Author Topic: Piratical Kingdoms  (Read 8447 times)


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Re: Piratical Kingdoms
« Reply #30 on: 05 August 2020, 10:57:00 »
 Letters of Marque carry thin protections.


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Re: Piratical Kingdoms
« Reply #31 on: 22 May 2021, 08:57:57 »
Bandit kingdoms and minor Periphery states are two different things.  The former engage in bandit raids and piracy against other states and worlds.  The latter do not.

Bandit kingdoms in the timeframe you’re interested in and their approximate mech forces are:

Antallos (multiple small independent bands)
Astrokazy (multiple small independent bands)
Circinus Federation (1 regiment)
Marian Hegemony (1 regiment)
Morgraine’s Valkyrate (1-2 battalions)
Oberon Confederation (3 regiments, 1 battalion)
Pirates of Butte Hold (1-2 battalions)
Pirates’ Haven (unknown but likely less than a regiment)
Star’s End Pirates (1 battalion)
Tortuga Dominions (unknown but likely less than a regiment)
Von Strang’s World (1 regiment)

Note that the worlds of Astrokazy and Antallos harbor multiple, small, hard-luck bandit kingdoms, of which many/most/all may be planet-bound at any particular time.

Everything else is either one of the three major Periphery states (Taurian Concordat, Magistracy of Canopus, and Outworlds Alliance) or a minor Periphery state.

Examples of minor Periphery states and their mech forces include the:

Elysian Fields (none, protectorate of Oberon Confederation)
Fiefdom of Randis (small number of mech-mounted knights)
Franklin Fiefs (small number of feudal militias)
Herotitus (none?)
Illyrian Palatinate (2 mercenary battalions)
Lothian League (1 mercenary? regiment)
Mica Majority (1-2 mercenary companies)
New St. Andrews (uncertain number of feudal militias)
Niops Association (none?)

The mech strengths of the three major Periphery states are about:

Magistracy of Canopus (10 regiments and 2 battalions, including mercs)
Outworlds Alliance (3 regiments, as well as five aerospace wings)
Taurian Concordat (12 regiments including 3 mercenary regiments)

I did the write-up for the Circinus Federation in FM: Periphery.  The Circinus Federation  was a bandit kingdom during its entire existence, from its origins in the dissolution of the (first) Star League and Operation Exodus (circa 2780) until its destruction at the end of the Jihad.

Unlike the other bandit kingdoms, the Black Warriors of the Circinus Federation used false flag operations to prevent their Lyran and Marik targets from tracing their raids back to the Federation.  The Circinus Federation may have resembled other, legitimate, minor Periphery powers.  But its government engaged in secret, state-sponsored piracy for centuries.

Except when occupied by the Circinus Federation or Marian Hegemony, the governments and worlds of the Illyrian Palatinate and Lothian League never engaged in piracy and never knowingly harbored bandit kingdoms.

I included approximate mech force sizes for your time period above.

I am working on a scenario based on Outworlds Alliance between 3000-3025. Which are the pirate kingdoms or other small pirate organizations that would take actions against OWA by this time?

The sourcebooks refers to a constant threat of pirates and raiders but OWA seems to be in the most pacific corner of the Periphery...


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Re: Piratical Kingdoms
« Reply #32 on: 22 May 2021, 09:16:49 »
I think Tortuga is the nearest one, but they're not really that close...


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Re: Piratical Kingdoms
« Reply #33 on: 22 May 2021, 09:45:53 »
Antallos/Port Krin is closest. It is a 'freeport' near the Combine, Suns, and Alliance. There is not a lot mentioned about it in the 3020s however as Vance Rezak was still in the DCMS and Vinson's Vigilantes hadn't gone rogue yet. In that time I expect the average pirate group probably would have Trojan dropship, maybe a demi-company of lighter medium mechs and some tanks and infantry to grab loot.


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Re: Piratical Kingdoms
« Reply #34 on: 23 May 2021, 03:40:50 »
Wouldn't the Outworlds Wastes also make good havens for pirate bands that plague the Outworlds Alliance? I know the lore doesn't give many hints about pirate bands in that particular region but I would assume that some would have a base there


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Re: Piratical Kingdoms
« Reply #35 on: 23 May 2021, 06:25:46 »
There are multiple mentions of the Alliance Military patrolling their wastes for pirates. They principally raid the little industry in the Realm and areas of the Draconis March. A couple worlds like Wynn's Roost even have a touring the stars talking about them


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Re: Piratical Kingdoms
« Reply #36 on: 23 May 2021, 06:29:25 »
If you're in to fan fiction, 2ndACR did some amazing stuff with the Wastes...  :)