Removing temptation he says?
I say, removing any change on defending myself, if one jumps right on top of myself, won't even be able to defend myself from a dropper.
Bad luck exist, you know.
Being able to vent them, before they can do do, to me...
Plus, now I can't use the pirate point to slap down enemy dropship, before getting out, won't have the reach for this slapping.
Ass removed my anti-pirate guns.
I can see several captains becoming quite irritated with this guy.
I hope Froye will inform Techni, that nice and all, they currently are still trying to buy up any and all, companies that they can lay their hands on, before they are lost.
Especially Hegemony Companies or suppliers of the Hegemony Armed Forces, so if he has any ideas on that point....
Hopefully that will allow them to lay their hands on a couple more of them, while expanding production capabilities.
Get those Stealth Mech lines, wrecked or not, their workers might still be alive, same for the local licencing & patent office.
Go from there, small companies first (single world & factory, companies).
And do try to get some more stuff from New Earth, wrecked or not, a licence is a licence.
Get those missing licences & blueprints, while there is still time.
Something you might find interesting, Cult of the Saints Cameron, look for Prmometheus Datacore. preparation for this apocalypse, the Believers had begun establishing bases on remote planets throughout the Inner Sphere and Periphery even before the Amaris Coup, greatly aided by General Fetladral's position and convictions. Their wealth was converted into universally fungible assets like gold and gems and stockpiles of food, supplies, and military assets were secreted away in strategic caches. Perhaps most prescient of all was the dissemination of the data core copies of the Prometheus network, a massive database of soon-to-be lost knowledge that was accessible to universities and libraries in the Terran Hegemony.
I do hope they construct their own memory core, though. Luzerne Memory Core explains where WoB managed to get their Clan know-how, from.
Funny that, right?
The Graus Memory Core was probably like Halstead Station it's Library Vault or how most of the know-how from the Helm Memory Core, was gotten.
I can see future Davions calling it the Mackolla Butterfly, in how all nations started to lose their higher & better technologies thanks to the wars, except the Federated Suns, where they just started to grow more normal, to Comstar it's frustration.
Say, those Manticores, standaard 3000 tech level or do they also produce royals?
Because if not, the Mackolla brance most likely WILL produce Royal Manticores.
Found something interesting.
The DC renamed their captured Norse BattleMech Works into Victory Industries.
The Spector was made by Norse Technologies, now ain't that a funny one?
Is that then a fusion, to get that Norse-Storm Technologies Incorporated???
Does that mean, they might be able to buy two companies, up, for a dime or was this Prince John flexing his power, there?
What IS going on, ghere? Edit:
Now if only they could get a few Pueblo's.
Seems they might really need Bowie Industries their Wasat yard, it's Bug Eye equipement factories.
Both have a Naval Comm-Scanner Suite, so getting those Bug Eye equipement lines...
And another potential problem, the jumpcore casters they bought from the Taurians, might nog only not being able to make warcores at all, they might even have a size limit of up to a Merchant, as well.
If so, then the deal deal with the Taurians, was a very bad one.
Will see how bad it was, when the time comes.
Could be a reason to buy up a few shipyards and thus get data on the jumpcore casters they used, on the other hand, their tool producing company, should be able to make one, if needed, so....
Badly worded deal is a badly worded deal.