Author Topic: VotW: Gulltoppr  (Read 39627 times)


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VotW: Gulltoppr
« on: 24 January 2015, 10:46:03 »

More than just a couple of people have requested this article... three to be exact. ;) But that's enough to get my attention. So... here we go. My last attempt at a super-heavy vehicle went poorly (the Destrier), and this one sadly didn't allow for much testing either- but, being a more straightforward vehicle, I'm hoping that this will be a little easier to run regardless. Apologies in advance for any errors, as my experience with superheavies is limited.

Now, with that in mind... We all know the old laughs about House Steiner- "we can outmaneuver most fortifications", "Zeuses are scout Mechs", on and on. It's old cliche, and we know that the Lyrans actually build some very impressive units below 80 tons. But... the cliche was born from a kernel of truth, after all. And no unit perhaps embodies that mentality better than the enormous monstrosity known as the Gulltoppr... and yet, ironically, it isn't even Lyran-built, technically!

Born of feeding a steady diet of steroids, black coffee, and hatred to a Heimdall chassis, the Gulltoppr is a superheavy ground monitor intended not to so much hold a defensive position as to BECOME that defensive position. Few units in Battletech simply dominate a battlefield the way a Gulltoppr can- assuming that it's on the battlefield to begin with, as it's not exactly easy to move around. The modular nature of the unit gives it great flexibility in payload, but it is incapable of bringing the fight to the enemy- so one can only put it where that enemy needs to go, and make them suffer for it. Built on Arc-Royal by the Exiled Wolves for use by their Lyran allies (and using all-IS tech), the unit is shipped in portions to the duty location, where final assembly is completed and the unit is armed with whatever is available- which means that no two Gulltopprs are equipped alike, interestingly- the configurations listed below are likely just a couple of examples of a near-endless variety.

Cracking open the engine, we see a 380 XL engine, no different from what a typical-sized assault tank might carry. Here, of course, it propels a 190-ton leviathan to a... stately... 2/3 movement curve. While a superheavy can ignore some terrain issues, under even the most ideal conditions this is a unit that can't really go anywhere fast. As we noted with the Davion-built Destrier, there are no vessels out there that have superheavy vehicle bays as of the current canon, but if such units are out there (I noted then that a Triumph-class vessel would be an ideal platform), moving Gulltopprs via in-atmosphere hops is probably a better idea than actually driving somewhere.

At 190 tons you would expect a massive amount of armor on the unit, as with the Destrier. 44 tons of hardened armor qualifies, no doubt- seven tons more than its Davion cousin, in fact! Killing a Gulltoppr takes some serious work. The front has a mighty 68 points (and remember, that's hardened, so it is the equivalent of double of that basically), with the front-sides each having 52 points. From the rear, we see the rear-sides with 45 points, and the rear has 32 points of welded frustration to pound through before one can see effects. Then there's still the turrets- yes, plural. The front turret has 33 points, the rear turret 25- which sounds weak, but due to the odd quirks of Battletech these mounts aren't hit nearly as often on average as the body of the vehicle anyway. Worth noting is the CASE built into the vehicle from the ground up, saving the cast and crew of these behemoths in the event of ammunition-based problems.

EDIT: Unfortunately, there's this: - that pretty seriously changes things here in terms of that armor. The author was made aware of this at the time of the request, and flat-out forgot about it. The short version is that hardened armor cannot be mounted on an Omni unit, and obviously the Gulltoppr is one. There's no good excuse for this mistake other than sheer forgetfulness, and I apologize for the error. Treat this armor as standard plating- which greatly changes the durability of the unit from 'oh my god' levels to 'I can shut that thing up'.

So we have an immobile brick of armor. Great. Now what? Well, as noted above, Gulltopprs are armed with whatever is available at their duty location, so it's hard to say what all is out there. 61.5 tons of pod space is plenty enough to cause some pain, right? (Note: the forward turret can hold 30 tons of this gear, and the rear turret another 25 tons) The book gives us a few ideas to look at.

