Author Topic: Cowdragon's Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside.  (Read 4278 times)


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I suppose since I have one for Mechs, Aerospace Fighters, and Combat Vehicles I should probably get one going for my Battle Armor creations as well. Can I get a R'amen? Maybe a Cthulhu Ftagen?

I'll start with my signature piece and add from there as the mood and time allotment hit me.

Code: [Select]
        Classic BattleTech Battle Armor Technical Readout
                        * CUSTOM EQUIPMENT

Type/Model:    Einherrjar VAL  Stark Suit 
Tech/Era:      Mixed Tech  /  2750 / CBT Rules
Chassis Type:  Humanoid
Weight Class:  Light Battle Armor (401 - 750 kg)
Rules:         Level 3, Standard design

Ground Speed:  21.6 km/h
Jump Capacity: 90 meters
Armor Type:    Fire Resistant*

The Einherjar "Stark" suits actually originated as fire/rescue
suits. They had been developed from the Nighthawk PA(L) suits that
the Valhallens had so many of. Their augmented strength and
fireproof "armor" were ideal during disaster and rescue

The Firemen Suits had a fire extinguisher in each arm, and were
equipped with magnetic "claws" that allowed them to hold onto
rescue VTOLs as they dropped into forest fires and on top of
burning buildings. They also were given to Naval Commands for use
as fire/rescue suits during naval fires.

The first large engagerment against pirate forces that had
stumbled upon the Valhallenmark actually involved a couple of
these unarmed rescue suits.

Before the Valhallen armed forces arrived to assist, several
firefighters donned their F/R suits and were able to fight off
pirates with both their armor protecting them, and the claws
ripping a handful of pirates to shreds. They saved many lives on
the mining asteroids. The pirates actually withdrew with fewer
prisoners and cargo than they had hoped to collect.

The Valhallens ended up catching the pirates, and rescuing most of
the prisoners, and the value of the F/R Suits was realized.
Valhallen Engineers were put to work to design a suit with more
military applications, and the Stark Suit was the product of their

The Stark Suit is completely fire proof. It also fully resists
Flamers, Infernos, and of ignitable fuel ammunitions.

It is armed with weapons developed spcifically for the suits that
are identical to the Lyran Firedrake Needlers. These weapons are
effective against both hardened targets and especially against
soft. Able to saturate an area in flames, it is ideal for clearing
hallways and bulkheads of pirate craft. They were also in full
production by the time the Valhallens had decided to liberate
several pirate worlds within the former RWR and set up "listening
bases" at the edge of the Inner Sphere.

Retractable and reusable parasails were added to allow for drops
from almost any height, and these were used successfully in the
heavy city fighting of all three worlds.

Perhaps the most interesting use of the power armored soldiers was
when the newest Svava LAM was developed with them in mind. The
Svava LAMs carry special internal bomb bays, which can each combat
drop 2 Stark Suited Warriors directly from orbit onto the ground
without the need for a dropship. This may not sound like much, but
power armored warriors can deal with many times their own number
in unarmored and unprepared pirates.

Since these are the standard Power Armored troops of the
Valhallenmark, they were designed to be deployed anywhere and at a
moments notice. They have integral Space Ops Adaptation Equipment,
Parafoils, and a pair of Firedrake Needlers. Add to this
impressive set of gear a set of combat claws that have integral
magnetic clamps for transporting in the internal Svava Bays, and
you have a very effective battle armor suit.

Valhallen Battle Armored Troops are called "Einherjar" and are
generally deployed by the LAMs which are called "Valkyries".

Type/Model:    Einherrjar VAL  Stark Suit
Equipment:                                          Slots    Mass
Chassis Type:  Light Class Humanoid                   0       100
Motive System: Ground Movement (2 MP) (I.S.)          0        30
               Jump Jets       (3 MP)                 0        75
               Parafoil (Body)                        1        35
Armor Type:    4 Points Fire Resistant*               4       240

  Left Arm:    Battle Claw (Magnets)                  0        35
  Right Arm:   Battle Claw (Magnets)                  0        35

Weapons and Equipment                Loc     Shots  Slots    Mass
Firedrake Support Needler(IS)        LA        30     1        50
Firedrake Support Needler(IS)        RA        30     1        50
Space Ops Adaptation (C)             Body             1       100
TOTALS:                                               8       750
Slots & Mass Left:                                    0         0

