Yeah, it's going to need its resupply. So there isn't a lot of point in setting it so it can't receive that unless you just have no intention of launching fighters in the interim.
Think of the extra speed in tactical/emergency terms and not a cruising speed thing. Like it might use it to get to a particular launch/recovery point, or to avoid an attack. Someone trying to kill a Vengeance to deny the enemy that vessel is a distinct possibility.
I've seen some theories that suggest the best use of a Vengeance is to set up up almost like a mobile fighter base rather than a carrier. You move it where you want it. Whether that's in orbit over a battlefield, or at a jump point or wherever, and then it stays pretty penned up and protected by escorting dropships, and the supply ships know where to find it. In order to keep it functioning at full form and deploying fighters you basically need a steady armada of cargo ships bringing fuel/supplies to it.
I had a friend once running a game where his unit had a Vengeance. It was frequently docked with, if not a dropship for cargo, then a jumpship for much the same reason. Or even something like a recharge station. It spent a lot of time docked and resupplying. Or times it would ferry it's complement of ASFs to a new planet (like as part of the waves of a planetary invasion), land those ASFs at some newly captured airbase on the planet's surface, and then withdraw. It was a ferry boat for them.
Same friend also developed a trick where ferried fighters would take off from the Vengeance, go fly a mission. Then travel to a planet-side airbase to fuel/ammo back up, including loading up on things like drop tanks of fuel, not to mention replenishing ammo, and then return to the Vengeance. By completing this circuit, the fighters helped to bring resupply back to the carrier.
It would venture away from that, but basically to get into position to launch a super-critical 1-sortie mission such as during a raid or the opening wave of an invasion. Which given the number of fighters it can launch can be very significant and meaningful. But then it would withdraw, it wouldn't hang around.
Lacking resupply or ferry options the way to stretch out a Vengeance's ability to have an impact is to limit how many fighters it puts into the air at once. If it's only sortieing one squadron at a time, then it can keep up a steady rotation of a small number of fresh fighters and fresh pilots. There are situations where that has value.
In a way the quirks of the Vengeance makes it a little more balanced and I've sometimes thought of it that way. It's ability to carry THAT many ASFs makes it overpowered in a sense. Even in the days of incredibly advanced pocket warships and massive assault dropships, the technically most powerful non-warship spacecraft out there is still a fully loaded Vengeance able to launch every ASF it has at you in 1 sortie. I don't care who you are. You could be a Taihou, a Conquistador (Blockade Runner variant), an Interdictor PWS a (insert name of massive pocket warship class here). But against that many fighters (especially if they are good fighter designs for anti-ship missions) you have a very real problem.
But it can't sustain that. It throws its punch, and then, success or fail, it has to stand down flight operations until resupplied.
Keep it resupplied though, and it's a menace.