The 'Prime' (and again, how often any configuration shows up is hard to say) starts with the forward turret getting two Gauss rifles- very Lyran-feeling, isn't it? Fed by four tons of ammo, this makes a Gulltoppr a pain in the ass to deal with... and that's the front turret. The rear turret has an even less pleasant surprise for enemies... a Long Tom cannon. A couple of rail guns wasn't fun, well, have an artillery shell to boot! With three tons of ammo, the Gulltopprs big gun makes life hell on anything in the impact zone- your battle armor won't be happy with this. The rear turret also has two anti-missile systems sharing two tons of ammunition, lest stray SRMs disable the tracks, and a Guardian ECM system finishes the fun. Impressive, no?

Configuration 'A' then is one that we can safely assume is brewed up by the Wolves for their own Gulltopprs. That front turret has a pair of Gauss rifles again, but Clan versions this time- which doesn't do a thing to make them less painful, just saves six tons of weight. That weight got put immediately into a five-ton targeting computer (oh god), with the ECM suite (now a Clan version) parked with it. Where the Long Tom used to sit, however, there is now a sobering display consisting of three Clan LRM-20 racks, each with an Artemis V computer to help them. Eight tons of ammunition should be enough to make life miserable on someone for a while, right?

The 'B' is a command version, it seems- with a few nasty surprises of its own. Two boosted C3 master units coordinate an entire array of forces into one network, with the usual Guardian system mounted along with them. The Long Tom cannon in the rear mount is back from the Prime, with the front turret now holding... yeah, a second Long Tom. Oh god. Eight tons of ammo are mounted, and should make enemy troops very, very concerned if ordered to attack.

Now, again, I stress that any number of ideas can be crammed in here. Gulltopprs are, as I said, mounting whatever is handy at their deployment site, so they may be crammed full of just about anything- Clan, IS, whatever is handy. Brew up whatever you want on these things- Arrow launchers, maybe? LBX cannons for an AA pillbox? Rocket-spam? The possibilities are limitless.

Go nuts- try out Gulltopprs and let me know how it goes, and see what fun you can come up with for your own versions.
« Last Edit: 24 January 2015, 22:31:49 by JadeHellbringer »
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #1 on: 24 January 2015, 14:35:18 »
What a monster. I'm a little surprised this thing didn't get more attention than the Destrier, given that it seems objectively more powerful.

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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #2 on: 24 January 2015, 14:48:47 »
I love the look of the Gulltoppr, I even made one. It's a nasty & horrible piece of overarmour which does its job wonderfully.

One thing that does bother me - if it breaks down, how do they haul it back for repairs? Or do they just start building connecting walls and putting up toll booths?
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #3 on: 24 January 2015, 15:08:24 »
Or do they just start building connecting walls and putting up toll booths?

"Somebody's gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes."

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #4 on: 24 January 2015, 15:25:21 »
What a monster. I'm a little surprised this thing didn't get more attention than the Destrier, given that it seems objectively more powerful.

They make for an interesting comparison- which I didn't do in the article since it ran long anyway. But of COURSE Steiner's supertank is better- I mean, that cliche is true, right? ;)

Nah, comparing the two we see similar speed, heavier armor on the Lyran, greater flexibility thanks to the pods- and the second turret!... the FedSuns answer with built-in infantry bays, and of course the Ballista trailer, an ability the Gulltoppr lacks (though it could just as easily haul a gun trailer or something I suppose).

Overall the two though are built for different tasks. The Destrier is what you use to roll up and level a city block- the Gulltoppr is what you use to keep someone from leveling a city block. And it makes it all the more pity that Steiner and Davion are friendly, and on opposite ends of the Inner Sphere, because I'd love to see that fight.
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #5 on: 24 January 2015, 15:37:59 »
I think it's also worth noting their respective quirks: the Gulltoppr and Destrier both share Oversized, Poor Performance and Non-Standard Parts. However, the Gulltoppr has Battle Computer, giving its side a +2 to init rolls, whereas the Destrier has Improved Targeting/Long. Overall, it seems to support your assessment: the Gulltoppr is a land battleship built to command a defense, whereas the Destrier is built to be an ultraheavy siege tank.

