Author Topic: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion (Complete, Comments welcome)  (Read 47139 times)


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #30 on: 21 June 2018, 11:00:23 »
I would imagine

Dave Talley

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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #31 on: 21 June 2018, 20:07:49 »
smart move for daddy,

prince gets a date/tour guide, so less trouble with the various sharks smelling fresh  blood, and if they hit it off, he may end up with a noble son in law
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #32 on: 25 June 2018, 07:57:26 »
smart move for daddy,

prince gets a date/tour guide, so less trouble with the various sharks smelling fresh  blood, and if they hit it off, he may end up with a noble son in law

I don't think Hanse and Dana would appreciate that very much though considering he's there to impress the Mariks as well and marry Corrine. 
Free Suns Federation? 
League of Federated Suns? 
I'm open to potential combo names.


Ian and Tess worked their way through the Triad, the massive multi-building government complex that stood out like a vast acropolis above Tharkad City.  Easily isolated for VIP events and never taken by an outside enemy power.  The Federated Suns Embassy Annex was closer to the Royal Palace than many of the others but it was still a bit of a walk but a pleasant one. 
“So you know all about me Tess but I don't know anything about you.”
“I suppose that's fair, we didn't get properly introduced.”
She paused and sat down on the edge of a faintly illuminated fountain dedicated to the heroes of some battle fought long ago.  The trickle of water and faint multicolored light illuminating her features made for a pleasant atmosphere. 
“We have some time I guess, have to be fashionable late after all.  I'm a Protocol Officer, PR Rep, and Translator.  Went to NAIS for Political Science and have served on my father's staff since he was assigned here three years ago.”
Ian sat down next to her, “You went to NAIS?”
“Yes, and the Knights beat the Cavaliers, Three to Two in case you were wondering.”
“What?  How?”
“Malru pulled a hamstring and Baker scored a goal in the last thirty seconds.”


Meanwhile at the Embassy's Officer's Mess, Major Bishop Sortek, Colonel Alexander Horvat, and most of the off-duty officers of the 35th Federated Suns Mechanized Rifles were standing or sitting on couches or chairs watching the Tri-Vid feed right off CommNet. “And Baker shoots and


Amazing and with only thirty seconds left on the clock, three points to two!”

A minute passed, “Final score, NAIS Knights Three against the Albion Cavalier's Two.  What an upset, I'm sure the bookmakers on Solaris are sweating this one out Jean.”

“Oi! the all-star Malru being absent today really messed up the Albion's offense.  I'm sure he'll be kicking himself when his hamstring is healthy again.  That's it folks, NAIS Knights clinch the Championship. Good night everyone.”

Multiple crumbled beer cans were thrown in the direction of the TV, “Bull!”
Major Sortek was wearing his Red and Gold Albion sweater, “It went right past his fingertips, Banzai Blitz my...”


Back at the fountain Ian had a surprised look on his face, “Bishop will not be happy about that.”

“So what can you tell me about today's party?  I read the dossiers Ran forwarded in transit but you've actually talked to these people.  What was left off the Dossier?”
“Well you are familiar with Ryan Steiner fortunately for both of us he will not be attending today he's probably plotting something devious back on Skye.  Melissa is well aware of the threat he poses, I expect him to be iced if he makes any moves against her.”
“Well that's a relief, I would like to stay out of any Steiner family drama.”

“Wouldn't we all.  The next biggest person to worry about is Tormano Liao, he's dangerous and angry with Candace since she cast him out.  She blames him for a few attempts on her husband Justin's life.  One of which nearly succeeded, I don't know whether it was his fault or not but it doesn't matter, he works for Chancellor Romano now.  He has been whispering poison into Melissa's ear and Romano's anti-League stance has found fertile ground here among the Bolan, Skye, and Alarion regions.”
“Well that's not good, I'll have to keep an eye out for them.”
“It’s a good thing your enemies and allies are mostly obvious here, it's the undecided ones that I am most concerned about.”
“Like our hosts?”

Her shoulders' slumped slightly, “Yes, actually and unfortunately.  Count Bradford has really stepped up in the past couple of months since their engagement was made public.  His reassignment to the 10th Lyran Guard made it fairly obvious what was going to happen if you were paying attention regardless it has been the talk of the town ever since.  He's dangerous though, he killed six people on the dueling field last year, now they probably deserved it but still.  He pilots a Banshee, brand new 3S, calls it “The Painted Lady,” what you might not know is that the Banshee is what they assign officers with a killer instinct.  Thomas probably won't like you but that can't be helped, he sees you as a threat to his position.”
“What!  He already put a ring on it.  He and Melissa are together.”
“Yeah well that was never a sure thing.  If Katrina could have got the Estates General to agree she would have wed you together in a heartbeat.  He's been working on getting this to happen for years and has the scars to prove it, Melissa might have been getting married to you this year instead of him.  I'm certain he won't do anything unless you give him reason though, so please don't.”

“I will be on my best behavior Tess I swear.  I've heard that the trust in the Federated Suns is at an all-time low on Tharkad though.  Why?  We've honored all of our pledges.”
“The Lyrans have begun to wonder about our conviction to a continued peace.  The defection of the St Ives Commonality and the invasion into the Victoria Commonality and failed invasion of Tikonov has many of them thinking we are just as bad as the Dracs.”

“It’s not enough that my uncle’s treachery ended up with a nearly successful attempt to double my father.  Or consider Romano’s multiple attempts on my father and her sister’s family sufficient cause?”
“You don’t have to justify the Suns’ actions for me.  I understand what Hanse is trying to do.  It’s just that not enough people agree on Tharkad, the Estates General will continue to honor Katrina’s accords as long as Melissa supports them as well.”
“Is there a chance she might not and support the Confederation instead?”

Tess didn’t look certain, “I’ve never talked to her alone and she prefers to speak French to my Dad so I don’t need to translate for him.  She’s tough to read.  I think she sees the benefits of our continued relations but she is not as committed to the plan as her mother.”
“Well I hope we can convince her that the Suns are better than the Capellans.”

“That is why you are here after all Ian.”
  She checked her watch, a fine delicate golden piece, “We should be fashionable late now if you want to head out.”
The pair stood up and continued to the Palace standing outside to get their picture taken by paparazzi.  They entered and a pair of olive skinned guards formed a human wall behind them.  They stood at the top of the stairs alongside the Master of Ceremonies.  “Introducing Prince Ian Davion of the Federated Suns and his escort Miss Tessera Felsner, Daughter to the Honorable Ambassador Ran Felsner.”

All two thousand attendees looked up to see the Foreign Prince that just dropped into today and was already hitting the party circuit.  As they cleared the initial entryway they went off to a side, a group of women was waving to Tess.  “This is where I leave you Ian.  I’ll be in the Gal Gallery getting that drink.”
“Gal Gallery?”
“Yes, it’s better than some of the other things I’ve heard it called.”
“What do you do up there?”
“Gossip, admire cute guys in their tight uniforms, play ‘who wore it best,’ you know girl stuff.”
“So you get to party while I have to work.  That hardly seems fair.”

