When Kiyi started out he had a dropship full of gold and a buncha Solhama, maybe wait untik IKEO before proudly trumpeting that Stephene Christu has "nothing"eh?
a dropship load of gold, a bunch of Solahma, and a lot of infrastructure that Steph doesn't have, and wouldn't likely get because Alaric sacrificed all of his external support in exchange for a recently bombed out Earth with zero active shipyards and a traumatized population.
Jiyi also had Sudeten, which had sibkos, factories, and an economy to harvest.
Clan Wolf doesn't have the extra to share, in other words, all she's got are combat troops.
It could be said they (Steph Chistu's Falcons) are in the same position Xenophon was in before the Persians turned on him. That is, Mercenaries under a foreign lord, dependent on that foreign lord for all their support.
On the other hand, Jiyi has infrastructure, something everyone not me or you has already been pointing out as of the last book-which did not feature any serious threats moving in his direction.
There's an old joke you might consider; The man who accepts rewards is in a position of submission; the man who hands them out is in the position of dominance.
Steph Chistu and Tara Campbell have to accept the basics necessary to field their warriors from somebody else. Jiyi has to hand out rewards to others, because Jiyi is in a position to make them in order to hand them out. This goes everything from rations to replacements. In simplest terms, He has what they need, but he doesn't necessarily need what they have, on a day-to-day basis.
He's got the Iron Wombs, he's got the Genetic records, he's got the techs to run it and the funding to pay for it. He's got the industrial base, in an area where 'Jade Falcon' is not synonymous with wartime atrocities and crimes-so he's got the population that is likely to at least treat him neutrally if not actively support him.
He also has the means to act without going to an external authority to ask 'mother may I' (or 'Ilkhan may I?")
He's got transport he owns or controls without needing to beg for it.
as Fire Scorpion pointed out:
Only way she replaces Jiyi is if First Lord Alaric Ward does it for her but it would be Alaric's accomplishment not hers
Which in turn goes back to why Alaric made the Falcons into what he did in the first place, including putting Tara Campbell in charge of them-HE is the dominant in that (and every other) relationship with regards to Stephanie Chistu's piece of the Falcons.
Alaric Ward gives out the rewards, not Stephanie Chistu, in that piece of Clan Jade Falcon.
as for your slur on Solahma, they're old men (and women) who've survived in a Young Man's profession. Typically this makes them more dangerous gram for gram, and also makes them better able to train those Sibkos that Jiyi has, and Stephanie does not-which means if those sibkos graduate as Falcons, they're going to be more effective than whatever dregs Steph can draw together (blending the vigor of youth, with the experience base including what NOT to do.)
Go five years and Stephanie's going to NEED Alaric to commit forces if she wants the Khanship-and that's presuming that Alaric doesn't make a separate arrangement with Jiyi's faction in order to keep his forces pointed at the Cappies.