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:     516,200 C-Bills, Including Trooper
                Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value:   20 (80 for 4)  Weapon Value: 6 (Ratio=.30)
Cost per BV:    18,310.0 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1   MRDmg = 0   LRDmg = 0
Mechanized:     Can travel on OmniMechs and OmniVehicles
Attacks:        Can perform Swarm and Leg attacks
BattleForce2:   Class: IB   MP: 3J   Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/-/-   Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1    Specials: mec, soa, car4

CBT:RPG Data:   Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 6/6/6/5    Coverage: Full
                IR: 0,  ECM: 0,  Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2,  Target Size Modifier: -1
                Movement Modifiers:
                  Walking: +1,  Running: +2,  Sprinting: +3
                Jump:  90 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers:  STR: +2,  DEX: -3,  RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating:  F/F/F

                Created by HeavyMetal Battle Armor

and here's a fun one for laying down some suppression fore for your buddies.

Code: [Select]
        Classic BattleTech Battle Armor Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Badger 
Tech/Era:      Inner Sphere / 3067 / CBT Rules
Chassis Type:  Humanoid
Weight Class:  Light Battle Armor (401 - 750 kg)
Rules:         Level 3, Standard design

Ground Speed:  10.8 km/h
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor Type:    Standard Stealth

The Badger powered armor is generally used in conjunction with
other armor suits without long range weapons systems. The Badger
is the "sniper" of the bunch. It can outmanuever most other
infantry and power armors, that coupled with the range of its
primary weapon's system allows it to cover a much greater area.

Primary flaws are relatively week armor and slow ground speed.

Type/Model:    Badger
Equipment:                                          Slots    Mass
Chassis Type:  Light Class Humanoid                   0       100
Motive System: Ground Movement (1 MP)                 0         0
               Jump Jets       (3 MP)                 0        75
               Partial Wing (Body, +1 Jump MP)        1       200
Armor Type:    3 Points Standard Stealth              4       180

  Left Arm:    None                                   0         0
  Right Arm:   Battle Claw                            0        15

Weapons and Equipment                Loc     Shots  Slots    Mass
Light Recoilless Rifle               LA        20     2       175
  (with High-Explosive Ammo)
Anti-Personnel Weapon Mount          RA               1         5
 Mauser 960 Assault System           RA               0         0
TOTALS:                                               8       750
Slots & Mass Left:                                    0         0

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:     464,900 C-Bills, Including Trooper
                Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value:   32 (128 for 4)  Weapon Value: 9 (Ratio=.28)
Cost per BV:    9,840.63 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1   MRDmg = 0   LRDmg = 0
Mechanized:     Can travel on OmniMechs and OmniVehicles
Attacks:        Can perform Swarm and Leg attacks
BattleForce2:   Class: IB   MP: 4J   Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/-   Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 1    Specials: mec, car4

CBT:RPG Data:   Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 5/5/6/5    Coverage: Full
                IR: +6,  ECM: +6,  Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 1,  Target Size Modifier: 0
                Movement Modifiers:
                  Walking: 0,  Running: 0,  Sprinting: 0
                Jump:  120 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers:  STR: +2,  DEX: -2,  RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating:  E/E/E

                Created by HeavyMetal Battle Armor

as you can see, I prefer the lightest of the suits (well, not really the PA(L) suits, although they are cool too. Will post more soon! :)

On wings of steel, Come I, Pillars of flame
Mark me, Fury bright as suns, Foes fear
The star back road, I hunt, Blood geld payment
Shan't be, The ravens throne, Blod Orn
- vidar (thank you vidar!!!)
Pie or Spehs and Tanks also BA


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Re: Cowdragon's Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside.
« Reply #1 on: 11 August 2012, 12:37:48 »
This next one is pretty cool. Still finalizing name and affiliations for it, because my AU isn't really into producing power armor heavier than "light". But this guy is something cool on a battlefield! Lots of range, lots of damage. Decent speed and jumping ability. The armor is pretty nice as well, although anything bigger than a large pulse is probably going to wipe it out.

I used the Laser Intek rifle because it barely uses any energy to fire and has fantastic range. Although I was tempted to use the Mauser Assault Laser System instead. It loses a little range, uses same amount of energy, but gains quite a bit of damage potential. Trade offs, trade offs, lol.

