Author Topic: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium  (Read 384974 times)

Trace Coburn

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BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« on: 25 October 2011, 09:05:54 »
  Being a fan-fic writer, I know all too well how many stray ideas and 'wouldn't it be cool if...?' scenarios flash across people's minds.  Some of them turn in plot-bunnies, which chew on your ankles and refuse to let go until you do something about them; some are even more persistent and annoying, not to mention unbelievably fast-breeding, and thus earn the name 'plot-tribble'.  Unfortunately, you have to prioritise which ideas and works you devote your time and energy to, and so a tragic number of plot-tribbles often find themselves abandoned in the unforgiving cold of creative limbo, dying of starvation and not enough love.

  Therefore, in the spirit of its cousin thread(s!) over at, I'm founding this thread as a place for's fan-fic writers to drop off their plot-tribbles, in the hope that they can find a good home with a writer or writers who can give them the time and attention they need to bloom into fully-grown and entertaining fan-fiction.  Anyone may leave a plot-tribble in our care, in the hopes of its future adoption; please remember to number your tribble, so that its origins and pedigree can be properly traced.
  Anyone who reads the thread can adopt any plot-tribble they find herein and write the fic it spawns, with the proviso that when they post that fiction, they include a credit to the tribble's original owner/poster and a link to its original post in this thread.

  I'll get things started with a couple of tribbles which attacked me after reading, respectively, Betrayal of Ideals and Handbook: Major Periphery States.  Especially having done so once too often, far too early in the morning.  For reference, these tribbles are also posted at as tribbles #10164 and #10165.

Tribble #0001:
  In an OOC postscript to Betrayal of Ideals, the author Blaine Pardoe laments that he/FASA couldn't use a scene that occurred to him for Task Force BULLDOG's arrival at Strana Mechty:

  The Task Force arrives in orbit over the Clan Capital.  Victor Steiner-Davion notices there's a perfectly good McKenna-class battleship just sitting in orbit with no-one aboard, not even caretakers.  Finders being keepers, he says, "Please inform the Commodore that I am transferring my flag to the McKenna's Pride."

  Remember, not only is it a WarShip and the former flagship of the Exodus, McKenna's Pride is the resting place of Aleksandr and Nicholas Kerensky, the greatest heroes of Clan culture.

  What would have happened if things had played out that way?  :D

Tribble #0002:
  Aboard the McKenna's Pride, orbiting over Strana Mechty, the body of Aleksandr Kerensky lies in state within a glass tomb.
  Except, one day, someone realises it's not a coffin: it's a cryo-tube.
  Who resuscitates him, and when?  What has become of the 'Star League in Exile' (or the Clans) by the time he awakes, and how does he react to what's happened while he's been 'sleeping'?  How do the Clans react to his reaction?
  If Nicholas is still alive, what does Aleks say to him?  }:)


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #1 on: 25 October 2011, 17:24:40 »
Tribble #0003
In 2964 a Max Liao is born into House Liao. But this Max's name is not Maximilian but Maxine. By 2995 she is Chancellor and offers the recently widowed Janos Marik a stunning opportunity: the Capellan Confederation joining the Free Worlds League as an intact province, and to bind the votes of this new province in Parliament to Janos, she also offers her own hand in marriage...

Tribble #0004
In canon, Vlad is a staunch Crusader and an arrogant warrior espousing the superiority of the Clans. For him success, whether personal, for Clan Wolf or the Clans is everything. His hatred of Phelan is because he has failed to defeat him.
However, what if Vlad is a staunch Crusader espousing that Clan superiority is the result of perpetual struggles. For him overcoming obstacles is everything and he supports the invasion because it tests the Way of the Clans. Because Phelan overcomes him, he accepts that Phelan has a right to join and lead Clan Wolf. Their relation becomes one of friendly rivalry and not enmity.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018

Dirk Bastion

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #2 on: 07 January 2012, 06:30:53 »
Okay, let's see if I can still remember some of the old ones.

