan Jumpships, and except for a core forge, we have everything else to put it back into production if that is what you decide to do. Personally, I would love to do just that, it has been twenty years since I got to actually build a ship and would love to do so again. We also brought just over 12,000 tons of assorted spare parts, most had been stored for a long time, so I suspect they are also from when the Leviathan was being manufactured. I have 628 EVA qualified ship workers, not including myself, that can handle just about any kind of EVA work needed. During the war, we had no choice but to service the Rim World ships and we did plenty of that. Repairing battle damage, routine maintenance and a ton of other stuff. As for a location, I do not have enough information on exactly what the plan is to help select that. If I am filled in, I might be able to assist." Christopher Namath said

 "I would love to get a good look at all that manufacturing equipment." Warrant Officer Bart Cooks said

 "Before we get lost in the weeds let's bring Mister Namath up to speed some. The dilemma is we are doing some special projects and modifications right here on this Olympus Station, some that we would prefer no one knows about. Even if it would make a meeting such as this easier and easier to defend a single location rather than two. Our salvage division has been busy, and we are salvaging quite a few Jumpships and bringing them back here to Mackolla for final repairs. The amount of abandoned Jumpships out in the Periphery just waiting to be salvaged is amazing to say the least." Gerald Mitchell said

 "Then the Zenith would be the best location to set us up at. No need to have a bunch of idle spacers with nothing to do but watch this station while their ship is in for maintenance. The planet is close enough to lift any needed parts to the Zenith though having the parts right next door here on this Olympus would be so much easier and quicker, not to mention being able to use the recreation facilities here would be a huge boost to morale. But we are used to roughing it." Christopher Namath replied

 "How long to reassemble your maintenance slip and get it back into operation?" Gerald Mitchell asked

 "Three months tops, two months to put her back together and another month running all the tests on everything. Once we get her back together and tested, we could help in putting the recovered ships back into shape. At least until we have a full schedule lined up for maintenance work." Christopher Namath replied

 "I can promise you will be doing just that. The slip here on the Olympus can only handle up to 120,000 tons. They have located quite a few ship larger than that out there that we cannot handle." Warrant Officer Cooks said

 "Then I best get back to my outfit and get things sorted out and start putting it back together. Looks like we already have some work waiting for us." Christopher Namath said

 "Before you go, now that you are here, I have two old Conestoga Transports that I need a full maintenance check done on. I will be taking them on an extended operation and it would be nice to know everything is in top notch shape before heading out." Commodore Patricia Mitchell said

 "Conestoga? Never even heard of that one. But if it will fit in our slip, we can handle the check out on it." Christopher Namath replied

 "Postponing?" Gerald Mitchell asked

 "Sammy is not back yet and I promised him I would not take any chances, this falls into not taking any chances pop." Commodore Patricia Mitchell replied


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #545 on: 20 September 2024, 23:25:05 »
Glad to hear the Commodore isn't leaving yet!  Those Conestogas will be REALLY useful if things go badly on the planet...


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #546 on: 21 September 2024, 02:33:29 »
Great update and thanks for posting.

The Mitchells may just want to take a few of the new people to look at Site 222 and check on those Leviathans and Invaders out there. They can see how badly damaged the cores truly are and start a chain of priority on which ships can be repaired the quickest. Glad to see Gerald's work coming to fruition and that operational Liberty cannot arrive fast enough.

Ramble complete, for now. Thanks for keeping the ride going
« Last Edit: 21 September 2024, 04:15:33 by lowrolling »
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #547 on: 21 September 2024, 05:04:39 »
I think they might want to take that Athena apart or atleast enough, that they can bring one grav-deck to their new yardslip.
See if they can copy it, because if so, then they could upgrade the infrastructure, quite a bit.
That or copy that recharge station.

I would suggest checking for who, that tool company, made tools for and if anything springs out, that they could use.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #548 on: 21 September 2024, 11:34:26 »
I would be against the zenith point.
First: All jumpships arriving at a solarsystem choose either the Zenith or the Nadir points. And its a long travel from the planet to this point. So, raiders could jump in, loot everything and jump out, before help arrives.

Second: Everybody expects either Zenith or Nadir point.  So put it somewhere else, where nobody is looking. Because sooner or later the other Houses and cough Comstar cough may send saboteurs to destroy this vital cog in the war machinery of House Davion.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #549 on: 21 September 2024, 11:46:56 »
Depends, can they duplicate everything?
Because if so, Site 222.
Hell, just use Site 222, use maximum black out security protocols.
And copy that recharge station.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #550 on: 21 September 2024, 11:56:05 »
It's harder to black out a site when you have dependents along.

