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I think it makes more sense if ComStar is going to send a Courier there, semi-regularly. If not; the Houses have to do it or pay a reliable merchant to do so.
You know what's kind of funny? When Victor was killed the murderer also deleted his data from his computer by mag pulsing iot. You would think that the Paladins had stronger shielded computrers or some "cloud" storage or stuff like that, especially at their HQ in Santa Fe. I mean yes he was doing this project alone and in secret but this was way too convenient to have all his data vanish
The people in the theater at the first showing of Deadpool and Wolverine this morning seemed to all love it, including myself.

Personally, I found it to be the best Marvel movie in a while. At least, the one I enjoyed the most.

So, easier than the PP MAD?

The process is involved, but in no way what I'd consider difficult.

The plastic is also resilient and takes well to modification and re-posing.

In contrast the resin antenna Kids-logic insists on including in their models will snap off on contact with even the softest foam. Solid DO NOT TOUCH items those, but the detail is superb.

In further contrast; the RTT models take VERY well to re-posing...Kids-Logic gives you what is basically a monopose with a few some cases.
I’m going to make a prediction that I will be one of the last forum members that gets their emails. Y’all may have forgotten about this thread by then. Not trying to whine, it’s just my usual luck. Hopefully I’ll be wrong but hope for the best and expect the worst.
LOL!  But those light mortar carriers would have a hard time hauling a 120 around... :D
The Inner Sphere / Re: Post Jihad destroyed Merc Commands?
« Last post by Metallgewitter on Today at 17:55:31 »
What about the Fighting Uruk-Hai?

One regiment died on Addicks, the 2nd was heavily damaged on Panpour. They then send a small team to Taurus to negotiate a new contract. This team was shot down which led the rest of the Urukhai to rampage on Taurus before being put down. I think this was also the straw that broke the camel's back and made the Taurians declare war on the Federated Suns
See, I knew you would sum it all up: "Novosibirsk...were jerks with a lot of heavy industry and commoditized AFVs for sale". That is about the Fringe in a nutshell, if you ask me.

The Fringe already has light mortar carriers, Daryk...

Oh, you meant on wheels... :rolleyes:

Kamas, thanks for the intro dates. Very appreciated. I can knock together that light squad vehicle, the Karacal, and the MPP-6N when I redo the shebang. Give me some time, though. More to come.
Those are some nice looking mechs! I’ll butcher the painting but the plastic looks very nice. One more Dire Wolf to add to the collection. This one will probably get stripped and repainted in proper clan livery.
The Inner Sphere / Re: What is the Buying Power of a C-Bill?
« Last post by EPG on Today at 17:50:42 »
IIRC doing this in the late 80’s/early 90’s it seemed to work out best at $10/C bill which would be $20/C bill today if the C bill held its value while the dollar did not.  Of course in the Battletech timeline the C bill doesn’t have a constant value for a variety of reasons so maybe just stick to $10/C bill.

It’s noted explicitly in a few places in Battletech lore that gold there is less valuable than it was pre spaceflight.  It’s relatively easier to get gold in space than it is when you are stuck on one planet, and it no longer has an appreciable value as a currency reserve.  That leaves its value is jewelry, which is also reduced since its relatively more available.  It’s not valueless by any means, but nowhere near as ‘inflated’ as our values for it are. 

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