Tribble #0005
Thanks to a convenient accident in the shower, the leading council of Rollis is not killed off in 3030. While their appeal for annexation is rejected by "Mad Tom" Calderon, a younger and more ambituous Grover Shraplen wants to flex the Concordat's muscles and show to both neighbours that the Taurians can get things done, too. A quickly hired mercenary unit takes Rollis, and several other nearby planets seceed from the Confederation before long. With Romano's hissy fit audible from space, the Concordat is dragged into the war.

Tribble #0006
When Katrina Steiner makes her peace proposal in 3020, Hanse Davion is grasping the opportunity with both hands... as is Max Liao. When Janos Marik starts agreeing with discussions about peace and even Takashi Kurita considers joining in, what is ComStar to do?

Tribble #0007
In an Inner Sphere where the Third and Last Succession War was fought like the first two, by 3070 ComStar has managed to pick up several pieces. After reestablishing a solid technotheocratic nation in a territory roughly equivalent to the Republic of the Sphere in 3120, and several more "uplift/indoctrination" operations underway, one of their long-range scouts meets with a Clan invasion force over the irridated ruins of Luthien.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #3 on: 07 January 2012, 14:48:16 »
Tribble #0008
As the wedding of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner approaches, the rogue mercenary unit responsible for the Sirian Massacre is destroyed on Helm by Duke Garth Marik of Irian with the aid of ComStar's Mercenary Review Board. Tapping into the  still strong dissent against Janos Marik, the Duke launches a bid to overthrow his cousin, spearheading his invasion of the Marik Commonwealth with a regiment of Star League-era battlemechs...
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018

Black Mist

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #4 on: 07 January 2012, 18:46:09 »
Tribble #0009

Phelan Kell's unit is attacked by mysterious raiders, and he personally was captured by the commander of this force who piloted a jumping summoner. Phelan later finds out, after interrogation, that he is now considered a "bondsman" to one Aiden Pryde and a part of Clan Jade falcon. The Jade Falcons, because of political meddling by their previous Khan Elias Crichell were given the dishonor of the Rasalhague Republic invasion corridor; the Ghost bears received the adjacent corridor between the Republic and the Combine, the Wolves received the Combine Invasion corridor, and the Smoke Jaguar had the Federated Commonwealth invasion corridor.....
When life gives you lemons:
(1)you sell the juice
(2)use that money to hire a lawyer
(3)suit the the person that dumped all those stupid lemons on you for all they are worth!


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #5 on: 07 January 2012, 21:10:34 »
Tribble #0010

Shattered Sphere

The fourth succession war was, Comstar would later reflect, their finest hour. A combination of brilliant plotting and sheer dumb luck would set the stage for them to finally achieve Blake's vision.

It started when a ROM plant gave Duke Hasek-Davion food posioning, keeping him from running off to Sian, and keeping his treachery suspected, instead of confirmed outright. It continued when they kept Aldo Lestrade save from his own son, and killed off his sons friends. 

In the war of 3039, when the Federated Commonwealth failed to achieve any real victory over the Draconis Combine- hated enemy of the entire FedCom- Duke Hasek-Davion formally succeeded from the FedCom. Lestrade quickly followed suit, and the Isle of Skye succeeded.

Then the St Ives compact threw off its chains, and declared itself truly independent from both the FedCom and the Cappellan Confederation. At the same time, the Tikonov Free Republic tore itself free too. The TFR offered Outreach to the Wolf's Dragoons, in exchange for military support.

As this was happening, the Free Worlds League- helped quietly along by Comstar- finally fell apart, leaving half a dozen provinces and hundreds of lonely worlds.

The Deiron Dieron District, longing for the days when it was part of the Terran Hegonomy, and embolden by Rasalhague, also declared sovereignty.

Theodore and Takashi Kurita argued so strongly over Theodore's reforms that they tore the nation in two between them, each gathering warlorlds under their banner and fighting each other.

Various reigons in the FedCom, disgusted by how the alliance between the two nations was causing them to loose so much for no gain, succeeded. The Suns Periphery march declared itself independent, because of how little support they got from new Avalon. The Draconis March ignored the Suns, too focused on the Combine. In the Lyran half, various social generals and businessmen, egged on by Ryan Steiner, set up their own nations.