Code: [Select]
        Classic BattleTech Battle Armor Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Einherrjar VAL Assault Suit 
Tech/Era:      Mixed Tech  /  2750 / CBT Rules
Chassis Type:  Humanoid
Weight Class:  Heavy Battle Armor (1,001 - 1,500 kg)
Rules:         Level 3, Standard design

Ground Speed:  21.6 km/h
Jump Capacity: 60 meters
Armor Type:    Advanced

Type/Model:    Einherrjar VAL Assault Suit
Equipment:                                          Slots    Mass
Chassis Type:  Heavy Class Humanoid                   0       300
Motive System: Ground Movement (2 MP) (I.S.)          0        80
               Jump Jets       (2 MP)                 0       250
               Parafoil (Body)                        1        35
Armor Type:    11 Points Advanced                     5       440

  Left Arm:    Battle Claw                            0        15
  Right Arm:   Battle Claw                            0        15

Weapons and Equipment                Loc     Shots  Slots    Mass
Light Recoilless Rifle(IS)           LA        20     2       175
  (with High-Explosive Ammo)
Light Recoilless Rifle(IS)           RA        20     2       175
  (with High-Explosive Ammo)
Anti-Personnel Weapon Mount          LA               1         5
 Laser Rifle, Intek(IS)              LA               0         0
Anti-Personnel Weapon Mount          RA               1         5
 Laser Rifle, Intek(IS)              RA               0         0
TOTALS:                                              12     1,495
Slots & Mass Left:                                    0         5

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:     841,800 C-Bills, Including Trooper
                Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value:   41 (164 for 4)  Weapon Value: 33 (Ratio=.80)
Cost per BV:    16,873.17 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 2   MRDmg = 0   LRDmg = 0
Mechanized:     Can travel on OmniMechs and OmniVehicles
Attacks:        Can not perform Swarm or Leg attacks
BattleForce2:   Class: IB   MP: 2J   Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/-   Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 2    Specials: mec, car4

CBT:RPG Data:   Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 9/8/8/8    Coverage: Full
                IR: 0,  ECM: 0,  Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2,  Target Size Modifier: -2
                Movement Modifiers:
                  Walking: -1,  Running: -2,  Sprinting: -3
                Jump:  60 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers:  STR: +3,  DEX: -2,  RFL: -3
                Equipment Rating:  F/F/F

                Created by HeavyMetal Battle Armor

On wings of steel, Come I, Pillars of flame
Mark me, Fury bright as suns, Foes fear
The star back road, I hunt, Blood geld payment
Shan't be, The ravens throne, Blod Orn
- vidar (thank you vidar!!!)
Pie or Spehs and Tanks also BA


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Re: Cowdragon's Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside.
« Reply #2 on: 08 October 2012, 01:17:59 »
I went ahead and made the closest thing I could to the Afreet (my favorite Clan BA) but for Inner Sphere. All the same, but 20 fewer shots for the rifle. Pretty pleased with it actually! It's for my AU, hence the Swedish name, of course. Unlike the other power armors I've been making lately, this one is not meant to be deployed from LAMs. It's deployment is from special dropships and APC's.

Code: [Select]
        Classic BattleTech Battle Armor Technical Readout

Type/Model:    Kavalleri VAL Main Battle Suit 
Tech/Era:      Inner Sphere / 3067 / CBT Rules
Chassis Type:  Humanoid
Weight Class:  Medium Battle Armor (751 - 1,000 kg)
Rules:         Level 3, Standard design

Ground Speed:  10.8 km/h
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor Type:    Advanced

The Kavalleri VAL Main Battle Suit is their primary battle armor.
This suit is used in battles against both infantry and
battlemechs. It's not as adept in the vacuum of space as some of
the of the other VAL suits.

One thing of note, is that it is almost identicle in capabilities
as the Ice Hellion Afreet Elemental. This is an example of 2
separate technologies coming to similar conclusions. There has
however, been no interaction between the two powers.

What prompted this was the skirmishes and battles against the
remnants of Clan Smoke Jaguar and various pirate forces. Although
the Stark Suits performed remarkably well, they didn't carry heavy
enough armor and weapons to effectively engage battlemechs.

