Author Topic: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010  (Read 23060 times)


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Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« on: 10 February 2011, 12:47:45 »
Periphery, Herotitus
March 25th, 3010

     Captain Thomas Braden, lately of the Magistracy armed forces, was meeting the members of the new mercenary unit he was forming with three other men.  He regretted leaving the MAF but it had become apparent over the last couple of years that he would never amass enough money to buy another promotion.  Being stuck at company commander level for another twenty years was just not something he was prepared to do.  Luckily his fiancée Rachel Relle and three members of his company had decided to follow him to Herotitus.  The addition of Doug Pakhurst and Allen Smith and their two Sabre aerospace fighters gave them just enough of a force to attract other small groups.
     He was not really that surprised at two of the other groups.  Cedric Kane led the group coming from the Taurian Concordat.  Including his Warhammer he had a full lance of mechs from his old unit.  In addition he had picked up a Capellan piloting a Hunchback-4P before meeting Thomas and agreeing to join the new unit.  It seems that Cedric had not been sufficiently anti-Davion for his battalion commander.  He didn’t care for them and was more than willing to kill them if needed.  It was just that kill them all no matter what and make them suffer while they die had seemed excessive to him.  After several bad reviews from his company commander in spite of exemplary performance in the field he had realized that a mercenary job might be in his best interest.
     Marcus Dragomir led the Free World’s League contigent.  He only had two mechs, but they were a Marauder-3M and a Falcon.  By itself it was nice but he also had two dispossessed mech pilots and an aerospace pilot.  Since Tom had every intention of expanding his unit as quickly as possible he thought they were a good addition.  Marcus had the same problem with his former employer.  He had been a member of the 6th Defenders of Andurien.  What he hadn’t been was a rabid successionist.  In the Defenders you were either for the Duchy 100% or you were scum.  He hadn’t expressed enough desire to risk millions of lives on a free Andurien and had been black balled for it.  Tom thought it was just as well.  Now he would be able to field a full company of mechs.
     The last person signing up tonight was James Gillet.  He was the owner of the Union class drop ship soon to be renamed the “Worg.”  It seems that instead of having problems with superiors his family had had multiple encounters with pirates.  In Tom’s talk with him a week ago James had told him why he now had a Union instead of a civilian cargo drop ship.  “My family owned three merchant jump ships and a half a dozen drop ships.  We were doing well until a corporation had wanted to buy us out.  My father refused and shortly after that we got hit by pirates.  We chalked it up to bad luck the first time.  In the last two encounters they killed the entire crews and took everything.  My father, sister and two brothers died when pirates attacked them.  With the lost cargo’s loss and only one jumpship left our creditors came calling and they took the jumpship to pay our bills.  They corporation obviously was behind the entire thing but I couldn’t prove it and the "representatives" never even gave us the companies name.  With no way to make a living doing cargo transport and my family dead I sold the two remaining drop ships and bought this Union.  I came here looking for someone willing to kill pirates if I would take them there.”  After hours of negotiation James had agreed to transport the company of mechs if Tom would give priority to contracts that either defended worlds from piracy or were outright pirate hunting. 
     As he entered the “Lazy Wolf”, the restaurant they had decided to meet at Tom was looking forward to getting through the meal so they could iron out the unit organization and start looking for contracts.  The Lazy Wolf was a good place to eat with fine, heavy “German” food and several back rooms that were usually reserved for meetings just like this one.  Gunther, the owner, was a discrete man for all his loud, boisterous antics in the main rooms.  Tom quickly walked through to the Oak room where he found the other members already there.  Rachel Relle, his fiancée, would represent the MAF members along with Doctor Mustafa who headed up the medical corps of four nurses.  Marcus was there for the FWL group and Cedric Kane for the Taurians.  James Gillet represented his drop ship crew and Jason Prager the techs.
     After they had all enjoyed a great meal it was time to get down to business.  “Gentlemen and ladies, here is the organizational table for the new unit.”  He then pulled up the information so it displayed on the big computer screen in the room.  “As you can see I put the four biggest mechs in the command lance and the eight lights in the other two lances.  We only have one aero lance so I put them with the Union for now.  Support services are headed by Archibold Anderson who is right now looking at our contract options.  You will note he has one assistant.  Doctor Mustafa heads the medical detachment of four nurses.  Chief Tech Jason Prager controls the technical support section.  You will note we have fourteen mech techs and five aero/drop ship techs.  Here are the unit designations, please look them over.

Braden’s Dire Wolves

Command Lance-Grey Wolves
Captain Thomas Braden-Shadow Hawk-2H(Elite)
Lieutenant Cedric Kane-Warhammer-6R(Veteran)
Han Wu Di-Hunchback-4P(Veteran)
Marcus Dragomir-Marauder-3M(Veteran)

Recon Lance-Coyotes
Rachel Relle-Firestarter-H(Veteran)
James Hunter-Stinger-3R(Regular)
Mark Ryerson-Wasp-1A(Regular)
Kevin King-Wasp-1A(Regular)

Pursuit Lance-Jackals
Tylene Trakar-Falcon-4N(Veteran)
Duane Milford-Stinger-3R(Regular)
Alexis King-Stinger-3R(Regular)
Lawrence Pickens-Wasp-1A(Regular)

Aero Lance-Shadow Wolves
Doug Pakhurst-Saber(Veteran)
Allen Smith-Saber(Regular)

Urian Radovan(Regular)Mech
Michael Ramirez(Regular)Mech
Themis Kardanes(Green)Mech
Anton Devir(Regular)Aerospace

Chief Tech Jason Prager(Veteran)Mech
Mech Techs:  14 Regular Techs
Aero Techs:  1 Veteran, 2 Regular, 2 Green
Medical:  Doctor Mustafa(Veteran), 4 Regular
Admin:  Archibold Anderson(Veteran), 1 Regular

Captain James Gillet(Regular):  Union drop Ship “Worg”

     â€œI see you have already put in a name.  Braden’s Dire Wolves, I like it, where do I sign”, said Marcus Dragomir.  Very quickly he had everyone’s signature and the meeting broke up.  Thomas leaned over to his fiancée, Rachel Relle.  “That went much better than I thought it would.”
     â€œDon’t be silly, the name is great.  Besides they wouldn’t care if you called them the Fluffy Bunny Guards as long as you got work for them.”


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #1 on: 10 February 2011, 13:03:35 »
 O0 very nice I like it. Keep up the good work.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #2 on: 10 February 2011, 15:33:28 »
March 6th, 3010
Periphery, Herotitus

     Archibold Anderson stood up as Captain Braden entered the room.  He motioned their prospective employer to stand as he started the introductions.  “Captain Braden this is Sir Christopher Pursley of the planet Bromhead.  Sir Christopher, Captain Braden of Braden’s Dire Wolves.”  Archibold stepped back as the two shook hands and sized each other up.  He was hoping the negotiations would go well.  This could be quite a good deal for the new unit.
     Tom motioned for Sir Christopher to take a seat.  As he took his own chair he said, “I understand your planet has had problems with pirate raids recently”.
     Sir Christopher appeared to still be in his early twenties and had a difficult time hiding his thoughts.  “Yes, my father, the ruler of Bromhead has asked that I find a small mercenary unit to supplement our militia.  I understand you have a company of mechs with transport.  That would appear to be about the size of unit we will need.  So exactly why should I hire you and not one of the other units out there?”
     Tom leaned back while he tried to decide how to approach the question Sir Christopher had asked.  As he leaned forward he met Sir Christopher’s gaze.  “It is very simple.  The majority of the units here on Herotitus are poorly disciplined or are so close to being pirates themselves that the pirates probably can’t tell the difference.  My unit is very disciplined, the members have experience serving in major military units and as you said we have transport.  That would let us go after pirates at their base if we find it.”
      “Very good, I too have served my country.  Although I served in the Federated Suns with Sirdar March Militia I know that sometimes a “force multiplier” is needed.  If I decide to hire you we will need you for garrison duty with a provision for off planet pirate hunting if we find out where they keep their base.  Is that acceptable?”
     â€œI believe we can come to a deal as long as we have an escape clause should you try to force me to attack a force I cannot possibly beat.”
     â€œA reasonable provision, but now let us get down to the particulars.”
     After several hours of negotiation both sides agree to a contract and Comstar certifies it.

