Author Topic: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter  (Read 30292 times)


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Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« on: 25 November 2011, 09:31:29 »
Mech of the Week: ARB-001 Arbiter SecurityMech

Slipped into XTRO: Corporations, the ARB-001 Arbiter isn't a BattleMech.  It looks like one, certainly, but it's actually an IndustrialMech.  The looks are, in fact, the entire point.  Arbiters are like a guard dog that growls and growls but can only gum you to death - intimidating to look at but entirely incapable of following that threat up in meaningful terms.  And the looks - XTRO: Corporations appropriately uses the term “gothic” - seem more like something you'd expect out of Warhammer 40K specifically because the idea isn't to threaten military forces.  It's to scare pirates and raiders.  Meridian Manufacturing understood that pirates looking at a fairly bulky unknown design are going to back off whereas an equal number of, say, Vedettes might not be so imposing.  A certain amount of that experience might have been won at the hands of the numerous raids that delayed the Arbiter's production from full speed until 3074.  Whatever marketing campaign they're using, it's working because they had a six month backlog for Arbiters in mid-3077.  Some mercs are buying them as cheap security assets but the primary customers are militias and other third-tier forces, with orders finding their way from New St. Andrews to Circinus, the Rim Collection, former League worlds, and even parts of the Lyran Commonwealth according to TRO: Prototypes.  Despite what I'm about to say about the design's dubious tactical merits, I think the game is richer for the Arbiter being out there stomping around.  The fluff is great, especially in XTRO: Corporations.  Things like this should exist.  None of that makes it a good idea in combat.

On to those tacticl merits.  Exactly what the customers are buying is... interesting.  In the Chinese sense.  The ARB-001 isn't an impressive machine.  At 35 tons, it's paying 7 tons for internal structure as an IndustrialMech, while the 175-rated fuel cell means it's of middling to low speed by modern light standards.  One single heat sink isn't going to get you very far - while IndustrialMechs don't pay for movement heat if they use ICEs or fuel cells, they do have to deal with weapon and external heat.  Another half-ton goes into providing an ejection seat the pilot will probably need sooner or later.  Five tons of heavy industrial armor provides the same proteciton as standard, vaguely approaching reasonable for a design this size.  Forward armor is vaguely decent, with 10 points on the torsos and legs and eight on the arms, while the rear torso is abysmal with only two points, and eight points gives the cockpit nearly the protection most MechWarriors enjoy.  The armament is not exactly going to impress anyone.  A heavy rifle cannon packs a bit more punch than an AC/5 against modern heavy unit armor (and will kill light BA and at least a few of the larger suits dead), but with only six shots from the single ton of ammunition you have, you won't be shooting much.  That's good.  You'll need time to cool down between shots since each one generates four heat.  I can't say I've seen a lot of designs where an AC/5 is a solid, reliable upgrade I fully endorse but I'm in full agreement with the people mentioned in the variants section of TRO: Prototypes who go down that path.  You lose a bit of damage (a lot against BA) but you gain the ability to keep firing all the time while also using advanced ammunition if that strikes your fancy.

I'm going to be blunt: If you commit Arbiters against significant enemy forces (i.e., more than Scorpions and Stingers), you're not going to get all or even most of them back.  I had two Tokugawas chew through no less than five Arbiters fairly quickly from the wrong end of a BV mismatch before the force size modifier and with relatively light damage.  Your only choice here is to fight in large numbers, the 'Mech equivalent of human wave tactics, to hopefully survive to get good numbers and bury someone in rifle shells.  Although the heavy rifle is a weapon that BA aren't going to like getting hit with, the limited ammunition means that it's entirely possible for certain designs outlast you, and it doesn't take heavies to really wreck an Aribter's day.  Keep moving, too - between your light armor and your vulnerability to crits, you need to generate as many misses as possible.  The AC/5 model can afford to take shots on bad numbers and might make a reasonable AA platform of last resort given flak ammo.

Stopping Arbiters isn't difficult.  A decently large weapon or two will start tearing unpleasant holes in one quickly and crit-seekers are a horrifying prospect since IndustrialMech structure adds two to the roll to determine any crits; on a 14, the blow inflicts four crits.  The part that makes this even worse than it sounds, aside from the rifle ammo, is that 'Mech fuel cells have a chance to explode whenever they get hit, one that gets worse as you soak up more crits.  Even one crit to the engine can potentially send the 'Mech up.  Although the 'Mech is deathly vulnerable to getting significantly impaired by Infernos, a fate that's going to stick around for a while because of its limited heat dissipation, it seems rather unsporting and you can usually find better things to expend Inferno gel on, too.