Tess crossed her arms with a drawn out exhale, “We’ll both be plenty busy working.  You won’t be able to get any work done surrounded by blood sucking baronesses.  I’ll keep them occupied while you work your handsome princely charm and win more allies in the Estates General, most of them are present tonight.” 

She looked at him with barely concealed humor, “Don’t worry though I will keep an eye on you in your tight uniform.” 

Ian was momentarily embarrassed as his realized just how much tighter fitting this uniform was then his originally issued one, “If you need my help just rub your head three times and I’ll try to rescue you.”

“Well are you going to be there all night?  What if I want a dance later?”

Tess blushed slightly at the offer, “That sounds fun!  It will show those haughty ladies that I will have to deal with all night.  See you later Ian.”  Tess departed and Ian took a moment to watch her go.  She joined the group of ladies that were waving to her and he heard a quick laugh from them before they went upstairs.

Ian left and circulated through the ballroom quite visible in his green and gold uniform against a sea of other dark colors.  There were only thirty Federation nobles among the party, most of the Suns citizens were widely dispersed across the vast Commonwealth engaging in their various assigned duties across the Inner Sphere from their home-worlds. 

Eventually he staked out a position on one of the elevated sections of the ballroom the main floor of which was in the middle of two Vs and decorated with brilliant under-lit mosaics.  Many people eventually found him but even with his breeding and years of attending these sorts of events he could barely keep track of them only remembering their colorful or eccentric attire. 

After recalibrating his eyes he realized that there were men in dark suits dressed like the staff who were circulating through the crowd following him.  He also saw a flash of Liao Jade Green across the ballroom, Tormano, who was also clearly being followed through the room by similar men.  Then he realized he was marked as soon as he walked in here by the LIC’s Diplomatic Guards, the polite version of the Lyran Special Forces but no less ruthless in their tasks.  It was something he would clearly have to get used to being on Tharkad but it still gave him shivers.

Seeking reassurance he looked up at the Gallery across the hall and saw Tess standing and talking with a group of young women all of whom had wine glasses perched on the stone railing.  Some of the other women waved or subtly blew kisses in his direction after they realized he was looking their way.  He wasn’t sure which terrified him more Diplomatic Guards or fangirls both might bring him down in equal measure.

Regardless he continued working, introducing himself to nobles from the across the Commonwealth that were fans of his father’s or saw great benefit from the Federated Suns’ partnership with the Lyran Commonwealth.  Mostly in economic terms but they saw the revisions to the LCAF as positive and didn’t want the Commonwealth and Confederation to become closer.  It wasn’t enough for him to know his friends though, not tonight, nothing of consequence would happen here but he needed to know more about what might happen outside. 

Ian worked his way toward the Liao Green he saw earlier, along the way one of the dark suited men bumped into him with a loud apology.  However, the man lingered and barred his progress, “Don’t go starting trouble with Liao tonight, Prince or not we will eject you.  Melissa’s party, our rules.  Be civil.”
“Of course, I’m merely a guest here after all.  I wouldn’t do anything to offend my hostess.”
“See to it that you don’t.  Keep it friendly, smile.”

The man disappeared back into the crowd with eerie efficiency, perfectly timed movements and social control to make people part for him.  Ian was impressed but again concerned, if any of these LIC operatives could escape and blend that easily they could always be watching him.  The LIC was one of the finest Intelligence and Special Ops services in the Inner Sphere, it was one of the strongest power players in the whole of the Commonwealth.  Well if they were going to be watching him he endeavored to make it a good show at least.

Finding his way into the ring of courtiers that surrounded Mandrinn Tormano Liao the middle aged man looked regal and in his element dressed in a black Zhongshan suit.  His wife, Hanya No Cha, dressed in a bright green Qipao, looked a little bored but was still engaging in conversation with the wives/escorts of the men that Tormano was talking to. 

The Mandrinn was a known political operator that had fallen out of favor with his father, “Mad” Maximillian Liao, for an entirely innocent reason, he married a commoner out of love.  His sister Candace, Duchess of St Ives, had defected to Hanse Davion nearly ten years ago after a brilliant double operation and taken her St Ives Commonality with her making it a protectorate of the Federated Suns. 

The other sister Romano, the current Chancellor, and her were engaged in a fierce civil war.  This war was still mostly fought in the shadows with only limited support by the Federated Suns Director of Intelligence and Candace’s father-in-law Quintus Allard.  However, Romano didn’t follow any rules and that made her particularly dangerous.  Tormano had apparently been quite content to work with his sister Candace but after the near death of her husband blamed him and ordered his capture.  Tormano and his family escaped however and reappeared on Tharkad as part of the Capellan Confederation’s diplomatic mission.

Tormano bowed ever so slightly and Ian did the same, they were technically at the same noble ranking despite their age difference or relative power of their noble Houses, “Greeting’s Prince Ian.  I understand that you just landed this afternoon.  Would you like a personal tour of the Triad?”
“No Mandrinn Tormano, I already have one scheduled for tomorrow unfortunately but thank you for the offer.  I was thinking of visiting the botanical gardens perhaps you and your wife would like to join me?”
  The Botanical Gardens were closer to the Federated Sun’s Embassy than the Confederation’s, requiring them to come to him even if it was in a neutral location.  Hanya looked toward Tormano after hearing that, as a botanist she loved plants.
“Apologies, I believe that Hanya and I are quite busy.  If you will excuse me Ian, I have many people to see.  However, I am certain this will not be the last time we will have a chance to speak to one another.  Enjoy the ball.”

Ian departed he had looked the man in the eye and seen his fear.  He was motivated by his sister’s and his own ambitions and that made him more dangerous than Ian feared.  His father was massively understating how important his own mission was to the future of the Federated Suns.  A motivated Liao is among the most dangerous creatures in the Inner Sphere.

The Prince worked his way through the crowd which seemed to be thinning.  Upon returning to his stake out point he definitely saw that there were fewer people around as the men in dark suits were politely escorting people out of the ballroom.  He wasn’t sure why that was as he had forgotten his watch in the haste to get dressed.  Then he heard the band that had been warming up begin the Commonwealth’s Anthem.  He looked at the now illuminated balcony opposite the one he entered from, “It is my great pleasure to present her highness Archon Melissa Steiner and her husband to be, Hauptmann Thomas Bradford, Graf von Veracruz."

Dave Talley

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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #33 on: 25 June 2018, 09:52:48 »
I don't think Hanse and Dana would appreciate that very much though considering he's there to impress the Mariks as well and marry Corrine. 
Free Suns Federation? 
League of Federated Suns? 
I'm open to potential combo names.

oh yeah forgot about her, oh well cant hurt to be a backup plan
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #34 on: 25 June 2018, 11:24:19 »
oh yeah forgot about her, oh well cant hurt to be a backup plan

You are fast Dave.  To be fair though it's not like Ran wouldn't want his youngest daughter to be with a Prince.  That's a high end commodity to bargain with and something most factions in Battletech don't exploit fully enough for a Feudal styled system.  The Commonwealth and Confederation seem to be the only ones that get it, Candace was promised to Anton, and Isis to Sun Tzu.  Theodore was to marry some Rasalhague noble but I think that is the only instances of an absolutely arranged wedding and none of them worked out. Hanse and Melissa were put together initially but there was an escape hatch if she wanted to back out yet it worked. (not really)


Ian watched Melissa and Thomas stand on the steps, their personal guards taking up positions behind and out of the spotlight on the balcony.  Thomas was fit and handsome with some dueling scars marking his face but it worked for him.  His dress whites were pressed and every one of his medals were shining brightly, his hair close cut in the distinctive style of Steiner front-line Mechwarriors whose helmets were unique in their operation, the trodes riding down the neck to increase signal gain rather than networked nodes built into the helmet. 

