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Fan Fiction / Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Last post by Daryk on 04 June 2024, 18:33:15 »
That was a masterful volt face by Jeffries! :D
It's been a while since I've done an actual "log" as in discussing my painting journey rather than just posting pictures of painted minis, so let's take some time now. This is both to provide (hopefully useful) content for y'all as well as to journal my work. I have a sizeable number of minis that I painted in the before times, before getting back into painting a year ago, where I tell myself "how did I achieve that?" and I think it might be helpful to have a record of what I've been up to for future me.

I've been focusing on two things lately: trying to get a larger difference between dark and light color values on the most shaded and most highlighted surfaces on the minis I paint, and also trying to figure out the proper paint consistency for glazing, as a skill to further the first focus. I dislike the patchiness of some of my paint jobs, especially when viewed up close, and I think if I had smoother color transitions my individual brush strokes would be less visible, achieving a smoother overall effect.

I think the Timberwolf I posted above does a good job of achieving the first goal, it has pretty dramatic shadows and well-lit upper surfaces, but the individual brush strokes are also very apparent and up close it has a patchy look.

I made a simple wet palette out of a takeout container, wet paper towels and a bit of parchment paper so I could more easily thin paints to and keep paints at glazing consistency.

The result of practicing this skill is this Warhammer:

It's not perfect, but I feel like I'm getting pretty close. I think more patience is needed to really take the time and focus on each panel if I really want to nail what I'm going for. I was going for a "heat effected metal" effect on the tips of the PPC barrels, but I think I needed to water down my paints more to get them properly translucent for that effect to really sell.

I also reposed and painted this Stormcrow, albeit with much less attention to detail and more shortcuts. I was in a rush to get these minis painted before a game so I did this one in more speed mode. I'm pretty happy with the cockpit windows, but the grey looks obviously drybrushed which gives it IMO a dirtier look. My method for painting red for the more recent minis has been to paint the entire mech grey with highlights and shading, then to paint the red areas with 50/50 red ink and water. The ink is translucent so the shading is maintained. I have also started to add extra green shading to the red areas before painting with the red ink, as green will darken red without making it look muddy. The red actually looks very rich and more shaded and highlighted in person. I'm not sure how to get the red to show up as nice on camera!

I've been transitioning to this new base effect, going for a "muddy battlefield" look. My most recent bases have achieved it best I think. The method has been to paint the base with a light dirt color, then to heavily apply umber wash, allowing the wash to pool up on the base and dry. It leaves behind that whitish glaze that IMO does a decent job of simulating light reflecting off very shallow muddy puddles.

To finish off this long reply, here's a pic of the battle that was my self-imposed painting deadline for these minis: a traditional Clan Honor Duel between a Star of my Hell's Horses and a Steel Viper star in the Clan Invasion era.

BattleMechs / Re: Design Challenge: Succession wars Era ICE Battlemechs.
« Last post by RifleMech on 04 June 2024, 18:27:52 »
I went with the JagerMech and came up with two versions. One version drops the engine down to a 195 with 3/5 movement. To make up weight of the engines and 5 heat sinks, the AC/5s are downgraded to MRCs and 1 ML is dropped. A half a ton of armor is added spread evenly between the arms and rear side torsos.

The second version uses a 130 engine with 2/3 movement. The weaponry remains the same. It also has 5 heat sinks and adds .5 tons of armor as above.

I think I favor the second version. It's slower but still fast enough to keep up with and provide some supporting fire for assault mechs. I'm sorry it isn't pasted in. it comes out a mess when I try.

Hmm.  Why not take concepts from all of these and make your own version?

Half the reason most players won't take these units is unfamiliarity with their rules, the other is they can't find an opponent.  Make preset units similar to the 40K Kill Teams, try and market it to CGL.  There are plenty of other actual wargamers that might be willing to pick up something similar to what they already play and the wide variety of official equipment is a plus that gives CGL a way to interest them in the bigger game.

I wanted to do something similar to that for AS, but chickened out.  Never thought about Infantry.

I'd be willing to help write or do layout for a manual/rule book or something.   :cheesy:
Death From Above did something similar for Destiny. IIRC, they did a hybrid of classic and destiny and now they call it Override. It's just a few guys and it took a few months of writing and playtesting. You could totally do it.
Take a Mackie 7A, the intro tech Mackie.  Add a Charger engine.  Remove...stuff.

The MSK-7A normally packs full armor, a PPC, two large lasers, and an AC/20 with gobs of ammo.  I had to reduce armor protection to the same level as the primitive versions, but with standard grade materials.  The large lasers dropped back to twin mediums, and the AC/20 dropped to an AC/2 for sniping.

Code: [Select]
Mackie MSK-7Y

Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 400 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets: None
     Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
     1 PPC
     2 Medium Laser
     1 AC/2
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 2488
Tech Rating/Availability: D/C-E-D-D
Cost: 10,279,333 C-bills

Type: Mackie
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 1,402

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                   10
Engine                        400 Fusion           52.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink                     11                      1
Gyro                                                  4
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor                  216                  13.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            31        31   
     Center Torso (rear)               10   
     R/L Torso               21        21   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  10   
     R/L Arm                 17        24   
     R/L Leg                 21        28   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm

and Ammo              Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage
2 Medium Laser           CT        2        3       2.0   
PPC                      LA        3        10      7.0   
AC/2 Ammo (45)           RA        1        -       1.0   
AC/2                     RA        1        1       6.0   

Features the following design quirks: Easy to Maintain, Protected Actuators, Rugged (1 Point), Oversized
A dumb question perhaps, but I wasn't sure where else to ask.

I backed at the Company level, but I didn't have a kickstarter account at the time. As such, I can't see any backers-only posts, like the one that tells us how/when to access digital awards. Any suggestions?
Aerospace Combat / Re: WarShips vs. ASF - optimal weapons layout?
« Last post by monbvol on 04 June 2024, 18:11:50 »
With the addition of the Sub Capital weapons I would say there is some value in using in particular the SCL-1.  Long Capital Range, can use AA mode for a +1 total modifier instead ot +3 for the full scale Naval Lasers and they are light weight and heat efficient enough that they for all practical purposes obsolete NL-35s even when accounting for Fire Control tonnage and Heat Sinks.
Fan Fiction / Re: It's a family curse.
« Last post by Daryk on 04 June 2024, 18:06:08 »
Glad to see Liz returned to friendly lines... She's going to need some time to work off some aggression.  Maybe talking Ahn will help take the edge off... ;D

I'm a super new BT player (started about two weeks ago) and I have some really newbie questions. For context: I started with the scenarios from the Starter Box, and moved on to AGOAC pretty quickly. I have the Total War book, and while it's probably quite a complete ruleset it did leave me scratch my head in a few places. No worries, I was warned beforehand this was more of a "complete" set of rules for veterans of the game. I basically bought it in advance, on account of me being a bit of a collector / completionist.

Considering the fact that it's quite hard to get my hands on some BT books in my country, I want to make sure I'm purchasing the right ones.

..Would you be interested in Fan-made books?  The game is 40 years old - interested players have had a lot of time to make stuff.  You can find some of it here;

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