Author Topic: Autumn Camo Wash . . .  (Read 2069 times)


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Autumn Camo Wash . . .
« on: 05 October 2011, 08:18:36 »
Hey guys!

I'm just getting ready to paint a reseen Marauder that I just finished assembling using a two-part epoxy. Incidentally, I wanted to do the 'Douglass' version of the Marauder (from Historical Turning Points: Galtor), so I used a turret from a Harasser hover tank instead of either of the two guns supplied in the blister. I think it turned out pretty good!

Basically, I'm shooting for something like this:

or this:

I just finished priming with Army Painter 'Uniform Grey' (I use grey as a compromise between white and black primer), and I think I'll use Delta Ceramcoat 'Golden Brown' or Reaper 'Orange Brown' for a base coat. I'll prolly mix my own 'fleck' colours from a bunch of stuff. Because I'm not really confident in my abilities to mix my own wash (I've had some bad experiences), I've resolved to stick with Citadel washes.

Here's my question: do you guys think I should use 'Badab Black' or 'Gryphonne Sepia' (or a mix) for my main wash? These are the two bottles I currently have on my desk.

Thanks guys!  :D

(P.S. - last night when I scrubbed the newly-assembled 'mech with vinegar I noticed that the epoxy seemed to change colour slightly. Any of you guys ever heard of vinegar causing two-part metal epoxy to break down???)


  • CamoSpecs
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Re: Autumn Camo Wash . . .
« Reply #1 on: 05 October 2011, 14:30:51 »
Quick and easy - take Badab Black (or check out Devlan Mud if you have the chance as this is probably the most fitting of the Citadel Washes). Gryphonne Sepia is not dark enough.


  • CamoSpecs
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Re: Autumn Camo Wash . . .
« Reply #2 on: 05 October 2011, 15:25:40 »
My concern with using black would be that it would make too much of a mess against the base colour. From the sound of it, the browns you're looking at are more towards a yellow-brown than a straight brown. Bright colours + black wash = yuck. Might be a good idea to test it on a small area first and decide if you like the effect. I agree that the Sepia will probably be too light for this job.


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Re: Autumn Camo Wash . . .
« Reply #3 on: 05 October 2011, 15:53:12 »
Hmmm . . . This is all very good; I've never actually used the Sepia on a 'mech before. I originally bought it to stain a broken toothpick to look like a felled tree (worked good, too!), and I figured it might work here too.

Looks like I'll have to get some 'Devlan Mud'. Thanks guys!

Any other thoughts?

BTW: the adhesive I'm using is Lepage Epoxy Steel. Again, dunno if vinegar is its kryptonite, but I sure hope not!  :P

« Last Edit: 05 October 2011, 15:58:30 by Kiff_Stevenson »


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Re: Autumn Camo Wash . . .
« Reply #4 on: 06 October 2011, 07:42:45 »
Sepia ink is most commonly used (among historicals folks I know, at least) to stain wooden ship decking and shade yellow. It's very likely going to be way too light.

The Badab Black's probably a good bet, BUT you'll end up having to tidy up the flatter surfaces again to avoid the dirtiness that it'll cause. I'd do the black, and just eat the extra work to help line.  Devlan Mud would probably do a similar job, but with less sharp lining and less clean up work afterwards.

