Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109241 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #600 on: 04 April 2022, 20:19:29 »
The Phoenix Dao will provide the following to our friends in ComStar for their use in the humanitarian efforts.

Ching Ch’i and his RVN-1X Raven
Squad of Grey Death standard battle armor riding in a heavy wheeled APC
Squad of Inner Sphere standard battle armor in a heavy hover APC
(2) squads of infantry
(2) flatbed trucks
(4) semi-trucks
Urbanmech, the myth, the legend, the Urbie!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #601 on: 05 April 2022, 00:35:40 »
“Duke I have an Annette Hammond on the line for you sir.”
“Put her through.” Looking at the vid screen. “How may I be of service Mz. Hammond?”
“Well, Its Annette to start and I have a little something that may be of use to you.”
“OK Annette just is this little thing you have that I may want.”
“I have an old tech Valkyrie and Whitworth that just came in. They both needs some major TLC but nothing I do not think you tech can’t handle. I do not like doing these things on the phone. How about we get together at Starlight in Yousai in two days?”
“Sounds interesting …. But I am in the field at this time can I send someone in my place?”
“If that is what you would like.”
“IT is what is needed at this time. When I get back I would like to meet with you if that is good for you?”
“I will be on rock for the next couple of months so when you are back we can meet then.”
“We will talk more then.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #602 on: 05 April 2022, 00:37:50 »
“They held back that first assault but I do not know how well they will do next time.”
“We need to figure out how we are getting out of here. That she-demon has a Destroyer off our coast.”
“We can ask for a DropShip.”
“That means we have to leave most everything behind, something I do not want to do.”
“Is it not better to get out what we can?”
“This is now what I signed on for. I am not running from my own Shiro.”
“But if the get past our lines they will put you in prison maybe even execute you.”
“Then our forces had better see to it that her forces do not get here until we get out.”
“Hai Nagazawa-sama.”

Nejiro News 1
We are getting reports of a large number of GSF units in and around Moro. We also have reports of heavy weapons fire close to Shiro Nakazawa. As we confirm these we will keep you informed.

Hilo TV3
We are getting reports of GSF units operating around Moro. We will keep you up to date as we find out more.

HBC News
We have of GSF units operating around Moro. From what we have gathered they are a protection force. As we learn more we will inform you. We are also learning about some heavy weapons fire near Shiro Nakazawa. At this time we do not know what is going on. We are keeping a close eye on this.

The Moro Sun-Times
We are reporting that units from the GSF providing security for us here in More. We also have a report of some kind of armored unit that is heading in our direction. As we find out more we will update this site.

The Tarawa Times
We have reports of combat action near Shiro Nakazawa. We also have a report that the units that attacked the Shiro have been driven off.

The Dakuu-orianyusu (Dark Warrior News)
The She-Demon has sent her sell swords to attack a loyal son of Nejiro, it was repelled by his loyal Samurai. When will these toy soldiers learn they are no match for true warriors! This She-Demon makes up charges so that a true son of Nejiro can be replaced. Little did she know that this true son of Nejiro having the foresight bring in true Samurai to protect his property and Nijero after her sell swords have bungled the job they should be doing! Nijero open your eyes ….. see who is your true protector.

Shin no wadopuresu (True Word Press)
We are reporting on a couple of events going on. First we have of GSF occupation forces moving into Moro. They say they are security but are they? If this is a security force why is it so large? What are they protecting Moro from? Second are reports of fighting near Nakazawa Shiro. What is going on over at this site? We know of the charges that the current government has made. We know that this government has said that Lord Nakazawa is a traitor to Nijero over some minor matters. Has you leader gone so far as to attack one of the leading clans over such minor matters?

“With his sea escape cut off Nakazawa and his pals will need to find some other way out.”
“What do you think they will do?”
“I would use a DropShip. Nakazawa will not like that as he will not be able to take all his thinks with him.”
“So do you think the Kokuryu-kai will get him to go for the DropShip?”
“I don’t think they will give much choice on it, that is if he wants to keep his skin.”

“Recon 1230 to command we have found a way around Nakazawa’s line.”

Nejero News 1
“We have a report that a grain silo exploding outside of Tarawa. As more information comes in we will pass it along.”

The Tarawa Times
We are reporting an accident at one of the grain storage facilities outside of Tarawa. We do not know if anyone was hurt in this event.

“I think our people rattled his teeth with that one.”
“Well at the very least he will be more careful about playing with matches.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #603 on: 05 April 2022, 20:02:04 »
Outside of the building which houses Major Franks' ad Colonel Greyjoy's offices there is a small commotion as a utility vehicle pulls up at a high rate of speed, slamming to a stop at the last possible second to avoid running into the protective elements outside the defensive perimeter. Two people step out from inside wearing fatigues indicating they belong to Winter's Dream. They move quickly and with purpose towards the building, and when they are stopped by security they flash badges indicating they are with the 190th SOG. "Lojtnant SjalBrenna and Fanjunkare Lucis. We need to speak to Major Franks and Colonel Greyjoy. We may have a way to help with the Long Toms."

At the defense cordon, the Ironborn ordinance vehicle touches down and trundles its way to the GSF Forces.  A Marauder and a Goblin tank are lowered down before dropping the last few feet to the ground.

Once the Ordinance vehicle reaches the line.  Julia jumps out and starts shouting out orders.  "Hurry it up people!  I want what we're carrying distributed triple-time.  The Colonel and the others need these spare parts and ammo.  Let's make sure they get them."  Grabbing a headset, she says, "Alpha Platoon, Sergeant Frey, set up your men to protect the ordinance trailer.  We're going to have more coming, so get ready."

"Yes, Warrant Officer."

"Suzaku, keep an eye on the horizon.  Anything comes from the Shiro, let us know."

"Hai, nee-san."

"Don't call me that here, Fuka."  Julia corrected her.  "This is a battlefield.  Here, I'm Warrant Officer Goodbrother.  Understand?"

"H-hai, Warrant Officer."

Aboard his Marauder, Euron hears about the officers from Winter's Dream and their proposal to deal with the Shiro's artillery.  "Put them through, tell them I'm listening."
« Last Edit: 05 April 2022, 20:29:22 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #604 on: 05 April 2022, 20:34:54 »
"Colonel Greyjoy, Major Franks. I am Lojtnant SjalBrenna. I am a part of the 190th Special Operations Group, attached to the Winter's Dream. I believe, if we can get a small force together, my unit, along with selected other stealthy units may be able to infiltrate the Shiro near the docks and shut down, or even retarget the Long Toms," Sjalbrenna pauses then resumes speaking.

