Author Topic: (Answered) Protomechs and Plasma Weapons, Ultraheavy questions  (Read 2160 times)

Prince of Darkness

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  • Posts: 1533
Techmanual stated that protomech cannot mount plasma weapons- but the Ultraheavy Boggart in Wars of Reaving mounts one with 10 rounds.  Also, ER PPCs could not be mounted on the heaviest protomechs for obvious reasons, however with the advent of Ultraheavy proto's we now can- and thus we've got several weapons that have no space slots.  Can any info for these questions be provided?  Any pages in WoR that had this errata posted?

Xotl: answered in other threads plus errata.
« Last Edit: 19 November 2012, 23:56:27 by Xotl »
I'm going to type up your response, print it, fold it in half, and look at it like a I would a centerfold. THAT's how sexy your answer was.