Taron Storm

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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #551 on: 21 September 2024, 13:00:57 »
They should have enough hyperspace navigators there to map out the system looking for lagrange points. Give them the task.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #552 on: 22 September 2024, 12:14:25 »
13 April 2787
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

 "Son of a Bitch, would you look at that, they really did find her." Admiral Lenard Mathers said alongside several top AFFS engineers as they looked at the FSS Chesterton, New Syrtis Carrier from the shuttle windows carrying them to where they could board her.

 The shuttle performed several full-length passes down each side of the massive warship so that the engineers could examine the ship from the exterior taking notes the entire time. Battle damage was obvious, but it looked like mostly armor damage and only a couple of breaches in its armored hide being noted with obvious patches over them. Finally, the shuttle entered one of the massive hanger bays and the bay was repressurized.

 Major Paulina Flores had commanded FSS Chesterton on the trip back to Mackolla and met the exiting AFFS officers on the hanger deck. Saluting and introducing herself to each one.

 "Welcome aboard FSS Chesterton. She has been away from the Federated Suns for a long time, but she has returned." Major Paulina Flores said

 "The Federated Suns commends you for returning her to us." Admiral Mathers replied

 "I understand you wish to conduct your own damage assessment, but I also took the liberty of compiling our own damage assessment for your review along with some recommended upgrades that you might want to consider. There is no major damage that has to addressed, internal structure is sound and intact. Honestly, I have no idea how she even came to be captured, someone must have screwed up big time. But you are free to conduct your own damage assessment, and I have several of my own engineers standing by to guide you to where you want to go." Major Paulina Flores said

 "We know the New Syrtis class very well, so we do not need guides." Admiral Mathers replied

 "That may be, but there are several corridors that are still blocked with debris or that were completely severed by battle damage, my engineers know the way around those areas." Major Paulina Flores said

 "In that case, we will begin our damage assessment, and your engineers can guide us around the locations in question." Admiral Mathers replied

16 April 2787

 "So, we all agree that she is worth what they are asking?" Admiral Mathers asked, and his engineers all nodded yes in response as he looked at each one. "Then that is settled, now, what about those upgrades they suggested?"

 "They look very promising. Replacing the armor with Ferro Carbide will more than double her armor protection but it will be costly and time consuming. Replacing the machine guns with small pulse lasers will do wonders for point defense. Not sure about adding in more capital lasers, she is not meant to close with the enemy after all. Nor the expense of switching her single heat sinks to doubles. They also want to add in a Large Naval Comm Scanner, that was SLDF tech, but they say they have one to install. Though I'm also not convinced that they can complete this sort of upgrade, Lockheed Galactic has not built a ship in centuries, yes, their slip can hold her, but can they do the work?"

 "I am told their maintenance slip is fully equipped to strip and replace a ships armor plating. It is a fairly simple maintenance task, though molding Ferro Carbide is not easy. Their time estimate to complete the work is six months, it will take that long to get her to Panpour, Galax or Delavan, and that is after we get a crew out here. Letting them do the actual work here gives us time to round up the crew, aerospace assets and then transport them out here by the time the work is complete. Doing the work where we would prefer, we are looking at possibly two years before she returns to service."

 "Then we let them do the upgrade here. How much are they asking again?" Admiral Mathers asked

 "The labor they are providing, but the AFFS has to provide the material or pay for it. But the total is 638,944,000 to complete the upgrade. They even say they have all the material right here to complete the upgrade. It saves us the expense of shipping it all out here and delaying the upgrade completion by up to six months. I see it as a bargain sir."

 "It might be, but 4,538,944,000 is still a lot of D-Bills. But if you all agree, and I trust your judgement on this, I will pass our acceptance on to the First Prince. Are we agreed?" Admiral Mathers asked

 Again, all nodded yes as their answer.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #553 on: 22 September 2024, 12:27:04 »
Mathers' stock with the First Prince should be up after this!  An extra carrier won't stop Kentares from happening, but it will certainly help kick the Dracs out in the aftermath...


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #554 on: 22 September 2024, 12:27:16 »
One thing to sweeten the Chesterton deal. Rebate the cost of material that is replaced by the FSN so that stocks are replenished, those that the FSN can replace.

