You kids don't know how to 1st Somerset Strikers. I'll show you how to 1st Somerset Strikers.
Finally got around to painting my Axman. Part of me didn't want to go too hard after ReaperCon... but directional lighting and NMM later, here we are. Plus, it is special to me.
This mini was a Christmas gift from my mother along with the Mauler from the ancient year of 1995! And I got it done just in time for the 30th anniversary year of the cartoon.
The BattleTech cartoon blew my mind wide open as a 10 year-old in 1994. The bug bit me hard and never left. The 2N Axman has always been my favorite despite its flaws on the tabletop. Unfortunately, I was too in my head to try and do the black & yellow scheme justice. Now 30 years later lots of people have done it, but I have never seen anyone do the tiger camo version from the second run of toys. Nostalgia was hitting hard and I even pulled out my 3rd edition map sheet with a tear in it from when our first family dog walked across it.
Also, aren't the proportions on this miniature great? Dude is sculpted with the physique of a body builder showing a V silhouette due to those big lats and shoulders.
I pulled the image of the toy from the site.