By 3042, the Federated Commonwealth was no more, and the inner Sphere consisted of nothing but small nations, none larger than a hundred worlds. Suddenly, the Periphery nations were on an even footing with any other nation.

The entire situation was only helped by Comstar, liberally blocking, changing and fabricating messages to help all this along.

By 3049, the Shattered Sphere, as it was known, consisted of 34 nations. Comstar had taken a dozen of the closet worlds to Terra as Protectorates, and fully expected to rule the Shattered Sphere within 20 years.

And then they started getting reports of invaders from the Periphery, with strange Mechs and technology beyond what even the Star League had...


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #6 on: 17 January 2012, 12:33:38 »
Tribble #0011

Natasha Kerensky decides to stay with Wolf's Dragoons instead of re-joining Clan Wolf. How badly are the Invading Clans going to be mauled with the Black Widow coming after them?


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #7 on: 18 January 2012, 05:51:55 »
Tribble #0012 Comstar's Blunder

In ramp-up to 4th Succession War, Comstar blunders left and right, getting caught with their robes soiled in every puddle of their dirty tricks. In surprise move, Maximilian Liao is proven to be a Comstar plant in CapCon, with the Operation Doppelgänger blowing public in the Succession Lord level, if not to the public. As a bigger surprise, Candace and Romano, after verifying each other as safe from Comstar taint, sell their father to Hanse in exchange for opening of rapid and secure communications about "The Cancer at Heart of the Inner Sphere". Various conspirations of the Intelligence services coincide to let them compare notes from the full length of the Succession Wars. The Wedding is still held on Terra, but instead fo Capellan Confederation being the designated whipping boy, the House Lords join together to stop the warmongers who have tried to enslvae them all, Comstar.

Of course, Wolf is till pissed, and common people still see Comstar as untainted... But hwen the WMDs come rolling, who will Wolf call, and when the skeletons are trotted from the closets, will the people's eyes be opened? And can the House Lords hold together long enough to topple their biggest threat, or will the mutual greed lead to backstabs?
Ex Dubio, Obscura
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #8 on: 18 January 2012, 16:44:55 »
Tribble #0013

Incensed by the Dragoon Compromise, five Crusader Clans simply up stakes, load up their civilians and set out back towards the Inner SPhere. Their plan is to 'join forces' with a Successor Lord, plant their chosen lord on a more or less empty throne as a figurehead and conquer the inner sphere while slowly converting their chosen state to the Clan way and holding all power to themselves as the 'warrior elite' of the new Star League.

Unfortunately what they didn't manage to agree on was which state to support.

And so, round about 3005 all five Successor Lords independently hire on a huge force of 'mercenaries' that appear to be far too good to be true. Surely Davion/Kurita/Liao/Marik/Steiner (delete as applicable) will crumble when these forces are unleashed upon them!
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #9 on: 19 January 2012, 04:09:28 »
Tribble #0002:
  Aboard the McKenna's Pride, orbiting over Strana Mechty, the body of Aleksandr Kerensky lies in state within a glass tomb.
  Except, one day, someone realises it's not a coffin: it's a cryo-tube.
  Who resuscitates him, and when?  What has become of the 'Star League in Exile' (or the Clans) by the time he awakes, and how does he react to what's happened while he's been 'sleeping'?  How do the Clans react to his reaction?
  If Nicholas is still alive, what does Aleks say to him?  }:)

There is a red box next to the coffin that reads "In case of emergency break glass". Someone breaks the glass and pulls the handle inside during the Wars of Reaving.  :D

"Real men and women do not need Terra"
-- Grendel Roberts
We will be used to subdue the Capellan Confederation. We will be used to bring the Free Worlds League to heel. We will be used to
hunt bandits and support corrupt rulers and to reinforce the evils of the Inner Sphere that drove our ancestors from it so long ago."
-- Elias Crichell


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #10 on: 19 January 2012, 06:21:54 »
Tribble #0014 Death to the Mercenaries!!

