Cut the legs off a BattleDroids Behemoth and kitbashed in the legs off a reseen Marauder to help make the Behemoth look more like the Macross M.A.C. II Monster it was modelled after. Just got to paint it up now.
Rifleman 7M - Torso/Upper LegsRifleman IIC - ArmsTitan II - Head/Radar ArrayCAV Chancelor - Lower LegsDP9 Naga - Ammo DrumsHope that helps!
This one?I have one too ;)
I'm curious as to what went into the mech in the 6th pic spiff? do tell! [watch]
All very cool stuff. I don't do much kitbashing myself; a bit here and there, but almost none of it's canon. Here are a couple of favorites though.Word of Blake 40th Shadow Division Prolietor and InfernusGrey Death Legion Marauder 2Star League Gauntlet 2Clan Blood Spirit Gladiator H
What are the odds you could be commissioned to build another like that?
Here's my custom AXM-3S Axman that I did a few years back.