Author Topic: A Wolf's Dragoons Question  (Read 3913 times)


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Re: A Wolf's Dragoons Question
« Reply #30 on: 06 August 2023, 04:15:46 »
Sorry for the late reply.

The problem with the Badger and Bandit being OMNIs is that their nature would become evident to anyone who managed to captured or salvaged one.  Their weapons and other equipment being in pods would make it obvious to anyone that they weren't using standard technology. It wouldn't take people long to see the advantages of the technology and try to reverse engineer it. With the Badger and Bandit being in combat since 3008 the IS should have had OMNI technology before the 3rd Succession War ended.  Not being surprised by it 41 years later when the Clans invade.

And with the WD using OMNI technology, why limit it to just these two vehicles?  Why not include it on the Peregrine or Kestrel? Why not include it on the Marauder II?  Making the Bandit and Bager OMNIs just raises more issues than keeping them as lower tech versions of the old Clan OMNIs. As modular vehicles they wouldn't need to use OMNI pods and they'd still be reconfigurable than standard vehicles. And they still give a glimpse as to what would be coming later without giving any secrets away.