"I am not 100% familiar with all the units on the planet, but I believe you all would be, and so I ask you for suggestions in putting together a target raid force that you think would be able to take and sabotage those guns. I believe that without taking down those guns we are at a disadvantage, especially since they can plot defensive patterns into the Long toms, and rain fire. I'd love to sneak in and retarget the long toms to fire on their own forces, but that would probably take longer than we can safely put together." Sjalbrenna stops, and looks over at Lucis. "I believe that we can also use this raid to gather intelligence without causing the Nakazawa's undue loss of face. My entire command is equipped for less-than-lethal tactics as well as lethal ones. That is my proposal in a nutshell. I would like your opinions on other units to include. This mission may turn the battle, but it also can end up with the units involved decimated, due to the defenses, should they be spotted."
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #605 on: 06 April 2022, 15:46:15 »
I have a platoon of Infiltrator stealth armor "waddle" that I can contribute to the operation.
Will Canopian foot infantry with their medical training be considered useful for the Comstar mission?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #606 on: 06 April 2022, 16:29:29 »
Will Canopian foot infantry with their medical training be considered useful for the Comstar mission?

Sorry but that mission is already under way.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #607 on: 07 April 2022, 20:50:35 »
Quentin instantly recognized the harem chic look so familiar from back home.  A series of translucent curtains separated an antechamber of exposed steel floor populated by boots so that the the rugs and cushions would remain clean.  The other spaces beyond the fabric wall were hinted at as Quentin scanned the scene.  Passing through the second opening, cushions clustered around low tables as semi-transparent ocre-colored curtains further divided the space and covered the walls.  "I took the liberty of cutting an opening through to the wall to the vacant chamber next to this one.  I know that look, just relax.  We didn't cut through any structural supports and the joints were already in the walls.  We can put it back when we need to.  And don't worry about the rug and cloth catching fire.  They've all been treated for it."
Quentin took a deep breath. "What's on the other side?"
Jemma led him through the opening into a larger space.  As an old armor hangar, it was two stories tall.  The floor and walls were also covered completely in rugs.  Toward the center of the room, the off-duty personnel were were gathered on cushions. The wolfhounds, Ghost and Summer, were rolling lazily nearby.  Among them, Sandra and Linda were showing Victarion and Freyja Greyjoy how to play the basilet.  Victarion glanced up at Quentin and nodded.  Quentin nodded back and ushered Jemma back into the anteroom.  "Are you planning Pithian dances here?"
"Of course.  It will be in the proper manner; no one will be using drugs to cheat.  We know what prudes the locals can be."

1)     Shiro reading the report from the Tokugawa crew left at Camp Haken in increasing disbelief while in the cockpit of his Cougar.  "What, they wait until I LEAVE to open the brothel?!?!"
2)     Grandmother looking at the same report.  "Hmmm, perhaps I need to travel over to speak with some of the Canopian hospitality team".

Later on on a private line.
“Dr. Musashi, cousin I will request that you go with the ComGuard force as the outpost may need medical help and you have the best full coverage mobile medical group we have on world. I will also ask that you take some units as a bodyguard as well.”

Grandmother takes a long breath, nodding slightly.  Her eyes sweep the study that was her father's, and her grandfather's, but never completely leaving the twins playing with the dogs on the century-old rug.  "Of course, cousin.  I will be there as will my forces; I fear, though, that with the preparations for the move Tai-i Rhodes' forces may not be able to contribute.  I will hope, though, that I am able to return in time for the Okuizome.  I will speak with Miyamoto, and with Kiah before I depart, though.  There are questions that will need to be answered and decisions that they must make.  Know, cousin, that as in the past, you have my love, and my respect."

Grandmother returns the handset to the cradle and wipes a tear from one cheek.  "Go-cho, please reach out to Tai-i Rhodes, Miyamoto, and Kommandant Franks, let them know that if possible I need to meet with them soonest in person.  If not possible, I will need the most secure link we can guarantee".  Rather than point out that Kiah isn't a Kommandant, he simply bows and exits the room.

Bully arranges for a secured link to Greyjoy from Kiah's command center, with her watching him from the sidelines.

"Hello, Euron.  I'm sending you the 40 Thieves; they're good at getting into relatively secure places and should be able to help you deal with some of the Nakazawa artillery.  Ali Baba will need to understand all the commando objectives, but he's always been good at covering my back.  Good hunting."

« Last Edit: 08 April 2022, 16:44:59 by ObnoxiousTwerp »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #608 on: 08 April 2022, 18:16:22 »
So question for the crew

You going for the Guns of Navarone or hitting the  line

Kind of need to know so I know what in need to bring.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #609 on: 09 April 2022, 07:16:48 »
I favor Guns of Navarone, then hit the line.  Most of the damage in the last game was done by artillery.

On that note, how are we getting the strike team to the Shiro without being detected?  It should be noted that battlearmor is considered destroyed if they fall in water in normal gameplay. However in one of the Catalyst Q&A sessions, they said it was because it would take too long for them to claw their way out of the water to get back into the game.
« Last Edit: 09 April 2022, 07:21:30 by jimdigris »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #610 on: 09 April 2022, 14:09:45 »
"Colonel Greyjoy, Major Franks. I am Lojtnant SjalBrenna. I am a part of the 190th Special Operations Group, attached to the Winter's Dream. I believe, if we can get a small force together, my unit, along with selected other stealthy units may be able to infiltrate the Shiro near the docks and shut down, or even retarget the Long Toms," Sjalbrenna pauses then resumes speaking.

"I am not 100% familiar with all the units on the planet, but I believe you all would be, and so I ask you for suggestions in putting together a target raid force that you think would be able to take and sabotage those guns. I believe that without taking down those guns we are at a disadvantage, especially since they can plot defensive patterns into the Long toms, and rain fire. I'd love to sneak in and retarget the long toms to fire on their own forces, but that would probably take longer than we can safely put together." Sjalbrenna stops, and looks over at Lucis. "I believe that we can also use this raid to gather intelligence without causing the Nakazawa's undue loss of face. My entire command is equipped for less-than-lethal tactics as well as lethal ones. That is my proposal in a nutshell. I would like your opinions on other units to include. This mission may turn the battle, but it also can end up with the units involved decimated, due to the defenses, should they be spotted."

Bully arranges for a secured link to Greyjoy from Kiah's command center, with her watching him from the sidelines.

"Hello, Euron.  I'm sending you the 40 Thieves; they're good at getting into relatively secure places and should be able to help you deal with some of the Nakazawa artillery.  Ali Baba will need to understand all the commando objectives, but he's always been good at covering my back.  Good hunting."