References: The Master Unit List has the Arbiter's original model, the only one with a sheet at the moment, but no miniature has been produced to date.


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #1 on: 25 November 2011, 10:59:18 »
Thanks for the nice article.

The Arbiter may be cool in a RPG, but on the modern battlefield it is next to useless.
Sadly, as the design and the fluff is cool.

BA would be not the most encountered opponent in the periphery, so could only shine vs. primitive tanks and maybe serve as a deterrent by numbers and powerful appearance. Until the nature and capabilities of the Arbiter is common knowledge...
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #2 on: 25 November 2011, 11:11:39 »
It's not really going to shine against primitive tanks for the reason it won't kill BA: It doesn't have enough ammo to kill most of them.

EDIT: The greater ammo and the heat reduction are what really sell the AC/5 variant.
« Last Edit: 25 November 2011, 11:22:29 by Moonsword »


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #3 on: 25 November 2011, 11:19:45 »
I love this thing! As you say, the fluff is so fun and intresting it "makes' the mech. And you're right: this needs to exist. I plan on (if I can find a close enough proxy) using some of these in a scenario I'm cooking up.
and when fan funding comes back on line, I'm going to start a drive to get this thing made.
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #4 on: 25 November 2011, 11:48:49 »
Definitely one of my favorite things to come out of the XTRO series. I think I'll be using them in groups, possibly a lance of twin Arbiters fighting alongside twin Patron MilitiaMechs. Such a lance would work in the Patron's intended role of conventional infantry support, with the Arbiters providing a bit of anti-armor firepower. While they won't kill BA outright, a couple Rifle hits into a BA squad means those suits suddenly don't want to go near the firepower of the infantry, to say nothing of what a Patron's RLs could do to them. Arbiters are also deadly threats to technicals and other armed support vehicles, such as the various armed flatbed trucks we've gotten over the years and the many armed support units in Vehicle Annex. Sending Arbiters after those things will free up your actual Battlemechs to go after military-grade threats. Also, Arbiters can make good finishign units. While most people prefer to use small guns against units with little to no armor remaining to generate crits, the fact that even military IS doesn't degrade Rifle damage means you can use it on weakened Battlemechs or tanks and quickly destroy exposed locations so that the units that did the armor damage in the first place can move on to other threats. For added fun, I think I'll take the Arbiter's 40k look a step further for units in that role and modify/paint them in very Nurgle-esque colors, to represent the disease that strikes down the weak and dying. [skull]
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #5 on: 25 November 2011, 12:42:13 »
There cheap in BV, about the same as a Urbanmech so fielding lots of them shouldn't be a problem. A swarm design if I ever saw one especially if its upgraded with an AC/5. A company of them would make even some Heavy designs nervous.
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #6 on: 25 November 2011, 14:36:15 »
Definitely one of my favorite things to come out of the XTRO series. I think I'll be using them in groups, possibly a lance of twin Arbiters fighting alongside twin Patron MilitiaMechs. Such a lance would work in the Patron's intended role of conventional infantry support, with the Arbiters providing a bit of anti-armor firepower. While they won't kill BA outright, a couple Rifle hits into a BA squad means those suits suddenly don't want to go near the firepower of the infantry, to say nothing of what a Patron's RLs could do to them. Arbiters are also deadly threats to technicals and other armed support vehicles, such as the various armed flatbed trucks we've gotten over the years and the many armed support units in Vehicle Annex. Sending Arbiters after those things will free up your actual Battlemechs to go after military-grade threats. Also, Arbiters can make good finishign units. While most people prefer to use small guns against units with little to no armor remaining to generate crits, the fact that even military IS doesn't degrade Rifle damage means you can use it on weakened Battlemechs or tanks and quickly destroy exposed locations so that the units that did the armor damage in the first place can move on to other threats. For added fun, I think I'll take the Arbiter's 40k look a step further for units in that role and modify/paint them in very Nurgle-esque colors, to represent the disease that strikes down the weak and dying. [skull]

Somehow I knew you'd have something appropriately entertaining to do with them.


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #7 on: 25 November 2011, 14:52:51 »
It is my hope someday to win a fight with an Atlas because my enemies ignore it in favor of the dozen Aston-Martins also on the field, simply because they can' figure out what horrible things I have planned with the cars. >:D
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #8 on: 25 November 2011, 15:04:06 »
As you say, these are to be used only in numbers.  I believe the fluff makes mention of them being purchased in "Battalion sized lots".

