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Will be watching the Olympics for the next 2 weeks.

Skulls, swimming and Track for me.
Off Topic / Re: Star Wars General Discussion: Somehow The Thread Returned
« Last post by garhkal on 26 July 2024, 13:58:47 »
Well its the reviews not the actual show i'm watching.
Who dropped that ball there?

*Waves hand in CGL's general direction*
Mercs KS has seemingly crippled the rest of the company.
Yeah, it appears that I got too much stuff.

said no one ever.  :grin:
Unfortunately an unarmored one, but it's not like the Otselot 120 was a bastion of protection in itself.  I'm not sure it can be made; I'd try doing it but I don't have Excel - and Tankreator doesn't like OpenOffice.  At least, not my copy of it.

The Inner Sphere / Re: What is the Buying Power of a C-Bill?
« Last post by mechasaurus on 26 July 2024, 13:36:53 »
Maybe those people were Davions and thus very bad at math, so they couldn't do the exchange rates.

Ha ha!

More likely Steiners.

They keep getting rich by keeping us plebs ill-informed.  We only think we don't understand the exchange rates, because that's the information they keep feeding us!  They get rich off the difference.  Plus, they know exactly the true worth of a Battlemech and are able to game it to keep buying the biggest and best!
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Cranston's July Minis
« Last post by CranstonSnord on 26 July 2024, 13:27:35 »
One more, to fill out a grinder kit: a Clan Hell's Horses Omega Galaxy Stone Rhino.
Maybe those people were Davions and thus very bad at math, so they couldn't do the exchange rates.
I didn't even know about this.  Was it announced anywhere?  :huh:

Weirdly, it was not.  Not anywhere that wasn't social media already.  Who dropped that ball there?
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