Great looking unit, MarauderD!
So tell me - what's the grand plan for the Battalion? Including some vees and battle armour, hopefully?
Yes sir. I do think that the vees (hover and BA Support) might have a completely different paint scheme--alpine/forest generic camo. I don't really care for the IS gorilla suit mini, so I'm hoping CGL follows up on their plans to release the Grenadier/Kanazuchi in plastic later this year. Thinking 2 squads of Grenadiers and maybe 2 squads of Cavaliers would do it. I'd be sorely tempted by a plastic Infiltrator Mk 2 mini, but I haven't heard of any plans to release that unit.
Long story short, Mechs are still what motivates me to paint, but all those Vees in my pile of shame will definitely make it to the paint table at some point.