I favor Guns of Navarone, then hit the line.  Most of the damage in the last game was done by artillery.

On that note, how are we getting the strike team to the Shiro without being detected?  It should be noted that battlearmor is considered destroyed if they fall in water in normal gameplay. However in one of the Catalyst Q&A sessions, they said it was because it would take too long for them to claw their way out of the water to get back into the game.

Euron replies to both Bully and Winter's Dream: "Priority should be given to taking out those Long Toms, preferably by destroying them.  As much as I'd like to nail these guys with their own big guns, that isn't really feasible as it would require us to actually hold those docks against opposing forces for an extended period of time.  As for how we could get those stealth forces there.  I happen to have a boat."

Calling Camp Haken, Euron says, "Alannah, get me that navy captain who just joined us.  I think his name is Pavel."
"Yes, Colonel."

shadhawk: We're going for the Guns of the Navarone first.  I might need to use the Mauna Kea Command Vessel you recently gave me.

all others: I have no stealthy units to contribute to the commando force as most of my infantry and BA is in the field.  If anyone else has anything they can contribute, let me know.
« Last Edit: 09 April 2022, 14:12:08 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #611 on: 09 April 2022, 15:49:02 »
I'm thinking that this is a mission for vtol assets.  The stealth units get to the door and a raid by vtols distracts the guards.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #612 on: 10 April 2022, 13:15:41 »
VTOLs would be nice, but unless they're a commando force as well I don't think it would distract the guards enough...


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #613 on: 10 April 2022, 15:41:50 »
Then, we'll drop battlearmor.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #614 on: 11 April 2022, 11:09:18 »
Colonel Grayjoy if the GSF is going to assault the guns at Nakazawa Shiro I do have units they can be of great help but only if this is an assault as they are not stealthy in the slightest.” Sho-sa Kalakaua informs him. “I have a couple of squads of Kanazuchi Assault Armor. One uses a Bandit as transport and can be on site in a few hours.”

Major Harlaw will call back the Colonel. “Sir the Mauna Kea is not very fast it cruse speed is only 32kph, but it has eight tons of cargo space. That would hold the two squads of Longinus BA that just arrived. I do think that the Karnov they brought would be better suited if you want them to deploy for the gun mission. The Kea could take in other units and provide fire support from the coast.”

“Major we can put out patrol boats to work on the mission to take out the guns. As they would be working close in to shore they would not have to deal with the heavy weather and they are fast and they would provide fire support. The jump infantry they have would be of help as well. We can send Alpha team to deal with the guns as well. They would keep Nakazawa’s people very un-happy.”

“Bully I know that my boys can get in with no problem, it’s the getting out I am thinking will be the problem. So with that in mind maybe the Bravo Goblin and the boys with them SRM and be the ones holding open the door? Maybe with some extra help.” The leader of the Thieves offers. “When things go boom Zawa and his won’t be a happy bunch.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #615 on: 11 April 2022, 21:23:27 »
"Colonel Greyjoy, Major Franks. I am Lojtnant SjalBrenna. I am a part of the 190th Special Operations Group, attached to the Winter's Dream. I believe, if we can get a small force together, my unit, along with selected other stealthy units may be able to infiltrate the Shiro near the docks and shut down, or even retarget the Long Toms," Sjalbrenna pauses then resumes speaking.

"I am not 100% familiar with all the units on the planet, but I believe you all would be, and so I ask you for suggestions in putting together a target raid force that you think would be able to take and sabotage those guns. I believe that without taking down those guns we are at a disadvantage, especially since they can plot defensive patterns into the Long toms, and rain fire. I'd love to sneak in and retarget the long toms to fire on their own forces, but that would probably take longer than we can safely put together." Sjalbrenna stops, and looks over at Lucis. "I believe that we can also use this raid to gather intelligence without causing the Nakazawa's undue loss of face. My entire command is equipped for less-than-lethal tactics as well as lethal ones. That is my proposal in a nutshell. I would like your opinions on other units to include. This mission may turn the battle, but it also can end up with the units involved decimated, due to the defenses, should they be spotted."

I am all for trying to take out the guns, i have my higher level scouts that can be used , going in stealthy will not be easy, i do have 2 gun boats but they are not ocean rated they are for rivers. we do have to figure out if there is a way to near them stealthily, and it most likely needs to be done at night  or use the night to get in place and hit first light. flying in will not be stealthy the battle armor might need to be dropped and then walk in to get to the guns

i am for blowing the dang things up. maybe several small teams from different directions? with a set Rendezvous point at a set time?

what do you all think ?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #616 on: 12 April 2022, 15:58:36 »
It would help if we had a map or satellite image of the shiro.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #617 on: 12 April 2022, 16:55:00 »
It would help if we had a map or satellite image of the shiro.

Everyone has a set of maps. I have given all players copies of the maps.

The AO .... (Area of Operation) will not be set until all of you figure out what you are doing. This mission is happing within a few days of the last one.
« Last Edit: 13 April 2022, 14:44:22 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #618 on: 13 April 2022, 00:21:16 »
Colonel Grayjoy if the GSF is going to assault the guns at Nakazawa Shiro I do have units they can be of great help but only if this is an assault as they are not stealthy in the slightest.” Sho-sa Kalakaua informs him. “I have a couple of squads of Kanazuchi Assault Armor. One uses a Bandit as transport and can be on site in a few hours.”

Major Harlaw will call back the Colonel. “Sir the Mauna Kea is not very fast it cruse speed is only 32kph, but it has eight tons of cargo space. That would hold the two squads of Longinus BA that just arrived. I do think that the Karnov they brought would be better suited if you want them to deploy for the gun mission. The Kea could take in other units and provide fire support from the coast.”

“Major we can put out patrol boats to work on the mission to take out the guns. As they would be working close in to shore they would not have to deal with the heavy weather and they are fast and they would provide fire support. The jump infantry they have would be of help as well. We can send Alpha team to deal with the guns as well. They would keep Nakazawa’s people very un-happy.”

“Bully I know that my boys can get in with no problem, it’s the getting out I am thinking will be the problem. So with that in mind maybe the Bravo Goblin and the boys with them SRM and be the ones holding open the door? Maybe with some extra help.” The leader of the Thieves offers. “When things go boom Zawa and his won’t be a happy bunch.”

I am all for trying to take out the guns, i have my higher level scouts that can be used , going in stealthy will not be easy, i do have 2 gun boats but they are not ocean rated they are for rivers. we do have to figure out if there is a way to near them stealthily, and it most likely needs to be done at night  or use the night to get in place and hit first light. flying in will not be stealthy the battle armor might need to be dropped and then walk in to get to the guns

i am for blowing the dang things up. maybe several small teams from different directions? with a set Rendezvous point at a set time?

what do you all think ?