Melissa was gorgeous and regal holding her neck high not that there was much choice with her choice of a high-necked light blue dress, accented with diamond jewelry, her blonde hair up, makeup immaculate, and her engagement ring, a sapphire set in platinum custom made by the finest jeweler in the Magistracy of Canopus, was blinding under the bright light as she put her hand on her fiancée’s chest.

“Thank you all for attending this evening.  It is my great pleasure to host such fine guests, please return to your revelries.”

They descended and a ring of security kept the courtiers from crushing in on the couple while allowing privacy.  Ian approached a path opened ever so slightly for him and sooner than he thought he was standing before Melissa and Thomas. 

Greetings were exchanged in proper Commonwealth fashion just as he had practiced with Katrina, “Greetings Prince Ian, I’m glad you’ve decided to join us this evening.  I apologize if you were inconvenienced in any way by the rapid turnaround.”
“Enchanté Melissa, it was no trouble I assure you.  I appreciate your hospitality, I’ve met many interesting people thus far and I’ve not even been on Tharkad for half a day.”

“By the way your tie is very handsome Ian, I do hope it becomes the new fashion trend.  Far better than when Ambassador Felsner first arrived on Tharkad right Thomas?”
“Ja.  So many broken monocles, it was disastrous, no iced drinks at all on the floor for fear of glass.  Welcome to Tharkad Ian, I heard you defeated a pair of Dragoons in single combat with live fire.  Is there any truth to this?”
“Yes Thomas, it was a training exercise my Marauder on a Panther and Vindicator.  Like the Dragoons say there is no substitute for the real thing.  I would however like to confine my time in a Mech to being prepared to use it rather than being forced to. Perhaps we can practice together sometime in the future?”

Thomas looked very thrilled for the opportunity but Melissa looked at both of them, “without live weapons of course, Archon.”  Melissa relaxed slightly while Thomas remained focused on Ian, both men sizing each other up.

“However this party is not about me.  Archon, my family would like to personally extend our congratulations on your upcoming marriage.  I won’t be the only Davion in attendance but I’m afraid my parents, brother, and sister’s duties require them to remain in the Federated Suns.”

“Thank you Ian, I appreciate that and am pleased that you asked to escort my mother to my wedding.  She has said nothing but good things about your character today and during correspondence while you were on Gallery.  It is our honor to have you in a front row seat.”

“I look forward to it.  If this is but a fraction of the party it shall be one for the ages.  Your mother is an exceptional woman and you worthy of her legacy.  I trust in your ability to lead the Commonwealth into a brighter future.”

Thomas looked at him again and Ian excused himself allowing the soon to be first couple to continue their meet and greet.  He found Tess and managed to escape the grasping hands of the Baronesses that were keeping her company.  They grabbed something to eat before returning after the social warmups were completed before the dance section of the Ball. 

Ian nonchalantly said, “Can you Tango Tess?”
She almost choked out the water she was drinking, “What!?”
A little blush came to her cheeks, she checked her brand new green dress to ensure nothing spilled on it, “I mean yes.  Are you already going to keep showing off every day you are on Tharkad?  Because you’re not going to make many friends if you keep that up.”

“Well I do like to leave an impression more than make friends sometimes.  I also want to see if Thomas is a better lover than fighter because otherwise I might be in trouble.”

“You didn’t make him angry did you?”
“No, but I didn’t exactly get him to like me either.”

“So you think potentially showing him up on the dance floor is a good idea?”
“It’s better than either of us duking it out on the dueling fields.  Don’t you agree?”

Tess was thinking about this racking her head trying to deal with this, it did sound like fun but it could go horribly wrong just as easily.  “Ian, this is a terrible idea but I’m in, at least in this moment.  I can’t promise anything beyond that.”


META- Yes I am going to write a Dance fight, Creative Writing Power GO!


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #35 on: 25 June 2018, 19:32:04 »
Now I'm visualizing the dance in Get Smart.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.

Dave Talley

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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #36 on: 25 June 2018, 22:36:32 »
great so far,
even if nothing happens, his daughter being friends/friendly with a prince cant hurt
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #37 on: 25 June 2018, 23:27:30 »
For extra hilarity consider tango's origins as men dancing with men.
Avatar by Blackjack Jones


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #38 on: 26 June 2018, 09:15:49 »
Could be wrse, it could be the dance scene from the latest version of 'Get Smart'
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #39 on: 27 June 2018, 11:36:01 »
For extra hilarity consider tango's origins as men dancing with men.

Who do you think taught him how to Tango?
Patrick "Playboy" Kell


Begin Part I

The Royal Ballroom of Tharkad’s lower section had been cleared exposing its colorful geometric mosaics. The staff had swept it during the interlude to ensure it was suitable for dancing and sometimes they even polished it slightly.  The chandeliers were adjusted for proper lighting, the orchestra was assembled on the wide entrance stairs, and many other things backstage were handled.  All of this setup was well-rehearsed, this room hosted more than eighty full capacity balls every year.  Every couple that was interested in dancing was paired up. Ladies in dresses with bright sparkling accents and the men in suits or uniforms whose medals shone under the lights.

Observers crowed along the upper section and the Gallery above, there was an intricate order to it all and Tess knew every step and ensured that Ian and her where they should be.  It was not quite the fairy tale balls hosted by Castle Davion much to Ian’s disappointment.  The Commonwealth dress code was much too formal compared to the more fanciful costumes and shorter hemlines of the Federated Suns.

His partner was lovely though nervous, he could tell by the way she looked. Her shoulders and jaw tense with anticipation that wouldn’t do. Ian whispered to her, “You’ll be great Tess, don’t worry.”  She squeezed his hand in appreciation and relaxed slightly, it wouldn’t do for her to be tense.  He was putting a lot of pressure on her and he hoped she wouldn’t hold it against him if it went wrong.

Melissa Steiner occupied the middle of the Ballroom, Thomas standing at her side. She had removed her neck piece but her diamond necklace and bright accents in her blonde hair sparkled in the spotlight.  “Thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate the return of my mother and your Archon Emeritus to Tharkad after a year of absence.  I am quite pleased with your chosen order of dance this evening. We shall have a grand time.  Our conductor this evening is Klaus Viken with the Conservatory of Tharkad’s orchestra.  A great round of applause for our performers this evening.”

The dancers all clapped in appreciation as the conductor looked toward them and bowed deeply.  The orchestra was faintly illuminated under their own lights while Klaus had a bright light shining on him.  Melissa clapped her gloved hands then stopped as did everyone else, “We shall begin with a Waltz.  Klaus darling, Schlange die Band ein!”