First Contract

World:  Bromhead, located on the borders of the Capellan Confederation and Taurian Concordat in Federated Suns space.
Contract type:  Garrison
Contract Length:  20 months
Transport:  50% covered to Bromhead(7 jumps).
Salvage:  Full
Command:  Independent
Overhead:  Full
Support:  60% straight
Payment multiplier:  4.9

     Baron Pursley wishes to hire a unit to defend his planet from pirate attacks and to train his militia in defensive operations.  He also will use the unit to defend the planet against attacks by either the Capellans or Taurians.  The unit may be tasked to attack pirate bases off planet should their base(s) be found.
     An escape clause is in force allowing the unit out of the contract should they be asked to engage a force to strong for them to defeat.  The use of the escape option will cause a review by Comstar to determine if the enemy force had overwhelming force.
     The planet of Bromhead has ten Scorpion Tanks and two battalions of infantry to defend the planet with.  Baron Robert Pursley pilots a Centurion, Sir Christopher an Enforcer and the Baron’s daughter Christine a Valkyrie.  No other military assets are on planet.

Edit:  forgot to add in contract length.
« Last Edit: 15 February 2011, 07:43:27 by Coriendal »


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #3 on: 10 February 2011, 22:48:31 »
May 16th, 3010
Federated Suns, Bromhead

161.17, -380.77

A nondescript world with very little to offer except a strategic position, Bromhead was captured early in the Succession Wars. Its strategic value and importance was never lost on the AFFS High Command - because of its position along the Capellan border they have kept the world garrisoned with a significant offensive and defensive force.  That is until recently when the majority of the defenders were pulled out to reinforce Mendham.

This arid world has two continents, one located in the northern and one in the southern hemisphere, covering more than half the planet. Zanzabar, the northernmost continent, has the more temperate of climates and is home to the majority of the world's population. Brom's Home, located on Zanzabar, is the capital of the planet, serving as the center for all commerce on the planet.

The southern Salazaar is a vast wasteland of desert divided by a large mountain range. The Salaam-Zurkan range is so high that few have ever attempted to climb it, with many peaks higher than the famed Mt. Everest on Terra. Salazaar has become a major desert and mountain environmental combat training ground for the AFFS.  The Baron hopes this will bring back more units after the situation at Mendham stabilizes.

     Captain Braden was glad they had been blessed with an uneventful trip.  As the Worg was unloaded and the equipment headed off to the Baron’s estate near Brom’s Home he went to meet Baron Pursely for the first time.  It was good to be out of the drop ship after ten weeks of cramped travel.  He motioned for Cedric Kane to go with him.  Marcus would make sure everyone made it to their new base.
     As they pulled up to the Baron’s estate he was somewhat surprised at how well fortified it was.  In addition to the heavy ferro concrete wall he saw multiple LRM emplacements and a large pad for drop ships.  I guess being a training planet had its advantages.  They pulled up in front and were met by a member of the staff who directed them to the study while welcoming Sir Christopher home.  Tom noted that the man appeared to be genuinely happy to see the Baron’s son.  That seemed to be a good omen.
     Tom and Cedric waited for about twenty minutes before the Baron came into the study.  Twenty minutes spent studying the expensive but utilitarian items decorating the room.  Evidently the Baron liked the finer things but only if they were also very useful and practical to everyday life.  Sir Christopher opened the door for his father and a beautiful woman who appeared to be in her late teens. 
     â€œCaptain Braden, Lieutenant Kane, this is my father Baron Robert Pursley and my sister Christine”.  After everyone had greeted each other the Baron motioned for them to sit down while his children joined them.
     â€œI know the two of you think you got an extremely good contract and that my son negotiated poorly.  That is not the case.  As I am sure you can tell we are well off here.  The normal military garrison and training units bring in good money to this planet.  I made sure that Sir Christopher would be able to hire a quality unit of the right size.  Five months ago the Capellans invaded Mendham.  It is the only industrial world in the area that they could hit and the normal garrison was pulled to reinforce the defenders.  Since that time we have been subjected to several probing raids by pirates.  I knew it wouldn’t be long before they decided that we did not have sufficient forces and launched a major attack.  You are here to bloody their noses when they make an appearance.”
     â€œWe will do just that sir.  I understand you only have 10 scorpion tanks and two battalions of infantry in the militia.  Why don’t you have a larger militia here?”
     â€œWhen the Capellans attacked Mendham the Sirdar command requested the units here and a company of tanks from my militia go to Mendham to reinforce the defenders of that world.  Since my planet benefits so much from being used as a training center I really couldn’t refuse the “request”.  I have ordered replacement vehicles and new heavy APC’s for the infantry battalions.  Unfortunately it will be 12-18 months before they arrive.  That is where you come in, I need extra forces to cover a gap of at least 10 more months and possibly as much as 20 months.”
     â€œOk, you let us know what you will need us to do and it will get done.  It will be our pleasure to include any of you in our training.  I understand all of you have mechs.”
     â€œThat we do, would tomorrow after breakfast be a good time to start getting used to how you run your unit,” the Baron asked.
     â€œI think that will do nicely.  We will see you then Lord.”  Quick handshakes were exchanged and then they were shown to the door.
     â€œSo, what do you think about our new employer,” Tom asked.
     â€œI think as long as we perform our jobs to his standards he will be our best friend.  We better not screw it up though.  By the way, make sure to tell Marcus to keep his tongue in his mouth and his jaw shut if Christine comes around.  Getting involved with the Baron’s daughter could get all of us killed.”


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #4 on: 11 February 2011, 01:46:57 »
An interesting unit of different nationalities.
A good contract to start.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #5 on: 11 February 2011, 12:43:29 »
double post:  removed content
« Last Edit: 15 February 2011, 07:46:16 by Coriendal »


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #6 on: 11 February 2011, 12:44:09 »
May 30th, 3010
Federated Suns, Bromhead

     This was the Dire Wolves third training session since arriving on planet.   Tom was very happy with how the new company was performing.  They were all experienced warriors but he didn’t expect them to gel this quickly.  The Baron and/or his children had been at every training session so far.  The Baron seemed pleased after watching maneuvers even though his tanks usually got “destroyed”.  It was probably since they almost always concentrated their fire and took out at least one “pirate” mech in every encounter.  That was a lot more than most militia units composed of Scorpion tanks could do.
     â€œAll right people, that’s a wrap for today.”
     No sooner had he ordered everyone in than his comm chimed.  “Alpha one this is Baron Pursley, over”.  He quickly keyed his mike and responded.  “Go ahead, Alpha one here, over”.
     â€œAlpha one we have an unauthorized drop ship heading for the town of Loden.  I want you to take your unit and intercept them.  It is quite a haul and time may be an issue, over” the Baron said. 
     Pulling up the local maps Tom considered his options.  “Lord, I will take Coyote and Jackal lances, my mech and with your permission Christine’s Valkyrie and find out what is going on.  If we are going to get there in decent time we will have to leave the slower mechs behind.  I would suggest that you muster the militia at Brom's Home.  I will send my remaining mechs there.  That will cover the capital and allow me to send my fighter lance out to do recon, over.”
     â€œI agree Alpha one.  I will get the militia assembled and my son and I will join them there.  Good luck Alpha one, out.”

     As they closed on the town of Loden Captain Braden was satisfied with what force he had for this mission.  His Shadow Hawk and Christine’s Valkyrie were the slowest mechs.  The other eight were Rachel’s Firestarter, Tylene’s Falcon, three Stingers and three Wasps.  Most likely they would be able to outrun anything they couldn’t outfight. 
     â€œAlpha one this is Shadow Wolves, over.”
     â€œGo ahead Shadow Wolves, what do we have, over.”
     â€œCaptain we have light smoke showing from the town and what appears to be a company of mainly light mechs with a few hover craft loaded with infantry.  It looks like they are about to pull out.  If I don’t miss my guess they will be moving Southeast and you should be able to get in front of them.  We will go high to see if we can determine where their drop ship is, over.”
     Tom looked at his map and found a route he thought they should be able to get in front of them.  “Christine, can we use this path here to get in front of them?”
     After a short pause she replied.  “Yes, that area is relatively flat with few obstacles.  We will make good time going that way.”
     â€œExcellent, let’s go meet our guests.”