"Deep down, I suspect the eject handle on the Hunchback IIC was never actually connected to anything. The regs just say it has to be there."
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #6 on: 24 January 2015, 15:42:29 »

C3i, 8 LB-2x, 11 tons of ammo... and you can top some gulls...

Or maybe C3 Master, AMS, AC/2s and precision ammo. Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink - One company-level C3 Master Gulltoppr, 3 lance-level C3 Master Gulltopprs, and a legion of spotters.

Liam's Ghost

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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #7 on: 24 January 2015, 16:00:12 »
Fundamentally, the different roles of the Destrier and Gulltoppr seem more doctrinal than absolute. The Gulltopper can make for quite a fine siege tank.

The low speed brick nature of it is calling out for artillery or ELRM configurations. The Gulltoppr B is just a quick refit from paired Sniper pieces and enough munitions to flatten all the neighborhoods. Three Thumpers or Arrow IVs are also a possibility (though I prefer my arrows on a faster hull that can better keep up as close support).
Good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show an immediate latency of 44.6 years. So if you're thirty or over you're laughing. Worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta, plus you've forwarded the cause of science by three centuries. I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face.

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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #8 on: 24 January 2015, 18:11:03 »
The only problem I can find with a Super-heavy Omni-building on wheels is slot limitations. 60+ tons of space is fun, but you can only fit so many Flamers on it.
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #9 on: 24 January 2015, 18:49:14 »
The only problem I can find with a Super-heavy Omni-building on wheels is slot limitations. 60+ tons of space is fun, but you can only fit so many Flamers on it.

Plasma and heat sinks... You're welcome. ;)
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
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Colt Ward

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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #10 on: 24 January 2015, 21:03:48 »
Plasma and heat sinks... You're welcome. ;)

Some people just want to see the worlds burn?
Colt Ward
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #11 on: 24 January 2015, 21:20:06 »
Some people just want to see the worlds burn?

Have you tried heating a Lyran sized hot tub before? It takes some large scale equipment! :D

But in seriousness I was thinking about AI capabilities, and I decided to take it to the extreme. If 120 Flamers can't clear a hex of PBI, you are dealing with a platoon of Kaiju.

Jade Hellbringer inspired an interesting thought though. With the amount of free tonnage available you can afford energy weapons on this thing. You even have enough armor that the endurance might become relevant in a normal fight!
« Last Edit: 24 January 2015, 21:25:57 by Fallen_Raven »
Subtlety is for those who lack a bigger gun.

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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #12 on: 24 January 2015, 21:51:20 »
I can imagine some Falcons reaction when first seeing a Gulltoppr:

"Why is that Dropship rolling towards us? ...wait... neg, neg, NEG!"

I may team up a Destrier with a Gulltoppr just for hate.
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #13 on: 24 January 2015, 21:56:27 »
Remember the errata I sent you about the armour?

Happy thought. The weight and armour is twice that of the Heimdal. Considering you can put 60 tons of guns in a 100 ton mech it puts super heavies in perspective.


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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #14 on: 24 January 2015, 22:23:17 »
Remember the errata I sent you about the armour?

Happy thought. The weight and armour is twice that of the Heimdal. Considering you can put 60 tons of guns in a 100 ton mech it puts super heavies in perspective.

...Until just now, NO, I did not. Even though I had a note about it on my desktop for this article. Which I promptly ignored because I wrote this on my laptop instead.

Oi. I need to retire from this.  :-\

Original post has been edited with the errata, including the link to that errata post. Sorry.  :-[
« Last Edit: 24 January 2015, 22:32:39 by JadeHellbringer »
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #15 on: 24 January 2015, 22:34:07 »
No problem. Most people don't know it exists.  That is one of the reasons articles like this are important. With great power comes great responsibility  :'(


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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #16 on: 24 January 2015, 22:38:24 »
Some people just want to see the worlds burn?
Let the Galaxy Burn!
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #17 on: 24 January 2015, 22:41:39 »

C3i, 8 LB-2x, 11 tons of ammo... and you can top some gulls...