“Ich wäre dir ein Vergnügen, deine hoheit.” Klaus turned and began waving his baton calling fourth a melody inspired by Strauss from the orchestra. 

The dancers followed one another twirling in a grand circle.  Ian and Tess stayed in a close embrace throughout the dance, Tess was not wearing gloves in the Davion fashion while most of the Lyran women wore them. It made their connection of only a few hours very intimate.  He could feel her soft skin against his hands, made rough with combat practice.  The faint aroma of her flowery perfume diffused out of her freshly redone wavy chestnut brown hair that flowed elegantly with each motion.  She seemed to blend into him as he guided her across the whole of the dance floor with a practiced grace.  The golden accents of her dress and the few medals on Ian’s hunter green uniform shone under the lights.

“You're really good Ian.  Who taught you how to dance?”
“My mother taught me most of the steps.”

He twirled her round and pulled her back toward him in a tight embrace, their arms crossed before them, as they walked closely side to side, “Then she made me teach and practice with my sister.  She was a…eager learner and I didn't get much rest until it began to affect my performance at Albion then Dad put an end to it.  The woman refuses to sit or stay in one place for long. She was a menace to the staff then.” 

He spun her out and with a pull of his arm brought her back to their original position right arm extended, left on her back, “I later figured out Mom stuck us together so they could get a break.  I was relieved when Yvonne left for Sakhara though I feel bad for Tancred sometimes. Then again he chose her not me so it's his own fault for not looking before he leapt.  I cannot wait to see how she takes her first deployment.”

They were cheek to cheek but separated as the music ended for a moment, “I will have to send a letter of appreciation to her on the next HPG to New Avalon then.”
“I'm certain she would welcome the compliment and you will have a very dedicated pen-pal for as long as you flatter her.”

Kommandant Thomas Hogarth’s request of a Ländler was next.  The man was apparently eager to impress the Countess of Mesa Verde, Valentina von Mesaldra.  The woman was an exotic Italian beauty, dark featured and sensually sculpted, while Thomas was rather plain looking, nearing on portly from far too much rich food and little exercise though his uniform and presentation were immaculate.  The man had a dedicated following in social circles and was a regular in the tabloids and magazines just not on the training grounds according to the dossier Ian had read.
Ian looked around for him and her after the dance but could not find either, “I cannot believe that man.  He is the walking embodiment of the phrase, ‘It’s better to be lucky than good.’”

Tess giggled in amusement behind her fan, “He must have an amazing sense of humor or something else extraordinary.  I’ve never seen him without a partner at any of the balls I have attended nor have I rarely seen him leave without at least two.”

“At least two? I really must find out the man’s secret.”
Tess punched him softly while laughing, “That’s not very princely Ian.”
Ian bowed slightly toward her, “Please forgive me, my lady.”
She lightly tapped his head with her fan before returning it to her side, “You are forgiven, my charming, silly Prince.”

They returned to the floor and continued with dances from all across the Commonwealth, some couples retired from the floor for a time or the night but two danced every one of the ten slots.  As they neared the end of the dance card Tess caught a glimpse of the Baronesses that always looked down on her for being a commoner even if her father was Hero. 

A commoner that was now dancing in the arms with the most eligible bachelor in the Inner Sphere.  Their glares were evident but fleeting behind fans and polite gestures. It was clear to anyone that they were spiteful witches that wouldn’t hesitate to make her life difficult but at this moment they wished they were her.  She whispered, “Everyone is looking at me Ian.”

“Of course they are, you’re beautiful.”  He spun her out again and brought her close drawing his clean shaven face across her neck which sent a chill down her spine, “I regret that I didn’t tell you that when we first met.  Every lady that I see here is literally green with envy.  Even if you are the only one wearing the color on the outside.”

Tess smiled at the realization that she was literally the only one wearing green while nearly all the other women still present had some manner of blue or white dress.  She spied Melissa and Thomas as they looked toward them as well.  The couples had managed to keep within sight of one another the whole ball.  Melissa whispered something to Thomas who stared intently at Ian. “Thomas definitely knows your game and Melissa has put him on the hook for it since they know what is coming up for the last dance.”

Ian whispering, “I was kind of hoping for another later tonight.  Why stop the fun?” right into her ear.

Tess’s eyes lit up and she gently rubbed back into him, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait that long.”

Ian stroked her arms beyond the embrace, whispering again, “All we need to do is call the car…and get inside.”  Tess glowed and the music paused but she didn’t let go instead staying very close as they faced Melissa and Thomas.  Every other couple had left the dance floor to spectate in the shadows at her body language.

Both women unbuttoned one side of their skirt showing off a leg, an intentional design that made (un)dressing easier and accented this sort of dance, a risqué thing to do in polite society within the Commonwealth.  Melissa removed her opera gloves tossing them to the stairs and let her hair down, its ringlets perfectly framing her face.  She wasn’t about to be upstaged by a jumped up commoner and a just arrived Princeling at her own party in front of an audience.

Iron Grenadier

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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #40 on: 28 June 2018, 01:39:04 »
Really enjoying this one so far. I liked your Katherine AU, but I think this one might beat it.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #41 on: 28 June 2018, 06:33:46 »
This ought to be good!
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #42 on: 28 June 2018, 11:49:26 »
Really enjoying this one so far. I liked your Katherine AU, but I think this one might beat it.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

We'll get back to her, I bit off a little more than i could chew attempting to rectify the mess that is the Jihad even without my adjustments.  To many POVs in the Third Transfer but I can't go all George RR Martin on them yet


Part II Begin

Thomas and Ian stood with their backs to one other in shadow as their partners got into position, both were roughly similar in height which actually made the ratio the same between their partners, the audience was quiet in anticipation of what promised to be a good show.

“Twenty paces Thomas?”
“Two Four steps Ian, we’re on a dance floor not at a dueling field tonight.  As much as you seem to want it to be so.  Perhaps you will honor me with one later. I’m free tomorrow evening.”
“How dreadful for your fiancée then. Surely you don’t begrudge some friendly competition.”
“I don’t, but you tread on dangerous ground.”
“Good. I think I would hate being bored and certainly like keeping on my toes.  Speaking of which.”

The lights turned back on with Melissa and Tess opposite their partners hands raised, the men did the same and clapped. Both couples completing a single orbit of rhythmic sashaying from the ladies and stomping from the men before the orchestra began its song, starting slow and melodic with a single guitar but it sped up gradually eventually encompassing fourteen different players. 

The couples walked toward one another settling less than three meters from each other under the lights.  The gold heels of Tess and Melissa’s white ones much more visible as they danced to the music occasionally getting lost against their partner’s uniforms. 

During the leg hold Ian was holding her bare leg further up than the dance called for. He and Tess were near kissing with their heads down toward each other, “You’re amazing. Where did you learn to dance?”
“I host dances all the time, but no one ever asks me to do something like this. I think they’re afraid they might hurt me.”