A night attack is actually what I'd envisioned for this, but I wasn't sure if Anthony was going to let us do that.

Speaking of which: Anthony, Julia and the techs are going to be making field repairs on what they can back at the defense cordon.  I'll leave the dice rolls to you unless you want me to roll for it at the next game.

If my Mauna Kea can't make it for the mission, I guess I'll have to go with my Karnov w/ the Longinus BA and my Hawk Moth VTOL. 

Euron will take Kona up on her offer of the Kanazuchi squads.  We might need the heavy firepower.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #619 on: 13 April 2022, 19:06:51 »
A night attack is actually what I'd envisioned for this, but I wasn't sure if Anthony was going to let us do that.

I have no problem with night ops. Do keep in mind they are a modern infantry force on world so night is not as great as one would think.

Speaking of which: Anthony, Julia and the techs are going to be making field repairs on what they can back at the defense cordon.  I'll leave the dice rolls to you unless you want me to roll for it at the next game.

You can make the rolls next event day.

If my Mauna Kea can't make it for the mission, I guess I'll have to go with my Karnov w/ the Longinus BA and my Hawk Moth VTOL.

Both are on line for the mission, just pointing out it is 3 / 5.
This dose have long range weapons to help the attack force.
The Karnov has speed, guardian and lasers.

Euron will take Kona up on her offer of the Kanazuchi squads.  We might need the heavy firepower.

If you are looking for stealth they are not it. If you are hot dropping and hitting hard these be da guys


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #620 on: 13 April 2022, 20:04:39 »
I have no problem with night ops. Do keep in mind they are a modern infantry force on world so night is not as great as one would think.

You can make the rolls next event day.

Both are on line for the mission, just pointing out it is 3 / 5.
This dose have long range weapons to help the attack force.
The Karnov has speed, guardian and lasers.

If you are looking for stealth they are not it. If you are hot dropping and hitting hard these be da guys

Also realized, Jack has access to ninjas (Or at least one, I think, you can never tell since you can't see them).  I wonder if there are any such agents operating in the area  8)
« Last Edit: 13 April 2022, 20:22:22 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #621 on: 14 April 2022, 01:40:26 »
Also realized, Jack has access to ninjas (Or at least one, I think, you can never tell since you can't see them).  I wonder if there are any such agents operating in the area  8)

The Ninja that he knows is doing other things at this time.

His Recon Marines are also doing things.

If Ninja are in the area they would not be working with you all  >:D

This OP is up to you guys  :thumbsup:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #622 on: 14 April 2022, 15:08:21 »
I'd like to suggest that we slow-walk the stealth infantry over a period of hours and just before they kick in the doors, they send a signal for the "noisy" infantry to begin their assault.  We should consider sending as many infantry assets as we can.
The point to all of this is to get our naughty noble.  The last mission was about getting our infantry into the castle.  As long as we're trampling the tulips and burning down the garden shed, we may as well let ourselves in the back door and grab the package.
We should ask Jack for his most recent map of the castle.  No doubt things have changed, but when can use it as a rule-of-thumb.
« Last Edit: 14 April 2022, 15:10:26 by jimdigris »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #623 on: 14 April 2022, 16:54:18 »
I'd like to suggest that we slow-walk the stealth infantry over a period of hours and just before they kick in the doors, they send a signal for the "noisy" infantry to begin their assault.  We should consider sending as many infantry assets as we can.
The point to all of this is to get our naughty noble.  The last mission was about getting our infantry into the castle.  As long as we're trampling the tulips and burning down the garden shed, we may as well let ourselves in the back door and grab the package.
We should ask Jack for his most recent map of the castle.  No doubt things have changed, but when can use it as a rule-of-thumb.

So I get to have Crash make the rolls for the stealth teams  >:D


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #624 on: 15 April 2022, 15:05:22 »


Torture was like hunting with a flamethrower, it doesn't work and makes a mess. Although the threat of torture works wonders on certain types of people. However there are exceptions to every rule.   

                                                                                                                                                   Yanagi Yakomi   



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #625 on: 15 April 2022, 15:32:34 »
Meiyo and Jack will make brief appearances and socialize at the happy couples celebrations in December 3068

They will gift to each couple a shugi-bukuro {washi paper origami wedding gift envelope} painted with red roses, hydrangeas, sakurasou, and carnations in full bloom and embossed with celebratory wedding kanji and each couples names in calligraphy, and Meiyo and Jack's hanko, and wrapped with a silver and gold mushibikiri {washi paper twine knot}. They are each filled with a gold foil senbazuru {one thousand tiny origami paper cranes strung together} and goshugi {money gift} of 33333 Ryu in crisp new bills. Each couple is also gifted with a laquered pheasentwood jewelry presentation box lined with vicuna over a charcoal bottom visible around the edges of the box containing a pair of handcrafted sterling silver bangle bracelets. One set with carved and embelished images that evoke the ocean and cephalopods, and one set that evokes Viking war hammers and starbursts. They are accompanied by a card that explains the rfid embedded bracelets act as a voucher for an all inclusive, unlimited one week per annum stay at any of the Starwood Resorts properties, yachts, or cruise ships - that is transferable for up to three all inclusive, unlimited three day stays per annum, and includes a reservation and use tutorial.   

[Starwood Resorts five star hotel and spas from black tie casinos, to private tropical beaches to ski chalets, are distinguished by the attentive and discreet service - and their mission statement 'Experience the Possible' ]   

« Last Edit: 15 April 2022, 15:37:30 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #626 on: 16 April 2022, 15:25:29 »
Yakovich Koichizoku   {following after}       

colors: red, pink   
kamon: moon rabbit   
Delm: Chayton Yakovich   
          Courtesan; Yusuke Miyamoto 
          Concubine: Hana Nekras 
Matrona: Aditya Wolff Yakovich   
Founders MP: Desiree 'Dezi' Nguyen
            Concubine; Maiida Midori   
Spokesperson: Suzu Maeda 
Militia: Storozhey {watchmen} 
Militia Commander: James Kubera   
            Concubine: Hoshiyo Kuzmin     

Associate Member Families: Bolkvadze, Anker, Ffransis, Vang, Wolff, Iwasaki, Chaykovsky, deLapin, Tsukimi   

Territory: [map 8] (650 sq km) landhold on the Kamchatka Peninsula, plus one quarter of Civitas - a town shared with the borders of the Sorenson, Palakiko, and Isobe Allied Koichizoku, plus (1200 sq km) property to the east, north, and south of the landhold, plus properties stellar and worldwide

