Author Topic: Project Yamato  (Read 21805 times)


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Project Yamato
« on: 16 October 2016, 01:51:34 »
I was watching stuff involving the Space Battleship Yamato, and thinking about how I would do a conversion of it into BattleTech, and nothing I was considering, seemed quite right. It didn't do the ship justice. Then I had the the Following mental Conversation:

Me: "What if I converted the Original Japanese WW II Battleship Yamato into a space ship instead, just like what the Space Battleship's story!
Me: *checks size charts* Blue water ships that size in BattleTech are roughly the same size as DropShips... this could work."
Me: "It'll be a homage to the show instead of a direct conversion."
Me: "Wait-"
Me: "There already are wet navy ships this size..."
Me: "What if someone started actually turning wet navy ships into DropShips in-universe?!?"

That was the Birth of Project Yamato. It has only just begun, and I am somewhat shaky on exact lore, so I will be omitting many planet names, so people can fill them in how they want for their own games. The plan is to convert every single Canon Large Naval Support Vehicle into a black navy ship of some kind... most likely they will be DropShips.

So that is what I will be doing with this thread. Anyone is free to comment, correct tidbits of lore, or post their own versions of blue-to-black navy conversions.

Table of Contents

Jump Capable
Yamato-Primitive Jumpship
Space Battleship Yamato
Space Battleship Andromeda

Lysander Dropship
Luftenburg Dropship
Meabh Command Dropship
Triton Missile Dropship
Wakamiya MRD (Multi-Role Dropship)
Rapier Patrol Dropship (retrotech)
Jormungand Pocket Warship
Andryusha Bombardment Dropship
Kaleen Bay Liquid Transport Dropship
Skyhorse Q-ship
Columbiad Colony Ship

Small Craft
Deshler Class Recon and Survey Vessel
Silverfin Escort Small Craft
Atlantia Luxury Yacht
Ahab "Whaler" Small Craft
Baleena Rescue Craft
Moray Robotic Fire Support Craft

Aerospace Fighters
Harasser Drone Aerospace Fighter
Skye Skimmer Aerospace Fighter
Monitor Aerospace Fighter
Mauna Kea Command Fighter
Manta Robotic Fast Dogfighter

Fixed Wing Support Vehicles
Neptune Seahunter

Battle Armor
Jonah Salvage Armor

Orca Infantry (bottom of post)


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« Reply #1 on: 16 October 2016, 02:13:22 »

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Yamato
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Primitive Jumpship

Mass:              72,000 tons
K-F Drive System:  Primitive
Safe Thrust:       2
Maximum Thrust:    3
Armor Type:        Standard
    9 Light SCCs
    6 AC-20s
    24 AC-10s
    4 AC-5s
    162 MGs
Class/Model/Name:  Yamato
Mass:              72,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      17,730.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 2
      Maximum Thrust: 3
Primitive K-F Drive: Integrity 4                                      36,000.00
Structural Integrity: 60                                              8,640.00
Total Heat Sinks:    313                                              00.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    1,020.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                1,280.50
Armor Type:  Standard  (576 total armor pts)                          720.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 102
   Fore-Left/Right:                   102/102
   Aft-Left/Right:                    102/102
   Aft:                                  102

   Bay 1:  Small Craft (7) 2 doors                                     2,000.00
           Cargo (1,280.5 tons)                                        1,280.50
Crew and Passengers:
     103 Officers, Crew, and Bay Personel-1st Class Quarters           1,030.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
3 Light SCC                Nose       6-C    6-C    6-C    --   36     600
3 Light SCC                Nose       6-C    6-C    6-C    --   36     600
1 AC-5                     Nose       5      5      --     --   1      8
20 MG                      Nose       40 (20 PDS)               0      10
6 AC-10                    FR/L       60     60     --     --   18     144
20 MG                      FR/L       40 (20 PDS)               0      20
3 AC 20                    R/LBS      60     --     --     --   21     84
AC/5                       R/LBS      5      5      --     --   1      16
21 MG                      R/LBS      41 (21 PDS)               0      21
6 AC-10                    AR/L       60     60     --     --   18     144
20 MG                      AR/L       40 (20 PDS)               0      20
3 Light SCC                Aft        6-C    6-C    6-C    --   36     600
1 AC-5                     Aft        5      5      --     --   1      8
20 MG                      Aft        40 (20 PDS)               0      10

MG 32400 Rounds                                                        162.00
AC-5 800 Rounds                                                        40.00
AC-10 4800 Rounds                                                      480.00
AC-20 1200 Rounds                                                      240.00
Light SCC 1800 Rounds                                                  900.00

Other Equipment
MASH Unit w/7 Operating Theaters                                       10.50
2 Field Kitchens                                                       6.00

I figured I would start things off with the actual Yamato. In 2117 an eccentric billionaire retired from his Aerospace firm, handing the reins off to others, and withdrew from society. A couple years later, he began hiring for a massive salvage operation, and exhumed the wreck of the Japanese battleship Yamato. There was some concern about what he would do with the hulk, until he loaded it onto a dropship, and left earth with his whole extended family. He headed for the belter colonies, and ceased to be relevant to the vast majority of mankind, little more than a footnote.

His story didn't end there however. You see he was a descendant of the original captain of the grand ship, and he had gotten the idea to incorporate it's hull into a ship for his family to putter around the system in, as a new home. He used his old contacts with his aerospace firm to get facilities set up in the belter colony he had settled in, and began working on building his new home. He died before it was finished. The family however continued the work until it was completed.

The Yamato is not a simple dropship intended to transit across the system, instead, it is a jumpship, albeit a very primitive one. Only able to jump 15 light years at a time, if it wanted to go anywhere, it would do so painfully slowly. However the ship spends most of it's time in Sol System's Oort cloud. The family took up a tradition of anti-piracy, and continued that work until well after the clan invasion. It went largely unnoticed, and even to Comstar, the ship was little more than an oddity, and since it was little more than an outdated anti-pirate jumpship that never left their domain, nor threatened them, they left it alone. For the belter's part, the ship is welcomed at virtually any Belter port, and is often resupplied at the community's expense, since the Yamato asks nothing of them and they all benefit greatly from it's presence.

Unfortunately this was not to last. Within a few years of Word of Blake taking the Sol System, and them instituting heavy policing, the Yamato went silent. When word got around that it had not been seen, the belter community grew worried, and once they were looking, they eventually spotted it, little more than a twisted wreck, being disassembled in one of the Word of Blake's yards. Within a few months of this, the Word began producing it's own Sub-capital Canons.

I largely used the Wiki entry about the original ship to base this ship's stats on. One difficult thing about these conversion is deciding where to put turreted weapons on a ship that can't use turrets.

A note on the use of Sub-capital cannons: The entry for them in TO states that Word of Blake may have gotten them from plans as far back as the Age of War. This tells me that their origins aren't really known, and I am using the story that this ship is where the Word developed them from.


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Lysander Dropship
« Reply #2 on: 16 October 2016, 02:38:54 »
Lysander Dropship (the original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Lysander
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              26,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    8 Barracuda Missile Launchers
         40 Barracuda Missiles
    12 ER Large Lasers
    6 ER Medium Lasers
    4 LRM-20s
    8 SRM-6s
Class/Model/Name:  Lysander
Mass:              26,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      5,265.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 43                                              2,236.00
Total Heat Sinks:    310 Single                                       226.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    2,040.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                7,324.50
Fire Control                                                          132.00
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (2307 total armor pts)               155.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                698
   Right:                               619
   Left:                                619
   Aft:                                 543

   Bay 1:  Fighter Bays (30) 4 doors                                   4,500.00
   Bay 2:  Super-heavy Vehicle Bays (4) 2 Doors                        800.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (7,324.5 tons)                                        7,324.50
Crew and Passengers:
     103 Officers, Crew, and Bay Personel-1st Class Quarters           1,030.00
     30 Life Boats                                                     210

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
8 Barracuda Launcher       Nose       16-C   16-C   16-C   16-C 80     720
4 LRM-20                   Nose       48     48     48     48   24     40
4 SRM-6                    Nose       24     --     --     --   16     12
4 ER Large Laser           Nose       40     32     32     --   48     20
2 ER Large Laser           FR/L       16     16     16     --   24     20
3 ER Medium Laser          FR/L       15     15     --     --   0      20
2 ER Large Laser           AR/L       16     16     16     --   24     20
4 SRM-6                    Aft        24     --     --     --   16     12

LRM-20 24 Rounds                                                       162.00
SRM-6 120 Rounds                                                       8.00
40 Barracuda Missiles                                                  1200.00

Other Equipment
MASH Unit w/1 Operating Theaters                                       3.50
2 Field Kitchens                                                       6.00
Communications Equipment (15 tons)                                     10.00

In the Draconis Combine there are quite a number of worlds that manufacture their own Lysander Submarine Carriers, and use them to help defend their worlds. One such world, worried that the turbulence that was once again growing in the inner sphere, and situated near a boarder prone to raids, was looking for a more effective deterrent to enemy aerospace attacks. As with any time someone begins asking questions, people tend to take notice. Fortunately the people that took notice were sales agents from Universal Exports, a manufacturer of a wide array of civilian equipment; and on [planet] also the company that held the license to manufacture the Lysanders.

When pitched, the project sounded crazy, and indeed it was, but it was too good to pass up. Universal Exports offered to use the hulls that were about to begin construction, to instead build dropships, with nearly the same armament and logistical requirements, and they would do the first one for half cost. The governor's office insisted on attaching some of his own people to the project and it got underway. It was stipulated that the whole thing had to be done as secretly as possible.

So began construction, and underneath the dry-dock shipyards, even more construction began. Facilities were installed to manufacture many of the components needed, on planet, like interplanetary plasma drives, and sensor/fire control systems for the ship. The governor's office, for their part, simply expedited through customs anything marked for the secret project, which included additional personnel needed to plan the alterations to the structure of the hulls to prepare them for actual lift-off and flight.

It took almost double the projected time to get the prototype ready. There were many stories in broadcasts during that time about problems at the ship yards, but they were largely made up to explain why new hulls hadn't been coming off the line. Even when the prototype was ready, it went no where. A stipulation of the project was that it's maiden voyage would be in-combat, despite the hazards of sending untested ships into such conditions, the need for secrecy on the project was such that this was deemed a necessary evil.