Hopefully FSN can return the armor, and lasers used. Do not see them having the Comm Scanner.
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #555 on: 22 September 2024, 12:41:41 »
Davion Intelligence (as weak as it is) would never forgive the Navy if they turned the Comm Scanner down...


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #556 on: 22 September 2024, 13:42:03 »
Nice update and thanks for posting.

Admiral Mathers just might actually start to respect General Mitchell's crew after this, doubtful but he might. Hopefully some of that money comes up front to get Froye setup and producing. The more DHS they can get together, the better for Mitchell. Just hope that other continent can hold itself together is all now.

Great ride
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #557 on: 22 September 2024, 14:33:19 »
I just hope they can get a few more licences & blueprints, you know.
They are going to need them.
Even if only indirectly.
Makes crafting spareparts, easier, when nobody can raise a fuse about it.

But if they can upgrade ships, this fast, then I can see them gathering the materials for the next Carrier, potentially loading it on that carrier and getting her there, in six months.
Hand over one ship for upgrading, while picking up the one just done.
They are going to need more slips, won't they?
I hope they can buy up Blue Nose Clipperships, then, they are going to need those slips.
Did they copy the com-scanners from those Trackers, by change?
If not, then I hope they are capable of producing them.

One thing is sure, this could have potential butterflies, just from the black navy wanting to upgrade all their carriers, like that.
Then they ask for a tour of the local warship and also want that upgrade.
Que even more slips needed.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #558 on: 22 September 2024, 15:06:13 »
"Then we let them do the upgrade here. How much are they asking again?" Admiral Mathers asked

 "The labor they are providing, but the AFFS has to provide the material or pay for it. But the total is 638,944,000 to complete the upgrade. They even say they have all the material right here to complete the upgrade. It saves us the expense of shipping it all out here and delaying the upgrade completion by up to six months. I see it as a bargain sir."

 "It might be, but 4,538,944,000 is still a lot of D-Bills. But if you all agree, and I trust your judgement on this, I will pass our acceptance on to the First Prince. Are we agreed?" Admiral Mathers asked

 Again, all nodded yes as their answer.

i feel like the people involved in this conversation would be rounding their figures when referring to them, rather than going for specific numbers. so it would be more "roughly six hundred and forty million", then "about four and a half billion". it's easier to say, and is how most people tend to talk. they'd no doubt have copies of the compiled reports with costs in front of them for reference so the discussion is less getting specific info and more getting general impressions from a person who was there.
« Last Edit: 22 September 2024, 15:07:48 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #559 on: 22 September 2024, 19:26:52 »
28 April 2787
Mackolla (Federated Suns)

 The money for the upgrade of FSS Chesterton had been deposited in Lockheed Galactic's account making it the first company owned by Mackolla Enterprises to show a profit. Buhallin Military Products had arrived 28 January and it had taken until the first week of March to level the ground, get water, powerlines laid, and the concrete foundations poured so that they could begin the task of assembling an exact duplicate of their New Stevens factory complex using their prefabricated designs. Amos Anderson, CEO Buhallin Military Products had planned ahead while packing up his factory on New Stevens and had brought a month's supply of raw material with him, but he had sourced new supply chains from various systems much closer to Mackolla and had calculated the time for them to get the supply chain established. But today, the first batch of prefabricated building forms were being poured. The directions had come from Gerald Mitchell himself and it was not for any owned by him.

 This first pour was for Smythe Mining and Metals, which was already assaying various areas for their resource potential, but they still needed to get their foundry setup and functional to receive the raw material and get it into a useable state for all the various industries. The second planned pour would be for Trimble Precision Machinery, the third pour would be for Excellent Electronics. Which put the first pour for a Mackolla Enterprise company around July, Mackolla Enterprises was paying half the construction cost for the three non-owned companies factories and putting them at the head of the line for reconstruction. So much had to be done that General Samuel Mitchell had ordered his deployed Engineer Battalions to be brought back to Mackolla to assist getting all the work completed.

 This decision had been met with some disbelief among the various Mackolla Enterprises companies who had all arrived at Buhallin Military Products to complain when notified of their estimated delivery dates on their own orders. It was only when Gerald Mitchell arrived and explained the situation that everyone cooled down.