After Third Succession War, every House Lord in their own end looks at the Wars that have gone on before, and realize that most of the crippling damage have come from the Condottieri, the Mercenaries, who are just posing to fight each other, but hit the House forces hard. Looking at the numbers, it becomes clear that the Mercenaries are working a Cartel to replace the House Lord's loyal armies with sellswords who seek the highest profit.And the Lords see this as a dangerous dependency on unreliable group whose leadership and aims are not clear.

So when the Fourth begins to loom, the Lords start working in their headquarters to make sure the Mercenaris don't keep the Wars going on to profit themselves - and when takashi opens the door after Terra, the other Lords enact their secret orders with their closest commanders to slowly eradictae the mercenaries.

And the hidden masters of the core Mercenaries are annoyed beyond belief, when their plan to keep the Inner Sphere and the Great Houses embroiled in backbreaking continuation of War are thwarted and the caviar and champagne at Hilton Head starts ot get warm while awaiting the moment of Blake's vision, when the Wars would have been rbought to end by the white armies of the Comstar.
Ex Dubio, Obscura
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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #11 on: 19 January 2012, 17:26:45 »
Tribble #0015:
In the newly formed Word of Blake Protectorate some planets haven't forgotten their Chaos March grudges. A band of mercenaries are employed in a black on black mission to settle the score with the enemy's militia, ruin financial targets and avoid engaging the WoBM unit on planet.

Then an 'emergency' HPG comes through alerting the unit to legal corruption on their planet of charter. They'll need money for lawyers fast and now the Word knows who they are. Should they go to the ground to hide from the incoming line unit as their orders imply? Or should they set up the next militia ambush near a highly lootable target?

Either way, their problems are going to grow and in a hard places, only the hardest survive.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #12 on: 22 January 2012, 04:00:00 »
Tribble #0016:

Its hard being a pirate. You have to keep all your 'mechs operational, as well as your Dropships, Jumpship, and veichels. Not to mention food and medicine. Everyone wants you dead. Especially in the Kerensky Cluster, where the clans consider Pirate hunting a sport, and spare no expense.

So, in 3018, one such priate group decided that if they wanted to prosper, they needed to leave the Kerensky cluster. To go somewhere that didn't hunt pirates quite as hard, somewhere their technology would give them an edge. So they went to the Inner Sphere.

And in 3019, an LCAF unit recovered a wrecked mech from a pirate raid. It was damaged, but the facts were undeniable- it was faster, tougher and hit harder than anything the inner sphere had ever seen. It was new- less than a decade old. Even the design itself had never been seen before- they noticed its resembelence to a pair of existing mechs, and named it the 'Mad Cat'.

And so, when Katrina Stiener sent her peace proposal to the nations of the inner sphere, it wasn't out of weariness of the succession wars. It was to build an alliance, to prepare for this unseen foe. To advance their technology. To bulk up their armed forces. 

The eventual invasion of the Capellan Confederation was different- it wasn't (just) to stop mad Max Liao. It was to seize the factories of the CC, to clear a safe road between the two states, and to give the FWL a more tempting target to invade than the Federated Suns.

Meanwhile, the NAIS worked day and night to reverse engineer the Mad Cat...

master arminas

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #13 on: 22 January 2012, 20:21:19 »
Tribble #17:

Edward Calderon's DropShip accident in 3034 is narrowly averted by alert members of his Taurian Guards protective detail.  Later that year, evidence emerges that the vessels engines had been sabotaged, and despite Protector Thomas Calderon at first blaming the Federated Suns and the House of Davion, it emerges that the conspirator was none other than Grover Shraplen, assisted by the Capellan Maskirovka!  The 49-year old (at the time) Shraplen is revealed to be engaged in a long-term conspiracy to destroy and discredit the Calderon family and seize control over the Taurian Concordat.  Thomas is stunned by the betrayal of one of his closest allies, and then enraged beyond all reason when Shraplen (informed of his iminent arrest for treason by supporters at Court) declares MacLeod's Land loyalty to Romano Liao and accepts a Capellan Garrison as Governor in her name.  The Pleiades Hussars support Shraplen and quickly move to reinforce MacLeod's Land.  Chancellor Liao names Grover Shraplen the true Protector of the Taurian Concordat, and begins to move troops to the border hoping to capitalize on the chaos.  An amused Hanse Davion declares the Federated Suns neutral, but he too moves troops close to the Taurian border.
« Last Edit: 22 January 2012, 20:26:59 by master arminas »

master arminas

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #14 on: 22 January 2012, 20:30:58 »
Trace, can you post a link to that spacebattles thread?  Thanks!