Then the expected happened. A raiding force attacked, striking the spaceports first, and then landing and deploying a ground force to strike a militia depot, aiming to gather weapons and ammunition, no doubt. Imagine their surprise when an "unfinished hull of a submarine" lifted into the air, and not only destroyed the dropship, but chased it's escorts all the way out of the atmosphere, destroying them. That has been the Lysander dropship's only engagement so far however, as no one else seems interested in building or purchasing one.

This ship uses all the same weapons as the submarine, except for switching out torpedo launchers for missile launchers of the same size, and trading the artillery missile systems for capital missile launchers. With a 30 fighter capacity it can be fairly dangerous, as any carrier should be. It's barracudas allow it to threaten even much larger ships, if they don't have enough point defense systems covering them.

I foresee a problem with any of the conversions I do in this thread, with converting weapons from turrets onto dropship locations. In this case I spread the ER Large Lasers from the turret evenly to the fore and aft sides, and I split the turreted ER Medium Lasers between the 2 fore sides. I am satisfied with how it turned out, even though it does have some serious weaknesses (concentration of weapons in certain arcs), but then you should expect some weaknesses in any boat you fly out into space, so I am alright with it.

Edit: Fixed some math errors.

Siden Pryde

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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #3 on: 16 October 2016, 10:19:37 »
I'm loving it.   O0  Lysander DS is pretty neat as well.


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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #4 on: 16 October 2016, 12:07:26 »
Great idea!  O0 Looking forward to seeing this progress.
At Comstar we listen. It's that simple.


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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #5 on: 16 October 2016, 14:15:47 »
Oh Hell Yeah !!!

Loving this concept, and your inner discussion. Can't wait to see where all you take us on this fascinating trip!


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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #6 on: 16 October 2016, 14:38:16 »
Awesome ideas and background! :) :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #7 on: 16 October 2016, 16:47:33 »
That Lysander was hilariously awesome.
"Does anyone know where the love of God goes / When the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
-- Gordon Lightfoot, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"


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Luftenburg Dropship
« Reply #8 on: 16 October 2016, 17:04:11 »
Luftenburg Dropship (original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Luftenburg
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              100,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    2 Long Toms
    9 Large Lasers
    6 Medium Lasers
    8 LRM-20s
    9 LRM-10s
Class/Model/Name:  Luftenburg
Mass:              26,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      20,250.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 150                                             30,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    176 (352) Double                                 0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    5,100.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                18,543.00
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (4018 total armor pts)               540.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                 1158
   Right:                                1155
   Left:                                 1155
   Aft:                                  1150

   Bay 1:  Fighter Bays (25) 1 Door                                    4,500.00
   Bay 2:  Fighter Bays (25) 1 Door                                    4,500.00
   Bay 3:  Fighter Bays (25) 1 Door                                    4,500.00
   Bay 4:  Fighter Bays (25) 1 Door                                    4,500.00
   Bay 5:  Heavy Vehicle Bay (20) 2 Doors                              2,000.00
   Bay 6:  Light Vehicle Bay (20) 1 Door                               1,000.00
   Bay 7:  Insulated Cargo (10,005 tons)                               11,500.00
           Cargo (5,893 tons) 2 Doors                                  5,893.00
           Liquid Cargo (1,00.5 tons)                                  1,150.00
           6 Refueling Drogues                                         6.00
Crew and Passengers:
     891 Officers, Crew, and Bay Personel-2st Class Quarters           6,237.00
     130 Life Boats                                                    910.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
2 Long Toms                Nose       --     --     --     --   60     60
6 Large Lasers             Nose       48     48     --     --   48     30
2 LRM-20s                  Nose       24     24     24     --   12     20
3 LRM-10s                  Nose       18     18     18     --   12     15
4 Mounted Searchlights     Nose       --     --     --     --   --     2
2 Medium Lasers            FR/L       10     --     --     --   6      4
1 LRM-20                   FR/L       12     12     12     --   6      20
1 LRM-10                   FR/L       6      6      6      --   4      10
1 Mounted Searchlights     FR/L       --     --     --     --   --     1
1 Medium Laser             AR/L       5      --     --     --   3      2
1 LRM-20                   AR/L       12     12     12     --   6      20
1 LRM-10                   AR/L       6      6      6      --   4      10
1 Mounted Searchlights     AR/L       --     --     --     --   --     1
3 Large Lasers             Aft        24     24     --     --   24     15
2 LRM-20s                  Aft        24     24     24     --   12     20
2 LRM-10s                  Aft        12     12     12     --   8      10
4 Mounted Searchlights     Aft        --     --     --     --   --     2


LRM-20 240 Rounds                                                      40.00
LRM-10 540 Rounds                                                      45.00
Long Tom 100 Munitions                                                 20.00

Other Equipment
2 MASH Units w/11 Operating Theaters Each                              27.00
7 Field Kitchens                                                       21.00
Communications Equipment (15 tons)                                     12.00

While Tharkad, and the Lyran Alliance, recovered from the Jihad, the engineers from the Newly budding 'Project Yamato' were just beginning their work on the Lysander project. After several years and it's success, they turned their eyes to find a new group to work with. Eventually they met with TAG-Manufacturing, a company that produced Dropships in orbit around Tharkad.

The Project Yamato engineers proposed that TAG acquire several of the dozen mothballed Luftenburgs, bring them into their orbital yards, and convert them into dropships. Initially, the idea was scoffed at and discarded, but with the massive losses from the Jihad, TAG needed something new on their plate. They contacted Universal Exports, and attempted to accept the offer, however by that time, the deal had changed.

Universal Exports would rebuild several of their facilities, lost in the Jihad, and even help construct the facilities that would be needed for Project Yamato's work. In exchange for this heavy investment in the company's future, Universal Exports would gain a controlling share in TAG-Manufacturing. After almost a year of negotiating, a year filled with industrial accidents that cost large profit margins, the deal was accepted.

The transition of control went smoothly: nothing at all changed. None of the leadership was sacked, and all operations continued as normal. The only difference was some serials now also showed the UE logo.

With the details hammered out, the project was finally able to begin. TAG used contacts within the Lyran military to acquire the mothballed ships, and in the end was able to procure 5 of the hulls. These were broken down into transportable sections and moved into orbit, where they would wait for several years as facilities were constructed for the project. During this construction, the team began serious work on designing the finished model using virtual technology to do limited testing.

Almost immediately it was found that the hulls would have to be seriously reinforced in order to be capable of atmospheric operation, while keeping the relative shape it currently had, this resulted in a serious increase in structural integrity, and allowed it to mount the massive amount of armor it now does.

It's armament was kept the almost same, not only was it simple, and effective, but the Long Toms and Mounted Searchlights would be would be idea for ground attack operations. The only real change to the ship's loadout was to remove the sprayers.

Intended for firefighting actions, the sprayers would be less than useless on a dropship like this. Anything that they could actually reach in order to be put out, would be catching the holocaust from the ship's plasma drives, so putting any such fires out would be a moot point.

Since they were connected directly to the ship's liquid storage, the design team decided to use those channels to enable the Luftenburg dropships to do the one thing as a carrier that they couldn't do before: In-Flight refueling. By redesigning the sprayers as refueling drogues, the Luftenburg is able to refuel aircraft without having to go through a lengthy docking/recovery procedures, allowing it's payload to stay airborne for much longer than any other carrier. In the aftermath of one battle, these were even instrumental in saving lives by keeping fighters fueled while damaged bays and doors were repaired so they could dock.

With the Inner Sphere's navy's turning more and more to pocket warships over the combat jumpships that had been dominating the navies until now, the Luftenburg is a powerful ship. Two of them carry nearly as many fighters as the dangerous Thera Carriers from the Free World's League, only they are able to arrive by by nearly any jump ship, and can enter an atmosphere, and directly support ground operations.


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Meabh Command Dropship
« Reply #9 on: 17 October 2016, 20:12:31 »
Meabh Command Dropship (Original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Meabh
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              25,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       8
Maximum Thrust:    12
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    6 Sub-capital Lasers-3
    2 Sub-capital Lasers-2
    10 Sub-capital Lasers-1
    8 Light Sub-capital Cannons
    2 Killer Whale Launchers
        20 Killer Whale Missiles
    2 Manta Ray Sub-capital Launchers
        20 Manta Ray Missiles
Class/Model/Name:  Meahb
Mass:              25,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      13,715.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 8
      Maximum Thrust: 12
Structural Integrity: 35                                              2,236.00
Total Heat Sinks:    333 (666) Double                                 117.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    408.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                570.50
Armor Type:  Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (1875 total armor pts)              126.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                506
   Right:                               503
   Left:                                503
   Aft:                                 503

   Bay 1:  4 Small Craft 2 Doors                                       800.00
   Bay 2:  Cargo (570.5 tons) 1 Door                                   570.50
Crew and Passengers:                                                     
     89 Officers, Crew, and Bay Personel-2nd Class Quarters            623.00
     15 Life Boats                                                     105

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
3 SCL-3, 1 SCL-2           Nose       11-C   11-C   --     --   124    950
1 SCL-1                    Nose       1-C    1-C    1-C    --   24     150
1 Killer Whale             Nose       4-C    4-C    4-C    4-C  20     150
1 Manta Ray                Nose       5-C    --     --     --   21     160
1 Hyperspectral Imager     Nose       --     --     --     --   --     7.5
1 Target Acquisition Gear  Nose       --     --     --     --   --     1
2 SCL-1                    FR/L       2-C    2-C    2-C    --   48     600
2 Light SCC                FR/L       4-C    4-C    4-C    --   24     800
1 Hyperspectral Imager     FR/L       --     --     --     --   --     15
1 Target Acquisition Gear  FR/L       --     --     --     --   --     2
2 SCL-1                    AR/L       2-C    2-C    2-C    --   48     600
2 Light SCC                FR/L       4-C    4-C    4-C    --   24     800
1 Hyperspectral Imager     AR/L       --     --     --     --   --     15
1 Target Acquisition Gear  AR/L       --     --     --     --   --     2
3 SCL-3, 1 SCL-2           Aft        11-C   11-C   --     --   124    950
1 SCL-1                    Aft        1-C    1-C    1-C    --   24     150
1 Killer Whale             Aft        4-C    4-C    4-C    4-C  20     150
1 Manta Ray                Aft        5-C    --     --     --   21     160
1 Hyperspectral Imager     Aft        --     --     --     --   --     7.5
1 Target Acquisition Gear  Aft        --     --     --     --   --     1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Light SCC 320 Rounds                                                   160.00
20 Killer Whale Missiles                                               300.00
20 Manta Ray Missiles                                                  320.00

Other Equipment
MASH Unit w/2 Operating Theaters                                       4.50
2 Field Kitchens                                                       6.00
Communications Equipment (15 tons)                                     12.00
Large NCSS                                                             500.00
Bloodhound Active Probe                                                2.00

With the success of the Luftenburg project, the High Command on Tharkad sought to commission a second dropship to accompany the huge carrier dropship, as an escort. Approaching TAG-Manufacturing, they proposed a second blue-water conversion project to not only fulfill this need, but to instill a 'renewed sense of national pride' by 'putting iconic vessels into the skies'. With the Nagelring actively donating to the project, TAG decided it would be much more difficult dealing with a bunch of so called Social Generals, than it would be to begin a new project. So they accepted the funding, and High Command immediately sent over their 'Liaison' to oversee the work *sigh*.