He leaned even closer, “Well does it hurt?”
She fluttered her eyelashes, “Anything but”

Ian spun her around before bringing her back down to a low hold over his knee with her leg raised. Her wavy hair draped over his arm and nearly touched the floor, “The only thing I’m afraid of is that I might lose time or have to end this dance before the music stops.”

Thomas and Melissa were putting on their performance alongside, their contrasting outfits were far more colorful for the spectators than the matching green and gold of their competitors.  The Archon managed to sneak in some looks Tess’s way during the holds.

She had to admit the woman was good.  But she was the Archon and would not be upstaged by a common tramp. In front of members of Estates General within Her Royal Ballroom of all places!  She sharply whispered something to her partner who began to work the patterns to a flourish, wrapping Melissa around his waist, before spinning, and dropping her to a deep fall backwards held only by her arms before pulling her back up to a kissing embrace with her legs around him.

Ian and Tess worked an intricate pattern of intertwined legs but didn’t go for a grand flourish before the music ended allowing Melissa the proper applause deserved of the hostess instead.  The audience clapped wildly at the display and the couples bowed and clapped for the orchestra, “We could have done something more dramatic Ian.  We could have won the night.”
“No it’s fine, I’m sorry Tess but they win tonight.  We’ll beat them at the Embassy’s Ball.”

Tess wrapped her leg around his as they stood together, “I still feel like I won the night.”
“Me too but we can’t leave yet that would be rude.”

Melissa took a moment to unwind herself and catch her breath, “Party’s over!  Gute Nacht!”
She grabbed Thomas’ arm and politely pushed him up the stairs, before they passed through the door with his tie in her hands and pulled him past, her mic was still on and “Du wirst das beenden, was du auf der Tanzfläche angefangen hast” came in over the speakers followed by what sounded like a crash impact before the feed dropped. 

The guests quickly departed among them Ian and Tess who were first out and into the waiting Federated Sun’s Embassy Limo.  The slick black haired chauffer stood outside holding the door as Tess entered however before Ian followed he whispered to the man, “Take the long way round.”
“The Triad, your highness?”

He shook the man’s hand passing him some Suns that just so happened to randomly show up in his palm, “All of Tharkad City. This could take a while.”
The man looked down at his hand and nonchalantly put the bills in his pocket, “Of course sir.”
“What’s your name?”
“Torsten sir”

Ian clapped the man on the back, “Torsten, you’re a good man.  Don’t tell the ambassador about this.  Okay? I'll put you in for a medal.”
“Of course not sir.  I will be discrete. Enjoy your ride Prince Ian, but be sure to buckle up. It might get bumpy.”
“You do your nation proud.”
“It is my pleasure to serve House Davion.”

Ian went into the door and Torsten got behind the wheel taking the long way round the whole of Tharkad City.  Of course there was a database error and they arrived precisely 15 minutes after departure with none the wiser.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #43 on: 29 June 2018, 05:44:21 »
I think I saw Kevin Costner pull that trick.  Topper Harley too.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #44 on: 05 July 2018, 11:36:47 »
Chapter 5 – All In
08/10/3039 07:47 Location – Tharkad, Lyran Commonwealth

Two women are currently sitting behind a desk which says “Inside Access.”  Behind them on the view screen is a collage of posed pictures from celebrities, nobles, and notables. 
“Good Morning everyone, this is Gina Valli and my co-host”
“Mari Ruiz, it is a good morning Gina and not just because almost everyone on Tharkad is off today.”

Both of them frowned before returning to smiles, “Except us and our hardworking crews currently setting up throughout the city.”  The camera switched prospective to the production crew in front of them.
“Don’t forget all those hunky boys in blue of the Polizei or the LCAF protecting the VIPs and citizens today.”
The screen behind them went through a slideshow of handsome men in formal, duty, and combat uniforms, “We definitely can’t forget them.  Mmhm.  I would like to personally thank you for your service gentlemen.  Say around ten o clock till whenever,”
Gina makes the “call me” gesture.

“Now begins our live and exclusive coverage of the Royal Wedding between Archon Melissa Steiner and Hautpmann Thomas Bradford, Graf von Veracruz, brought to you by Coventry Metal Works.”

The screen behind them shows a quick customized commercial from Coventry Metal Works showing the products in action everything from Hunchbacks and Commando Battlemechs to Shoulder Launched Missiles and Submachine Guns.  It ends with a group of mechs saluting and a voice over from the CEO, “Coventry Metal Works, the original Lyran Heavy Industry, congratulates the new Royal Couple on their wedding day.”

“We take you first to the Triad with Michael Shan”

The screen takes over with a blonde haired man standing near a news van, “Thank you Ladies.”

The Triad’s central fountain sparkles as soldiers from the 1st Royal Guards Infantry Brigade march in formation across Commonwealth Square.  Their gold and blue dress uniforms starched and spotless, shoulders back, heads high, rifles on their shoulders, their polished steel helmets reflecting the morning sun as they marched up and down the square. 

“As you can see the Archon’s Own are busy preparing for the ceremony.  Right now they are just getting in a last minute dress rehearsal.  These guys are under a lot of pressure, more so than usual for a Royal Wedding. As many know Melissa trained as an infantrywoman and served her only military tour of duty alongside them.  Any scurrilous rumors of her above or below them have already been soundly disproven.  Back to you Gina.”

“Thank You Victor, very impressive display of our proud Royal Guards.  Mari unfortunately won our little bet and gets to the Cathedral while I host the remaining day of programming.

Just another reminder to our Tharkad City citizens and visitors that with so many VIPs on the move today you will find that many roads will be blocked.  A real time list is available on our Local CommNet site just type ‘InsideA’ or you can go to the TCP’s site. 

If you are trying to get anywhere near the Ink or Cathedral Districts and especially along the Boulevard where the wedding party will travel to and from the Cathedral you are probably out of luck.  However, you can sit in your house and watch Marco Gamin who is setting up at our Boulevard Balcony.  Hello Marco”

“Hello Gina, yes you are definitely out of luck if you want to get anywhere near the Boulevard.  It is packed!  The TCP has the area cordoned off for now with SecurityMechs, armored vehicles, mounted, uniformed, and undercover officers, and the Bremen SEKs are on standby locked and loaded in case something happens.  Elements of the 1st Royal Tharkad Heavy Tank and Battlemech units will begin coming up the street shortly. We’ll be certain to get good footage of their procession.”

10:00 Guests begin arriving at the Cathedral of the Heavenly Host in Tharkad City.

Mari changed clothes and had her hair done standing outside the Cathedral along with a production crew, “Hello everyone, this is Mari Ruiz, slightly delayed for you but live from the Cathedral.  Unfortunately the only cameras allowed inside the Cathedral belong to the Diplomatic Guard but they have allowed me a moment to stand out here and schmooze with the celebs as they enter.”

A limo pulls up and a grizzled middle aged man with graying hair and a woman with wild brown hair followed by two energetic but well behaved children, a boy and girl.  “Our first guests today are the illustrious Kell Brothers and family.  Morgan Kell and Salome Ward joined by their son Phelan and daughter Caitlin, all of whom look quite handsome.”

