Author Topic: Starting Char Affilliation Changes  (Read 1929 times)


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Starting Char Affilliation Changes
« on: 25 August 2011, 12:36:32 »
So I'm starting a Draconis Combine guy who is a Merc before the end of Char creation.

The book says I've got to buy 1/2 of both in 'Changing Allifiations' section of Char Creation

Players wishing to incorporate such changes into their
backstory can do so by selecting two affi liations rather than
one. The fi rst affi liation must be the one the character was
born into, and the second must be the affi liation with which
the character ends the creation process. The controlling player
must then divide all XP values (including the purchase XP
costs) for both affi liations by 2, rounding any half points down,
and apply the XPs for both to all relevant Attributes, Traits and
Skills. If either affi liation has restrictions noted, only those of
the fi nal affi liation apply.

However, under the notes of the Independant section of Stage 0 Life Modules

Characters that take a Mercenary sub-affi liation for Stage 0 are born into the mercenary life. Characters that are not born to the
mercenary life but turn mercenary later must choose another affi liation.

Is that just referencing the above ruling, saying that I have to take an affiliation first, then the Independant Merc
Agent #728

Indianapolis, Indiana

House Kurita


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Re: Starting Char Affilliation Changes
« Reply #1 on: 25 August 2011, 13:03:57 »
At first glance, it looks like they want that merc affiliation to only apply to character born into the life, and that for a character that becomes a merc later, you'd stay with your original affiliation.

On the other hand, the second read suggests the opposite.

That little note at the bottom of the chart on page 63 could really use some clarification.

"Characters that are not born to the mercenary life but turn mercenary later must choose another affiliation as well."

"Characters that are not born to the mercenary life but turn mercenary later must choose another affiliation instead."

Both acceptable, both meaning the complete opposite.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Starting Char Affilliation Changes
« Reply #2 on: 25 August 2011, 13:12:00 »
I think you've hit on exactly the reason for my Confusion.

Agent #728

Indianapolis, Indiana

House Kurita


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Re: Starting Char Affilliation Changes
« Reply #3 on: 27 August 2011, 03:55:08 »
I'm pretty sure the ruling means you'd only take the Draconis Combine affiliation in terms of character creation. I presume the plan is that they become a Merc some time after they reach adulthood, yes? If so, then Mercenary is a career choice, not an affiliation. My reading has always been that Mercenary as an affiliation applies ONLY if your character is born into the life (i.e. their parents were mercenaries as well). A House Regular who musters out or deserts to go Merc would use their place of origin as their affiliation instead.

Where I COULD see the mixing rules working would be if your parents were mercenaries who strongly identified with the Draconis Combine and so you grew up steeped in both the Mercenary way of life and got a smattering of the cultural heritage of the Combine drilled into you as well.


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Re: Starting Char Affilliation Changes
« Reply #4 on: 28 August 2011, 04:33:38 »
I'm pretty sure the ruling means you'd only take the Draconis Combine affiliation in terms of character creation. I presume the plan is that they become a Merc some time after they reach adulthood, yes? If so, then Mercenary is a career choice, not an affiliation. My reading has always been that Mercenary as an affiliation applies ONLY if your character is born into the life (i.e. their parents were mercenaries as well). A House Regular who musters out or deserts to go Merc would use their place of origin as their affiliation instead.

See, that's what I figured as well at first, then I realized the instruction could read either way. Then I read the mercenary life path, and it isn't really some hardcore, "I'm a merc!" affiliation. You basically gain some Edge and Willpower, lose some Charisma (though none of them in any amount close to being a full 100), and you gain some negotiation, Protocol/Merc, and another skill bonus. I could see those as easily being something you'd pick up as you go merc..even if you weren't born to it. So that sort of throws it up into the air as well.

Though I suppose if the Merc Affiliation followed the normal "Changing your Affiliation" Rules, then we wouldn't need the little note at the bottom, explaininghow it worked...