The suit was packed to the brim with advanced sensors and weapons.
Although the Kavalleri doesn't carry any AP weapons, it mounts a
Light Recoilless Rifle which has fantastic range and is effective
against both infantry and hardened targets. The sensors mimic very
short ranged active probes, and the vibro claws allow for heavy
damage against anything it can reach. One drawback is the limited
number of shots for the Rifle. At only 20 rounds, a trooper can
quickly hear the madening "click" of an empty magazine in the heat
of battle.

Although no faster than a normal foot soldier on the ground, the
Kavalleri are extremely fast while jumping.

Light Recoilless Rifle effectively engages all targets at ranges
up to 300 meters.

Vibro Battle Claws deal an additional 2 points of damage to all
targets within melee range.

5 Points of Advanced Armor, plus 1 for the trooper inside.

Unlike other VAL Suits, the Kavalleri do not mount special
magnetic systems for transport within the various LAMs adapted
internal bays. Therefore, Kavalleri VAL Suits must use APCs or
Battlemechs for transport.

The Kavalleri VAL Main Battle Suits are the heaviest Battle Armor
that the Valhallen Military employs.

No variants of the Kavalleri Val Main Battle suit have been
submitted at this time. The Valhallen military seems extremely
happy with their design.

Because the Kavalleri are fairly new (at just over a decade old)
they have still not been widely deployed. A few elite Valhallen
Units have been issued them, with plans to create several
regiments of them within the next 20 years.

This may be a reflection of the Valhallens recent opening up of
their secrecy, their dealings with merchants besides the Jarnfolk,
incursions of other powers, and their willingness to open trade
with the Inner Sphere and Diamond sharks.

Type/Model:    Kavalleri VAL Main Battle Suit
Equipment:                                          Slots    Mass
Chassis Type:  Medium Class Humanoid                  0       175
Motive System: Ground Movement (1 MP)                 0         0
               Jump Jets       (3 MP)                 0       150
               Jump Booster (Body, +1 Jump MP)        2       125
Armor Type:    5 Points Advanced                      5       200

  Left Arm:    Battle Vibro-Claw                      0        50
  Right Arm:   Battle Vibro-Claw                      0        50

Weapons and Equipment                Loc     Shots  Slots    Mass
Light Recoilless Rifle               RA        20     2       175
  (with High-Explosive Ammo)
Improved Sensors                     Body             1        65
TOTALS:                                              10       990
Slots & Mass Left:                                    0        10

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:     678,900 C-Bills, Including Trooper
                Training Costs of 150,000 C-bills
Battle Value:   38 (228 for 6)  Weapon Value: 13 (Ratio=.34)
Cost per BV:    13,918.42 (w/o Trooper Training costs)
Damage Factors: SRDmg = 1   MRDmg = 0   LRDmg = 0
Mechanized:     Can travel on OmniMechs and OmniVehicles
Attacks:        Can perform Swarm and Leg attacks
BattleForce2:   Class: IB   MP: 4J   Armor/Structure: 2 / 0
                Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/-   Overheat: 0
                Point Value: 2    Specials: mec, srs, car6

CBT:RPG Data:   Armor Value (M/B/E/X): 7/7/6/6    Coverage: Full
                IR: 0,  ECM: 0,  Camo: 0
                Melee AP: 2,  Target Size Modifier: -1
                Movement Modifiers:
                  Walking: -1,  Running: -2,  Sprinting: -3
                Jump:  120 m/turn
                Attribute Modifiers:  STR: +3,  DEX: -2,  RFL: -1
                Equipment Rating:  E/E/E

                Created by HeavyMetal Battle Armor

On wings of steel, Come I, Pillars of flame
Mark me, Fury bright as suns, Foes fear
The star back road, I hunt, Blood geld payment
Shan't be, The ravens throne, Blod Orn
- vidar (thank you vidar!!!)
Pie or Spehs and Tanks also BA


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Re: Cowdragon's Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside.
« Reply #3 on: 04 February 2018, 13:03:24 »
Just remembered that I have a thread for BA as well so I'll be posting my new designs back this way.

The Impi is meant to be a very basic and standard design. Named for the Zulu warriors who also carried very basic but effective gear into battle and nearly beat back the British. As I stated in the other thread, I'm not sure which faction would use this or who would design it. I'm usually much better with fluff, but I just like the design. Also, as I rarely roleplay these days (we mostly just play the board game of BTech) I didn't need all the frills. Just the basic battlefield stuff. So here it is.

