The Recognition Guides are Technical Readouts. The two omnibus print volumes collect all the entries from a series of 33 small PDFs released between the Clan Invasion and Mercenaries Kickstarter campaigns. Recognition Guide Volume 1 focuses on the former Unseen and other iconic Inner Sphere 'Mechs, with four pages devoted to each design. Volume 2 is split between new ilClan-era battle armor, vehicles, and 'Mechs (standard TRO 2 pages each), new loadouts for the older Clan OmniMechs (1 page each), and quick blurbs on quite a few new configurations and pilots for classic vehicles and standard BattleMechs (3 designs per page).
The purpose of the Recognition Guides is three-fold: to introduce the new art for all of the redesigned units; to provide an easy way for new players to learn more about these units; and to further move the universe forward with new lore and designs. Catalyst has not yet said if future books in this format will be titled Technical Readouts or Recognition Guides, but the two terms are - for all practical purposes - interchangeable.