"Some mercs are buying them as cheap security assets but the primary customers are militias and other third-tier forces,"

Exactly as it should be.  These are sufficient for the job of cheap security and for purchasers that cannot get/afford better.  I'd also expect more than a few to be purchased on the police market.  (That heavy rifle will certainly do a job on a barricaded crack-house.) 

It is NOT a front line combat mech, nor does it pretend to be, (Except to stupid Pirates who don't have the info.)

Of course, if it was me, Once the Arbiter started getting a more widespread reputation as a toothless dog, I'd release the Arbiter Mark II.  A superficially identical REAL battlemech loaded with cutting edge tech, and armed/armored accordingly.  If nothing else, it would make any potential enemies think twice.  Are those the baby Arbiters? Or their nastier younger sibling?


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #9 on: 25 November 2011, 17:33:30 »
Wow, something that actually manages to make the Jackrabbit look...well...kinda-sorta good!


So, now I'm imagining people boxing up Overlords for loading as cargo.  "Nope, totally not a DropShip.  Everyone knows you can't fit a DropShip in a WarShip!  It's...a ten thousand ton box of marshmallows!  Yeah.  For the Heavy Guards big annual smores party."
--Arkansas Warrior, on the possibility of carrying Dropships as cargo in Warship cargo bays.

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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #10 on: 25 November 2011, 18:18:37 »

Of course, if it was me, Once the Arbiter started getting a more widespread reputation as a toothless dog, I'd release the Arbiter Mark II.  A superficially identical REAL battlemech loaded with cutting edge tech, and armed/armored accordingly.  If nothing else, it would make any potential enemies think twice.  Are those the baby Arbiters? Or their nastier younger sibling?

 [stupid]  This idea is awesome.
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #11 on: 25 November 2011, 19:13:21 »
Of course, if it was me, Once the Arbiter started getting a more widespread reputation as a toothless dog, I'd release the Arbiter Mark II.  A superficially identical REAL battlemech loaded with cutting edge tech, and armed/armored accordingly.  If nothing else, it would make any potential enemies think twice.  Are those the baby Arbiters? Or their nastier younger sibling?

That is a wonderfully evil, cool idea   ;D
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #12 on: 26 November 2011, 00:52:13 »
  An all-rocket version would probably be more effective in sheer firepower terms, but not only would it lose the intimidation factor of the Big [deleted] Gun, it'd essentially take over the role of the Patron.  ::)
  Nonetheless, I've been turning over an idea for an upgrade: if an Arbiter operator can get their hands on a LAC/5, they can supplement it with perhaps some RL/10s and/or machine-guns and get some decent close-quarters firepower out of the thing.  (LAC + MGs + JJs... look, Mum: I just built a Zaku!  :D)


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #13 on: 26 November 2011, 01:19:07 »
  An all-rocket version would probably be more effective in sheer firepower terms, but not only would it lose the intimidation factor of the Big [deleted] Gun, it'd essentially take over the role of the Patron.  ::)
  Nonetheless, I've been turning over an idea for an upgrade: if an Arbiter operator can get their hands on a LAC/5, they can supplement it with perhaps some RL/10s and/or machine-guns and get some decent close-quarters firepower out of the thing.  (LAC + MGs + JJs... look, Mum: I just built a Zaku!  :D)

This is NO ZAKU, boy!  NO ZAKU!
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #14 on: 26 November 2011, 02:46:03 »
A tank needs a crew of 3 or 4 to be fed, housed and paid. An industrialmech needs 1. Probably barely a 'Mechwarrior.

Metal may be expensive, but generally its only a one time cost. Maintenance is nothing and how many of these are going to see actual combat. In this situation meat doesn't look so cheap.

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #15 on: 26 November 2011, 02:57:54 »
Wonder what you could do with an Arbiter and a fluid gun.
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #16 on: 26 November 2011, 03:20:16 »
I've always liked to imagine that Meridian Manufacturing's real business plan is to sell extensive cosmetic armor upgrades every year or so to keep pirates guessing and keep customers spending money.


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #17 on: 26 November 2011, 03:35:56 »
Well, it sure would help. And think of the possible bodywork lines. You want, say, Pouncer-bodied rbiters for the factory where everyone thinks you're trying to copy Clantech? :D

And the idea of Arbiter II sure sounds appalling... From the wrong end of the gun. :D
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #18 on: 26 November 2011, 03:54:29 »
One single heat sink isn't going to get you very far - while IndustrialMechs don't pay for movement heat if they use ICEs or fuel cells, they do have to deal with weapon and external heat.