Initially, TAG desired to raise the venerable Jormungands into the sky, [Liaison], however, had a different idea, and was able to push it through all objections. Hundreds of years ago Lyran forces operated numerous undersea command posts. To defend these posts, they used a Blue Water Vessel, the Meabh class Heavy Cruiser. With the decline of the sea bases, the Meabhs fell to disuse, and were decommissioned or turned into floating museums.

The last of these vessels to leave active service, the LCS Stadt Fischingen, was sunk sometime before the Jihad, and when the wreck was discovered, a petition to exhume the vessel back to it's museum duties was put forth. When the Jihad hit, the proposal was all but forgotten, however it had never actually been denied, and this vessel was the target of [Liaison]'s plans. TAG set about exhuming the wreck.

That was not to be the last of [Liaison]'s interference, no sir. He took an 'active' part in the design process, believing a hands on approach served everyone best *sigh*, and TAG co-operated as best they could.

The wreckage of the ancient vessel was in no condition to serve as the hull of a vessel, so plans were laid to instead incorporate it's lines, but also use it as the base material in the hull, and pattern much of the ship, cosmetically after the ship.

Initially intended to escort the carrier Luftenburgs, the design... strayed.. from that purpose. With the original class being designated as defense for the sea bases, [Liaison] demanded they not only fulfill the role of defense, but take the sea base's role as well, of theater HQ. So plans changed to accommodate an amalgamation of escort and HQ roles.

The team met with approval when the presented plans for the massive drive that would propel the ship at up to 6 Gs of acceleration in brief sprints, allowing it, counter-intuitively for the role of HQ, to intercept anything closing on the larger carriers it is intended to escort. Much to the [Liaison]'s delight, it was very reminiscent of the original design's speed.

For the role of theater command, it was deemed appropriate to not only install the finest sensor and communication systems in the Inner Sphere, but also to use Hyperspectral Imagers surrounding the ship to allow the ship itself to get real time views of the battlefield in order to aid command functions. [Liaison] insisted that adding Target Acquisition Gear would help the command functions by allowing the ship to direct artillery on the field more effectively. No one even bothered pointing out everything that was wrong with that thinking at this point, [Liaison] simply had too much pull with High Command, so they incorporated it into the design.

For the armament, the weaponry on the original design was simply insufficient, especially for something that was an escort, intending to also be theater command *eye-roll* *sigh*, so an upgrade was in order. [Liaison]'s part in this phase of design was simply to insist that the weapons give the ship the same lines as the original design. By this time, thanks to the interference, the ship was almost two and a half times the size of the original, and though the Luftenburg still dwarfed it by a factor of four, the design team was going to be able to put an absolutely massive payload on her, or a massive cargo capacity, since the ship's lines hat to be the same.

This was when one junior engineer earned a promotion by suggesting that with the massive payload, they could simply upgrade from standard scale weaponry into sub-capital ordnance. After some serious calculating, drafting, and swearing was done the design team knew this was going to work.

The result was a lot of massive weapons dotting the ship, and a payload that would allow the ship to command the battlefield from the skies while still engaging targets on the ground, and be a serious threat to anything in the skies.. In the end it allowed not only for the design to meet the Lyran sterioty-... I mean 'philosophy' that bigger is better, but it also met some points of Lyran Tactical Doctrine, like that Theater command can't stay on the warship/jumpships, but on one of the dropships, and amusingly, also ends up meeting one other criteria about living up to it's predecessor's image: it is perceived by many to be the ego-stroking pleasure yacht of the Lyran Social Generals that it's predecessor was believed to be.

The first one was named Stadt Fischingen and stationed on Czarvowo, ostensibly pretending to be the Museum it's namesake was meant to be. It's not really fooling anyone there. Not one has yet seen an actual battlefield, despite ostensibly being intended for an escort role. Still, as long as High Command is purchasing them, TAG-Manufacturing will continue rolling them off the line. The last one bought was little more than a Nagelring graduation present. *sigh*


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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #10 on: 17 October 2016, 20:44:20 »
This great stuff, Cryhavok101!

Would there be room in the Yamato to fit a Light Mass Rail Gun?  To complete that BIG Gun part of the ship was famous for?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #11 on: 17 October 2016, 20:55:53 »
This great stuff, Cryhavok101!

Would there be room in the Yamato to fit a Light Mass Rail Gun?  To complete that BIG Gun part of the ship was famous for?

Unfortunately, the light mass driver requires the ship it is mounted on to be at least 750,000 tons, almost 10 times the size my my little Yamato, and the weapon itself weights 30,000 tons, which is almost half the size of my ship. Though as a note, mine is based off the the actual battleship rather than the space battleship. I didn't actually plan on attempting to convert the Space Battleship Yamato, there were just too many things that don't work very closely to how battletech works. For example, it is capable of atmospheric flight, and anything that is larger than dropship sized in battletech can't fly in the atmosphere.

That being said, if you want to you are free to make one and post it in here. If/when I finish the project though, I will consider working on a version of it.


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Triton Missile Dropship
« Reply #12 on: 19 October 2016, 00:30:43 »
Triton Missile Dropship (original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Triton
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              12,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       2
Maximum Thrust:    3
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    6 White Shark Missile Launchers
         90 White Shark Missiles
    12 MML-9s W/Artemis IV
Class/Model/Name:  Triton
Mass:              12,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      1,650.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 2
      Maximum Thrust: 3
Structural Integrity: 90                                              2,160.00
Total Heat Sinks:    150 Single                                       101.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    1,020.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                954.50
Fire Control                                                          132.00
Armor Type:  Heavy Ferro-Aluminum  (2307 total armor pts)             155.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                1297
   Right:                               1295
   Left:                                1295
   Aft:                                 1295

   Bay 1:  Small Craft Bays (3)                                        600.00
   Bay 2:  Cargo (954.5 tons)                                          954.50
Crew and Passengers:
   39 Officers, Crew, and Bay Personel-1st Class Quarters              540.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
2 MML-9  W/Artemis IV      Nose       28     14     14     --   10     14
2 MML-9  W/Artemis IV      Nose       28     14     14     --   10     14
2 MML-9  W/Artemis IV      Nose       28     14     14     --   10     14
3 White Shark Launcher     FR/L       9-C    9-C    9-C    9-C  45     720
2 MML-9  W/Artemis IV      FR/L       28     14     14     --   10     14
2 MML-9  W/Artemis IV      Aft        28     14     14     --   10     14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MML-9 LRM 1560 Rounds                                                  120.00
MML-9 SRM 1320 Rounds                                                  120.00
90 White Shark Missiles                                                3600.00

Other Equipment
MASH Unit w/1 Operating Theaters                                       3.50
Field Kitchen                                                          3.00

The story of the Triton Dropship is one of disaster. With the success in the surprise defense the Lysander pulled off, and the popularity of the project's work in the neighboring Lyran Alliance, the DCMS decided to attempt to replicate the work of the Yamato engineers by converting it's missile defense submarines into pocket warships. They immediately ran into problems.

Despite the massive armor of the hulls, they proved structurally unsound for high-G maneuvering, and so had to be reinforced drastically almost immediately. After the massive reinforcement, the plasma drives the DCMS engineers had committed to for the project proved inefficient at moving the ship's bulk.

One of the only successes the designers had was in upgrading the weapon systems for aerospace combat. By trading out the 6 Shigunga Arrow IVs for massive White Shark launchers, the engineers hoped to give it a deadly punch at capital ranges, while maintaining it's ability to support ground forces with "off-shore" bombardment. Unfortunately the massive magazines that went along with these launchers ate away most of the cargo tonnage the original had.

Next the LRT-20s were removed, and rather than altering the missile ports in the hull, they decided to use enough MML-9s to field nearly as many missiles, with the excess missile ports converted into Artemis guidance systems for the missiles. This allowed the ship some flexibility in the missiles it fired, and made it far more dangerous at close ranges.

The poor quality of the guidance system, which was never intended to operate at aerospace ranges, meant that the ship needed many more crew than it should have. Rather than designing appropriate systems for aerospace operations, the team decided it would be simpler to add more crew to handle the ship.

True disaster struck when, despite the sluggish engine, the team decided to run an atmospheric test. The plasma drive proved insufficient to the task of keeping the ship in the air, and it plummeted to the ground. The lack of foresight on the team's part meant the crash site was in the residential district of [decent sized city] on [planet]. That was the death knell of the project. The heads of the project were put on trial and executed, and the general who had spearheaded the motion to undergo the project was allowed to honorably die in battle, and shipped to the front lines. The plans were put up for auction by [design company] in order to recoup some of the losses of the project, and Universal Exports bought the plans, and sent them to their Project Yamato team for future review and improvement.

The ship has 17 more crew than it actually needs according to the maths. With it's low speeds it really can't handle atmospheric operations, and must use it's small craft to ferry people to and from the surface. I think it is seriously under-gunned for it's size, and my own opinion is that this is actually one concept that works better as a blue water ship than a spaceship. The ability to hide underwater and launch capitol missiles (one variant had that capability) is actually really great.

I envision this on long tours, simply hiding out somewhere in-system running silent, possibly parked on an asteroid, etc. Then moving to either intercept or flank a force that tries to attack. This would somewhat simulate the 'hide underwater unless launching an attack' abilities of the submarine version. As I designed it it reminded me more and more of some of the stories from Boondoggles, and that inspired it's fluff.

Still, the design is heavily armored, with 90 SI, and nearly 900 armor in each location. The White Sharks are a danger to anything without enough PDS protection, because they are the most likely-to-crit, non-teleoperated capital missiles available. Anything the ship is able to flank will likely get rather hurt, and if someone did not pay enough attention to what it was doing, it could potentially cripple even a warship with those missiles.