     As the unknown force got close Tom thought that the terrain would be just fine.  It was mainly open with a few areas of light woods.  It also left the Shadow Wolves with clear targets.  “Everyone tighten it up, no mistakes on this one.  Christine, you stay in my shadow once the firing starts.”
     The enemy force came into view.  One lance of Locusts was on his right flank, one mixed lance of Valkyries and Stingers on his left with a lance of medium in the middle and what looked like heavy hover APC’s trailing behind.  “Jackal lance you have the Locust’s, if they push past you do not pursue, come around and support me against the mediums.”
     â€œUnderstand Alpha one.”
     â€œCoyote lance move into those trees on our left and be ready to close with the Valkyrie’s.”
     â€œI will move up the center and occupy those mediums.  Christine, stay behind me and use your LRM’s.  Do not close with anyone, understood.”
     â€œAcknowledged Alpha one,” was the quick response.  Tom thought it sounded like the right mixture of nervousness and excitement for someone going into a real fight the first time.
     Upon seeing the Dire Wolves the enemy mechs accelerated.  Three of the Locust’s broke to Jackal lances right trying to push past them while the fourth moved toward the center.  As LRM fire erupted from the fourth Locust Tom saw why he had separated from the rest of the lance.  He wanted them concentrated on the more heavily armored Locusts while he tried to put fire into Jackal lances rear armor.  Most of the fire missed but one of the Locusts wobbled from a hit to the center torso and then fell on its right side.
     â€œThe Shadow Wolves are starting their run.” 
     Tom was tearing big chunks of armor off a Clint’s left arm and was pleased to see LRM fire from the Valkyrie slam into its torso.  So he felt more than saw five of the six medium lasers of the Sabre’s hit one of the Locusts.  The mech was quite literally blown off its feet. 
     The APC’s had accelerated to flank speed now and were almost past Coyote lances position.  They were going to have to let them go as the mechs were the greater danger.  As Tom broke to his right to get another shot at the Clint the pirate Shadow Hawk and Vulcan put on a burst of speed to close with him.  He turned back to meet them and poured fire into the Vulcan as he took several hits.  Tom winced as his rear torso armor showed damage but no breaches.  He needed to be more careful, that was a rookie mistake.
     Coyote lance rushed out of the trees they had moved to and closed with the Valkyrie mixed lance.  Fire flew back and forth inflicting light damage that would accumulate as the fight continued.  The Locusts were now almost in hand to hand range with Jackal lance while the pirate mediums pushed forward with the Blackjack trailing behind.  One of the Locusts had obviously taken Gyro damage as it fell again without taking any fire.
     â€œCoyote lance reports one Stinger down with a crushed leg, switching fire to the other mechs.”
     It was starting to get serious now as the mechs closed to point blank range.  His lights were now starting to take more damage but as he poured fire into the pirate Shadow Hawk he saw multiple hits on the Vulcan as well.  As he saw it go down he thought it had taken a gyro hit. 
     Shadow Wolves had come around for another strafing run.  This time they hit one of the Valkyrie’s.  As he saw its head take heavy damage he was sure that the cockpit had been breached.  It fell and there was no doubt the pilot was dead.
     His heart skipped a beat as Rachel’s Firestarter fell.  When she didn’t try to get back up he almost panicked but was too busy with the pirate Shadow Hawk to disengage.  One of his Stinger’s was also down but the Locust firing the LRM’s had lost a leg.  That put three of the pirate mechs in the dirt with heavy damage to several more.
     The APC’s were already just dust trails in the distance and a pirate Stinger and two of Locusts were well on their way to being uncatchable.  That left the mediums and damaged mechs to take out. The pirate Shadow Hawk abandoned his men and fled with the Clint, Valkyrie and other mechs that could still keep their speed up.  Tom closed with the trailing Blackjack and exchanged fire and kicks with it.  It fell and seemed to have problems getting up as did the Vulcan who had taken heavy fire from several Wasp’s and Stinger’s.  The massive explosion to Tom’s right signaled the end of the fight as Tylene’s Falcon hit the last Locusts machine gun ammo.  The Blackjack and Vulcan, abandoned and with no way disengage surrendered.
     â€œGood job people, secure the battlefield.”  As he started to organize and prep for salvage he got a transmission from Brom’s Head.  “Alpha one, this is Baron Pursley.  A drop ship just landed outside the capital.  It looks like two companies of mechs will be assaulting us within minutes.  We need you here ASAP.”
     Holy crap he thought as he thanked his lucky stars that he had decided to leave the bigger and slower mechs behind at the city.  Who could he send?  He needed to secure the battlefield and send help at the same time.  “Tylene, take James’s Stinger and Christine’s Valkyrie back to the city as fast as you can.  Shadow Wolves will cover you.  We will secure the battlefield and move everyone to Loden.  We can assess the damage there and make sure the ones that escaped don’t come back to hit the survivor’s.”


  • Captain
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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #7 on: 11 February 2011, 18:58:17 »
A battalion of pirates v a reinforced company.
You like it rough.
Good work on the first company.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #8 on: 12 February 2011, 19:57:19 »
May 30th, 3010
Federated Suns, Bromhead
City of Brom’s Head

     It was a good thing Han had been on patrol when the Mule had landed outside the city.  It was a scheduled landing of a “merchant” drop ship.  But Han had quickly realized that the four mech bay doors were not standard and had sent out the alarm.  With the militia already assembled the Baron had quickly made the decision to pull back into the city and make the pirates come to them.
     â€œWell, that isn’t the best odds I have seen.  We make it two companies of mechs, about half lights and the others a mix of mediums and heavies.  Except for the Banshee and Charger leading the way there are no assault mechs.  At least they have two mediocre assaults.  Unfortunately they have some good heavies.  We have seen a Warhammer, a Crusader and a Rifleman.  The only good thing is that most of the lights are 20 ton bugs.”
     â€œWe will deploy inside the city with the tanks and mechs using the interior roads to hit them as they start to enter the city.  I have ordered the militia infantry into the buildings in the north and west parts of the city along major roads.  If we make them wary of entering the city we may be able to defeat them in small groups as they probe for a way in.”

     Ten minutes into the fight three Scorpion tanks were burning wrecks.  The city was laid out with eight main roads all leading to a central hub.  That was both boon and bane as it allowed defenders and attackers to snipe from a good distance.  Unfortunately the pirates had quite a few autocannon and LRM equipped mechs.  They would need to change tactics soon if they wanted to survive.  “Lord Pursley, the Warhammer and Banshee are to the north with just a few other mechs right now.  If we attack and take them out the other pirates may panic or do something stupid.”
     â€œI am not sure I agree with your assessment but if we stay here they will slowly butcher us.  All tank and mech units will move north, infantry to stay in place and hit any pirate mech they see.”
     As they moved north the first volleys were brutal.  Marcus lost most of the armor off his Marauder but the Warhammer went down with the engine completely destroyed.  The Whitworth blew up when its ammo exploded and in a stroke of luck the Banshee fell after taking a hit to the head.  With a pirate Stinger and Javelin also out of the fight the decision to move to the north was looking to be the right one.
     â€œI will make sure the Banshee doesn’t get up again.  Everyone else concentrate on the mechs in the northwest corner of the city.”
     Baron Pursley could hear the infantry firing constantly to the west.  They had paid for the push north.  As they started the move west he realized that only one of the Scorpion tanks was still in operation.  The shredded body of a Charger littered the ground behind them.  Several other pirate mechs were heavily damaged and he could see the remaining mediums and heavies pulling back toward their drop ship.  With Marcus’s Marauder down with a leg destroyed they couldn’t pursue and he was kind of glad it made that option unattractive.