Master Arminas

Trace Coburn

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #15 on: 22 January 2012, 21:11:09 »
Trace, can you post a link to that spacebattles thread?  Thanks!

Master Arminas
  Lessee now: there's no dedicated Emporium for BT Tribbles over there (more's the pity), but I think I posted those two in the 'general purpose' Tribble Emporium #3 ...

  ...  yup: #3, pt.3, post 181.

  I haven't been into the Index for some time, so I don't know how many more Emporia have been posted, filled, and left derelict since then....  :-\


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #16 on: 22 January 2012, 23:19:19 »
Tribble #17:

Edward Calderon's DropShip accident in 3034 is narrowly averted by alert members of his Taurian Guards protective detail.  Later that year, evidence emerges that the vessels engines had been sabotaged, and despite Protector Thomas Calderon at first blaming the Federated Suns and the House of Davion, it emerges that the conspirator was none other than Grover Shraplen, assisted by the Capellan Maskirovka!  The 49-year old (at the time) Shraplen is revealed to be engaged in a long-term conspiracy to destroy and discredit the Calderon family and seize control over the Taurian Concordat.  Thomas is stunned by the betrayal of one of his closest allies, and then enraged beyond all reason when Shraplen (informed of his iminent arrest for treason by supporters at Court) declares MacLeod's Land loyalty to Romano Liao and accepts a Capellan Garrison as Governor in her name.  The Pleiades Hussars support Shraplen and quickly move to reinforce MacLeod's Land.  Chancellor Liao names Grover Shraplen the true Protector of the Taurian Concordat, and begins to move troops to the border hoping to capitalize on the chaos.  An amused Hanse Davion declares the Federated Suns neutral, but he too moves troops close to the Taurian border.
That's pretty ballsy for the Capellens considering they still have Canopian and Andurien troops occupying several of their worlds. By March they where still holding Renown, Buenos Aires, Andermax, Palladaine, and New Roland. It will probably take a few months for the conlifct to occur, but still, pretty ballsy. The Anduriens are pretty much done for at this point, but a Canopian counter attack doesn't seem impossible.
« Last Edit: 22 January 2012, 23:20:53 by Hellfire »

master arminas

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #17 on: 23 January 2012, 01:42:19 »
Well, the accident occurred in canon in 3034.  I figure it will take around a year to trace back to Grover, and then he jumps ship.  So probably mid-to-late 3036 before anything starts up.


Dirk Bastion

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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #18 on: 23 January 2012, 13:35:44 »
That is exactly the other way around from my idea, but so much better (as I'm pretty sure nobody likes Shraplen). It has only been 20 years since Brinton and this is not a Concordat which is led by the quivering, paranoid wreck of a man who has seen too many private tragedies to remain functional. Two things are for sure: the Pleiades Hussars will have a nasty guerilla war on their hands and Edwards ideas of rapprochement with the FedCom will have so much public backing that not even Thomas can ignore then anymore.
On the other hand, I'm not sure if Romano will see this through, instead washing her hands off the whole affair by sending Shraplen a garrison of less-than-faithful soldiers. She has, after all, just about now finished dealing with the Canopians and Andurians at the other side of the border and could still reasonably fear invasion by the Marik.

Mad Tom goes to war, indeed.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #19 on: 21 June 2012, 01:38:37 »
Tribble #0018The Peace of Blake on you, Brother

Jerome Blake was truly a visionary. As the bitter General flees the Inner Sphere to lick his wounds, Minister of Communications plays fast and loose with everything at his disposal. Not only does he secure Terra as HIS, the deft and rapid propaganda and communications interdiction campaigns undermine the House Lords' ability to wage their War to become the Star Lord int a fizzle in the pan.

Of course, the fact that Comstar managed to grab and retain most of the remaining veterans of Star League Defence Forces in their ComGuard, publicly garrisoning Terra and protecting every HPG compound administered by Comstar.