I am Belch II

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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #13 on: 19 October 2016, 11:07:10 »
I like the idea. Nice design.
Walking the fine line between sarcasm and being a smart-ass


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Wakamiya MRD (Multi-Role Dropship)
« Reply #14 on: 20 October 2016, 20:58:54 »
Wakamiya MRD (Multi-Role Dropship) (Original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Wakamiya
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Military Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              72,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       5
Maximum Thrust:    8
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    11 Stingray Missile Launchers
         110 Stingray Missiles
    3 Kraken-T Launchers
         30 Kraken-T Missiles
    6 ER PPCs
    6 Remote Sensor Dispensors
    6 Hyperspectral Imagers
    10 LAMS
Class/Model/Name:  Wakamiya
Mass:              72,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      23,940.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 56                                              8,064.00
Total Heat Sinks:    274 (548) Double                                 89.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    1,326.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                14,000.00
Armor Type:  Heavy Ferro-Aluminum  (2004 total armor pts)             202.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 434
   Right:                                431
   Left:                                 431
   Aft:                                  431

Cargo:                                                                 -
   Fore Bay 1:  ARTS Small Craft Bay (6) 2 Doors                       1,200.00
                Cargo (2,009 tons)                                     2,009.00
                6 PA(L) Squads (24 Suits)                              24.00
   AR Bay 2:    ARTS Small Craft Bay (9) 2 Doors                       1,800.00
                Cargo (3,010 tons)                                     3,010.00
                9 PA(L) Squads (36 Suits)                              36.00
   AL Bay 3:    ARTS Small Craft Bay (9) 2 Doors                       1,800.00
                Cargo (3,010 tons)                                     3,010.00
                9 PA(L) Squads (36 Suits)                              36.00
   Aft Bay 4:   ARTS Small Craft Bay (6) 1 Door                        1,200.00
                Cargo (2,360 tons)                                     2,360.00
                6 PA(L) Squads (24 Suits)                              24.00
   Bay 5:       Liquid Cargo (1,20 tons) 1 Door                        2,000.00
                12 Fluid Suction Systems                               12.00
   Bay 6:       Refrigerated Cargo (1,740 tons) 1 Door                 2,000.00
Crew and Passengers:
     192 Officers, Crew, and Bay Personel-2nd Class Quarters           1,351.00
     1 Captain's Quarters                                              10.00
     25 Life Boats                                                     175.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
3 Kraken-T Launchers       Nose       30-C   30-C   30-C   30-C 150    660
4 Stingray Launchers       Nose       14-C   14-C   14-C   --   48     480
4 ER PPCs                  Nose       40     40     40     --   60     28
1 Screen Launcher          Nose       15     --     --     --   10     40
1 Remote Sensor Dispenser  Nose       --     --     --     --   --     0.5
1 Hyperspectral Imager     Nose       --     --     --     --   --     7.5
5 LAMS                     Nose       25     --     --     --   35     7.5
2 Stingray Launchers       FR/L       7-C    7-C    7-C    --   24     480
1 Screen Launcher          FR/L       15     --     --     --   10     80
1 Remote Sensor Dispenser  FR/L       --     --     --     --   --     1
1 Hyperspectral Imager     FR/L       --     --     --     --   --     15
1 Stingray Launchers       AR/L       3.5-C  3.5-C  3.5-C  --   12     240
1 Screen Launcher          AR/L       15     --     --     --   10     80
1 Remote Sensor Dispenser  AR/L       --     --     --     --   --     1
1 Hyperspectral Imager     AR/L       --     --     --     --   --     15
1 Stingray Launchers       Aft        3.5-C  3.5-C  3.5-C  --   12     120
2 ER PPCs                  Aft        20     20     20     --   30     14
1 Screen Launcher          Aft        15     --     --     --   10     40
1 Remote Sensor Dispenser  Aft        --     --     --     --   --     0.5
1 Hyperspectral Imager     Aft        --     --     --     --   --     7.5
5 LAMS                     Aft        25     --     --     --   35     7.5

30 Kraken-T Missiles                                                   3,000.00
110 Stingray Missiles                                                  1,320.00
60 Screen Capsules                                                     600.00

Other Equipment
2 MASH Units w/2 Operating Theaters each                               11.00
9 Field Kitchens                                                       6.00
Communications Equipment (15 tons)                                     12.00
Large NCSS                                                             500.00
4 Lift Hoists                                                          12.00
Naval Tug Adapter                                                      7,300.00
2-50 meter Grav Decks                                                  100.00

During the time Comstar ran the Explorer Corp looking for the clan homeworlds, the Draconis Combine worked along side them. Once the clan invasion was ended, and the explorer corp unneeded, it fell to the wayside. While some organizations have taken up the cause of exploration, lately, with all the unrest both within the combine, and outside it, the Coordinator decided the Dragon should restart it's own exploration branch. It was determined that whatever was sent out would be sent out with the most state of the art survey and scientific equipment it could, and since Dropships would, presumably, be the workhorses to this endeavor, a search for the right one was instituted, and companies began competing for the contract.

Seeing an opportunity to bring goodwill to the Yamato Project within the DCMS, the Yamato engineers approached the Coordinator with a plans for a dropship based on the venerable Wakamiya Salvage Destroyers. Hesitant to trust such an idea again after the disaster of the Triton project, The Coordinator gave the go ahead anyway, since it wasn't the Yamato engineers themselves involved in that incident.

The plans called for the ship to increase almost half again in size. It stripped most of the weapons, and replaced the Long Range Missiles, Torpedoes, and the Long Toms with an assortment of Sub-Capital and Teleoperated Missiles, that would allow it to harass an enemy while avoiding it at the same time. In addition it upgraded the PPCs to the more modern Extended Range PPCs, and stripped the machine guns for a point defense system. Since exploration was the goal, and this has an expectancy of long duration missions, a Laser Anti-missile System was chosen for this point defense. Lastly, to help the new dropship defend itself against unforseen attacks, it was given 6 screen launchers, spread around it's frame to allow it to create coverage in any direction.

The Ship was reinforced for the stresses of not only high-g maneuvers, but also for the stress of towing another ship as well. This will allow it to more easily study any large celestial things it finds, whether wrecks of undocumented ships that get discovered, or an ally that got in an accident in-mission, or even the salvage of a defeated enemy for those that get used closer to home. It also has lift hoists, which can help pull trapped allies out of uncomfortable places, or, if the ship is landed on water, even recover items crashed and normally inaccessible, much like it's namesake.

At first there was some debate over what to do with the vessel's vehicle bays. While some wanted to leave them as is, others wanted to strip them and use the space for aerospace assets. In the end, the team settled on a solution that brought even more profit to Universal Import's coffers. The ship would get 30 small craft bays, however, the team would also present plans for a new small craft designed for the exploration mission. Each of these small craft would hold a light vehicle bay as well, and a drone controller for that vehicle. This allows the ship to hold not only 30 small craft in readiness, but also 30 light vehicles. In addition it means, that the scientific and survey teams can spread out and rapidly cover a great deal of territory all at once. Since space was at a premium, it was decided that these bays would also be ARTS bays, fully automated, which saves a great deal on service technicians for the fleet of small craft. In addition to this large complement of small craft and vehicles, the ship had immense stores of cargo, and much of it is used to store numerous light drones specialized for a variety of tasks, so any mission can be accommodated for before the small craft is sent out, simply by using cargo systems to transfer the stored vehicle into the small craft's bay, where it is prepared for operation. This lets the Wakamiya MRD carry a massive complement of small specialized vehicles. Since it was determined that aerospace fighters would also be able to operate out of these bays, the ship also carries 30 robotic drone fighters in the same storage, just in case they come across a hostile enemy in their travels (or close to home). Crewing these huge bays are 120 technicians in Exoskeleton an Light Power Armor, capable of EVA, zero-g, or even ground operation, they can work on preparing the small craft for their next mission, or if their suits are needed, even accompany those same small craft on their missions. Both scientists and technicians make a great deal of use of the suits, and if the ship is involved in an operation close to home, sometimes marines as well.

The ship carries some of the finest sensors available on a spaceship, with a Large Naval Comm Scanner Suite for space operations, Hyper-spectral Imagers for atmospheric work, and even numerous remote sensors it can deploy across an absolutely huge area, allowing it to survey a huge area quickly, or preform a massive amount of reconnaissance.

It carries more than a year's supply of fuel and consumables for it's entire crew, close to two years even. This allows it to remain deployed for very extended durations. In addition it can directly resupply it's water and fuel tanks from any water source it lands near (or in), thanks to it's fluid suction systems  located all around this ship, and linking directly to it's massive liquid storage tanks. It also boasts multiple field kitchens and, virtually unheard of on a dropship, 2 grav-decks, for the crew's comfort on the long journeys.

After reviewing the plans, and comparing them to the competition, The Coordinator signed off on the project, ordering 10 at the start.

All in all, I like this design more than any of the others in this thread. It really has the capacity to harass an enemy, and fill a lot of roles in almost any situation. Not only useful for exploration, but I think a clever commander could use this to be truly dangerous. Like it's namesake is described as doing, this ship has a great capacity to harass an enemy, and while it may not want to get into a stand up fight, it can really deny control of an area while avoiding direct confrontations and slug-fests. Between bearings only and waypoint launches, and the maneuverability of the teleoperated missiles, this thing could attack an enemy from the opposite direction it itself is at. Not to mention the small craft, or drone fighters it carries, and if you are in an asteroid field, all the nasty surprises you could do with the vehicles you can set up. Anyway, I hope someone out there likes this design as much as I do.


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Deshler Class Recon and Survey Vessel
« Reply #15 on: 21 October 2016, 18:09:32 »
Deshler Class Recon and Survey Vessel

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Deshler
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Spheroid Small Craft

Mass:              200 tons
Safe Thrust:       5
Maximum Thrust:    8
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    1 ER Large Laser   
Class/Model/Name:  Deshler
Mass:              200 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      66.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 10                                              4.00
Total Heat Sinks: 10 (20) Double                                      0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    10.50
Cargo and Consumables:                                                10.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (715 total armor pts)                          36.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 181
   Right:                                178
   Left:                                 178
   Aft:                                  178

Cargo:                                                                 -
   Bay 1: Light Vehicle Bay                                            50.00
          Cargo (10 tons)                                              10.00
Crew and Passengers:
      3 Crew Quarters-Steerage (10 Crew, Bay Personnel, and Drone Ops) 15.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
ER Large Laser             Nose       8      8      8      8    12     5.00

Other Equipment
Drone Control System (2 Drones)                                         3.00

Designed to support the Wakamiya MRD in it's exploratory role, the Deshler Recon and Survey Vessel was named to honor one of the most famous of the Wakamiya captains who drove off a Davion invasion of the planet Deshler by harassing the force with his ship's, the Sakura no Hana, drones.