     â€œWhat is the butcher’s bill, son?”  The baron waited while Christopher wiped soot from his face and made his way over.  The mercenaries were standing nearby, no doubt waiting to see if he would blame them for the damage.
     â€œWe lost nine of the ten tanks, five are total write offs.  We only lost 10 infantry out of the 280 we deployed.  All but one platoon stayed in their buildings as they were ordered.  The mercs lost the leg off the Marauder and all the mechs took heavy armor damage.  We also had three buildings destroyed completely and minor damage to four others.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is that we completely destroyed a Scorpion mech and a Whitworth.  We also have parts from the Thorn and Wasp the infantry shredded and several random arms that are no longer attached to their owners.  The Charger and Warhammer had their engines destroyed but the rest of them are most likely salvageable.   The best news is that a Stinger, Javelin, Clint and the Banshee can most likely be fully repaired.  In fact, the Banshee just needs a new head.”
     â€œYes, I was meaning to ask Lieutenant Marcus about that.”
     â€œLord, not only was he a pirate but if that mech had gotten back up we would most likely have lost this fight.  If you were watching closely it was only after both assaults and the Warhammer went down that the pirates started to pull back.  I didn’t have the time to hold my large laser to his cockpit and wait while he woke up and agreed to exit the cockpit,” Marcus said.
     â€œNo, I don’t suppose you did.  I would prefer that you not make that a habit, understood?”
     â€œYes Lord.”
     â€œAll right, let’s get the rest of your unit back from Loden with their salvage.  How far out are the reinforcements Captain Braden sent?”
     Sir Christopher looked at the radio operator.  “Twenty minutes for the three mechs.  Shadow Wolf flight has been on station for twenty minutes.”
     â€œLet’s get as many units repaired as quickly as we can.  After that we can make up a parts list and send off for what else we need.”

Dire Wolves plus militia
4 Scorpion tanks
4 SRM Scorpion tanks
2 LRM Scorpion tanks
10 platoons of infantry
CN9-A(Baron Pursley)
ENF-4R(Christopher Pursley)
MAD-3M(Marcus Dragomir)
WHM-6R(Cedric Kane)
HBK-4P(Han Wu Di)


I used megamek and didn’t realize until the scenario was at turn 8 that it was set for 10 turns maximum.  The computer player was slow to enter the city and then only with the jump capable lights and a couple mediums.  The heavier mechs were happy to snipe along the roads to take out militia tanks.  When I ran north I hammered the big mechs on the north side of the city before the pirate mechs on the west could respond.  As time ran out the infantry was still intact with only 10 out of 280 men killed.  Most of the tanks were knocked out but the pirate Wolfman and Rifleman were badly damaged and many of the bugs were missing body parts.  With the only two veteran pilots dead I decided that they would be the leaders and the pirates would lose heart and fall back.
« Last Edit: 12 February 2011, 20:01:06 by Coriendal »


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #9 on: 12 February 2011, 20:25:15 »
An excellent start with full salvage rights.
Your unit will take off fast after this combat.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Rim Worlder

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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #10 on: 14 February 2011, 07:25:21 »
great read, looking forward to the next installment.

did you lose any pilots ?  and you already have 2 or 3 disspossed pilots to take over some of your new aquisitions from memory.
Star League - Egotistical, Mass Murdering Butchers from start to finish.

"Star League caches and Clan-Tech salvage, You're welcome"  - Stefan Amaris


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #11 on: 14 February 2011, 23:06:01 »
June 12th, 3010
Federated Suns, Bromhead
City of Brom’s Head

     Captain Braden looked up as Chief Tech Jason Prager entered his office.  The Chief was about 5’ 8” tall and 200 lbs.  He was also about as blunt a man as Tom had ever met.  “Well captain I have gotten everything fixed that can be with the supplies on hand.  The Banshee and the Marauder will have to wait until the new parts arrive in a few months.  Everything else is up and running except for the Blackjack’s hip and the Javelin’s Gyro.”
     Tom motioned for Jason to take a seat while he poured them both a scotch.  “Good work, did you get the Vulcan and Stinger transferred to the militia?”
     â€œIt’s done.  I know they did their share of the fighting but did we have to give them two mechs?”
     â€œJason, this contract is basically a keep what you kill contract.  Even with that being said the militia killed the Whitworth and pummeled the Warhammer hard.  We only have fifteen pilots and even after we transfer those two mechs we will have seventeen mechs.  We get all the parts from the Charger and Warhammer.  We also get the Clint, Banshee, Javelin, Valkyrie and Blackjack.  That is a significant upgrade in our force.  Besides, the Baron tells me that there are a half a dozen retired mechwarriors on planet who would be willing to pilot mechs in defense of Bromhead.  That lets us put our seventeen and the militia’s five mechs in the field if we have to.”
     â€œI know it’s a good deal but it will be months before we see any of those parts I need.  Can we send the Worg out to get the parts to speed things up?”
     â€œNow that is an excellent idea.  I will run it by the Baron. “


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #12 on: 14 February 2011, 23:06:30 »
December 12th, 3010
Federated Suns, Bromhead
City of Brom’s Head

     They had finally gotten the parts two weeks ago.  Now with everything repaired they all felt a lot better.  In addition the Baron had received word that the militia sent to Mendham would be returning soon.  It seems that the reinforcing units from deeper inside the Federated Suns had arrived and the militia was being released.  The Baron had told him that the returning militia added to the five Scorpion tanks and 20 platoons of militia would just about double his forces in size.

Returning Militia
10 infantry platoons
4 Goblin tanks
4 “Davion” Condor’s
6 heavy tracked APC’s-LRM
3 heavy tracked APC’s-LRM
2 Warrior VTOL’s
2 Striker’s
2 20 ton trucks
Dire Wolves
Banshee, Marauder, Warhammer, Hunchback
Shadow Hawk, Stinger, Wasp, Blackjack, Valkyrie
Falcon, Clint, Stinger, Stinger
Firestarter, Javelin, Wasp, Wasp

Militia Mechs
Centurion, Enforcer, Valkyrie, Stinger, Vulcan


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #13 on: 14 February 2011, 23:06:53 »
May 16th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
City of Brom’s Head

     Baron Pursley looked up as Captain Braden was shown into his office.  “Yes, you heard right.  We have multiple jump signatures from the Zenith jump point.  It looks like we are about to be invaded.  The only question is by who and with how much force.”
     â€œWhere do you want my forces deployed, Lord?”
     â€œI was thinking of having the big lance led by Rachel deploy here with my mechs.  I was going to move one of your recon lances in with the Condor’s at thetown of Marcus south of here.  I would like your command lance and one of your recon lances to move east to Coverton.  That puts you in good position to move southeast to Andrus or northeast to Karg if we get landings there.  I have the two VTOL’s and the LRM hovers at Karg but only infantry at Andrus.  I think that gives us the best coverage while allowing us to concentrate if we need to.”
     â€œI agree Lord.  Where will the Scorpions and Goblins be deployed?”
     â€œI am leaving the Goblins here at Brom’s Head along with three tracked APC’s.  The Scorpions are at Coverton and I think I will leave them there.  This will either be a raid to draw reinforcements away from Mendham or a full invasion to take the planet while all the available units are tied up.”
« Last Edit: 14 February 2011, 23:09:59 by Coriendal »


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #14 on: 15 February 2011, 01:09:36 »
At least they have their mechs fully repaired.
Now let the  battle begin.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #15 on: 15 February 2011, 10:55:37 »
May 24th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
Town of Marcus

     This was James Hunter’s first command.  It was also a new mech for him as he had been transferred to the captured Clint a few months ago.  Now it appeared a Liao invasion was in progress.  So far reports had the Capellan’s landing in at least three different locations.
     â€œSir, it looks like they are going to hot drop a company of mechs north of town.  We can’t defend Marcus using our lance and the Condor’s,” Urian Radovan said.  Urian was a reserve mechwarrior that was now piloting Rachel’s Firestarter now that she had moved up to a Shadow Hawk.
     â€œI agree, our orders are to engage in the field if practical and pull back north toward Brom’s Head.  All units get ready to move.  Pack the infantry company in the 20 ton truck, no sense in abandoning them.”