Arcadia - cooperative and vertical farming grows tobacco, red clover, wheat, oats, barley, rice, rye, hops, maize, cannabis, hemp, bamboo, peanuts, yak, goats, pigs, dairy cows, water buffalo, chickens, pheasants   

Volga Zakaznik {sanctuary} - a 5000 ha nature reserve to preserve the unique biological diversity of a large contiguous forest in the Volga River region near the landhold

Wolff Creek Ranch - 1000 ha ranch in the forested mountains with cattle, elk, deer, sheep, and horses; it also runs the Wolff Creek Guest Ranch which offers trail riding, hiking, bird watching, rafting, pack trips, wagon rides, jeep or motorbike tours, shooting sports, outdoor movie nights, dark sky stargazing, zip lines, tennis courts, indoor/outdoor natural stone waterfall pool, yoga, onsen and spa amenities, guided hunting excursions, fishing, glamping, rodeo and equestrian sports, gourmet cuisine, cooking classes, access to the nearby Emerald Vale Golf Club and the Aiken Polo Club   

Crimson Star Meadows - vertical and cooperative farms grow organic saffron, ginseng, lavender, goji berries, bamboo, banana, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants, mulberry, elderberry, and cranberry for food, fragrance, and dyes   

The Warren - produces wine and table grapes, and rabbits for meat and textiles       

Corporate:  Four Corners Zaibatsu   
Loukas Lagoons - builds unique luxury water and fire features including free standing stone grottos, fire pits and bowls, lagoon pools, fire columns, waterfall pools, stone pools, fire tables, spas, wrap pools, chimineas, outdoor fireplaces, ovens, and grills, roman baths, patio heaters, gardens, water rooms, outdoor living spaces, landscaping   

Boneshaker: manufactures mountain bikes, adventure road bikes, hybrid bikes, city bikes, comfort bikes, children and adult tricycles, accessories, parts, and tools   

Tuile Dew - produces triple distilled thrice blended barley whiskey aged in oak barrels for at least a dozen years   

Pink Lotus - by apointment only traditional japanese geisha and oiran teahouses located in the flower districts of Civitas, Hilo, Lanikai, Sakura Onsen, Moro, Bridges, Whistler, Port, Kamloops, Siniy, Yakan, Majuro, The Enclave, Yousai, Marena, Leyte, Quezon, Samar, Vanuatu, Constantine   

Whirlwind Aviatsiya {aviation} - manufactures aircraft kits, parts, and tools from biplanes to prototypes, for sport and the homebuilder, hosts and sponsors Airventure, a fly in convention every September, which includes aerobatic shows, races, dogfights, precision flying, experimental aircraft, night flights, exhibitors, historic aircraft, museum displays, flight experiences, workshops, forums, rc and drone flying field, fly in theater, flight lessons, and the Blue Barn hosts aviator club chapters from around the world   

Convivium Imperialis {imperial banquet hall} - upscale worldwide chain of event venues wih at least two large and two small banquet halls for events, weddings, graduations, promotions, birthdays, dances, and other gatherings   

White Flower Laundrey - chain of combined laundromat and dry clean establishments capable of caring for leather, fur, rugs, and delicate textiles that also offers residential and commercial customer pick up, wash-fold, steam-press, and delivery services   

Natural Wonders - produces building stone, slabs, counters, and tiles for retail and wholesale   

Coldspring Quarries - mines quarries throughout the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Black Hills region, and some stellar sites for granite, limestone, marble, onyx, soapstone, travertine, quartz, sandstone, slate, aggregates, and silicates   

Stahlaz {standing firm} - planetary and stellar mines producing iron, carbon, manganese, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, boron, titanium, hydrogen, methane, vanadium, tungsten, cobalt, niobium, phosphorous, sulfur, silicon, nitrogen, copper, gold   

Quindozum Fab - integrated device manufacturer, makes silicon wafers, integrated circuits, microchips, semiconductors, automated semiconductor chip foundries   

Yuneec - design, engineers, and manufactures electric passenger and hobby aircraft, multicopters, hobby drones and rc aircraft, racers, commercial aerial drones, cargo drones, aerial cinematography and photography drones, surveillance drones for fire and rescue, law enforcement, security, and coast guards, also armed reconnaissance drones for military use, advanced educational robots, high precision multispectral image drones for environmental, meterological, and agricultural monitoring, crop protection drones, software, accessories, parts and service   

Wondershare - social media platform   

Usagi Mediation {rabbit} - firm that offers dispute resolution, contract negotiation, policy making, diplomacy and dispute prevention, confidential services   

Red Rabbit Rail - high speed passenger and freight services that covers the continent of Tairiku     

No-Usagi {wild rabbit} - rolling stock and rail design and manufacture 

Stahlaz Metal - integrated steel works, forged, and milled steel products, titanium products, electro-magnetic products, chemicals, VIM-VAR steels, manufactures welding robots and systems, ironworks, recycling, industrial furnaces   

Cashmere Popcorn - makes gourmet popcorn with flavored, dipped, and spiced varieties   

Ad Fabulas {the stories} - handmade premium cigars and cigarillos of whole leaf tobacco packaged in canisters of twelve, humidors of twenty four or thirty six, or tins of fifty   

Aimmune - clinical stage biopharma developing desensitization treatments and immune boosters for allergens and also pain management therapies   

Chromatic Edge - manufactures dice for casinos and the gaming industry, also manufactures small batch limited edition dice for table talk games, board games, and miniature battles   

Tarian {shield} - off the rack designer and luxury lines of suits and dresses that appear appropriately formal while still allowing for flexibility and strenuous athletic activities at a moments notice, popular with athletes, dancers, bodyguards, investigators, and law enforcement, it also produces a line of formal executive protection apparel   

Verkada - designs and manufactures autonomous leading edge, high clarity, surveillance cameras with facial recognition, and secure cloud based data storage   

Swift Transit - worldwide charter air services from bush planes to executive jets   

Aficionado Quilts - handmade quilts in patchwork, crazy, art, star, sashiko, kantha, and block design styles, sold through a digital storefront and boutiques in Civitas, Bridges, Hilo, and Baja   

Subian {whatever} - worldwide chain of clubs geared to young adults fourteen to twenty five with multiple dj and edm dance floors, live stages, roman style public baths, dart leagues, e-leagues, and sport screens, that serve food but are alcohol and drug free 

Motley - a commercial real estate investment trust with worldwide, stellar, and interstellar properties   

Sojitz {twin suns} - a sogo shosha {general trading company} and interstellar export trading company with offices in Civitas, Yousai, the Enclave, Bridges, Kamloops, Leyte, Hilo, and the Spaceport   