With Succession Wars scaling down the damage from the eradication of Amaris the Usurper, the Successor Lords rule the Star League in a shifting alliance of political moves, countermoves and loyalty to no one but their very persons, the Lords end up with a low-scale conflict running cneturies with technology thta was not bombed to early Age of War, but with rules of engagements for dueling 'trials' stricter than anything one could believe.
Ex Dubio, Obscura
"Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #20 on: 21 June 2012, 03:32:51 »

While I work on my own version already, maybe some other writer wants to try his variant:
Tribble 0019
When Katrina Steiner makes her peace proposal in 3020, not only Hanse Davion sees possibilities, his and her old foe Takashi Kurita does so as well. And when the dust of negotiations settles, the Steiner are not allied with the Davions, but the Kuritas.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #21 on: 21 June 2012, 05:18:16 »
Let's have a go ...

Tribble 0020

The Dragoons realise right from the start that they're working for the wrong guys. Imediately upon arriving in the Iner Sphere, they pick a Successor State and offer their service, their technology, and their warning: Kerensky's Children are out there.

Forty years later, the Clans are gearing up for Operation Revival ... only to have the WarShips of a Reunited Star League jump in over Strana Mechty ...
« Last Edit: 21 June 2012, 05:20:41 by gladius »


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #22 on: 21 June 2012, 07:58:37 »
Tribble 0021

As the Clan Invasion continues to roll across the Draconis Combine, Free Rasalhague Republic, and Lyran Commonwealth, a new faction arrises to combat the Clans in the same manner the Clans fight. They strike Clan Smoke Jaguar without warning nor without announcing who they are despite the Smoke Jaguars demanding that they identify themselves. It isn't long before the new army destroys the Smoke Jaguar forces invading the Inner Sphere save for the ilKhan and his Keshik. This new Army then attacks and manages to damage the Dire Wolf before it escapes with the ilKhan dead.

As the House Lords meet on Outreach, the meeting is interrupted by an unexpected visitor. A man who claims to come from one of these Clans that have invaded the Inner Sphere, but had been destroyed long ago. To Jaime Wolf's shock, he claims to be from the long-dead Clan, the Wolverines.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #23 on: 21 June 2012, 15:25:54 »
Tribble 0022
19th Century North America had it's fair share of strange cults, most of which vanished as soon as their founder did (often with bulging pockets). One of the stranger and most persistent of these was dedicated not to any God but to human longevity: membership was restricted to those with four living grandparents and in a complete reversal of all religious logic, members were paid - more specifically, were paid a bounty for every child they had with other members.

By the early 22nd century the group remained more or less intact, if unfortunately inbred: a few tens of thousands strong, possessed of an average life span of two hundred years and quite unable to share this blessing with with the rest of humanity. Unsurprisingly they were only too happy to take over a small colony fleet and set out for the far reaches of space, perhaps inspiring the usually fairy tales about planets where no one gets old.

Actually, of course, they set up camp on a handful of worlds a couple of light years towards the core and built up an industrial society to support their goals of:
1. More children
2. Not dying.

Unfortunately for a group (now numbering in the billions) who have taken to heart the idea that going to war will lead to regrettable termination of their precious multi-century lifespans and thus have little to no experience of it, they're about to be invaded by six million new colonists, in the form of Kerensky's Exodus...
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #24 on: 21 June 2012, 15:29:40 »
Tribble 0023

The Marion Hegemony is gearing up to invade the Lothian League, but the Lothians get confirmation just in time.  They quickly form an alliance with the Palatinate, and pool their money to hire more mercs.  They also get secret help from another government, but whether it's the FWL, MoC, or someone else is played very close to the vest.  The new confederation still loses two planets, but manages to hold together just long enough to turn the Marion forces back elsewhere.  The marion government falls because of the failure.  Fast forward 5 years.  The Marion military is now stronger than before, and has a better leader.  Now, the confederation is broke, Circinus is looking hungry, and the Marion's are getting ready to try again.  Some confederation members are now willing to go so far as to join the FWL, but the FWL is playing hard to get.

