Author Topic: Getting Started  (Read 2595 times)


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Getting Started
« on: 01 June 2011, 05:44:21 »
Hi everyone, I am Suvra and I am here for finding some latest information about anything that will increase my arsenal of my brain. Hope while doing so I will have some friends here. Anyways take care everyone, hoping to have a great time here.


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Re: Getting Started
« Reply #1 on: 01 July 2011, 01:55:29 »
"Total Warfare" is the best place to start. Or better yet, download the free quickstart rules. Pretty good stuff. Then download some of the other free stuff they have that gives a quick rundown of Battletech history. Welcome! Sorry I didn't notice your post until tonight. :)

On wings of steel, Come I, Pillars of flame
Mark me, Fury bright as suns, Foes fear
The star back road, I hunt, Blood geld payment
Shan't be, The ravens throne, Blod Orn
- vidar (thank you vidar!!!)
Pie or Spehs and Tanks also BA