Aspis {shield} - (logo is a horned viper striking from a coil on a hoplon shield) designs and manufactures athletic and sports protective equipment, gear, and uniforms, also armor for military and emergency services personnel, vehicles, and buildings, and also breathable, flexible, puncture resistant, heat and water resistant textiles and uniforms for athletic, sport, military, and emergency services personnel   

Gruppa Storozhey {watchmen group} - commercial, residential, and military security system manufacture, installation, and maintenance; security monitoring and armed patrols for residential, commercial, military, and industrial clients; armed guard services and escorts; commercial and military surveillance equipment manufacture; commercial and military countermeasure equipment manufacture; armored car services; armored vehicle manufacture; secure global transportation, logistics, and inventory management; secure vaults and bonded warehouses; cash management and processing; payment services   

Yojimbo {bodyguard} - (logo silhouette of an anthropomorphic rabbit with ears bound in a warrior topknot wearing kimono, hakama, and daisho) close protection specialist services for private clients as well as government officials, celebrities, parliamentary and diplomatic ministers, protection of corporate and government buildings, residential protection for visiting dignitaries, counter reconnaissance at events, diplomatic functions, and key sites, searching and access control, counter terrorism activities with law enforcement, military, and government units     

« Last Edit: 18 April 2022, 05:23:57 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #627 on: 18 April 2022, 13:57:07 »
Moro, 'a quiet place in the country', sited in a broad valley at the southern edge of the Sequoia Rainforest in the Satoyama Chiku {managed woodlands district} - geographically at the border of the eastern sector of the Southern Steppe region of the Tairiku continent. It is a chartered city of the Zakharovich Dai Ichizoku (for retired spacer crew and the land bound Ichizoku members). [Moro is near the southern border of the chiku, Zakharovich Fortress is near the northern border of the chiku.] The geography around the city of Moro is a mosaic of foothills, woodlands, temperate rainforest, and rivers, streams, canals, ponds and resevoirs. The climate is warm with an annual mean temperature between thirteen and twenty three degrees celsius, a spring/summer wet season rainfall average of about two hundred centimeters, and a better than even chance of a few summer typhoons coming from the coasts south, and east of the city. The portion of the Sequoia Rainforest located in the Satoyama Chiku, home to more than five thousand plant species (thirty percent of which are unique), is classified as a sustainable, renewable timber protectorate by Parliament and must follow strict logging and forestry guidelines and regulations. The forest here is dominated by tsuga, fir, hemlock, beech, oak, bamboo, ferns, sedges, shrubs, lichens and mosses, mushrooms, willow, sugi, sequoia, ironwood, tabunoki, axe breaker, greenheart, cedar, stone oak, and rhododendron. Also making appearences are black bears, gold eagles, wild horses, chernaya puma {black cougar}, giant salamander, sika, grass lizards, dragonflies, serow, macaque, aodaisho {blue general snake}, tanuki, and fireflies. Unlike many cities on Nejiro that have civic centers and/or high rises in the middle of the city, Moro has the Akaiki Stands - unofficially referenced as 'The Park' by the locals - a microcosm of the Sequoia Rainforest preserved by the City Charter, it is credited with much of the relaxed vibe of the city. The city is filled with traditional nihon style minka architecture and construction invisibly integrated with modern conveniences and materials such as streaming holos, wireless internet, solar, rain barrel hvac, and hydrocell technology. The largest example of this is the sprawling Moro Station, which has dozens of platforms for all the regional and continental passenger and freight lines on the move daily, a rolling stock depot, warehouses (several of which are kept reserved as public shelters during typhoon season), a large public market, and several comfortable and quiet waiting areas. Buildings in the city are generally built on stilts due to the proximity of the canals and the myriad waterways, and have laquered wooden boardwalks and engawas instead of sidewalks and squares. There are a few continental highways and tollways but most freight is moved through the waterways or via rail. What roadways are available are generally narrow, two lanes at most, (the city itself being an exception - for as many as two additional lanes in high traffic areas, one of these dedicated to the public transit trams and buses) and are engineered to a high degree to handle drainage several different ways simultaneously. The cache system that was developed for this is highly popular (and in use in many other places on Nejiro) as the water is recycled and filtered into agricultural irrigation. There is a regional airport, Akaiki Airfield {red tree}, located south of the city, used primarily by the Nejiro Fire Brigade Satoyama Chiku Battalion - Search and Rescue Units and Wildland Firefighters, and also by personal aircraft, the local aviation clubs, and a small amount of freight, business, and tourist travel with regular flights scheduled weekly. Local mass transit consists of water taxis on the canals, and buses and trams throughout the city. Electric bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles (rental and ownership) are also an extremely popular transit choice and they comprise more than a third of city traffic. Most of the local industry is situated around Timber. Local manufacturing includes lumber mills and yards, paper mills, printers, book binders, textile mills, ink and dye makers, stationary and calligraphy tool makers and supply, umbrella and parasol makers, boatyards (junks, barges, and river boats), electric vehicle (consumer, commercial, agricultural) manufacture, cabinet and furniture makers, tool and equipment manufacture and supply for logging, forestry, carpentry, agriculture, and construction. Agriculture here is chiefly organic sustainable open field plantations (tree, hemp, bamboo), rice fields (paddy and wild - paper, textiles, and sake), autumn barley fields, fruit and nut orchards, free range livestock pastures from beef to poultry, freshwater fishing, and some foraging of the woods and forests - largely for mushrooms. There are roughly thirty three thousand permanent residents of Moro, with an additional ten thousand or so, attributable to an abundance of public and private boarding schools, the two score or so logging camps, fire lookouts, and Wylde Ranger stations in the hills north of the city, also to the NPO Sequoia Regional Headquarters and the Nejiro Fire Brigade Satoyama Chiku Battalion being located in the city. Moro is governed by an elected Mayor (currently Sjors Zackary) and their appointed staff, working with an elected Ward Council which supports its own Sheriffs Department, Fire and Forestry Service, Green Utility Service (water, power, sanitation), and Magistrate Court. [The Satoyama Chiku is governed by Naomi Sachie, Meritous, Common House MP from her office in Moro.] The suburban residential areas of the city are very slowly growing as families and retirees discover (through word of mouth - no advertising due to adamant public opinion that 'country folk wanna stay country') and enjoy Moro's slower and more relaxed pace of life and emigrate to 'that overgrown town'.   