Tribble 0024

In the 4th SW, the goal wasn't to take over the CapCon, but to destabilize it.  A corridor to link the two halves of the FedCom is taken, with the border at the Carver V - Epsilon Eridani- Fletcher line.  The Ronel thumb is also reduced.  The CapCon military is ruined, but most planets are left to themselves, rather than trying to rule them as an invader.  St Ives and Tikonov are FedCom client states, and Sarna becomes nearly independent. The FWL loses a handful of worlds near Oliver and Procyon, but takes the the Hall -  Hsien - New Canton triangle.  Liao and Styk are left as a buffer states between the FedCom and FWL.  They are told they will be left alone as long as they stay neutral with the FedCom, FWL, and CapCon.  A few years later, the Isle of Skye tries to go independent.  Welcome to the Chaos March.
Game mechanics are a way of resolving questions in play, not explanations of the world itself.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #25 on: 21 June 2012, 15:31:11 »
Tribble 0022
19th Century North America had it's fair share of strange cults, most of which vanished as soon as their founder did (often with bulging pockets). One of the stranger and most persistent of these was dedicated not to any God but to human longevity: membership was restricted to those with four living grandparents and in a complete reversal of all religious logic, members were paid - more specifically, were paid a bounty for every child they had with other members.

By the early 22nd century the group remained more or less intact, if unfortunately inbred: a few tens of thousands strong, possessed of an average life span of two hundred years and quite unable to share this blessing with with the rest of humanity. Unsurprisingly they were only too happy to take over a small colony fleet and set out for the far reaches of space, perhaps inspiring the usually fairy tales about planets where no one gets old.

Actually, of course, they set up camp on a handful of worlds a couple of light years towards the core and built up an industrial society to support their goals of:
1. More children
2. Not dying.

Unfortunately for a group (now numbering in the billions) who have taken to heart the idea that going to war will lead to regrettable termination of their precious multi-century lifespans and thus have little to no experience of it, they're about to be invaded by six million new colonists, in the form of Kerensky's Exodus...

In a contest of Heinlein vs. Stackpole, I'll take Heinlein. Stackpole's characters tend to reach critical mass and explode more often.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #26 on: 21 June 2012, 19:32:12 »
Tribble 0025: Crossover Idea

In 2795, a meteorite crashes near the Tiber River in Italy on Terra. One month later, a mysterious crystiline substance appears within the impact crater. ComStar scientists later identify the substance as Tiberium and show that it is rich in resources, but is also very deadly to human populations. Soon fields of Tiberium begin to grow all over Terra and in the aftermath of this impact, a mysterious organization calling itself The Brotherhood of Nod emerges and, to the shock of the rest of the Inner Sphere, overthrow ComStar and claim Terra for themselves.

Many believed that Nod wished to rebuild the Star League in their image, as had the House Lords of the Inner Sphere. To their surprise, Nod claims that the Star League was a corrupt government of infidels who had no right to claim lordship over the people of the Inner Sphere. They then went on to accuse the leaders of the Successor States and the many Periphery States of the same thing. A month later, cells of Brotherhood of Nod units emerge ALL OVER the Inner Sphere and begin a campaign to overthrow the various armies of the Inner Sphere giving no quarter and asking none either. What's worse, the planets they appear on begin to show signs of Tiberium growth and it isn't long before hundreds of worlds are infested with Tiberium.

Facing a common enemy, the Successor and Periphery States unite against Nod and head to Terra to defeat them once and for all. The Brotherhood's leader, a man only known as Kane, is later killed and Nod fractures into various factions across the Inner Sphere. Over the next 200 years, Kane would surface 2 more times during the Second and Third Succession Wars. Many planets within the Inner Sphere are rendered uninhabitable as Tiberium continues to grow at an accelerated rate. Terra itself is barely able to sustain human life despite the efforts the various House Lords go through to contain or erradicate the mysterious green crystal.