     At least the area to the north was very flat.  They were going to have to push past the Liao company quickly or numbers alone would do them in.  “All right people, this isn’t a fight for glory.  Our only objective is to get past them as quickly as we can.  Concentrate your fire but if you cripple a target switch to a new one.”
     The first exchange was about what he had expected, mainly misses.  Seeing Mark Ryerson’s Wasp stagger from a PPC blast that vaporized most of his right torso was not a good sign.  Especially when he saw that only his autocannon hit anything on the return fire.  This could end up being either a very long or very brief day.
     â€œCoyote lance will break left, Condor’s to the right.  The truck stays with the Condor’s”, James ordered.  Maybe if they split up the big boys would follow the mechs.  So far he had identified two Hunchback’s , two Vindicators and a Phoenix Hawk along with seven light mechs.
     James Winced as Mark’s Wasp lost its right arm and torso to heavy fire.  It was a miracle that he kept the mech upright and moving at full speed.  Then came the first good news of the fight.  “Condor lance reports one Stinger down with a leg amputation.”
     It wasn’t getting any better as Mark lost his left torso and James lost the right arm off of his Clint.  At least they were almost past the enemy mechs. 
     Luck held with them as they outran the slower Liao mechs.  Another Stinger lost a leg to autocannon fire and a Vindicator appeared heavily damaged.  The Condor’s sliding to the left behind the Capellan’s appeared to have worked as the 20 ton truck was moving at flank speed without any pursuit.  If luck held they would be able to disengage soon.
     Then disaster struck as a Liao Hunchback hit a Condor with a medium laser.  The damage to the armor wasn’t bad but the vehicle ground to a halt as the shrapnel tore up the hover skirt.  The way karma came around and kicked you in the butt just stunk.  The two Hunchback’s wasted no time, putting two streams of AC 20 rounds into the immobile Condor.  James was sure that the Capellan’s had enough damage to at least four mechs to have to pull them back for repairs.  The only question was whether they could lead the rest of the Liao forces into an ambush before those repairs returned them to the field.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #16 on: 15 February 2011, 13:05:23 »
May 24th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
City of Brom’s Head

     â€œLord, Shadow Wolves report they destroyed both Liao Thrush’s that were supporting the mech company trying to block the retreat of our forces from Marcus.”
     â€œThat is good news.  We only lost one Condor and a Wasp pretty much out of the fight for a while.  They have at least four badly damaged mechs that will have to be repaired.  Let’s see if we can draw them north.  If we can skirmish with them again it should give us enough time to get Captain Braden’s other two lances into position.  Lieutenant Relle, take your lance south and add it to the forces from Marcus that can still fight.  Try to bloody their nose and force them to bring up their reserves.”
     â€œUnderstood Lord,” Rachel answered.  She had a Shadow Hawk, Blackjack, Valkyrie, Stinger and Wasp to add to the three Condor’s and three mechs left from the Marcus force. 


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #17 on: 15 February 2011, 13:05:46 »
May 30th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
Plains north of Marcus

     Rachel had not been able to corner the enemy mechs.  As soon as they realized that she had more mechs than them they had pulled back.  Now it looked like the main force was moving up.  No doubt they would wait until their light mechs were repaired before committing to battle.  So far it looked like four lances of mechs and four lances of vehicles were headed their way.  The Baron had chosen the battlefield and dug in his infantry to support the attack.  He wanted to get the Capellan’s to commit to a full assault before bringing in Captain Braden’s two lances.  It looked like it would be an ugly defense with heavy losses but Lord Pursley wanted them broken now before the other two companies of Liao mechs made their way to Brom’s Head.
     The town of Andrus in the southeast had fallen quickly.  With a company of mechs landing outside the town the captain in charge of the company of militia there had ordered them to ground and not tried to defend the town.  It was a good thing too.  Just before communication ceased he had reported a Condor drop ship landing outside the city.
     The town of Karg in the far northeast had also been given up without a fight.  With a full company landing outside the town the company of infantry had boarded their hover APC’s and pulled out.  With the two VTOL’s as escort they had been able to break contact and head west toward the town of Coverton.  Coverton still had five Scorpion tanks and four platoons of infantry so it would make a good reserve force for later.
     The Baron had left two companies of infantry in Brom’s Head but everything else was here.  Four Goblin tanks, 2 Striker’s, six heavy LRM APC’s, 3 Condor’s and three companies of infantry backed up the thirteen mechs that had been assembled.  Once the Capellan’s committed to an attack Captain Braden would bring up the eight mechs that he had concealed to the east of the battlefield.
     Their opponents had been identified as the mercenary unit St. Cyr’s Armored Grenadiers.  They were a long term Capellan mercenary unit but, if the intel was correct, a rather green unit.  Hopefully that would lead them to make mistakes.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #18 on: 17 February 2011, 21:10:56 »
May 30th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
Plains north of Marcus

     As the mechs and supporting vehicles of St. Cyr’s armored grenadiers closed the first exchange of fire did little more than throw up dirt.  That didn’t last for long as the next round of fire blew the arm off a Liao Stinger and started blasting armor off of numerous units.  The Capellan force contained numerous Hunchback’s and Hetzer’s so Baron Pursley planned a retrograde defense.  “All units start pulling back, try to stay out of range of those autocannon 20’s or this will be a very short fight.”
    As the rest of Lord Pursley’s forces pulled back the three Condor’s on the left accelerated to flank speed and turned hard, sliding in behind the enemy line.  The Liao mechs on the left flank pursued them and Lord Pursley wished them luck as they disappeared into the dust now starting to obscure the battlefield.  They needed to draw the Liao force in and confuse them and the Condor’s attack behind the main line would do just that.
     Lord Pursley winced as the Dire Wolf Wasp that had slipped in behind the lance of Hetzer’s took two volleys of AC 20 rounds and was shredded.  Damage was really adding up now and he sighed as a Dire Wolf Clint fell after taking heavy damage.  They were pulling the Capellan units in with the two lances of medium mechs charging forward at full speed.  Now that the Liao force thought them in full retreat the trap was set.  With two of the Hetzers immobile it was time to turn it around and close.  Captain Braden’s two lances were about to join the fight and the militia needed to completely occupy the Liao forces.  If they saw the trap before it closed they would be able to withdraw without significant losses.
     â€œAll units reverse course and close with the enemy.”  Lord Pursley smiled as his autocannon blew the head off a Liao Wasp.  The battle was getting brutal now with the Dire Wolves losing their Clint while the Capellans lost a Hetzer and a Phoenix Hawk took heavy damage.  But the world was about to get much rougher on the Capellans now as Captain Braden’s two lances exploded onto the field.
     In just a few seconds the battle shifted as the heavy mechs of Captain Braden’s command lance hammered a lance of mixed Hunchback’s and Vindicator’s.  Both Vindicator’s suffered heavy damage and fell while a Hunchback and the Phoenix Hawk were also down.  Lord Pursley reminded himself that it could still get bad as he saw another Dire Wolf Wasp explode.  At least the Liao Clint and a couple of vehicles had went with it.  Over the next few minutes three Liao Hunchbacks exploded as their ammunition was set off by heavy fire from Dire Wolf mechs.  The battle quickly turned into a route as the Hunchback’s and Vindicator’s couldn’t disengage and were destroyed.  It was not without cost but this battle should allow them to pull back and repair without pursuit.  If they were lucky it would be weeks before the other mechs of the Capellan force assembled and renewed the pursuit.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #19 on: 19 February 2011, 14:24:17 »
June 5th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead

     "Captain Braden, Lord Pursley wishes to speak with you immediately!" 
     Tom looked up to see an aide for the Baron with an anxious look on his face.  This won't be good.  As he made his way over to the command center he reflected on the recent battle.  The Dire Wolves had lost two Wasp's and a Clint in the fighting.  The militia had two Goblin's and an APC knocked out also but the Capellan's had lost much more.  Four Hunchbacks, one salvageable, and three Vindicator's, one salvageable had been knocked out during the battle.  The Liao forces had also lost most of their conventional forces in the fight.  It looked like They would be able to salvage the Hunchback minus its AC 20, the Vindicator, a Phoenix Hawk and a Wasp.  With parts they would also be able to put another Wasp back into service.  The Militia would pick up three Vedette's, two Hetzer's and an APC to replace the one lost.  The two Goblins were most likely repairable which was excellent news. 
     As he arrived at the command center it was abuzz with activity.  The Baron motioned him over.  "Captain Braden, it seems that the pirates that hit us months ago have returned.  This time they conducted a night drop onto Andrus and overwhelmed the garrison there.  They seized the supplies, repair vehicles and a Union drop ship."
     "Exactly how did we find this out Lord?  Didn't the militia surrender?"
     "No Captain, they went to ground.  Captain Anders the commander of the infantry company there has kept giving us reports.  When the attack started he quickly identified the aggressors as the pirates that hit us months ago.  He estimates that they have at least two companies of mechs and possibly two more companies of vehicles, mostly hovercraft."
     "Well that throws everything sideways.  Now we have a group of pirates with fresh supplies and a Union drop ship at Andrus and the St. Cyr's Armored Grenadiers concentrating at Marcus with seven plus lances of mechs and at least four of supporting vehicles.  Added to that they had three lances of aerospace fighters.  That makes this a three way fight between almost equal opponents.  If either us or the Capellans try to push this matter the pirates will either jump on the survivors or take both of our bases while we fight."
     "That is my assessment also. So, what do we do about it?" 
« Last Edit: 20 February 2011, 07:44:06 by Coriendal »


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #20 on: 21 February 2011, 09:43:59 »
June 5th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
City of Brom’s Head

     Captain Braden was mulling over possible responses when a tech in the command center called him over.  “Captain, you need to hear this.”  The look on the techs face was a mix of fear, hatred and revulsion.
     â€œBrom’s Head this is Captain Anders.  The pirates have started rounding up women and we already have dozens of reports of rape.  I intend to try and stop this but I won’t be successful without immediate reinforcements.”
     Captain Braden didn’t hesitate as he keyed the mike.  “Captain Anders this is Captain Braden you should recover hostages immediately and inflict maximum damage on them.  Make sure to have everyone in the town go to ground, we will be there as soon as we can.”

     Tom walked over to Lord Pursley who was already heading his way.  “Lord, the pirates at Andrus are on a loot, pillage and rape spree and I am taking the Worg and twelve mechs to stop them.  You are welcome to come but I only have room for the best twelve mechs and pilots.”
     Lord Pursley looked at him for a moment obviously trying to come to a decision.  “Captain Braden, I agree.  We can’t get anyone else there in time to make a difference.  It will leave us ten mechs and twenty vehicles to defend the capital with which should be enough to stop all but the most determined assault by the Capellans.”
     Tom nodded gravely.  “Order the Worg powered up and prepared for a suborbital drop.  Let’s hope the Liao forces get caught napping or this could be a rough ride.”
     Tom looked over at Marcus Dragomir and Cedric Kane.  “What do we have to take with us?”
     Cedric pulled out a note pad. 

Warhammer-6R(Veteran) Cedric Kane
Marauder-3M(Veteran) Marcus Dragomir
Banshee-3E(Elite) Thomas Braden
Hunchback-4P(Veteran) Han Wu Di

Shadow Hawk-2H(Veteran) Rachel Relle
Blackjack-1(Regular) Mark Ryerson
Phoenix Hawk-1(Regular) Michael Ramirez
Vindicator-3R(Regular) Kevin King

Centurion-A(Regular) Lord Pursley
Enforcer-4R(Regular) Sir Christopher
Javelin-10N(Regular) Lawrence Pickens
Firestarter-H(Veteran) Urian Radovan

Sabre(Veteran) Doug Pakhurst
Sabre(Regular) Allen Smith

Union drop ship “Worg”  Captain James Gillett
« Last Edit: 21 February 2011, 10:22:17 by Coriendal »


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #21 on: 21 February 2011, 17:27:41 »
This is when the light mechs run into the wall.  Heavy fighting is never good for the light recon mechs.  But you've come out way ahead in weight.  Nice job getting the full salvage rights.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #22 on: 24 February 2011, 08:04:39 »
June 5th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
Dire Wolves drop ship “Worg”

     Lord Pursley was on the command bridge with Captain Gillett, the commander of the “Worg”.  With him were his son Sir Christopher and Captain Braden.  The Baron motioned for Captain Braden to come closer.  “Captain, I didn’t say anything earlier because time was of the essence.  I have ordered the two Warrior VTOL’s and three hover APC’s with their company of infantry that were moving to Coverton south toward Andrus a few days ago.  They will be able to make it into position to support our attack.”
     â€œThe VTOL’s will be a welcome addition but he APC’s will just be targets in the kind of action we intend to fight, Lord.”
     â€œIf I intended to commit them to the main fight I would agree.  I have instead tasked them to pick up the surviving militia from Andrus and attempt to take the drop ships before they realize what has happened.  We will land just Southeast of the drop ship and push the pirates away while the infantry takes out the crews.”
     Tom looked over the screen.  “You are committing five platoons and three APC’s against the crews of three drop ships.  That will be a close run thing.  If you don’t surprise them they will get slaughtered.”
     â€œScans show all three drop ships as cold.  It will take them a while to power up, my men will have time to make the attempt.  Don’t forget that they have been looting Andrus for two days.  No doubt a large supply of liquor has made its way on board.”
     â€œLet us hope that the mechwarrior’s have done the same.  This will be an ugly fight, and one we could very well lose.”

     As the Baron motioned that the conversation was over and turned to talk to his son Tom went to talk to Captain Gillett.  “James, once we drop take the two Sabre’s back with you to Brom’s Head.  Load all our remaining mechs and try to get Christine to bring the militia mechs also.  If we win here we may not be able to leave or the pirate survivors will just take it out on the citizens of Andrus.  If that happens and St. Cyr realizes their opportunity they will either hit Brom’s Head or they will load their Battlemechs up and come to Andrus.  If they do we will need the rest of the company.”
     â€œDon’t worry about it Captain, I will make sure you have the forces you need to counter the Liao rats.”


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #23 on: 24 February 2011, 10:12:20 »
June 5th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
Town of Andrus