 "I had to put these three companies before our own outside of Buhallin. Smythe Mining and Metals is now the largest outfit on Mackolla by a wide margin, we need them operational to smelt the metals and raw ores into something that can be used, Trimble Precision Machinery is going to need that metal to manufacture the needed manufacturing equipment to put each and every one of your factories back together again. Those machines are going to need electronics and computers to operate, hence Excellent Electronics coming before any of our own companies. The first of our companies will be Newhart Industries, only because they have a fully equipped and functional factory that needs buildings to install the equipment into, then it will be Froy Industries, again, they have functional production lines we need to get back in operation. You are all going to be rebuilt and back into production as quick as I can make it happen, you are all experienced businesspeople, surely you can understand now why Mister Anderson is doing it in the order that I have sent to him." Gerald Mitchell explained and waited for this to sink in before continuing. "Before you all rush to place orders with those companies, Trimble Precision Machinery already has an order placed from me for Endo Steel production machinery. It is a vital component for so many applications that it is essential. We can currently manufacture ten tons per month, and I want that up to forty tons per month as soon as possible. It is all going to happen, but it is going to take time. Not only is Newhart Industries going to be a big user, but Froy Industries needs it also. I will be working closely with each of you very soon as to a schedule for reconstruction. I am loathe to order off world for manufacturing equipment as that could attract unwanted attention to what we are doing out here."   

 Since this seemed to calm everyone down, he did not go into greater detail on why Newhart Industries had been prioritized over the others. He wanted to also rebuild their Battlemech factory as soon as possible since it had been destroyed in 2776 during New Earth's liberation. They had arrived with 36 Guillotine GLT-3N, 72 Hussar HSR-200-Db and 36 Spider SDR-5V that had been stored inside the massive underground storage facility under their factory. In addition, they had listened to the reports during the Periphery Uprising and designed a Spider SDR-5Vb but it had never been put into production since the Amaris Coup happened right as the design was finalized. Using a Endo Steel chassis along with an XL fusion engine to fee up weight, swapping to ten double heat sinks, increasing armor to 6.5 tons of standard plate and then adding two small pulse lasers mounted in the arms. The lack of anti-infantry weapons had been a major complaint from assigned SLDF mechwarriors and they had listened.

 They also had a design for an upgraded Guillotine, the GLT-3Nb which had never been put into production, designed in secret during the Amaris Coup. They had swapped to fifteen double heat sinks freeing up ten tons, maxed the standard armor to fourteen tons, the maximum for the frame, completely reworked the weapon systems. An ER Large Laser occupied the left arm, four medium pulse lasers were fitted to the right arm. Two Streak SRM-2 launchers replaced the SRM-6 in the center torso fed by a single ton of ammo in the right torso protected by CASE. The torso mounted medium lasers were replaced with medium pulse lasers. This gave the Guillotine a long-ranged weapon to skirmish with until it closed the distance where it could switch to its fearsome close-range firepower.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #560 on: 22 September 2024, 19:39:42 »
But did they put an ejection seat into the Spider?! ::)


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #561 on: 22 September 2024, 19:41:14 »
 Nope. The head is still full of sensors and computers.

Taron Storm

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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #562 on: 22 September 2024, 19:52:50 »
And nobody has gone searching for other locations on planet?  Somebody in space should see the ash clouds, one would hope.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #563 on: 22 September 2024, 20:02:02 »
 Hasn't got to that point yet. No ash cloud. Think Yellowstone and all it's hot springs, that sort of activity is currently going on. But, as a teaser, it is getting pretty close to becoming an issue. Population and infrastructure is all located on the one continent, so that where they are focusing their industry. They are going to need replacement workers for those lost during the Amaris war.



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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #564 on: 22 September 2024, 20:50:16 »
Nice updates and thanks for posting.

Good to see that they have a solid plan and priority of factory placement going. The Spider looks promising, TAG would be a game changer but what is not available shall not be mourned. The Guillotine is the one that will have Tanaka and Prince John salivating and baying at the moon. Very orderly story progression and it would be so nice to give away a chunk of cargo space to quad mount gauss rifles into firing arcs on those Trackers but that could be my delusions speaking.

Rambling over and this ride just gets better. Thanks for continuing
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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #565 on: 23 September 2024, 04:27:17 »
They have enough money, for a third buying up spree.
Which ones will they go after?
Some will be cheaper then others.
And then there are the ones, looking for a place to go too.

2ndArc, if they do buy Di Tron Heavy Industries...
That daughter company, it's yard seems to be still owned by Di Tron.
They could sell that yard to that daughter, for some ready cash.
Using it to buy some more stuff.
Things like a few other defunct companies.
That would thus prevent them from using those licences in a direct way, while opening up the indirect way of spareparts & upkeep.
It's not yet time for blatant licence theft from defunct companies.