Akaiki Stands is a seven hundred ha nature preserve in the middle of the city, an original part of the Sequoia Rainforest, with trees more than three thousand years old, that the city builders chose to leave in place - surrounded by a public park - The  Lawn. 'The Park' has a number of running and hiking trails rated from novice to expert, cobblestone walking and biking paths, and unpaved path horse trails, all over which Park Rangers lead tours in a variety of topics from birding to foraging for students, tourists, and hobbyists. 'The Park' is encircled by another hundred ha of wide and soft green lawns and stategic placements of shade trees, playgrounds (skate parks, chess and go challenge boards - life and table size, ice rink, swimming pools, pitches, courts - basketball, tennis) benches, cobblestone trails, and gardens for people to relax or frolic, picnic and play.   

Akaiki Ampitheatre, located adjacent to 'The Park', and constructed completely of preserved or laquered local woods has five thousand seats, handmade by local craftsmen, from which to enjoy concerts and theater during the warm dry days and evenings in the autumn and winter. It also hosts Graduations in March, and the Kids at Heart Egg Hunt in early April that sends you off with clues for locations in and out of Moro.

Footie Field is a ten thousand seat stadium that hosts both amateur and professional association football matches. The roof, which resembles an umbrella, is constructed of transparent polymer compounds over metal spines engineered to let in enough sunlight to keep the real grass growing; to shield the spectators from sun, wind, and rain; to completely power the structure from solar; and to provide all the water for the real grass field, the ground based thermal hvac system, the food and beverage vendors, and the restrooms and locker rooms from the catchment and recycle system. It is a designated public shelter during typhoon season. 

The Satoyama Gazette is a local community newspaper that covers Moro, the Satoyama Chiku, and the Sequoia region at large. The paper also runs planetary, stellar, and interstellar headlines in its daily print and expanded digital editions. The paper enjoys great support from both its loyal local base in Moro, but also from its regional, worldwide, and stellar advertisers and subscribers, and only needs to charge one Ryu for a daily print edition and/or one Ryu weekly for its expanded digital edition to maintain a generous profit.   

Green Cab Co. is faithfully modeled after the historic London cabbies and their iconic vehicles, in this case painted hunter green, digitized and electric. The drivers encyclopedic knowledge of the city and its environs as well as the wider area around the city, and their uniforms are also faithfully copied and applied to local conditions. The company has recently expanded into Hilo.   

Shinseina Kokina Seiiki Mosque {sacred noble sanctuary} is a scaled down version of the beautiful Al-Haram Mosque that only covers one city block.

Ao Ushi {blue ox} manufactures competition and professional hand axes, manufactures chainsaws, manufactures powered logging tools and equipment, manufactures the industrial logging mech Kikori {wood cutter} (2.3 million Ryu) and variations for forestry, firefighting, mining, and agriculture. [This is a local version of the LM4C Lumberjack.]     

Moro Polytech is a top ten public school that teaches up to five thousand students, (and up to another five thousand digitally) vocations, engineering, applied sciences, business, construction, agriculture, environment and climate science, math, social science, health, humanities, design, estate management, household management, and hospitality. It is a key center of research in the development of polymers, microwave physics, and non toxic food flavors and colors. MedGel, a plant based haemophilic polymer that forms a mesh to stop traumatic bleeding and seal internal and external wounds was developed in one of its labs and now used commonly in Nejiro's military and emergency trauma medicine, and also in veterinary and human surgical fields. The Moro Polytech Library is a six story complex that holds more than three million printed works and nearly six million electronic and digital resources, it is equipped with a twenty eight hour study center, an I-Space which includes audio-visual information and production areas, the VR Experience Zone, the internet of Things, laser cutting and engraving, vinyl cutting, 3D scanning and printing, book scanning, and large format printing.   

Waterlily manufactures usb portable, residential, commercial, and industrial hydrocell and hydroelectric generators and their accessories - portable solar panels, portable wind turbines, power packs, power cables, charge controllers, adapters, and inverters, offers repair services and maintenance contracts.   

Radost Sake {joy rice wine} produces Junmai Ginjo Genshu Sake {pure rice undiluted sake} with bold rich fruity and earthy flavor tones with hints of ripe melon, pear, plum, cinnamon, and cardammom.   

« Last Edit: 20 April 2022, 15:38:23 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #628 on: 19 April 2022, 11:20:52 »

   Toride Yama Koizumi-jo   {citadel mountain Koizumi castle}   
                                                           Stronghold of the Koizumi Dai Ichizoku   

[population of the landhold is approximately one million, it is the most densely populated landhold on Nejiro]   

In a valley of the Akashi Yama {redstone mountains} formed by a fault the right angled face of a palisade three kilometers long was gashed nearly at its foot by a narrow horizontal slit four meters high permitting entry to the caverns interior. Inside is a maze of small caverns linked together with a gigantic vaulted bubble of rock too high for any torch beam to illuminate, fifty seven meters deep, tapering to forty five meters and forty two meters at either end. At the back eighteen different openings lead deep into further tunnel complexes. Springs of freshwater circulate in several of the tunnels. Nothing of the natural face of the mountain, a rugged cliff with a hanging curtain of rock two meters thick, was changed, but the inside was transformed into a beautiful, opulent, and ornate, almost byzantine living space. The lip of the cave was filled in with native rock so that the addition would look natural, leaving a wide opening that would serve as a main entrance. The doors were made of a solid bronze alloy, and embellished by local artisans with symbols important to the Ichizoku. A ramp was formed out of blocks of crushed rock and slagged solidly into place before the natural courtyard and steps were cut into the sides of the ramp. The space just inside the rock wall was chosen for offices and living quarters for the administrators,the Chatelaine (currently Karen Wynn), and the Seneschal (currently Anne Todd Caffrey). An inner wall was built up paralleling the natural curtain, and levels began to be floored in, with windows cut evenly into the rock face and each window is fitted with tight shutters of the same bronze alloy as the doors. Natural chimneys leading from the interior caves to the clifftop provide ventilation and deep artesian wells and surface water sources in the tunnels allow for water to be pumped right into baths and sinks throughout the complex. The thermal layer under the ridge provides heat that with the flip of a lever can be diverted out of the complex. The communications tower is built high on the outer cliff with a long winding stair leading from inside on the ground level. The complex is regularly occupied by more than five thousand people. Out of the rubble quarried from the caverns were built outbuildings and residences for more than ten thousand in the east end of the valley near Tengu Lake {raven demon}. The one to three story stone buildings are built on pilings for circulation of air and flood protection with varicolored slate roofs and bronze alloy shutters that have decorative bands of color that represent family, ichizoku, corporate, and guild affiliations engraved, enameled, or painted on them. The lake was named for its shape resembling a ravens outstretched wing, its deep depths - three hundred and thirty two meters at its deepest, and more than occaisonal flooding. The fifty six kilometer long and seventy four kilometer wide freshwater lake accomodates both commercial and recreational fishing (especially popular are the king threadfin salmon) and boating, while the sandy beaches and fields of wildflowers are a favorite recreational venue of the Ichizoku and tourists alike year round. There are also several pastures for domestic herd animals and poultry, along with dozens of greenhouses that grow everything from wildrice to orchids in the ninety seven square kilometer valley. The above ground outlet of Tengu Lake the Ishikaribetsu {greatly meandering winding river}, flows for about two thousand kilometers southwest in a broad arc and empties into Mikadzuki Bay {crescent moon}, east of the Kapula Koichizoku landhold, and finally into the Same no Umi {shark ocean}. The underground outlet of Tengu Lake flows into the Kasukedo Taki {cascade waterfall} which plunges out of the side of Yu Shan {jade mountain}, at six hundred cubic meters per second, over seven hundred meters above the Tang Wan Shuichi {punchbowl pool} - itself approximately three hundred meters deep, west of the Irokane Valley {gold bronze alloy}.   