Isn't the no heat for movement only for ICE engines, not fuel cells?
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #19 on: 26 November 2011, 05:18:45 »
It is my hope someday to win a fight with an Atlas because my enemies ignore it in favor of the dozen Aston-Martins also on the field, simply because they can' figure out what horrible things I have planned with the cars. >:D

Wait, are you ACTUALLY Jeremy Clarkson?  :o

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #20 on: 26 November 2011, 05:40:58 »
No, Weirdo is the Stig.  After all, some say his left nipple is in the shape of the Inner Sphere..
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #21 on: 26 November 2011, 06:44:21 »
Isn't the no heat for movement only for ICE engines, not fuel cells?

I specifically asked about that a while back (as in old forums while back) and the answer I remember getting was it applies to both; errata was submitted for it at the time.

Let me see if it made it into the latest errata PDF.

EDIT: Apparently not.  I'll throw the question back up to confirm my memory's not getting spotty.

EDIT 2: And no, it's not.  It wound up in TW in the last round of updates.
« Last Edit: 26 November 2011, 06:54:21 by Moonsword »


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #22 on: 26 November 2011, 10:43:38 »
Wait, are you ACTUALLY Jeremy Clarkson?  :o

No, but that is probably one of the best compliments I've ever gotten on these boards. ;D

No, Weirdo is the Stig.  After all, some say his left nipple is in the shape of the Inner Sphere..

I will neither confirm nor deny what I look like shirtless, though I'll leave it to you to think about it excessively. See? You've done it already!

Wonder what you could do with an Arbiter and a fluid gun.

Horrible things. Horrible, HORRIBLE things. I already want to load one with oil and paint it like Zoidberg. >:D
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #23 on: 26 November 2011, 10:58:45 »
It is NOT a front line combat mech, nor does it pretend to be, (Except to stupid Pirates who don't have the info.)

Yes, but from the FedCom Civil War onwards, even pirates are better-equipped--and probably better-informed--than before.

Also, what's the BAR value for heavy Industrial armour ?


So, now I'm imagining people boxing up Overlords for loading as cargo.  "Nope, totally not a DropShip.  Everyone knows you can't fit a DropShip in a WarShip!  It's...a ten thousand ton box of marshmallows!  Yeah.  For the Heavy Guards big annual smores party."
--Arkansas Warrior, on the possibility of carrying Dropships as cargo in Warship cargo bays.

TERRAN SUPREMACY DEFENSE FORCE.  For when you want to send the SLDF, but couldn't afford the whole kit and kaboodle.

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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #24 on: 26 November 2011, 11:06:21 »
Also, what's the BAR value for heavy Industrial armour ?

Heavy Industrial armor is basically just another name for standard armor -- 16 points per ton, BAR 10 (IndustrialMech Armor Table, TechManual p. 72).


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #25 on: 26 November 2011, 12:27:23 »
Horrible things. Horrible, HORRIBLE things. I already want to load one with oil and paint it like Zoidberg. >:D

Perfect fit...Zoidberg gets next to no respect. The Arbiter gets next to no respect...

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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #26 on: 26 November 2011, 12:48:47 »
coming into the Republic of the Sphere era, i'd imagine designs like the Arbiter would become more common for 'rent-a-warrior' programs, given the general crackdown on privately owned battlemechs. certainly i'd expect them to be a common sight on the early battlefeilds of the post-blackout, as some of the most capable 'industrialmechs' most factions could feild.
in that enviroment, the lack of heatsinks and ammo would be the biggest limiting factor. the AC5 mod allows more capability against mechs in the mid to late post-blackout era. but the heat issue still causes problems.

how much mass would you save if you downgraded to a medium rifle cannon? enough to fit an a few extra singles and some extra ammo for extended campaigns?


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #27 on: 26 November 2011, 13:01:27 »
With the medium cannon you're sacrificing fire power against heavily armored targets.
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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #28 on: 26 November 2011, 13:28:37 »
and with the heavy, you have only 6 shots of [moderate] battlefeild effectiveness. great if your guarding a building. lousy in the post-HPG-blackout battlefeild where your unit will need to be able to operate for longer periods of time.

the rifle cannon arbiter isn't going to be effective against battlemechs anyway, but against armed industrials a minor downgrade in firepower won't matter much, but more than 6 shots will.
« Last Edit: 26 November 2011, 13:33:46 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Mech of the Week: ARB-* Arbiter
« Reply #29 on: 26 November 2011, 13:47:13 »
Horrible things. Horrible, HORRIBLE things. I already want to load one with oil and paint it like Zoidberg. >:D

"GRAVY? Why are the rent-a-cops spraying us with GRAVY?"


And thus, the fluid gun variant will be dubbed the Arby-ter and serve many roast beef sandwiches
« Last Edit: 26 November 2011, 13:50:22 by chanman »