It carries a single light vehicle bay, and 10 tons of cargo. The cargo is a combination of provisions for an extended trip, several small support drone vehicles, and various scientific equipment, as needed for any given mission.

The ship has a total of 9 crew, between the vessel's pilots, the drone operators, and the technical crew for the equipment (all of which are often cross-trained scientists), the ship is ideal for small survey teams, since it is able to operate as a small outpost as well. The conditions are cramped, and often bunk use is rotated through on an as-needed basis. Often crew will string hammocks up if the need to rest and no bunks are immediately accessible.

It's primary armament, an extended range large laser, is as much to warn off aggressors, as it is for defense. In addition it can help in clearing debris.

The crew quarters situation is a little hazy in my opinion, as to it's legality, but as far as I can tell it is legal. The ship has 3 crew, 2 drone operators, and 5 bay personnel. The vehicle bay has quarters included for it's people, and the crew has 3 steerage quarters for them. The drone Control Systems state that they include accommodations for their required crew, but man that has got to be seriously cramped, since it seems to be little more than a seat. This is why I wrote in the lore about the cramped conditions.


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Harasser Drone Aerospace Fighter
« Reply #16 on: 21 October 2016, 20:25:31 »
Harasser Drone Aerospace Fighter

Code: [Select]
Harrasser Drone Aero
IS experimental
100 tons 
BV: 3,254
Cost: 19,754,575 C-bills

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 400 XL
Heat Sinks: 10 [20]

Structural Integrity: 10
Armor: 736 (Vehicular Stealth)
Nose                      184
Left Wing                 184
Right Wing                184
Aft                       184

Weapon                         Loc  Heat
Small Laser                    NOS     1

Equipment                      Loc
Shielded SRCS (Elite)          AFT
Vehicular Stealth              AFT
Vehicular Stealth              AFT
Angel ECM Suite                AFT
Space Mine Dispenser           AFT

Another Aerospace unit designed specifically to accompany the Wakamiya MRD, the Harasser Drone is an advanced robotic unit that can operate independently from control, and therefor is not disabled by ECM. Designed to fit the cat and mouse games that a Wakamiya is so well suited for, this fighter is, despite appearances, quite dangerous.

It's armament is deceptively simple, and under-powered, for an assault fighter, with only a single small laser. However, its 20 external bomb mounts can not be discounted, and do allow it to field considerable firepower, even if it does mean needing to resupply often. It's massive engine, capable of propelling the fighter in excess of 4 Gs enables it to carry this payload without a problem. It also carries a space mine dispenser, which is capable of inflicting massive damage to enemy forces, or force them off their current path, possibly allowing the Wakamiya mothership to break away from a losing fight.

When it isn't expending thrust, it's stealth armor allows it to be nearly undetectable, and this, in addition to it's angel ECM suit also make it very difficult to track and strike it with any kind of weapon. Even if you do manage to connect with it, it's massive 46 tons of armor make this fighter a very tough nut to crack. This allows the drones to survive multiple forays against the enemy without having to be replaced, a trait deemed very valuable to the Wakamiya MRD.


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Rapier Patrol Dropship
« Reply #17 on: 29 October 2016, 00:54:42 »
Rapier Patrol Dropship (original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Rapier Patrol Ship
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Retrotech (2180) Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              8,500 tons
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Retrotech Standard
    2 Screen Launchers
         40 Screen Canisters
    24 Hyper-velocity Autocannon Class 5
    8 MML-9 with Artemis IV
Class/Model/Name:  Rapier Patrol Ship
Mass:              8,500 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control: Retrotech                                            3,099.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 35                                              595.00
Total Heat Sinks:    112 Single                                       50.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    428.50
Cargo and Consumables:                                                1,000.00
Armor Type: Retrotech Standard (1331 total armor pts)                 126.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                368
   Right:                               368
   Left:                                368
   Aft:                                 367

   Bay 1:  MASH Unit w/10 Operating Theaters 5 doors                   12.50
   Bay 2:  Small Craft Bays (4) 2 Doors                                800.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (1,000 tons) 1 Door                                   1,000.00
Crew and Passengers:
     67 Officers, Crew, and Bay Personnel- Quarters                    335.00
     204 Passengers-Steerage Quarters                                  1,020.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
1 Screen Launcher          Nose       15     --     --     --   10     40.00
1 Screen Launcher          Nose       15     --     --     --   10     40.00
4 MML-9 w/Artemis IV       Nose       56     28     28     --   20     28.00
4 HVAC-5                   FR/L       20     20     20     20   12     96.00
4 HVAC-5                   FR/L       20     20     20     20   12     96.00
2 HVAC-5                   FR/L       10     10     10     10   6      48.00
2 MML-9 w/Artemis IV       FR/L       28     14     14     --   10     28.00
2 HVAC-5                   AR/L       10     10     10     10   6      48.00

HVAC-5 1080 Rounds                                                     72.00
MML-9 LRM 1040 Salvos                                                  80.00
MML-9 SRM 440 Salvos                                                   40.00
40 Screen Canisters                                                    400.00

Other Equipment
Field Kitchen                                                          3.00

With the Wakamiya MRD put into action, House Davion became much more interested in the work of Project Yamato. The First Prince personally requested the services of the Yamato engineers to work on a concept for the Rapier patrol destroyers employed by the AFFS.

The requirements for the new vessel was to be an in-system ship, and as easy to build as possible. This was to allow systems to build their own on-site, which would provide many jobs at the local level across the Federated Suns, and allow systems to actively contribute to their own defense.

The original design was a heavily Armed Gunship as well as a patrol vessel. This new one would attempt to maintain the attack capability of the original, while drawing a greater focus on patrol. Specifically, the ship should be able to be a fast responder across a system, for disaster relief.

With these guidelines the Yamato Engineers began work. Delving back into the Universal Export's records, the design team found technical specifications for ancient shipbuilding techniques, and built the hull to a 2180 standard. Shipbuilding had advanced a great deal since 2180, and the old techniques were comparatively simple. The engine, structure, and armor shells of the ship would be able to be built damn near anywhere, including someones (very big) back yard.

The new design stripped the infantry contingent of the original, and added even further quarters, allowing the ship to evacuate over 200 people easily, and even more using cargo space. Of course, these quarters could also be filled with marines, enabling the ship to be outfitted as desired, for either enforcement, or disaster relief work.

To further it's ability to support disaster relief, or even combat recovery, the design had 10 surgical facilities, and 4 small craft, allowing it to meet the needs of a disaster, and respond to multiple areas of a dangerous zone simultaneously. If outfitted for enforcement duties, these small craft instead fulfill an escort or battletaxi role.

The armament was the only part of the ship that would have to be imported to a planet that was building one of these on their own. To ease this possible problem, the armament was altered to a smaller number of different types of weapons. The long range lasers were replaced by twin Hyper Velocity Autocannons allowing the ship to maintain it's ranged capabilities and damage potential, while reducing the cost of the weapons. The missiles and torpedoes were replaced by the advanced Multiple-Missile Launchers, allowing the ship to either diversify it's ammunition for a variety of situations, or allowing it to fire whatever missiles the militia had available. The Arrow IV systems were removed and replaced by Screen Launchers, which allow the ship some very nice defensive options, while also giving it one of the few area attack weapons available in black water actions, even though it is relatively short range.

Once the designs were completed, the deal the Federated Suns wanted was to purchase the blueprints themselves, for distribution. With the plans for any world in the Federated Suns to build them, Universal Exports saw an opportunity it couldn't pass up. They made a counter offer to build the production site on any planet that wanted one, and hire from the local population to man the facility. This would allow UE to have build more facilities across the nation, and sell products locally without having to import nearly as much, and was actually their preferred business model. It would benefit the Federated Suns by allowing many more planets to jump-start production of the Rapiers, than would have been available. The First Prince accepted the deal and work began.

In practice, the Rapier fills several roles, and as long as it maintains a non-combat posture, it is often ignored in battle. When engaged it will fight visciously, but during large engagements it is often seen recovering lifeboats, or rendering aid to the crews of stricken ships before it is too late.

On the ground is another story. It will often land, grab passengers, relocate them, and come back. All the while rendering medical assistance with it's surgical facilities.

Attacking one on the ground is a daunting prospect. With the majority of it's weapons located on it's sides, the ship can bring most of it's fire to bear against an enemy while it is landed, and between range and damage potential, it can do a great deal of harm before it is disabled. The unique feature of the HVACs add another element to it's defense as well, since the smoke exhaust of the weapons will swiftly shroud the dropships in a cloud of smoke, making it more difficult to attack than most dropships, whether landed or airborne.

So far the systems that have been interested in the design are ones with colonies on multiple planets, large aerospace presences, and a few that have numerous cities across the one inhabited planet. Rural planets with only one city, no matter how large, have shown little interest, since they wouldn't be able to use this class to it's full advantage.

Even the AFFS has ordered a few, giving more business to the local yards across the territory. Due to the primitive construction standards however, the AFFS must upgrade their orders with K-F booms in order to transport them. Universal Exports is also happy to sell those as well, however they are unable to build them at the local level, so the AFFS charges for import taxes on them.

The only two things I wish I could have done better on, was getting it up to a 5-8 speed, and getting more passengers on it at a time. If it was built to modern standards I would have been able to, however retrotech engines are much, much heavier than standard engines, if you go as far back as I did with this design. Overall I am satisfied with how it turned out. I hope you all enjoy.