     Tom looked around.  The pirate drop ships were to his Northwest and the Town of Andrus to his Southeast.  They were right on target, that was a big relief.  “All units form up and head due east toward the hills just north of town.  I have a lance of heavy Battlemechs due east and hovercraft to the south.  Let’s get in the hills and take away the hovercrafts chance to get in behind us.”  Fat chance on that one, but Tom could hope the vehicles would be slow to respond.
     As they ran east Tom got a good look at the pirate heavy Battlemechs.  Running toward them through the hills were a Guillotine, Ostroc, Quickdraw and a Thunderbolt.  “Everyone pick your targets and open fire.  If you don’t have the range try to hit the hovercraft coming in from the south.”  The Dire Wolf command lance concentrated fire on the Guillotine.  As if he had ordered it all four Battlemechs hammered the pirate hard.  The Guillotine disappeared briefly as five medium lasers, two autocannons, a large laser and three PPC blasts tore huge chunks of armor off of it.  The heat bloom that registered made Tom sure that the engine shielding had been hit also.  Tom also noted fire going in on the Ostroc and Thunderbolt.  Return fire from the pirate Battlemechs was mainly off with only the Thunderbolt putting any significant hits on target.  Urian’s Firestarter took the fire from the Thunderbolt but appeared to be ok.  Then the hovercraft arrived and the Baron’s Centurion and Han’s Hunchback took multiple short range missile hits.  The readouts said the vehicles were two Falcon hover tanks and two Harassers.  They needed to push east quickly or this could be bad.
     As they reached the base of the hills Urian’s Firestarter and Michael Ramirez’s Phoenix Hawk jumped over the pirate Battlemechs landing directly behind them.  Lord Pursley’s Centurion and Larry Picken’s Javelin were covering their rear and were surprised when two lances of light mechs and another lance of light hovercraft boiled up out of the south and started to swarm those Battlemechs still in the open.  Larry’s Javelin was the target of the Falcon’s and Harasser’s and disappeared in a cloud of explosions before falling on its right side.  Sir Christopher’s Enforcer and Mark Ryerson’s Blackjack added their fire hitting a Locust and a Thorn while the Cavalry VTOL’s blew up a light tracked tank, the column of fire and black smoke signaling a fuel tank hit. 
     The pirate heavy Battlemechs concentrated on Han’s Hunchback.  Han was charging full speed ahead and Tom watched as he put five more medium lasers into the Guillotine.  His own fire and that of Marcus’s Marauder hammered the Ostroc while Cedric poured fire into the Thunderbolt.  Mark Let out a whoop of joy as his kick tore the leg off a pirate Stinger.  The sheer number of their opponents was daunting and more pirate Battlemechs were on the way.
     As over half the Dire Wolf Battlemechs climbed into the hills Cedric concentrated the close range fire of his Warhammer into the Thunderbolt while Han put six medium laser blasts into it at the same time.  Cedric turned slightly and put a PPC into a light hovertank, destroying it.  Two light tanks were knocked out by the Baron and his son while the VTOL’s hammered the Thorn.  Tom turned his Banshee just short of the hills putting a PPC into a Locust and then kicking the leg off of a Stinger.
     Reinforcing pirate Battlemechs were arriving now.  Fire from a Crusader destroyed the right arm of Urian’s Firestarter and a Rifleman, Wolfman and a Valkyrie would soon be joining the fight.  The Falcon’s and Harasser’s concentrated fire on Larry’s Javelin and it literally disappeared in explosions as dozens of short range missiles enveloped it.  Larry rode his ejection seat skyward as the ammo blew up.  His return fire had immobilized a Harasser but it was small consolation.
     Cedric closed with the Thunderbolt and exchanged kicks with it while Urian and Michael continued to pour fire into the rear of the pirate heavies.  The Guillotine and Ostroc lit off their jump jets after taking heavy damage.  The Guillotine was little more than a skeleton and the Ostroc was not in much better shape. 
     Han continued his charge.  This time he targeted the Quickdraw.  Tom could almost see the smile of satisfaction as every weapon hit.  Marcus added damage to the Quickdraw while Cedric seemed to have taken the fact that the Thunderbolt was still standing as a personal affront.  Lord Pursley destroyed another light tank while Michael poured fire into the rear of the newly arrived Rifleman.  Tom added to the damage by coring a Locust with his PPC.
     But things were getting bad as the second lance of pirate heavies arrived on the Dire Wolves left flank and started to push them south.  Cedric’s Warhammer was in danger of being surrounded.  His single minded assault on the Thunderbolt had now left him vulnerable.  The lance of Locust’s and two lances of light hover craft were trying to sting them to death.  It was the Falcon’s and remaining Harasser that were doing the main damage as Baron Pursely’s Centurion took almost thirty short range missiles.  Somehow he kept his Battlemech upright but it was little more than a skeleton. 
     Rachel’s Shadow Hawk, pursuing the Ostroc kicked into the left torso, destroying it.  It jumped away seconds later, trying to withdraw from the fight with the Guillotine.  They were almost all in the hills now with only a couple of mechs left to withdraw.  It would be a miracle if the Baron could get his Centurion into the hills before another hit knocked him out.
     With blood on his lips Lord Pursley blew up a light hovercraft as a Locust snuck into his blind spot and put another hit into the Centurions engine and it crashed to the ground.  “The engine is destroyed, I am alive but out of the fight.”  That was the second Battlemech they had lost, things were not looking good.
     As Han continued his pursuit of the Quickdraw he put another seven medium lasers into it.  It couldn’t take the constant pounding and fell.  Cedric finally took out the Thunderbolt by destroying its right leg.  Urian and Michael continued to jump and then pour fire into arriving pirate mechs.  The Rifleman was taking damage as had several other Battlemechs.  Now another lance was approaching.  This one had a Wolverine and two Shadow Hawks.  They needed to knock out more pirate Battlemechs now or they would be overwhelmed.  Tom targeted a light hovercraft, destroying it.  The VTOL’s knocked out another light hovercraft but the pirates had inflicted heavy armor damage on almost all the Dire Wolf Battlemechs. 
     Marcus moved his Marauder into the trees on the right flank and turned to face the pirate light Battlemechs.  He quickly cored the Thorn and hit a Stinger.  He was hoping to keep the “bugs” off the Dire Wolves while they took out the bigger pirate Battlemechs.  The pirates shifted fire now with the Centurion gone.  With Cedric’s Warhammer and Tom’s Banshee still in the open massive fire hit both machines.  Tom’s gigantic assault mech weathered it well but Cedric had already taken heavy damage and fell.  The pirate Rifleman also fell after Cedric unloaded everything into him.  Tom put two fists into the Crusader that had closed, obviously sensing blood in the water.  Michael, standing behind the Rifleman when it fell kicked it and the resultant increase in heat suggested the reactor shielding had been hit.  This couldn’t go on for much longer.  Things would be decided in the next few seconds. 
     The Rifleman tried to get up once and fell again.  It immediately powered down, signaling it out of the fight.  Marcus blew the leg off a Stinger while Cedric vaporized the left torso of an already damaged Locust.  Tom cored a Wasp while heavy fire from multiple Dire Wolf Battlemechs put the Crusader on the ground.  Han blasted a pirate Phoenix Hawk and the VTOL’s hit the Phoenix Hawk and the Wolfman.  Return fire centered on Tom’s Banshee and Mark’s Blackjack.  As the Battlemechs grappled the pirate Wolverine kicked the Blackjack’s left leg off while the Crusader lost its right leg and then exploded as the ammo was set off.  With too much accumulated damage the Quickdraw also fell.
     It was at that moment that Tom sensed the shift.  The pirate Guillotine and Ostroc were withdrawing while the Thunderbolt, Rifleman, Quickdraw and multiple vehicles and light mechs were down.  “Pour it into them, they are going to break.”  Tom fire into the Quickdraw as it stood up coring it.  Fire lanced back and forth and a Locust and one of the Shadow Hawk’s also fell.  When both blew up from ammunition explosions the pirates started to run.  Only the crash of one of the Warrior VTOL’s when its rotor was hit marred the moment. 
     With the pirates in retreat Cedric destroyed the engine in the Wolfman and the battle was suddenly over.
« Last Edit: 24 February 2011, 17:23:53 by Coriendal »


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #24 on: 25 February 2011, 01:44:22 »
Heavy stuff. I pictured the face of the Stinger pilot when the Banshee kicked it in the leg.
Priceless. }:)
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #25 on: 28 February 2011, 08:11:17 »
June 6th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
Town of Andrus

     Captain Braden didn’t like the way things were going.  While his Battlemechs had held off three times their numbers the Baron’s infantry had assaulted the pirate drop ships.  It had been a resounding success, or so they had thought.  All three drop ships, a Buccaneer, a Mule and a Union had been captured.  It was looking like a complete victory until he had found out that the militia had wiped out all three crews.  Now they had three large hunks of metal that no one here new how to operate.  They couldn’t even power up the weapons and the pirates were coming back.  Without any other way off the planet they obviously had decided they had to fight their way back onto their ships or they would die on this planet.
     â€œCedric, what is it looking like?”  Tom looked over at his second in command while rubbing his eyes.
     â€œSir, all the salvage is loaded on the Buccaneer.  We have gotten the Blackjack and the captured Thunderbolt upright.  They are functional but won’t take more than a few hits.  Of course that can be said of almost all our mechs.  Only Marcus Marauder managed to keep a decent amount of armor.  Everyone else looks like skeletons with a few pieces of armor welded on for effect.  When can we expect reinforcements?”
     â€œSoon, we should see seven to ten Battlemechs in a couple of hours.  It is a big gamble to pull all our forces down here but we can’t leave Andrus until the pirates surrender or are wiped out.”