Or maybe C3 Master, AMS, AC/2s and precision ammo. Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink Plink - One company-level C3 Master Gulltoppr, 3 lance-level C3 Master Gulltopprs, and a legion of spotters.

This kind of thinking? This stuff makes Weirdo cry.  ;D
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
+Crow T. Robot+

Colt Ward

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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #18 on: 24 January 2015, 22:47:13 »
Arrow 4 says "Wha?"  I can see this conversation going round again just like the Destrier.
Colt Ward
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #19 on: 24 January 2015, 23:06:34 »
This kind of thinking? This stuff makes Weirdo cry.  ;D

Nah, that's my allergies. That stuff? That calls for high-altitude carpet-bombing.
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #20 on: 24 January 2015, 23:09:17 »
Nah, that's my allergies. That stuff? That calls for high-altitude carpet-bombing.

On the bright side, you won't have to worry about hitting a moving target- a Gulltoppr barely qualifies.  ;D
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #21 on: 24 January 2015, 23:09:32 »
Nah, that's my allergies. That stuff? That calls for high-altitude carpet-bombing.

I thought you had a life-threatening allergy to LB ammo. Caused Aerophylactic shock or something  >:D


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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #22 on: 24 January 2015, 23:15:01 »
I can't stop thinking of 4 Gauss Rifle but Arrow IVs and ER LRMs are so much fun! >:D
Nah, that's my allergies. That stuff? That calls for high-altitude carpet-bombing.

Whats the range of Anti-Defense Arrow IVs again?
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #23 on: 24 January 2015, 23:17:38 »
...yeah, four Gauss works, two to each turret- assuming you go with Clan weapons, of course. I'd rather go twin Gauss and twin LB-10X, personally, but that's because I think sandblasting my target is funny as all hell.  ^-^
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
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+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #24 on: 24 January 2015, 23:22:51 »
...yeah, four Gauss works, two to each turret- assuming you go with Clan weapons, of course. I'd rather go twin Gauss and twin LB-10X, personally, but that's because I think sandblasting my target is funny as all hell.  ^-^

Could also go with twin Gauss and twin RAC 5s
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #25 on: 24 January 2015, 23:24:13 »
I thought you had a life-threatening allergy to LB ammo. Caused Aerophylactic shock or something  >:D

Only if I'm dumb enough to get into range.

Whats the range of Anti-Defense Arrow IVs again?

I'll be honest, I'm a little fuzzy on whether or not the increased range of ADAs overrules the fact that no ground unit can have direct LOS to an aero flying at Altitude 10. Cause when I say high-altitude bombing, I mean HIGH. ADAs may have a horizontal range that dwarves any other non-capital weapon, but I cannot honestly say they can reach high enough.
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #26 on: 24 January 2015, 23:25:15 »
...yeah, four Gauss works, two to each turret- assuming you go with Clan weapons, of course. I'd rather go twin Gauss and twin LB-10X, personally, but that's because I think sandblasting my target is funny as all hell.  ^-^

Four class-20 autocannon (3 in turrets, one in the hull) AND disguise it as a building!

"Hey, I think I'm being targetted by that rusty shack over there. Must be some crunchies in there"


On second thought, that isn't actually any more or less scary than hiding Demolisher 2s in unexpected places like a hotel lobby.


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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #27 on: 24 January 2015, 23:37:35 »
On second thought, that isn't actually any more or less scary than hiding Demolisher 2s in unexpected places like a hotel lobby.
No but a hidden Gulltoppr along with a couple of hidden Demolisher 2s and/or DI Schmitts can turn into a nightmare real quick.
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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #28 on: 24 January 2015, 23:44:38 »
Hiding a Demolisher 2 in a hotel lobby? Makes me think of making a meme called "Find the Demolisher 2" and just having it in the oddest places possible.

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Re: VotW: Gulltoppr
« Reply #29 on: 24 January 2015, 23:47:37 »

Teppo, Destrier, now the Gulltoppr. All these superheavies make me jealous.

Since overweight and hardly practical superweapons seem to be a trademark of cornered and doomed regimes, canĀ“t we Regulans get a modern Soarece?