Mari waved and shouted toward the boy, “You’ll be a great Kell Hound one day, young man.”
Phelan waved back to the strange lady, “The Best!”
“Ah kids they’re so cute.”

Another limo pulled up as that one departed, “Patrick Kell and Mega Superstar Melanie Quest! 
Ohmygosh, I can’t believe she’s actually near me.  I’m so excited.
Count Kell, Miss Quest a moment please?”

The pair walked toward the camera which unfortunately veered toward them rather than giving Mandrinn Tormano Liao and Hanya No Cha their due credit.  Nevertheless plenty of other cameras were watching and taking pictures and he wasn’t known for making public statements, merely private ones.

Maid of Honor - Misha Auburn
Colonel Lisa Steiner, Countess Jacqueline Brewer, Countess Angelica Bradford

Best Man - General Roman Steiner
Colonel Ivan Steiner, Colonel Grayson Carlyle, Colonel Andrew Redburn

11:00 Last Guests and the Royal Couple arrive

Mari watches as four armored cars pull into the underground parking section of the Cathedral now blocked by TCP barricades and LCAF Battlemechs.  “That must be the Wedding Party now.  Almost show time people just a few more very important guests.”

The first limo pulled up, Nondi Steiner and Jack Milby walked out to give a quick statement of how happy they were for their niece’s wedding.

Prince Ian Davion watched as the last vehicle departed, checked his uniform one last time out of what must have been a thousand spot checks, and looked over to Katrina seated next to him.  The woman was weak but her smile was strong and despite all of the pain she was in she looked beautiful again.  “I would like to thank you again for giving me the honor of escorting you to your daughter’s wedding.  I’m so sorry that your husband never got to experience any of her life.  It is not fair that these things should happen to good people.”

“He’s here in spirit.”  Glistening tears formed and Ian handed his handkerchief to the woman, he wasn’t certain whether it was joy, pain, or sorrow that filled her but it was certainly a mix, just like it probably would be for her daughter.

Back on the red carpet, the limo pulled up and door opened.  Ian Davion stepped out in his full dress greens with a long golden braid, Captain’s bars, and Prince’s seal on his epaulets.  “Prince Ian Davion of the Federated Suns.” 

Katrina stepped out steadied by Ian’s hand and he took her arm into his, she looked frail but managed to stand tall and smile for the cameras although the effort labored her greatly, “and Archon-Emeritus Katrina Steiner, the Mother of the Bride.  And such a proud mother she is.  Well this is where we cut off for now.  Be sure to keep your channels set for the Wedding Feed which should be going live in about a half hour, back to you Gina.”

Once inside the Cathedral Katrina returned to her wheelchair and was taken to Melissa by Nondi while Jack and Ian walked to their front row seats on the Left side of the very packed Cathedral.  At 11:45 they returned teary-eyed to await the beginning of the ceremony and Morgan Kell left to take his position.  The Diplomatic Guard’s camera feed went live and began transmitting to the Local CommNet and Tharkad’s HPG so the citizens of the Commonwealth could witness the wedding.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #45 on: 06 July 2018, 02:01:00 »
Interesting, you have Col. Grayson Carlyle as a groomsman.
I would not think he would be important enough, but that would certainly set tongues wagging. :thumbsup:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #46 on: 06 July 2018, 03:52:31 »
And not a Kell in the wedding party... and where is Heimdall lurking?
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #47 on: 06 July 2018, 09:06:16 »
Interesting, you have Col. Grayson Carlyle as a groomsman.
I would not think he would be important enough, but that would certainly set tongues wagging. :thumbsup:

Which i think is strange, you go and steal the plans for a technological renaissance from the Lyran's particularly hated enemy (The League), show up their other enemy (Combine), and it still took till the 3050s before they gave him a noble title.

And not a Kell in the wedding party... and where is Heimdall lurking?

Heimdall is everywhere there are bad LIC operators (thus everywhere)


Ian had a front row seat to the wedding, if he was not here for a ceremony and on camera he would be looking around at the artful frescos and sculptures.  Each and every piece was unique, made by one of the generations of skilled artisans that had spent thousands of hours refining their craft.  Like the Commonwealth it was a beautifully sculpted, had a solemn weight of history, and was at the same time grandiose.  However as much as he would have like to be a tourist that would have to wait for another time.

The Wedding Procession begins with the Bridesmaids and Groomsmen walking down the Aisle wearing bright blue or white outfits.  General Roman Steiner and Misha Auburn standing fore amongst them.  They were followed by the Archbishop of Tharkad City, Hermann Mueller, entering from the side.  Then the groom Thomas Bradford entered in his Dress Blues to stand next to Roman Steiner, his mentor, friend, and among his closest confidants the two having spent a lot of time together while the 3rd Royals were on Coventry.  His twin sister giving him the biggest grin ever from the other side of the altar.

Finally everyone stood as Caitlin and Tempest Kell, the flower girls, entered in front of the bride whose dress was simply majestic in its construction.  Morgan Kell’s red and black dress uniform a sharp contrast to the flowing white and long blonde hair under the veil.  The two walked arm in arm down the aisle.

Elsewhere in Tharkad City, Vincenzo Marti watched the live feed of the ceremony on his TV while preparing lunch.  His apartment had a great view of the Boulevard on the other side of the custom frosted windows. It was a pricey place but he was a banker and had the cash.  He was wondering where his girlfriend was.  She couldn’t get a better seat in all of the city to watch the parade than right on his couch, must have got stuck in traffic or overslept. 

A knock came on the door, “That must be her.”
He walked over to the door and opened it to see a wiry, plain looking man wearing a TCP style uniform with a pack behind him.  “Can I help you officer?”
“Yes, get out of the way.”  He pulled a subsonic pistol out and fired it three times, each round hit where intended the low velocity slugs stayed inside the body making it very clean just a little 12mm hole that now leaked blood.  Vincenzo dropped but was caught to prevent anyone being alerted by his fall.

The Grey Man dragged the corpse off to the side in case he needed to open the door quickly again. Then closed and locked the door before ensuring the room had no other inhabitants.  He smelled the leftovers the man was heating up and took them back to the couch watching the ceremony take place. “I guess I have time for lunch before I go to work.”

Iron Grenadier

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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #48 on: 06 July 2018, 11:07:11 »

The Grey Man dragging the corpse off to the side in case he needed to open the door quickly again, then closed and locked the door.  He smelled the leftovers the man was heating up and took them back to the couch watching the ceremony take place. “I guess I have time for lunch before I go to work.”

I was wondering when the shoe was going to drop.... :brew:

Dave Talley

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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #49 on: 06 July 2018, 12:25:44 »
cant have everything all smiles, its Battletech after all
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #50 on: 07 July 2018, 08:12:27 »
That was a nice intro for the assassin.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #51 on: 10 July 2018, 08:17:50 »
Melissa Steiner (-Bradford) looking as regal and elegant as any fairy tale princess with her veil lifted and blonde hair done up to the fullest, “I do”

The Cathedral burst into applause as the newlyweds had their first kiss and walked up the aisle together for the first time as husband and wife.  Ian could see the sparkling tears of joy from Katrina as she stood weakly to keep them in view.