In 3005, when Jaime Wolf's Dragoons appear in the Federated Suns, they are stunned to learn of this development as well as the current status of the Inner Sphere. They are even more stunned at what is going on with Terra and the fact that ComStar no longer exists. After their first contract with House Davion is up, they send their report on the Inner Sphere and Tiberium to the other Clans. However, the Brotherhood of Nod intercepts this transmission and begins to plan for a possible and inevitable confrontation with the Clans. As soon as the Clans learn of the status of the Inner Sphere and Terra, the Great Debate immediately comes to an end and the Clans as a whole begin plans to head to the Inner Sphere to reclaim Terra and rid it of Tiberium in the hopes that they could rebuild the Star League and destroy the Brotherhood of Nod.

Little do they know, that the many bandits within the Kerensky cluster meet with representatives of the Brotherhood of Nod, who then give them the means of facing the Clans on an equal level. It isn't long before all 17 Clans come under attack by members of the Bandit Caste using Nod Tech to destroy their factories and shipyards. It isn't long before Kane, once again, shows himself to the entire Inner Sphere, and informs them of the existance of the Clans and where the Dragoons come from. This throws the entire Inner Sphere into chaos and some even send long-range recon jumpships to confirm Kane's statement. The Clans themselves, are shocked to learn that Kane had revealed their existance and gave the Bandit Caste their tech. It isn't long before the Burrocks, after learning of this, severes their ties with the Bandit Caste and rejoins the Clans in an effort to fight off Nod's attacks.

The question is, how long will it be before the Clans and the Inner Sphere can hold off Nod's own Jihad?


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #27 on: 26 June 2012, 14:10:42 »
Tribble 0026 "Bandits" beyond the Rim capture Red Corsair and her entourage

What if, back in the dark day, Katrina Steiner and her travelin companions the Kells were met by some weird bandits, fighting with weird mechs never seen before... And winning?

No Peace proposal, no FedCom, no Kell Hounds, no Genyosha...

But maybe bloodname Kell earlier? Or would the Clans accept the young Kells?
Ex Dubio, Obscura
"Only a warrior chooses pacifism; others are condemned to it."


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #28 on: 26 June 2012, 16:01:37 »
Tribble 0027
They came from the darkness and they brought it with them.

Their ships blockade worlds, slaying those who would reinforce the garrison or those who would flee before the conquerers. HPGs go silent where they pass.

Their Mechwarriors and Infantry are distant, faceless warriors who destroy all those who come against them, hunt down all that they seek.

Within a year hundreds of worlds have gone silent. Across the Inner Sphere fear grips a thousand worlds as rumours speculate as to who these invaders are and what they have come to do.

On those fallen worlds they are beginning to learn and their fears are better founded: they still have not met with the warriors but they have met their servants. Humans, or so they appear. Regulated and controlled humans, who impose those same regulation and control upon the worlds that have fallen.

Everyone knows someone who has been taken away by the invaders, and now a few have learned of people who have come back, preaching the virtues of the new ways.

A new word has come to describe this terrible new force in the universe: Harvesters. For they have come not to conquer or to hold, but to harvest: to take what they want away.
"It's national writing month, not national writing week and a half you jerk" - Consequences, 9th November 2018


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Re: BattleTech FanFiction Tribble Emporium
« Reply #29 on: 27 June 2012, 09:30:33 »
Tribble 0027
They came from the darkness and they brought it with them.

Their ships blockade worlds, slaying those who would reinforce the garrison or those who would flee before the conquerers. HPGs go silent where they pass.

Their Mechwarriors and Infantry are distant, faceless warriors who destroy all those who come against them, hunt down all that they seek.

Within a year hundreds of worlds have gone silent. Across the Inner Sphere fear grips a thousand worlds as rumours speculate as to who these invaders are and what they have come to do.

On those fallen worlds they are beginning to learn and their fears are better founded: they still have not met with the warriors but they have met their servants. Humans, or so they appear. Regulated and controlled humans, who impose those same regulation and control upon the worlds that have fallen.

Everyone knows someone who has been taken away by the invaders, and now a few have learned of people who have come back, preaching the virtues of the new ways.

A new word has come to describe this terrible new force in the universe: Harvesters. For they have come not to conquer or to hold, but to harvest: to take what they want away.
A new version of the Clans? Or is this the new WOB?