This is bloody superb, you know that right?
I appreciate it marauder, more to come
Modern Warship RolesOver the centuries many types of warships have been constructed but they all ultimately fall into a rough category. Each of these vessels is used differently but all have their place in a well built fleet. Most Warships operate in at least a two ship formation as a lone warship is easy prey for Fast Attack Craft and Pocket Warships no matter how larger they are.
Assault Frigate – These destroyer sized ships share that designs light weapons but have drop collars and large cargo holds to support other combatant craft. In modern times they carry FACs and Pocket Warships, before and during the Jihad it was troop transports. They are the only warships that still practice using their weapons as ortillery, a risky maneuver unless you have secured orbital dominance.
Carrier – Carriers use large numbers of aerospace fighters to deny an area to the enemy and strike beyond effective engagement ranges. Their gun decks are focused on extreme range fire support and anit-aerospace weapons softening hostile warships before their fighters engage and protecting themselves. The consumption of so many Aerospace fighters and crew ensures they never operate far from safe territory.
Cruiser – Cruisers are versatile craft sent out whenever the Fleet is expecting serious trouble of some kind. The largest cruisers, known as battle-cruisers, are fearsome solo combatants and many serve as the spine for most modern Fleets from Terra to Strana Mechty. Cruisers also typically have more jump collars and the ensuring expense rivals their Fleet Carrier (and its Air Wing) in cost. A Cruiser however brings enough concentrated firepower to over match most challenges by itself.
Corvette – Corvettes are lightly armed and armored warships optimized for long distance patrols. Most have no docking collars relying on a squadron of small craft for resupply limiting their options during deployment. They have high safe accelerations of more than 2G (5/8) with crews trained to utilize it and plentiful fuel reserves. Fragile but speedy they function as tougher fast attack craft.
Destroyer – Destroyers are optimized to destroy small craft and missiles and so are often assigned as escorts for larger craft although they can stand against more powerful foes in numbers. Their weapons can engage larger warships at greater risk and standard protocol is to at least pair up to withstand incoming weapon fire from a heavier warship. Most lack drop collars of their own as a cost saving measure and this inexpensive nature ensures they are plentiful in fleet operations with Warships like the Lola III and Essex being among the most produced ever.
Building a FleetWith the return of Warships to the Inner Sphere in the late 30th Century there have been massive changes in a quite short period of time. The last time Warship tactics changed this much was the Age of War. Most Clans had to relearn the realities of large conflict after using their Warships as armed transports for so long. Some adapted better than others.
In the 31st Century there is a chance to build back better with harsh lessons learned during the Jihad and Wars of Sundering. Building a Warship Fleet starts with three (technically four) goals that are familiar to any military planner.
What are you going to be fighting? and how?
How many resources do you have?
How many do you want to use? We will briefly touch upon the answers for each of these questions for the modern factions.
The Clan StatesThe Clans of the new Grand Council on Kerensky's Vision (Sea Fox, Wolf, Jade Falcon, and Stone Lion) are in a strong position to capitalize on gains made during the Jihad. With shared control of Terra, most of their old Occupation Zone planets, and strong backing of the Second Star League they have a chance to fundamentally change Clan identity and perhaps unite the 11 remaining Clans.
However, Clans Thunderbird, Star Adder, and Blood Spirits are rebuilding in the Homeworlds.
Snow Raven expeditions reconnect and expand into the Outworlds Wastes.
Goliath Scorpions have seized a Deep Periphery Empire and eye more.
The Spirit Cat Collective grows in the Irece Prefecture with their Azami allies as a SLDF protectorate.
All the while the Smoke Jaguars have been reborn in the Trinity Alliance and occupy a Canopian/League border world. From 20 there are still 11 that vie for supremacy undaunted and in fact encouraged by continued conflict.
This conflict over Clan identity will be their future battlefield and will be conducted according to their own ways. Most Clans have refused to acknowledge a new Council so it will take time and more than a few skirmishes for one to rise above. Future conflicts will require concentrated firepower as populations are not large nor spread out enough to support a number of smaller craft.
Rumors has it that Quatre Belle, the Dark Nebula, and Syrstart are being rebuilt with the potential to resurrect the now extinct Texas or McKenna class battleships. Clan industrial might is restricted by small populations, lack of scaling, and widespread devastation from a disastrous war. The Homeworlds are now temporarily unable to construct or repair vessels greater than 350 kilotons due to damage to their cageworks.
The Goliath Scorpions made smart choices prior to leaving the homeworlds and assuming control over the Umayyad Caliphate and its vassals. Trading in their Potemkins netted them a fully equipped jumpyard from the Diamond Sharks and a few small Warships. Their neighboring Hansa Fleet stands little chance against even the smallest modern destroyer.
Without Katherine Fox (Steiner-Davion) in charge the Lyran Commonwealth has returned to a cool hostility regarding the new Clan Council. Archon Reinhardt Steiner has to run interference preventing a full LCAF assault on “occupied” worlds that the grandchildren of dispossessed lords want returned. From Arcturus he sits under a Sword of Damocles with the new Council a mere 15 light years away.
With a specialization in starship construction, their Loremaster's advance planning, and cooperation from the Outworlds Alliance the Snow Ravens are likely to win a naval arms race with a large lead on the others. The old SLDF shipyards around Quatre Belle are humming once more due to their diligent efforts.
All Clans are still burdened with a large number of vessels critically damaged during the Jihad. While they lack materials and technical professionals they started at a higher level than the Inner Sphere before them. Thus they only have to renovate, repair, and modernize their SLDF legacy hulls another time to match any Successor Fleet, for now.
Like many smaller states the Clans are more interested in expanding and solidifying their dominion after the disastrous loss of the Rasalhague Dominion. Presently new Warship construction is a low priority and repairing and modernizing existing hulls is somewhere in the middle. Capturing the experience of combat proven Clan Warriors is the highest priority and will possible pay the most dividends for all involved.