Can they not send a invite, for moving to Mackolla, to those companies that are still intact?
Or can recover if given enough time?
Because then, they might be able to get a few more of them.
The medical & terraforming, companies, for one, would thus be a good one to invite to Mackolla, those need to either be invited or bought up.
It's not needed for them, to own them, as long as they make the move.
That lets them stretch that money, some more, in terms of buying up some extra companies.
If you look downwards, you will see a whole bunch of Taurian worlds, that will fail in short order.
I bet because Comstar is blocking that terraforming company from selling the needed stuff to prevent their fall.

And then there is the money they need for developing their own infrastructure, as well.
Yet they need more companies, 2ndArc, so I suggest you break down the extended wishlist in three rows, defunct, un-willing and willing.
Di Tron would fall in the first, for one.
But in which would fall, say Blue Nose Clipperships?
I can see some of the bigger ones, starting a local brance, with a full company copy, so it becomes seed from which the company could be restort from, potentially using equipement they have doing nothing.
Of the smaller ones, that's more up for grasp, I think.
But it could potentially help them, to send out such a invite.
Then they just need to concentrate on the defuct companies and those un-willing to move, but quite critical for the future.

Start making a game plan 2ndArc, because getting as many companies out of the Hegemony, is a must.
Even if they don't own them.
Heck, send a invite to Boeing Interstellar as well, they are going to need dropship production, for one.
Basically, invite all the surviving companies to mackolla, while they start looking into how to grap the defunct companies.
Some of the more important smaller ones, offer that transportation deal, if needed.
Lines can be rebuild, lives, data & licences, can't.
Same for company leadership, get the heirs out, that way they can do a emergency leadership change, if needed.
So think it over, because I think it might be what is needed.
« Last Edit: 23 September 2024, 04:40:53 by vianca »


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #566 on: 23 September 2024, 07:12:19 »
What about the life extension tech for future generations or am I mixing up my eras.


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #567 on: 23 September 2024, 14:50:54 »
What about the life extension tech for future generations or am I mixing up my eras.
Part of the medical company, from Earth.
Getting it and the Terraforming Company...


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Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #568 on: 24 September 2024, 19:13:03 »
1-31 May 2787
Federated Suns

 Draconis Combine warships leaped into systems all along the Federated Suns border destroying or capturing any shipping they found, clearing the way for follow on invasion forces who had only a single warship as escort. The initial Combine warship groups recharged and leaped deeper into the Federated Suns sweeping for any AFFS warships or shipping they could locate to destroy or capture. By the end of the month, a dozen AFFS warships and over three dozen Jumpships had been destroyed or captured. The DCMS Navy had watched the SLDF deal with the Amaris forces and had learned well, making use of heavy fighter strikes and nuclear tipped missiles to avoid damage to themselves.

 After clearing a system of all space traffic, DCMS invasion forces would land and inflict as much damage on defending forces until follow on forces could complete the capture of a system. The main invasion force would then repair and rearm before boarding their Dropships and moving on to another Federated Suns system to repeat the process. So effective had their invasion been that the AFFS defenses began to crumble before the onslaught. Command and control broke down quickly, with Combat Region commanders refusing to aid regions next to them. Some units were ordered to hold while units on nearby worlds were ordered to fallback. It  was a complete disaster for the AFFS. By the end of May, the DCMS was in control of most of the Clovis Combat Region, half of the Robinson Combat Theater, half of the Dahar Combat Region and six worlds of the Fairfax Combat Region. The list of destroyed AFFS commands was brutal. This did not even include all the Planetary Guard units.

 AFFS Destroyed Commands

 1st Syrtis Hussar
 13th Avalon Hussar
 16th Avalon Hussar
 38th Avalon Hussar
 45th Avalon Hussar
 3rd Robinson Chevaliers
 4th Robinson Chevaliers
 7th Robinson Chevaliers
 9th Robinson Chevaliers
 10th Robinson Chevaliers
 13th Robinson Chevaliers
 15th Robinson Chevaliers
 25th Robinson Chevaliers
 27th Robinson Chevaliers
 28th Robinson Chevaliers
 31st Robinson Chevaliers
 Dahar DMM
 Clovis DMM

 Many more AFFS commands had been mauled in the fighting so far and no one knew how long the fighting would last.


  • Major General
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  • Posts: 39267
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: A Long Journey
« Reply #569 on: 24 September 2024, 19:19:33 »
And so it begins...