Meanwhile back at Vincenzo’s apartment The Grey Man finished setting up his gyro-stabilized tripod mounted 14.5mm Sniper Rifle onto the dead man’s metal kitchen table which had been pulled up to face the Boulevard.  After he turned away from the TV, he looked through the scope, making adjustments based on the local weather station while listening in to the TCP broadcasts concerning their preparations.  “Congratulations to the newlyweds. Now it’s time for the fireworks.”

Ian Davion, Katrina Steiner, Melissa and Thomas Steiner-Bradford, Tormano and Hanya Liao were seated in open top vehicles right behind each other in the parade order.  Multiple Guardsmen jogged to the side of the vehicles, it would be an easy 3 kilometers down the Boulevard to the Triad for the reception, the hottest ticket in all of The Inner Sphere.  There was more pomp and ceremony than even the most audacious of any previous Steiner wedding. Melissa wanted to ensure that her mother got to enjoy her wedding as much as she did.

The Parade pulled out from the street in front of the Cathedral, the six super VIPs waving to the adoring crowds that packed within a block of the Boulevard.  Bleachers had been set up down every side street and every seat was full with people waving the Lyran Commonwealth flag or messages to their Archon hoping she would see them.  A thick line of blue clad Polizei from across Tharkad were manning the barricades.  As the Archon passed they saluted before returning to their duties.

Adrianna Lurecha walked through the lobby of the Epsilon building, her black heels clicking against the marble as she headed to the elevator.  “Stupid, stupid, you just had to let your phone die so you couldn’t get the traffic updates didn’t you Adria.  Vincenzo will be so upset, I’m sure he’s been trying to call me.  I hope I’m not too late.” 

She fumbled with her purse, “Where’s his key card.  Accidenti!  I must have left it in my other purse.  I hope he didn’t leave to go to my place and not tell me.”

As the elevator dinged on the 23rd floor she walked along the plush carpeted hallway to the gilded door of her boyfriend’s apartment.  She knocked, “Vincenzo mi dispiace sono in ritardo. Per favore apri la porta, ho dimenticato la mia chiave”

The Grey Man heard the knock and a woman’s voice at the door and looked over seeing the armed directional trip mine still in place pointed toward the door.  His grasp of Italian was not very solid but he recognized enough words to know that she didn’t have a key.  This was a bad time for distraction, he was too close to accomplishing his mission.  He ensured the pair of machine pistols were close to him, maybe she would go away.

On the other side of the door Adrianna could smell recently cooked food. He had to be home but wasn’t opening the door.  She knocked harder, “Vincenzo c'è qualcosa di sbagliato?  Mi dispiace, sono in ritardo, non essere arrabbiato con me.”
‘Is there something wrong?  I’m sorry I’m late please don’t be mad with me.’

Still nothing he had never shut her out before. Was he hiding something, or someone? Now she slammed her fists on the door, “Vincenzo c'è un'altra donna lì dentro? Apri la porta!”
‘Is there another woman in there?’

The Grey Man attempted to keep his calm, he could shut up the irritating woman outside in a couple of seconds but he needed to keep a clean scene.  He preferred to kill the bare minimum of people necessary to accomplish the task. Murder was messy business and he was only paid to kill a certain person, anything else cost him extra.  If Vincenzo had just gone to this cagna’s place he might have lived but he just had to show off this excellent location.

Now she was screaming, “Apri la porta!” followed by a string of insults in Italian and German while hitting the door.  The Grey Man turned up (down?) the noise canceling ear buds he was wearing, muttering “Crazy Italian women”

At the Tharkad City Polizei’s temporary command post Polizei Inspector Heinreich Vanchek was monitoring the situation.  This was the highest risk portion of a very lavish ceremony, the Archon wouldn’t listen to him when he initially refused after she requested an open air parade down Marsden Boulevard with so many VIPs.  The whole city was locked down but he knew there were cracks, there were always cracks.  It was too risky but she was the Archon, if she wanted to put herself in danger.  Well Archons regularly went to war already, he could almost guarantee Tharkad City was safer than an active battlefield.

He was looking over one of the TCP Councillors, “Inspector it’s been fairly quiet, couple of Free Skye protestors, Rasalhague refugee activists, drunks, just the normal troublemakers.  The only active call inside the security cordon is a domestic disturbance at the Epsilon.  We haven’t dispatched anyone there yet, some girl is just shouting at her man through the door so it’s a low priority call.”

“Pull it up, we can’t be too careful that is one of the high risk buildings.”

The Epsilon Building’s daring architecture filled the center holo-display.  A callback to the old modernist architecture of the 21st century with jagged angles and lots of glass.  It was among the most expensive residential buildings in all of Tharkad City.  “Floor Twenty-Three, unit Six”

The display rotated, it had a great view of the Boulevard. There would be some exposure while the parade cleared a side street before it was lost.  “Get me an angle.”

The computer calculated the shortest path between the area several lines appeared before disappearing and leaving only one.  It was an easy range for a particularly capable sharpshooter a nice profile shot on any of the VIPs.  He could call it, make Melissa stop and avoid the exposure or cover her up but she wouldn’t have any of it.  Heinreich talked into his radio headset to the Diplomatic Guard, “Set a timer, In six minutes I want Melissa under cover, unless I say otherwise” 

The woman had been a particularly nasty bridezilla even if it was for her own protection she would make it difficult for him.  He picked up the phone to dispatch, “Dispatch this is the Inspector, send a SEK team to Epsilon Twenty-Three Oh-Six immediately, no knock, high risk.  You have five minutes.”  He put the phone down, “Someone get me the Epsilon’s Building’s manager!”

Ian Davion was riding next to Katrina, he was hyperaware, they had been briefing on the security protocols in the event of a threat but he sure felt safer in his Marauder.  The Diplomatic Guards that were jogging alongside stopped for a moment setting their watches, curious.  Every nerve in his body was on fire as he knew something was happening but couldn’t do anything about it and the mystery was churning his already well churned guts.

Back in the Apartment The Grey Man watched through the scope he could see the target vehicles in the Parade and began his own internal countdown, relaxing, and engaging in the precise breathing he would need to hit his target.  There was no chance for a second shot.

A TCP Armored Van pulled up next to the lobby of the Epsilon Building, ten balaclava wearing and black clad SEK Police Commandos were hanging on to the outside and immediately rushed through the open doors.  Another ten exited the vehicle and secured entrances and exits pushing aside people in their way, “Polizei Notfallbewegung”

The first team stacked themselves up in the open elevator, all of them were currently on the ground floor.  They readied themselves and their equipment as they went up to the target room.

The Grey Man knew the Parade lineup by heart and saw the last vehicle before his target, he had a minute, plenty of time but not enough.

Ian Davion could see the Diplomatic Guard get tense and move closer to the vehicles, something was about to go down but he didn’t know what it was going to be.

The Heavily Armored SEK Commandoes thundered out of the Elevators rushing toward the target room, they saw Adrianna still yelling and slamming at the door,
“Geh aus dem Weg! Wir gehen rein!” 
She turned frightened with tears in her eyes and was pulled aside by one of the men who body slammed her against the far wall.