I am Belch II

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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #18 on: 29 October 2016, 09:05:11 »
Nice job on the conversions
Walking the fine line between sarcasm and being a smart-ass


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Jormungand Pocket Warship
« Reply #19 on: 06 November 2016, 01:22:01 »
Jormungand Pocket Warship (Original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Jormungand
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Military Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              100,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       6
Maximum Thrust:    9
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    24 Light Sub-Capital Cannons
    48 Sub-Capital Laser Class-1
    18 Screen Launchers
    36 Space Mine Dispensers
    100 Extended Long Range Missiles
Class/Model/Name:  Jormungand
Mass:              100,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      39,250.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 6
      Maximum Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity: 150                                             30,000.00
Total Heat Sinks:    1440 (2880) Double                               926.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    510.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                170.00
Fire Control:                                                         4,332.00
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (4018 total armor pts)               540.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                 1156
   Right:                                1154
   Left:                                 1154
   Aft:                                  1154

   Bay 1:  Small Craft Bay 1 Door                                      200.00
   Bay 2:  Small Craft Bay 1 Door                                      200.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (170 tons) 1 Door                                     290.00
Crew and Passengers:
     130 Officers, and Crew-Steerage Class Quarters                    650.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
4 Light SCC                Nose       8      8      8      -    48     800.00
4 SCL-1                    Nose       4      4      4      -    96     600.00
4 SCL-1                    Nose       4      4      4      -    96     600.00
Screen Launcher            Nose       15     -      -      -    10     40.00
Screen Launcher            Nose       15     -      -      -    10     40.00
Screen Launcher            Nose       15     -      -      -    10     40.00
10 AMS                     Nose       30     -      -      -    10     5.00
4 Light SCC                FR/L       8      8      8      -    48     1,600.00
4 SCL-1                    FR/L       4      4      4      -    96     1,200.00
4 SCL-1                    FR/L       4      4      4      -    96     1,200.00
Screen Launcher            FR/L       15     -      -      -    10     80.00
Screen Launcher            FR/L       15     -      -      -    10     80.00
Screen Launcher            FR/L       15     -      -      -    10     80.00
50 Extended LRM-20         FR/L       600    600    600    600  600    1,800.00
10 AMS                     FR/L       30     -      -      -    10     10.00
4 Light SCC                AR/L       8      8      8      -    48     1,600.00
4 SCL-1                    AR/L       4      4      4      -    96     1,200.00
4 SCL-1                    AR/L       4      4      4      -    96     1,200.00
Screen Launcher            AR/L       15     -      -      -    10     80.00
Screen Launcher            AR/L       15     -      -      -    10     80.00
Screen Launcher            AR/L       15     -      -      -    10     80.00
12 Space Mine Dispensers   AR/L       -      -      -      -    -      240.00
10 AMS                     AR/L       30     -      -      -    10     10.00
4 Light SCC                Aft        8      8      8      -    48     800.00
4 SCL-1                    Aft        4      4      4      -    96     600.00
4 SCL-1                    Aft        4      4      4      -    96     600.00
Screen Launcher            Aft        15     -      -      -    10     40.00
Screen Launcher            Aft        15     -      -      -    10     40.00
Screen Launcher            Aft        15     -      -      -    10     40.00
12 Space Mine Dispensers   Aft        -      -      -      -    -      120.00
10 AMS                     Aft        30     -      -      -    10     5.00

Light SCC 240 Rounds                                                   120.00
Screen Launcher 180 Canisters                                          1,800.00
Space Mines 72 Mine Fields                                             --
Extended Long Range Missiles 1200 Salvos                               300.00

Other Equipment
Naval C3                                                               5,332.00

With the success of the Luftenburg dropships, and the popularity of the Meabh Dropships among the nobility, and the work done in the other succession state, the Project Yamato engineers petitioned for, and finally won, the rights to build a Jormungand Dropship.

The concept for the new ship would be a pocket warship, built, in this case, to protect shipping. A convoy escort, possibly even designed to replace the Fox Corvettes.

Like a few other P.Y. designs, the new Jormungand would be rebuilt from the ground up, instead of using existing hulls and being reinforced and upgraded. The specifications the admiralty were asking for the design quickly drove it above the original's size and ended up putting it into the same size category as the mighty Castrums of the Republic.

The admiralty wanted the turrets of the original ships to form the primary armament of the ship, however they needed to be scaled up to sub-capital size in order to fill the roll of a pocket warship. One of the initial problems, due to the zero-g environment of space combat, was that the weapons lacked the coverage needed, and didn't perform as well as the blue navy turrets did in their own environment. In order to increase this coverage, the number of weapons were increased and spread out in areas around the ship ensuring full coverage. This also allowed the ship to engage numerous opponents from every direction, while in it's role of guardian of a convoy

The next part of the problem was that the weapons lacked the accuracy to be very effective at-range. The P.Y. engineers solved this problem by, much to the delight of the admiralty, installing even more weapons. With each bay incorporating multiple weapons, the ship would be able to fully utilize bracketing fire and AA lasers. To further enhance it's accuracy, the ship incorporated Naval C3 systems into it's fire control computers.

The Long Toms were stripped, as they were entirely unsuited to the ship's new roll, and in the area of bombardment, entirely outclassed by the sub-capital weapons already installed on the frame. Replacing them were a series of screen launchers. These weapons each launch a canister that explodes over a wide area, and makes targeting difficult. Like the Sub-capital bays, these were placed all over the ship, not only to protect itself, but it has enough to make targeting any of it's charges a difficult prospect as well. A powerful anti-missile grid was also installed on the ship, ensuring that missiles are not much of a threat.

The Original used missiles and torpedoes as long range attack options.  The Admiralty had recently acquired extended LRMs, and wanted this ship to utilize them in naval combat. The engineers placed 2000 LRM tubes across the fore quarters of the ship. Linked into 2 separate bays, if either locks onto a target, the result is as devastating as some of the heaviest Naval Autocannon weapon bays. It is enough to even overwhelm the most elaborate of antimissile arrays on any known vessel.

In the rear of the ship, where the original had SRM launchers, the P.Y. engineers placed larger launch posts and installed an array that would rapidly deploy space-borne minefields. Due to the nature of such deployments the ship would be able to 'sling' minefields at an enemy, and force them to either turn aside from their path, or deal with the damage such mines will deal. This system was actually designed to work in conjunction with the screen launchers. The Screens would be deployed to block line of sight, and the mine fields would get launched to block avenues of approach. The mines are as effective as a warning shot saying "stay away or you will suffer."

The vessel also looked at the originals pair of light vehicles, and upgraded these to small craft bays. With a purpose in mind, the P.Y. team also purchased the rights to create a Silverfin escort to work in conjunction with the new Jormungands, and sent some of their team to get started on a small craft version of the traditional escort.

The engineers installed a massive drive on the ship, capably of 4.5 Gs of acceleration in brief sprints. This enables the ship to fly circles around slower ships like a Castrum. The ability to outmaneuver such dangerous ships is a major component in the Jormungand's ability to drive off attackers. The drive was also built to military standards, allowing better fuel efficiency at a cost of stricter construction requirements.

While the reinforcement and size increases left the ship nearly twice as big as the original, it also allowed considerably more armor, and an impressive array of weapons, that will serve to protect Lyran assets. Unfortunately all this power comes at a potentially disastrous cost. This ship has less than one percent of it's mass devoted to cargo, and most all of that is used up by consumables. In addition, the ammunition magazines feeding the ship's impressive weapons array are very limited, and often even a single engagement will leave the ship dangerously depleted. These two factors keep it on a perpetual defensive role, unless it is deployed with ships intended to resupply it often, something of a large opportunity cost, since the docking collars on any jumpship are at a premium.

Despite this cost, the ship is well suited to convoy protection, especially with it's Silverfin escorts, and the Admiralty is pleased with the results. Even the forces around the Arc Royal territory has expressed interest in the design.


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Silverfin Escort Small Craft
« Reply #20 on: 06 November 2016, 01:42:17 »
Silverfin Escort Small Craft (Original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Silverfin
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Spheroid Small Craft

Mass:              200 tons
Safe Thrust:       8
Maximum Thrust:    12
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    4 Long Range Missile Class-5s
Class/Model/Name:  Silverfin
Mass:              200 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      105.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 8
      Maximum Thrust: 12
Structural Integrity: 24                                              10.00
Total Heat Sinks: 10 (20) Double                                      0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    5.50
Cargo and Consumables:                                                10.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (477 total armor pts)                          24.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 150
   Right:                                150
   Left:                                 150
   Aft:                                  123

Cargo:                                                                 -
   Bay 1: Internal Bomb Bay (2 Tons) 1 Door                            2.00
   Bay 2: Cargo (0.50 tons) 1 Door                                     0.50
Crew and Passengers:
      3 Crew Quarters-Steerage                                         15.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
2 LRM-5                    Nose       6      6      6      -    4      4.00
2 LRM-5                    Nose       6      6      6      -    4      4.00
4 AMS                      FR/L       12     -      -      -    4      4.00
4 AMS                      AR/L       12     -      -      -    4      4.00

LRM-5 48 Salvos                                                        2.00
AMS 192 Rounds                                                         16.00

Other Equipment
Angel ECM                                                              2.00

The original Silverfins came from a company on ancient Terra. In modern times, the Silverfin is seen throughout the inner sphere, an just about every water rich world. When approached, Windancer Maritime technologies was happy to allow the Project Yamato engineers rights to build as black-water version of the venerable design. In exchange, advertising for the new design would be required to bring attention not only to the small craft, but to the maritime company as well.

Happy to help out the company, and curious why they felt the need for such advertising, the P.Y. team accepted the deal, and got to work. Intended for a pair of these to work with the new Jormungand Pocket Warship in convoy defense duties, the P.Y. team's first action, after upgrading the hull for space and atmospheric flight, was to install a grid of 16 Antimissile Systems. This would allow the trio to extend defenses over a wider area of space.

The massive drive installed on the ship required further structural reinforcements, and the ship ended up being almost 5 times the size of the original Silverfins. However this came with the capability of pulling maneuvers at 6 Gs of acceleration. This in turn allows the ship to react quickly to new threats in a battle, and re-position itself rapidly.

The ship's armament comes in two  parts. The first is two small bays of LRMs. Not enough to seriously threaten very much, the missiles fire in staggered waves calculated to disrupt enemy point defense systems. This helps to let more dangerous missiles penetrate the enemies defenses.

That brings us to the second part of the ship's offensive capability. A small internal bomb bay allows the ship to carry a single Anti-ship missile, which is often an electronic warfare variant. This can allow the Silverfins to cripple an enemy enough to ensure the Jormungand it is working with is able to over power the target.


