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Now that I have extra 3C arms, I can add them to my magnetized plastic one 😁
So, the Archer was a decent press. Only nitpick was removing the bay doors from the sprue.  Felt like the attachment was a bit thick, removing them with snips was a bad idea, so used my hobby saws.  Still needed a bit of shaping.  No distracting slippage on the major parts.

The Rifleman on the other hand felt like a rushed release.  There was a noticeable slip on the center torso, and feet as well.  The feet didn't take to much to fix, but the center tosro loses a lot of detailing to fix.  Maybe it was the batch I got, as it was present on the 3 that I built so far.

Overall, it's still presentable, but bad for a new release.
We don't talk about the Phoenix Archer...

How bad were they, I never saw them.
Goodie gumdrops!
My wife has our vaccine records locked up somewhere or in the jeep with her at work, do I still need that if I visit?  Mask is not a problem, but I don't want to drive all the way to Cincinnati today from Louisville and then be turned away.  Anyone?

You are good, visit and have fun.
Any plans for Archer variants in the near "soon"?

I do have two Archer variants done, just need to work with Mike for release.
Just finished "Without Question"

Enjoyed it too  :cool:
Clan Chatterweb / Re: Bloodname Phenotype Classifications
« Last post by AlphaMirage on Today at 11:32:00 »
I don't know how much influence the Council actually has on Bloodhouse Politics and Planning, by virtue of being Warriors they should, and its something that could be explored more in the fiction, but they do have a lot of other tasks so it might be delegated somewhat. The Scientist Caste and Chief Geneticist/Keeper of the Kin are in charge of making and selecting Trueborns plus maintaining the genetic health of the Clan so it might vary based on how politically savvy the Scientists are and local conditions/key personalities.

It could be even something like a bidding process where Bloodhouse Leaders present the possibilities their group can offer for the limited number of iron womb/creche slots authorized. That could even lead to purposeful specialization of a Bloodhouse for a Phenotype that strengthen their bid to produce more Warriors of a specific type. Say 4/7 of the Pilot crechies generated are selected for Sibko training vs a more general house which might have 1 Pilot per 7 candidates but possess a higher overall acceptance rate say of 5/7 of the Total in other roles.

The Bloodname Count can also be instrumental in Bloodhouse Politics as a Pilot House would have more members of the Aerospace Corps and thus a greater influence on planning the future of resource allocation into Aerospace than one that was divided among MechWarriors and Elementals.
BattleTech Miniatures / Clan Smoke Jaguar Alpha Galaxy Elementals
« Last post by MarauderD on Today at 11:27:16 »
Hey all,

Finally painted up 3 elemental stands.  Used Worktroll's formula for table ready CSJ Alpha mechs, minus the spots:

Grey Seer Primer, Nuln Oil.  Used Vallejo black for the spaulders for accents.  Leadbelcher on their lasers for some detail work.  Fastest I've ever painted anything, great experience overall.  I still think the Elementals are a bit too small for my abilities.  But I'm happy to have done them. 

Cheers all!
Clan Chatterweb / Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Last post by cmerwin on Today at 11:22:26 »
Does the attached image seem like a correct-ish interpretation of the Nova Cat field uniform? Going with pre-SLDF patches for an Alpha Galaxy, 1st Nova Cat Guards, mechwarrior, Star Captain, Point 1?
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