True Dirty Engine: The ship's engine design has a major, lethal flaw-a few thousand greys of radiation to anyone aft of the engine bell. Any small craft or ASF that flies through the cone of radiation defined by the aft firing arc within 3 hexes of the ship takes an immediate crew hit, even from transitory dosage. There is no PSR to resist this, lethal neutron radiation does not care about your skill level. Any dropship or warship with mechs on it's surface swept by this deadly radiation suffers the slow and painful death of every mechwarrior on the exterior. And also probably kills part of it's crew. Docking maneuvers must be preformed with main engines offline, or a PSR failure of 3 or more sweeps the docking craft with lethal radiation and, you guessed it, kills the entire crew because you just gave them 5000 greys of radiation. Also, civilian satellites have their electronics fried and are automatically killed if they drift into this region.
I'm not sure exactly *how* to spin this one, but the idea of a ships engine that is dangerous to everyone, friend and foe, is one that's pretty interesting, no?
Strategic Search and Tracking: Double the range of this ship's long range sensors, this stacks multiplicatively with NCSS systems.
Myopic Sensors: Halve the range of this ship's long-range sensors.