« Last Edit: 22 April 2022, 07:12:42 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #629 on: 22 April 2022, 08:15:25 »

The Shinrin {forest} continent is the second largest landmass on the surface of Nejiro. It is 19.573 million square kilometers in area, and lies just seventeen degrees south of the equator at its most northern point. Earthquakes are common,as many as fifteen hundred are recorded yearly with magnitudes ranging from four to six occurring regularly and lessor tremors happening almost daily. The total population of the continent is approximately five million people with the highest densities in the cities of Majuro and Rainbow, alog with the Koizumi Dai Ichizoku landhold. The tropical climate supports wetland savannas, jungles, rainforests, and cloud forests with jungle highlands, hilly plains, grasslands and wetlands to the north. The south is dominated by mountains and rainforests all the way to the coastlines. The mean temperature is 25.2 degress celsius and the annual rainfall average is over five hundred centimeters. The dry season lasts from June thru November, and the wet season from December thru May, with monsoons common February through April, and typhoons most likely from December through March. There is a high level of biodiversity with over one million identified insect species, a large number of mammals and reptiles like ataru {hawkbats}, forest elephants, bears, tigers, deer, frogs, leopards, coywolves, alligators, lizards, macaques, gibbons, hares, snakes, dromosaurs {leopard size velociraptor like feathered reptiles}, boar, hema {river horse}, and rhino are common throughout the continent. There are more than six hundred bir species, several dozen species of dreigiau cymru {welsh dragons - scaled and feathered flying 'lizards'}, over fifty thousand plant species, and more than three thousand species of freshwater fish like water snakes, catfish, carp, arapaima, tambaqui (the best tasting fish in the world), piranha, eel, stingray, tansui shark {freaswater}, peacock bass, and vampire fish.   

The Akashi Yama {redstone mountains} and the Tozai no Nettaiurin {living jewel rainforest} thrive in the south, occupying more than eleven million square kilometers of the continent. The rainforest is dense with an average canopy height of ninety four meters. The mountains are mainly composed of basalt, rhyolite, silica, quartz, andesite, aluminum, chromium, titanium, corundum, carbon, and gold. But the abundant amounts of red sandstone, rose quartz, hematite, iron, chalcedony, garnet, rutile, and red jadeite close to the surface gives them their signature color and paints many of the southern beaches in multiple shades of pink. Also found here , in small amounts exclusive to the continent, are the Hinohoseki {firegems} semi-prescious gemstones composed of black silica with inclusions of iridescent red, yellow, and orange minerals with an appearance similar to opal that are worth as much as fifteen thousand ryu per carat. The tallest peaks are Akai-Oka-san {mount red hill} at 4289 masl, followed by Tamayama {jade mountain} at 4195 masl. Akashi Yama has more than five hundred summits which range in height from two thousand masl to just over four thousand masl and an average height of three thousand masl. About ten percent of these are volcanoes, most are dormant, but there are sixty three still active volcanoes (mostly strato type) in the range. The most famous is Haku-san {mount haku - white mountain}, which is a shield volcano still actively forming the Gemini Hanto {twin peninsula}. It is located on the western side of the peninsula and is seven hundred sixty nine kilometers across with an elevation of two thousand sixty three masl. It continues to grow at a steady rate of several meters per year, and has oozed lava, steam, and smoke daily for the past thirty decades from several different vents that ultimately flow into Emerald Bay and the Same no Umi, and is generally covered by fog banks.     

To the northeast is the Kusonokawa {river of grass} composed of hilly grasslands, tropical savanna, marshes, wetlands, rivers, lakes, estuaries, and beaches. Supercell Storms are common here (and over most hill and grassland landscapes across Nejiro) during the wet season. It is mostly occupied by amphibians, reptiles, snakes, turtles, and insects. In addition there are hundreds of bird species that make this their home, most noteably the oniwatori {king chicken}, the harrier owl, and madana starlings. Also several small mammal species like beaver, badgers, swiftfoxes, meerkat, painted dogs, minks, otters, and rats. There are also several dozen large herds of nihodia {four legged mammal of tawny brown or black color that resembles a deer but has the lower jaw of a boar with tusks nd moveable horns on its head that it can move forward lile a lance to defend and attack - some ranchers raise it domestically for its meat, horns, and fur}, gazelle, springbok, impalas, wild spotted horses, zebra, kabau {water buffalo}, aknata, and prides of saja {large tawny colored felines with manes}, hyena, alfahd {large, fast, spotted felines}. To the northwest is the Ran Jangala {orchid jungle}. The dense jungle covered highlands sit on hills and plateaus between six hundred and fifteen hundred meters above sea level with abundant fertile soil due to more than one hundred dormant and active volcanoes in the region. Unlike the rest of the continent the tropical highlands experience a more uniform amount of rainfall throughout the year and a temperature range that rarely varies from twenty four degrees celsius during the day, and nineteen degrees celsius after nightfall. There are plentiful bamboo, cocoa, coffee, sugar, and tea plantations, also tree, fruit, and nut groves. The Gakkel Ridge originates from a tectonic event millenia ago. It is seven thousand two hundred eighty five kilometers long and runs mostly parallel to the Flowerdale River and then curves north to the Saihokutan Hanto {northernmost peninsula}, (about thirteen hundred kilometers west of the city of Samar) and then continues through the ocean. There are several islands off the north coast of the continent that are the peaks of submerged Gakkel Ridge mountains breaking the surface. The Gakkel Ridge forms the border between the Ran Jangala and the lower elevations of the Kusonokawa.   


