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Ground Combat / Re: The Value of an AC/2
« Last post by OatsAndHall on Today at 12:26:27 »
IME, there's tactical value in "plinking" away at range. I might get lucky and pull a floating crit or a head hit, I might not. But, I give the opposition something to think about, regardless. If I'm going to go down this road, I usually take a stock Black Jack as I can put a gunnery 2 pilot in it, keep the unit cheap and be a PITA. And, most of the guys I play with won't ignore the Black Jack as either a) they're annoyed by it or b) they think it's an easy kill.
I got email notifying me of the charge today. I have not confirmed on my credit statement, but I assume it happened as announced and scheduled.
Alpha Strike / Re: Battlearmor Anitimech Question
« Last post by T-DOG on Today at 12:11:38 »
From what I see, other mechs should be able to make a normal weapon attack on them.

The unit that's engaged in base-to-base contact with the infantry would be restricted to a melee attack though.
Off Topic / Re: What are we Reading Now: Conan the Librarian
« Last post by Zematus737 on Today at 12:10:43 »
I've been on a PKD binge these past few months:

The book store will never carry his Exegesis, while some of his lesser known works like the tripple stigmata of palmer eldritch or Valis will be harder to come by.  Try your county library and save a buck.  When my family grew more accustomed to using the request features and how accessible the online library sites are, it becomes very easy to get a book from a neighboring stock brought in.  To say nothing of the amount of money you save if your children are also devouring books.

As much as I loved PKD as a teenager and in my early 20's, he did a lot of harm to the Science Fiction community with an elitist type mindset for American authors in creating a group mind that should or shouldn't approve who is acknowledged or not by "the best" in the genre.  And that goes a long way for a person who is just plainly an author and story weaver.  He's a product of his time with space flight and "martian canals" being discovered and the heavy psychotropic scene exploding.  In the end, he was never honest with the vision he was given and this caused as much consternation in him personally that he became a facsimile of many of his protagonists.  He was very much like HG Wells.

I'm stuck myself on Warhammer fiction, wishing that the library here had them in stock.  Halfway through the Horus Heresy series and impressed by the level of quality fiction found in these books.  Certainly a step up from where the fiction in this universe started.

Books I myself killed lately: Secret Societies: A Discussion of their character and claims, by Edward Beecher; The Atonement of Fire, by David Annandale; Perturabo: Hammer of Olympia, by Guy Haley; Ghost of Nuceria, by Ian St. Martin; Utopia, by St. Thomas More; Aesop's Fables (was reading two fables to my children 3-4 days a week); Chronicles of the Future Paul A Dienach; Valedor, by Guy Haley; All That Remains, James Swallow; Aurelian, Aaron Dembski-Bowden (one of my favorite 40k authors, right behind Dan Abnett); Dark Vengeance Collection, by CZ Dunn (if you want a flavor of what I felt 40k was before it became great); Valdor: Birth of the Imperium, by Chris Wraight (not a bad place to start for foundational background for the Horus Heresy series); Blades of the Traitor, Various. 

Working on The Naked and the Dead, by Norman Mailer and Pope Francis' 2013 apostolic exhortation evangelii gaudium.  Talk about two contrasting works!  Oh boy.  I'm finding it impossible to read them together.
The Chrome NMM on the stealth feels like a very intense version of lipstick on a pig. The paint job is wildly impressive for such a lackluster mini.

Really looking forward to what you accomplish on the Highlander. I like that it channels the "goofy giant robot" of a lot of the '90s designs but has way more fun detail and mechanical design to it.
TDK-7S Thunderhawk / TDK-7S Thunderhawk
One side is the 7X.
The Alpha Strike cards in the box are:

ON1-K Orion / ON1-Kb Orion
TDK-7S Thunderhawk / TDK-7S Thunderhawk
PHX-1B "Special" Phoenix Hawk / PHX-1C "Special" Phoenix Hawk
AS7-D-H Atlas II / AS7-D-H Atlas II
Yup, my payment just went through, too. Now comes the final wait for the big box of little giant robots to arrive.
Isn't it explicitly supposed to be the -1c?

Yes, that would be the historic configuration. But the supporting record sheets typically include a "modern" (3150s) sheet and he's curious as to what it might be. I assume we'll find out when the Force Pack actually gets in our hands and we can check the backside of the Alpha Strike card.
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