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Andryusha Bombardment Dropship
« Reply #21 on: 12 November 2016, 22:06:24 »
Andryusha Bombardment Dropship (Original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Andrysha
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              8,500 tons
Safe Thrust:       5
Maximum Thrust:    8
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
    14 Plasma Rifles
    24 Hyper-Velocity Autocannon-10s
    4 Long Tom Artillery Cannons
    4 Arrow IVs
    80 Rocket Launcher class 10s
Class/Model/Name:  Lysander
Mass:              8,500 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive & Control:                                                      2,826.75
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 35                                              2,236.00
Total Heat Sinks:    220 (440) Double                                 154.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    204.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                2,037.25
Fire Control                                                          105.00
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (2500 total armor pts)               126.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                660
   Right:                               660
   Left:                                660
   Aft:                                 660

   Bay 1:  Light Vehicle Bays (6) 1 door                               300.00
   Bay 2:  Internal Bomb Bay 1 Door (FR)                               200.00
           Battle Armor Bay (6 Suits)                                  6.00
   Bay 3:  Internal Bomb Bay 1 Door (FL)                               200.00
           Battle Armor Bay (6 Suits)                                  6.00
   Bay 4:  Internal Bomb Bay 1 Door (AR)                               200.00
           Battle Armor Bay (6 Suits)                                  6.00
   Bay 5:  Internal Bomb Bay 1 Door (AL)                               200.00
           Battle Armor Bay (6 Suits)                                  6.00
   Bay 6:  Internal Bomb Bay 1 Door (Aft)                              200.00
           Battle Armor Bay (6 Suits)                                  6.00
   Bay 7:  Cargo (1,037.25 tons) 1 Door                                1,037.25

Crew and Passengers:
     192 Officers, Crew, and Bay Personel-162 2st Class Quarters       1,134.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass
4 Plasma Rifles            Nose       40*    40*    --     --   40     24
4 Arrow IV                 Nose       **     **     **     **   40     60
10*2 RL-10                 Nose       12     12     --     --   6      20
4 Plasma Rifles            FR/L       40*    40*    --     --   40     48
2 Long Tom Cannons         FR/L       40     40     40     --   40     60
3 HVAC-10                  FR/L       30     30     30     --   21     42
3 HVAC-10                  FR/L       30     30     30     --   21     42
10*1 RL-10                 FR/L       12     12     --     --   6      10
3 HVAC-10                  AR/L       30     30     30     --   21     42
3 HVAC-10                  AR/L       30     30     30     --   21     42
2 Plasma Rifles            Aft        20*    20*    --     --   20     12

Plasma Rifle 1400 Rounds                                               140.00
HVAC-10 1344 Rounds                                                    168.00
Arrow IV 300 Rounds                                                    60.00
Long Tom Artillery Cannon 300 Rounds                                   60.00

The Capellan Confederation seems like it is in a perpetual state of recovering from one thing or another. After the Jihad was no different. Due to the recovery efforts, the Confederation had withdrawn support from the re-hauling of it's captured Rapier Patrol Destroyers, and they had sat languishing ever since.

Wishing to show a new sense of national pride, and with the Project Yamato ships being seen in every other succession state, the Confederation decided to approach the Project Engineers, and see if they would be interested in re-building the Rapiers as an Air Defense partner to the Andryusha Bombardment Frigates they already had.

Never ones to turn down a new project, the engineers agreed, though they were under constraints to use only Capellan made systems. Not seeing a problem with this, they agreed, intending to build local plants for anything the confederation didn't already provide.

To start, like all the other Yamato designs, the turret mechanisms were unsuited for the stresses of aerospace combat, and were removed from the design entirely. They made up for the necessity of weapons fire arc coverage, by placing weapon mounts in all the arcs that were covered by the turrets previously.

In an effort to use Iconic Capellan tech, the particle projection cannons were stripped from the design and replaced by plasma weapons, which not only hit just as hard, but can cause heat spikes that shut a target down, allowing the weapons to swiftly end an opposing Aerospace fighter by causing any that survive to crash and burn.

Since Long Toms weren't suited to aerospace combat, they were replaced by side mounted Long Tom Artillery cannons, a technology the Capellans had learned how to build from Lyran salvage. In the nose however, the long toms were replaced by quad Arrow IVs, which were re-introduced by the Capellans all those years ago. This allows the vessel to take up bombardment duties even while landed, and allows it to engage high flying targets with flak even while landed.

Notable for their "Six Barrel Broadsides" the engineers decided to place additional weapons in each of the side quarters, giving the ship the same feel. The weapons chosen were the relatively new Hyper Velocity Autocannons, and the engineers decided to use a large caliber version, in order to present a more dangerous threat to enemies intruding in it's skies. This gives the ship the ability to shroud itself in smoke and become that much more difficult for enemies to target.

In the interest of not only providing Air Support for it's water-bound cousins, the engineers designed this vessel too be capable of aerial bombardment as well. Five separate Internal Bomb Bays allow the ship to either engage ground targets with a wide array of ordnance, or deploy anti-air ordnance against enemy craft. Though these bays do present major weak points in the design, they also can be utterly devastating when used at the right moment. They are weak points however, and the crew operating them get exposed to enemy fire during the attack runs they are open for. For this reason the engineers installed Battle Armor Cubicles in each of these bays. Each bay is then operated by specially trained battle armored warriors, who can, if need be, also deploy themselves out of the bay doors, though that generally means the ship won't deploy any more ordnance from those bays.

The engineers were slated to strip all of the missile and torpedo tubes from the design when on of the engineers presented plans for a weapon system he had been working on, inspired by the Capellan's allies, the Taurian's rocket launchers. Each missile tube in the hull of the ship would be used to deploy a stream of unguided rockets. The plans called for the rockets to be launched from a canister that let them all fire at once, though in a single line. Those the vagaries of the atmosphere would ensure these unguided rockets would be no more accurate than usual, it would allow the ship to be set up with an absolutely brutal alpha strike, or to piecemeal the rockets out in smaller groups. The mechanisms would expand much further into the hull than the original launchers did, but in the end the team decided to implement the plans as a test-bed for the system. One major benefit of the system is that the ship's crew could replace the canisters with a few minute's work, restoring the one shot weapons from the ship's cargo after a lull in combat. When tested, the system did have one major flaw, in that the massive heat spike from firing that many rockets was difficult for the ship's systems to handle, and if it was engaging targets from all sides, it wouldn't be able to fire more than 4 canisters.

The other major problem with the ship is it's low fuel reserves, compared to other ships. With only 200 tons of fuel, the ship doesn't have the staying power for extended space operations, and is far better suited to Aerial defense. This is reinforced by the design team's controversial decision to keep the VTOL bays of the original design. It generally deploys these for the same reason as the original: spotters. Though they do can also provide some aid in defending the ship as well, in the lower atmosphere anyway.

Despite this, when the ship was completed and undergoing trials in preparation for deployment, the CCAF was so impressed with this new "Bombardment" ship, they ordered the existing Andryusha's to be rebuilt as these dropships as well, and they gave permission for plants to be built to put the ship under full production.


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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #22 on: 03 December 2016, 20:20:39 »
I am not sure if I am going to be doing any of the civilian cargo large naval support vehicles. Are they any of you are interested in seeing? If so I'll do something for them, otherwise I think I might leave them alone.


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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #23 on: 24 December 2016, 13:13:47 »
Added table of contents to first post. I decided I will eventually do the cargo ships as well, and possibly the smaller blue water ships as small craft or fighters, so stay tuned.


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Re: Project Yamato
« Reply #24 on: 24 December 2016, 15:41:42 »
I am not sure if I am going to be doing any of the civilian cargo large naval support vehicles. Are they any of you are interested in seeing? If so I'll do something for them, otherwise I think I might leave them alone.

I'd be interested. Especially if they ended up with any ind of dropship capacity.


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Kaleen Bay Liquid Transport Dropship
« Reply #25 on: 25 December 2016, 02:39:27 »
Kaleen Bay Liquid Transport Dropship (original:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Kaleen Bay
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              30,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       5
Maximum Thrust:    8
Armor Type:        Standard
    2 Laser Anti-Missile Systems
Class/Model/Name:  Kaleen Bay
Mass:              30,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                9,750.00
Controls:                                                             225.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 5
      Maximum Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity: 45                                              2,700.00
Total Heat Sinks:    124 Single                                       0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    2,040.00
Cargo and Consumables:                                                11,377.50
Fire Control                                                          0.00
Armor Type: Standard (1944 total armor pts)                           162.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                531
   Right:                               531
   Left:                                531
   Aft:                                 531

   Bay 1:  4 Super Heavy Vehicle Bays                                  800.00
           16 55-ton Infantry Compartments                             880.00
           Liquid Cargo (2,500 tons)                                   10,989.00
           Doors 4

Crew and Passengers:
     9 Officers and Crew-2nd Class Quarters                            63.00
     224 Infantry-2nd Class Quarters Quarters                          1,568.00
     60 Vehicle Support and Crews-2nd Class Quarters                   420.00
     55 Life Boats                                                     385.00

Weapons and Equipment                             Location
2 Laser AMS                                       Aft                  3.00
Communications Equipment (15 tons)                                     10.00

Clan Sea Fox merchants approached the Project Yamato engineers with a proposal to fund converting the Kaleen Bay tanker into a dropship fit not only to transport mass quantities of liquid, but also to transport Blue Water assets. from one planet to another.

After several years these plans were finalized into what you see above. In addition to that, there were several civilian models as well, which use the infantry compartments as either additional cargo capacity, or convert it to recreational use. One very popular model turns the inside of the transport into a space-borne seaside resort, including zero-g swimming.

The Sea Fox specifically wanted rights to sell all models of this, however proposed a joint manufacturing process. With The Sea Fox clan having some idea of what Universal Exports really is, they wanted to build a close relationship with the conglomerate, and saw this as a way to further that plan. The Project Yamato Engineers were hesitant to accept this deal, but word came down from the top to accept. For it's part, Universal Exports saw the potential in having a Clan Ally, and had none of the emotional baggage that might hinder others in the Inner Sphere from working with a clan so closely.

The Blue Water transport variant, the one Clan Sea Fox sells not only to both the AFFS and CCAF, but has begun using extensively itself, employs a single massive bay in the aft quarters of the ship, designed to hold a huge amount of liquid cargo, it is also able to accommodate a displacement hull within that liquid, reducing the amount of liquid to make up for the mass. It also carries 4 super heavy vehicle bays, often housing smaller combat blue water vessels.

The most unique feature however is the 16 massive infantry bays that feed directly into the liquid storage (they can be sealed off if it is not water in the main storage area though). People wonder why a design would incorporate such massive accommodations for infantry, which usually take up minimal space. Once visitors actually tour the dropship though, it quickly becomes apparent, that these are very special infantry. The infantry these bays are designed for include a total of 112 combat trained Orcas, which the soldiers take into battle with them. These Orcas will deploy in defense of the dropship, or as escorts for the blue water craft it launches. This also allows the ship to reinforce an underwater position being attacked by enemy infantry.