The heavy steel shield wielding Pointman put his whole body against the boss followed by a coordinated shoulder ram that smashed the gilded door and set off the directional mine that sent him flying back and scattered the others.  The custom frosted glass windows shattered in the overpressure of even the small bomb.  The Grey Man had his crosshairs on his target at the exact same moment and the explosion knocked off his aim.  The apartment was filled with outside air and the canyonlands between Tharkad City’s skyscrapers channeled the wind right in.

The 14.5mm round tore into a building façade causing massive damage to the old brick. The Grey Man swore and turned to the door where the dazed Polizei were recovering.  Firing the machine pistols to keep them back, a moment later they began returning fire.  He rushed out to one of the windows and leapt out, a parachute billowed our right behind him.  One of the SEK squad leaders put his SMG outside firing into the canopy, “Zweites Team! Abfangen am Boden!” 'Second team, intercept on ground'

The Grey Man landed, immediately shedding the parachute and firing his pistol at a pair of SEK Commandoes that were attempting to prevent this escape.  They returned fire bullets impacting the upscale MacEnroe Magic sedan he was hiding behind.  He could hear the sirens of the Polizei, they would be on him likes flies in moments.  There was no escape.

The two SEK Commandos carefully approached the sedan the suspect had been hiding behind, they cleared the vehicle and called it in.  “Verdächtiger, einziger Schuss zum Kopf” ' Suspect down, single gunshot to head'


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #52 on: 11 July 2018, 08:29:20 »
Nicely written
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #53 on: 12 July 2018, 00:08:30 »
I wonder who the target was. Remember if you want to kill a nobody wait till there next to somebody.


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #54 on: 12 July 2018, 11:56:47 »
I wonder who the target was. Remember if you want to kill a nobody wait till there next to somebody.

You will have to decide, I know who it likely is and why but I wrote it intentionally vague


2nd Issue of Report on the Attempted Assassination of Archon Melissa Steiner-Bradford on 08/11/3039
Filing Date – 8/19/3039
Tharkad City Polizei Central Detectives Branch, Diplomatic Division
Filing Officer – Chief Detective Otto Vogt

Autopsy Notes
Cause of Death – Single gunshot to head
Suspect's Estimated Age – 34 TY
Average Height (1.8m) and Weight (86Kg)

Notable Features
Multiple tattoos related to the Free Rasalhague Republic’s Kungsarme.  Follow on investigation is ongoing, the FRR embassy in Weibetal has given its full cooperation in identifying the suspect. 

Old combat injuries consistent with infantry service.  Possibly during the Ronin War?  Possible Draconis Combine and ISF connections?  Warrants further investigation from LIC and related agencies.

Individual was carrying a FRR passport, Analysis has determined that it is a fake.  Regardless based on the tattoos we are currently assuming suspect was a FRR citizen.  The passport was registered to a Tharkad Aerospace Group supplier in Weibetal.  Authorities in that city are still investigating and will forward their report to the central division upon completion. 

A set of keys has been matched with a MacEnroe 519 sedan found in the Epsilon’s parking garage.  It was reported stolen shortly after the incident from a citizen in Olympia City’s West River District.  OCP is providing utmost support in investigating possible leads in the city. 

No money, phone, or apartment keys were in the suspect’s pockets.  Weibetal Polizei raided the apartment attached to the passport but found it empty.  Where the suspect dwelled is currently unknown.

Suspect was wearing a uniform similar to the TCP but such things are easily found second-hand so no possible chance to trace.

Two Mydron Machine Pistols with filed off serial numbers, regularly encountered among the criminal underworld.  Very difficult to trace

The sniper rifle the suspect was using is a custom job, 14.5mm APFDS, bolt action.  Very expensive optics, stabilizers, and fine engineering throughout.  Bespoke items like this are only available through a few suppliers, Diplomatic Guard is overseeing an interplanetary investigation on the few in the Lyran Commonwealth.  However, other succession states are capable of manufacturing these items so they have no guarantee of finding the source.  Nevertheless it is one of the strongest clues we could find if it were to be uncovered.

The body of Vincenzo Marti, recently hired by the Commonwealth Central Bank after working for the Import-Export Bank of Arcturus for ten years, was found in the apartment’s bedroom.  He had been killed with a trio of subsonic slugs delivered at extremely close range.  Currently the Financial Crimes Division and Commonwealth Bank Inspectors are investigating the CCB and IEBA to see whether or not the suspect visited either institution. 

His girlfriend, Adrianna Lurecha of Tharkad City’s Lower Danube District, was injured during the breach but is recovering under guard in St Mary’s Hospital for Women.  She was despondent upon hearing what happened to Vincenzo but is talking with police during her recovery.  Police are investigating her business and home to determine if the suspect or an accomplice was following her.

Updates 10/01/3039

We have identified an account related to the suspect by determining his residence via backtracking with colleagues. A numbered account originating from the St Ives Central Bank was found through a set of stables on Solaris VII.  Various queries to the St Ives Embassy in Tesseraburg are being processed as we speak but the payment’s origin is currently obfuscated through multiple interplanetary holding companies.  LIC is taking over primary investigation now that it is clearly an interstellar issue beyond the TCP's jurisdiction.

Chief Detective Vogt signing out


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #55 on: 12 July 2018, 13:01:15 »
He's Rom


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #56 on: 12 July 2018, 15:32:05 »
And I'm trying to figure out, did he have "body double" stashed behind the car or not...  It the whole  multiple tattoos related to the Free Rasalhague Republic’s Kungsarme, seems almost a "distraction" to lean away from the real bad guy target.  Plus he had a plan to escape via chute and land here. 

my thought is a hit on Tormano (but oh so sorry Hanya got it instead, but well she was a mere commoner so it really doesn't matter anyways) Liao by Chancellor Romano to further turn Melissa POV to that of Tormano and the CC and away from FS.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #57 on: 13 July 2018, 13:49:17 »
It reads like a Romano hit except its far too subtle for her. She likes big grandiose messages with a personal twist. This is too clean and concise for her. It doesn't fit Davion or Kurita tactics and nothing would benefit the FWL so that leaves Comstar


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #58 on: 13 July 2018, 17:32:40 »
What hitting Hanya Liao "by Mistake" right beside Tormano isn't sending Tormano a grand message while providing him with sympathy in the LC, and well it solves that horrible but she a mere commoner that pissed off Dad.

And the assassin wasn't a Kali Follower, but a either a professional Assassin or Death Commando.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: (AU) Ian Davion, Golden Lion
« Reply #59 on: 13 July 2018, 17:59:22 »
First where do you see she got hit cause I missed that and can't find it.

More on point though why would Romano be selling up dad's scores now? She offed him I highly doubt she would bother now especially considering she could have done this face to face.

No this still points at Comstar because right now the only people who would want to "scare" Tormana are the Davions. Since Hanses is neither that stupid or that sloppy this is clearly ment to drive a wedge between Tharkad and New Avalon.  While that would benefit the Confederation when has Ramono ever been that crafty? Comstar benefits more and this has The primuses gruby fingerprints all over it just like that HPG hit back during the 4th war.