Code: [Select]
Impi BattleArmor
Base Tech Level: Experimental (IS)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced      3145+
Standard        - 
Tech Rating: E/X-X-F-E

BV: 657
Cost: 4,473,000 C-bills

Movement: 2/2

Internal: 6
Armor: 90 BA Advanced
           Internal  Armor   
Trooper 1         1     15   
Trooper 2         1     15   
Trooper 3         1     15   
Trooper 4         1     15   
Trooper 5         1     15   
Trooper 6         1     15   

Weapons                             Loc   Heat 
Swarm Mek                          Squad    0   
Attack Swarmed Mek                 Squad    0   
Stop Swarm Attack                  Squad    0   
Leg Attack                         Squad    0   
Gauss Rifle [Magshot] (Right arm)  Squad    0   

Equipment                                  Loc   
BA Manipulators [Battle Claw] (Left arm)  Squad 
Single-Hex ECM (Body)                     Squad 
Battle Armor C3 (BC3) (Body)              Squad 

On wings of steel, Come I, Pillars of flame
Mark me, Fury bright as suns, Foes fear
The star back road, I hunt, Blood geld payment
Shan't be, The ravens throne, Blod Orn
- vidar (thank you vidar!!!)
Pie or Spehs and Tanks also BA


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Re: Cowdragon's Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside.
« Reply #4 on: 04 February 2018, 13:24:24 »
Sauda - Dark Beauty (Swahili), at least according to Google.

The advances alloys used in BA construction are noticably dark gray or silver. As the suit was taking shape, its sleek lines and distinct outline lead one of the designers to begin referring to it as "her" and "Sauda". The name stuck with the rest of the design team, and by the time the project was hearing completion, they had changed the numeric call sign of the suit from a random series of letters and numbers to the official title of "Sauda".

Again, an extremely basic and simple design. There are no modular weapon mounts, nothing to be switched out. Once a soldier is familiar with this, it won't change. A Plasma Rifle handles targets of all types effectively and with a decent range, while the battle claw can rip doors open, tear armor, and shred flesh if needed.

The suit is fast and mobile, though admitadley not the fastest suit out there. It can shrug off Medium Laser fire, but nothing more. I design for squads of 6. Some from my love of Comstar formations (and familiarity) but MOSTLY as it makes zero sense to me for a BA squad to use fewer. Check out those target numbers as you get fewer troopers in a squad. Seriously. So I only field squads of 6 personally.

Code: [Select]
Sauda BattleArmor
Base Tech Level: Standard (IS)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3145+
Tech Rating: E/X-X-F-E

BV: 324
Cost: 2,103,000 C-bills

Movement: 3/3/3

Internal: 6
Armor: 30 BA Advanced
           Internal  Armor   
Trooper 1         1      5   
Trooper 2         1      5   
Trooper 3         1      5   
Trooper 4         1      5   
Trooper 5         1      5   
Trooper 6         1      5   

Weapons                                   Loc   Heat 
Plasma Rifle (Man-Portable) (Right arm)  Squad    0   
Swarm Mek                                Squad    0   
Attack Swarmed Mek                       Squad    0   
Stop Swarm Attack                        Squad    0   
Leg Attack                               Squad    0   

Equipment                                  Loc   
BA Manipulators [Battle Claw] (Left arm)  Squad 

On wings of steel, Come I, Pillars of flame
Mark me, Fury bright as suns, Foes fear
The star back road, I hunt, Blood geld payment
Shan't be, The ravens throne, Blod Orn
- vidar (thank you vidar!!!)
Pie or Spehs and Tanks also BA


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  • Nisi mors certum est in bello
Re: Cowdragon's Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside.
« Reply #5 on: 05 February 2018, 01:47:04 »
ALL very nicely done! Wish I had half your talent for writing background fluff. 8)


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Re: Cowdragon's Crunchy on the outside, squishy on the inside.
« Reply #6 on: 05 February 2018, 10:45:57 »
ALL very nicely done! Wish I had half your talent for writing background fluff. 8)

hey, thank you :)

On wings of steel, Come I, Pillars of flame
Mark me, Fury bright as suns, Foes fear
The star back road, I hunt, Blood geld payment
Shan't be, The ravens throne, Blod Orn
- vidar (thank you vidar!!!)
Pie or Spehs and Tanks also BA