In addition to those features, the new design also incorporates a massive engine, much power powerful that the one that propelled the old Kaleen Bay's through the oceans. In this case it is designed to allow greater maneuverability in the atmosphere.

Code: [Select]
Orca Infantry
Type: Orca
Weight: 55 Tons
BV: 189
Cost: 5,548,300.13 C-bills 

Movement: 5 Sub
Troopers: 14 Troopers 7 Squads of 2
Beasts: 7 Orcas
Armor: SCUBA Gear
Divisor: 2

Primary Weapon: Sonic Stunner
Secondary Weapon: Support Pulse Laser (Semi-Portable)
Damage per trooper: 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3, 7=4, 8-9=5, 10-11=6, 12-13=7, 14=8
Base Range: 2
Bonus Melee Damage: 2d6 (1)

Combat Engineer Training


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Anastaska Maro Container Transport
« Reply #26 on: 02 January 2017, 13:37:14 »
Anastaska Maro Container Transport (Orginal:

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Anastaska Maro
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Civilian Spheroid Dropship

Mass:              30,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Standard
Class/Model/Name:  Anastaska Maro
Mass:              30,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                5,850.00
Controls:                                                             225.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Structural Integrity: 45                                              2,700.00
Total Heat Sinks:    96 Single                                        0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    2,040.00
Fire Control                                                          0.00
Armor Type: Standard (1944 total armor pts)                           162.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Fore:                                531
   Right:                               531
   Left:                                531
   Aft:                                 531

   Bay 1:  6 Small Craft Bays (1 Door)                                 1,200.00
           Cargo (2,494 tons)                                          2,494.00
   Bay 2:  1500 Cargo Containers (6 doors)                             15,000.00

Crew and Passengers:
     40 Officers, Crew, and Bay personnel-2nd Class Quarters           280.00
     7 Life Boats                                                      49.00

Weapons and Equipment                             Location

The Anastaska Maro is a sister design to the Kaleen Bay. Where the Kaleen bay, as a liquid transport, retains it's ties to the ocean, even after the Project Yamato engineers got done with it, this design is reminiscent of ocean going transports, but that is the only remaining vestige of it's blue water origins.

Designed to carry standardized cargo containers as efficiently as possible, the Anastaska Maro does this well. It's operation is as simple as it is efficient. It lands, opens up it's 6 container doors, and the spaceport unloads the containers. Being containers this process can almost be automated. The design is set up in a way that it can be reloaded as it is unloaded, saving a great deal of time, a valuable commodity in the shipping industry.

In addition to it's massive container bay, it has a secondary cargo bay of just under 2,500 tons, with 6 small craft. These is designed to allow the ship to deploy smaller, more personalized loads to multiple other locations, often while it is being unloaded at the port.


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Atlantia Luxury Yacht
« Reply #27 on: 05 January 2017, 22:49:23 »
Atlantia Luxury Yacht
(Original: Vehicle Annex Revised, pg 158; Sorry for no link, but sarna didn't have it up)

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Atlantia Luxury Yacht
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Aerodyne Small Craft

Mass:              200 tons
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Standard
Class/Model/Name:  Atlantia Luxury Yacht
Mass:              200 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                50.00
Controls:                                                             1.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 19                                              19.00
Total Heat Sinks: 8 Single                                            0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    12.50
Cargo and Consumables:                                                7.00
Armor Type:  Standard  (80 total armor pts)                           5.00
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 39
   Right:                                39
   Left:                                 39
   Aft:                                  39

Cargo:                                                                 -
   Bay 1: Cargo (7 tons) 1 Door                                        7.00
Crew and Passengers:
      8 First Class Quarters                                           80.00
      1 Life Boat                                                      7.00

Equipment                                                              Mass
Communication Equipment (8)                                            5.00
Feild Kitchen                                                          3.00

Universal Exports was actually surprised when the Magistracy of Canopus approached them to negotiate for the services of the Project Yamato Engineers. They had purchased rights to manufature Hamilton Consortium's Atlantia Luxury Yacht, and wanted to instead build a small craft version of it, for Pleasure Cruises through space.

This was actually the simplest project they had worked on. Designed to be operated by the people taking the pelasure cruise, it came with a full suite of Fisrt Class accomodations, a fully stocked Banquette Hall, and even a state of the Art Entertainment system capable of picking up a wide array of broadcasts.

With it's entry into the Canopian Entertainment industry, it has become wildly popular. Often rented as the equivalent of a hotel suite for a party, these craft have made the Magistracy much, much more money than they were built for. The Renter is able to traverse the system from one sight to another, in the greatest comfort the depths of space can offer.


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Ahab "Whaler" Small Craft
« Reply #28 on: 10 January 2017, 00:46:43 »
Ahab "Whaler" Small Craft
(Original: Vehicle Annex Revised, pg 160; Sorry for no link, but sarna didn't have it up)

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Ahab
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       Aerodyne Small Craft

Mass:              200 tons
Safe Thrust:       2
Maximum Thrust:    3
Armor Type:        Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
Class/Model/Name:  Ahab
Mass:              200 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Drive:                                                                26.00
Control:                                                              1.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 2
      Maximum Thrust: 3
Structural Integrity: 4                                               4.00
Total Heat Sinks: 10 (20) Double                                      0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                    4.50
Armor Type: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum (40 total armor pts)                 2.00
                               Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 14
   Right:                                14
   Left:                                 14
   Aft:                                  14

Cargo:                                                                 -
   Bay 1: Infantry Compartment (6 Tons) 1 Door                         6.00
   Bay 2: Cargo (1 tons) 1 Door                                        1.00
Crew and Passengers:
      3 Crew Quarters-Steerage                                         15.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat   Mass

Other Equipment                                                        Mass
Naval Tug Adapter                                                      120.00
Booby Trap                                                              20.00

After a few months without any pending assignments, the Project Yamato engineers presented plans to Universal Export leadership for a small craft "Whaler" built with a look very reminiscent of the old blue water Ahab Whalers.

The plans were essentially for a 200 ton naval tug. As the engineers went over the finer points of the ship, it became clear that this was the little boat it's name sake would take to the skies in to hunt down his nemesis.

Designed to appear to be a salvage and/or civilian operations vessel, the Ahab "Whaler" small craft is actually designed to catch dropships (or larger) by surprise. The surprise is met when the little ship conducts a boarding action on the larger vessel. It can also haul away it's catch if the boarding crew can disable the engines... often the first target or the marines involved.

In a more benign role, the ship can deploy large technical teams aboard salvage it is moving, and work to restore it even while under transit. This is possibly the smallest "yardship" ever built.

The idea the engineers sold EU leadership on was for a small cheap unit that could take out enemy mech transports as a way for less defended systems to protect themselves... or at least prevent things from happening again. As a last resort, the small craft's crew can detonate the ship causing severe damage to any ship it has attached to. plans call for a yield on the self destruct equivalent to the most powerful of naval autocannon hits.

Since production has begun, this vessel has been responsible for the defeat of several pirate forces as they were trying to make their escape. In one such case, the vessel's self destruct was set and the crew joined the marines as they fought to escape pods and escaped, just in time for both ships to be consumed in a ball of fire.

There are two major variants of the Ahab. One replaces the infantry compartment with an internal bomb bay, and is used to deploy anti-ship missiles. It was used by a small backwater colony who couldn't support a marine contingent but due to happenstances, had a supply of the missiles available. After it's successful action, several other backwater systems created similar customization.

The other major variant is a butcher's job of ripping off the Naval Tug Adapter and bolting on a full 10 forward facing LB 10-X ACs with 10 tons of ammo, and then encasing the mess in a shell that tries to give it the same profile as the standard variant. While still far too fragile for real front line combat, the massive attack from the cannons is enough to make anything worried. This variant has only ever been deployed successfully once, and unsuccessfully dozens of other times, as it is both trivial to destroy it, and vital to destroy it at the same time. The one successful deployment was it's first, when no one really knew what it was.


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Jonah Salvage Armor
« Reply #29 on: 11 January 2017, 01:30:14 »
Jonah Salvage Armor

Code: [Select]
Jonah Salvage Armor
Mixed (Base Clan)
Assault Battle Armor

BV: 487
Cost: 8,426,250 C-bills

Movement: 1/1/3

Internal: 5
Armor: 75
                     Internal    Armor
Trooper 1                   1       15
Trooper 2                   1       15
Trooper 3                   1       15
Trooper 4                   1       15
Trooper 5                   1       15

Equipment                      Loc
Cutting Torch                  Right arm
Salvage Arm                    Right arm
Handheld Searchlight           Right arm
Heavy Battle Claw              Left arm
Modular Equipment Adaptor      Left arm
Space Operations Adaptation    Body
Jump Booster (IS)              Body
Fuel Tank                      Body
Laser Microphone               Body
Fire Resistant Armor           1 Body, 2 RA, 2 LA

When the Project Yamato Engineers got a hold of the Jonah JN-002 Submarine, they were initially baffled as to what to do with it. One of the brilliant minds had an idea though, and after pitching it, they went back to school. Literally. None of them had an experience in battle armor design, and rather than searching for new talent, or even simply pull in more people from other Universal Export divisions, they decided to get degrees in the relevant fields themselves.

They sent five of their engineers to schools across the Inner Sphere, and a sixth would intern on Glengarry in an apprenticeship program. After nearly eight years of schooling they returned and collaborated on the Jonas subproject of the Yamato Project. While the rest of the team worked on other subprojects. Eight months later they had a working plans, and nearly a year after that a fully functioning prototype. The finalized design did require pulling in some all-too-eager expertise from Clan Sea Fox.

With the intended purpose, performance trials lasted much longer than most battle armor designs... but then most battle armor designs are merely meant to handle the simple rigors of combat. On the other hand the Jonas Battle Armor is designed to allow an expedition to enter into the most dangerous places in space and work. Often in salvage operations that were before deemed too risky or dangerous to deal with.

The Terran Belters purchase nearly half of the yearly production runs of the Jonas, with the Sea Foxes having a significant portion reserved for themselves. Clan Snow Raven also showed considerable interest, and purchase a large portion through the Sea Foxes. The remaining get quickly sold off to a myriad of buyers from civillian groups like Interstellar Expeditions to house governments.

Though it has never seen battle, the design has proven itself through many harrowing adventures in salvage. One story gets used by the sales team all the time about a salvage crew that survived the reactor explosion of the dropship they were trying to bring back online, thanks to the fire resistant technologies of the suit. That story has never been confirmed though (and the design team will tell you it is likely B.S.).