     â€œTighten it up people, they are on the move.”  The pirates had added eight heavy APC’s to their forces and if the militia was right about three hundred and fifty infantry.  The Dire Wolves had eleven badly damaged Battlemechs, three heavy LRM APC’s, a Warrior VTOL and four platoons of infantry.  Against them the pirates had assembled nine Battlemechs, just as badly damaged, eight hovercraft, eight APC’s and several hundred infantry.  The pirates were approaching from the East and the South and it would not be long before the fighting started.
     â€œCaptain Braden, we have multiple inbound signatures.  I make it out as at least two companies of Battlemechs.”
     Well that screwed the pooch.  St. Cyr had come to play and they couldn’t have come at a worse time.  Tom watched as the St. Cyr Battlemechs landed in a crescent behind the pirates.  No doubt they planned to push them into the Dire Wolves.  Nothing left to do now but die well.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #26 on: 28 February 2011, 09:49:37 »
June 9th, 3011
Federated Suns, Bromhead
City of Brom’s Head

     Tom woke up three days later with his right arm in a cast.  As he looked around he realized that over half his company was in the hospital and this was Brom’s Mercy hospital.  Lord Pursley walked over as he tried to sit up.  “Easy there son, your pretty banged up.”
     â€œDid we win?”
     â€œWe won, and won big too.  Not only did we smash the pirates between us and St. Cyr’s Battlemechs but the Capellans took enough damage that when we engaged them it wasn’t long before we knocked out almost all of them.  Only about a half a dozen Capellan Battlemechs were able to withdraw from the field.  Not only that but just two pirate mechs got away.”
     â€œWhat were our losses?”
     â€œIf a troop of boy scouts wanders through here they could occupy the planet right now.  We put about two lances back in service and given time will be able to repair almost three companies of Battlemechs.  St. Cyr’s Armored Grenadiers left yesterday with less than two lances of light mechs.  After my daughter led the conventional forces here in an assault of Marcus they whole force pulled off planet.  She attacked at the same time we were engaged at Andrus and inflicted heavy casualties on the Liao supporting units.  That is not bad for an eighteen year old, huh?”
     â€œNo Lord, not bad at all.  Did we get enough salvage to repair my unit?”
     â€œWe salvaged enough to repair at least two companies of mechs for the Dire Wolves.  Not only can we repair your Battlemechs but given the money I will get from the captured drop ships Bromhead will end up with fourteen mechs of her own.  I am going to sell the Buccaneer and keep the Mule and Union.  My men captured them so you can’t claim any salvage but I will make sure all your Battlemechs are repaired and give you a five million C-Bill bonus for your hard work.  Rest now, your unit is going to be training MechWarrior’s until your contract expires.”
     As the Baron walked away Tom was kind of glad he was too injured to get up and choke him to death.  Getting executed for killing the reigning planetary ruler would end his career in a permanent way.  The Dire Wolves should have gotten half the value of the captured drop ships.  After all, without the Dire Wolf Battlemechs driving off the pirates the militia would never have been able to hold onto those ships.  Just like a noble to split hairs and go with the exact wording of a contract.  Since the Dire Wolves had not taken the ships themselves they had no right to claim salvage.
     Rachel, Marcus and Cedric came in a few minutes later.  “It looks like the Baron told you about his generous terms for salvage,” Rachel said.
     â€œYes,” Tom said while grimacing as he sat up.  “What stinks is that given the exact wording of the contract we can’t win a contract dispute over the drop ships.  We didn’t participate in the capture of those ships even if we did make it possible.  What we will do is serve out the balance of our contract with smiles on our faces.”
     No one was happy but there was nothing else to be done.  The Baron had, by his point of view, been extremely generous.  Five million C-bills would go a long way toward buying supplies and spare parts.  That money was in addition to fully repairing all the Dire Wolf Battlemechs.  What was more important was that their first contract had been wildly successful by anyone’s standards.
“What is the new unit profile looking like?”

“Here is about as far as we have gotten.”

Banshee, Marauder, Warhammer, Ostroc
Archer, Rifleman, Thunderbolt, Valkyrie
Hunchback-4P, Hunchback-4G, Vindicator-1R, Blackjack-1

Wolverine, Shadow Hawk x3
Falcon, Firestarter, Wasp x2
Phoenix Hawk, Ostscout x2, Stinger

     â€œWe somehow didn’t lose a single pilot.  That still only gives us the fifteen MechWarrior’s we started with and a couple from Bromhead that may decide to go with us when we leave.  I doubt we will find it difficult to fill the other seven to nine slots with good pilots.”
     â€œThe Baron has us training new MechWarrior’s and techs from scratch.  The techs should be proficient, after all we were using them as astechs since we got here.  The MechWarrior’s will be very green, we just don’t have enough time to do more than make sure they can walk and push the fire buttons on their mechs.”
     â€œThat is better than he deserves.  If the Baron is smart he will hire some veterans to keep up the training.  Make sure everyone keeps their opinions to themselves and we maintain discipline.  The Baron could still black ball us if we make too big of a fuss.  Take that five million and make sure everyone knows that 10% of it is a job well done bonus if they all keep their mouths shut and do their jobs.”


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #27 on: 28 February 2011, 10:01:06 »
For those interested.

Dire Wolves: 
Damaged mechs:  Marauder, Banshee, Warhammer, Hunchback-4P, (Enforcer-Baron's son), Thunderbolt(pirate salvage), Blackjack, Firestarter, Vindicator, Shadow Hawk, Phoenix Hawk.
New mechs, combat drop:  Hunchback-4G, Vulcan(militia), Stinger(militia), Valkyrie, Falcon, Stinger x3, Wasp-1L.
Vehicles:  Warrior VTOL, Heavy Hover LRM APC x3, Infantry x4.

Damaged mechs:  Guillotine, Ostroc, Shadow Hawk, Wolverine, Valkyrie, Locust x3, Cicada.
Vehicles:  Falcon hover x2, Harasser, Hover Scout x4, Escort, Heavy Hover APC x8, Infantry x13.

St. Cyr:
Mechs:  Archer, Hunchback-4G x2, Vindicator-1R x2, Wolverine, Shadow Hawk x3, Ostscout x6, Firestarter x2, Locust x5, Wasp x4, Stinger x2.

Next to the initial battle with the pirates at Andrus this was the most brutal megamek battle I have ever had.  Right up until the last round when several St. Cyr mediums went down I was sure I was going to lose.  Most valuable unit goes to Han Wu Di's Hunchback which put out an incredible 250 points of damage in the first fight with just the pirates.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #28 on: 01 March 2011, 01:55:13 »
This whole campaign was very brutal. Outnumbered at every turn.
I'd like to see what you do for an encore.
Pity you can't repay the baron for his generosity. }:)
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Braden's Dire Wolves 3010
« Reply #29 on: 02 March 2011, 15:53:55 »
January 2nd, 3012
Federated Suns, Bromhead

     Colonel Thomas Braden was reviewing the status of the Dire Wolves as they prepared to leave Bromhead.  After twenty months this contract was complete and it was time to move on.  Captain James Gillett had been busy in the last few months.  Evidently his family had held significant stock in several companies.  Stock that, when liquidated had allowed him to buy an Invader jumpship for the unit.  Enough had been left over for, as he put it, a comfortable retirement.  For now he intended to stay with the unit as an active member.
     James had also been busy recruiting for the unit.  He had hired on a second Union dropship and a Condor.  Both ships would be auxiliaries for now but perhaps that would change later.  It was the contents of the Condor that made Tom the happiest.  In addition to housing the new support vehicles it had the Dire Wolves new assets.  Major Tomas Halborg commanded twelve platoons of infantry, four of them Special Forces.  To back them up and transport them he had assembled four Kestrel VTOL’s, two Karnov VTOL’s, six Cavalry VTOL’s and four Maxim hovercrafts.  That left just enough room for the Dire Wolves to add two ammo transports, a coolant truck and a Battlemech recovery vehicle.
     These assets would allow the Dire Wolves to respond quickly to changing conditions.  Being able to infiltrate enemy positions and to use the infantry to guard the base would free up Battlemechs for front line duty.  They had been lucky on Bromhead.  The militia had worked well with them and had been used for base security and to hold towns once taken.  Although Major Halborg’s unit had been independent he had jumped at the chance to combine their forces.  He had also seen the advantages of having his quick response and infiltration abilities married to the Dire Wolves raw power.
Dire Wolves Battalion

Grey Wolves Company

Major Thomas Braden:  BNC-3E (2/3) Banshee
Captain Cedric Kane:  WHM-6R (3/3) Warhammer
Lieutenant Marcus Dragomir:  MAD-3M (3/3) Marauder
Mechwarrior Hasad Ibn Falad:  OSR-2C (4/5) Ostroc

Lieutenant Joseph Smith:  ARC-2R (4/5) Archer
Mechwarrior Edward Black:  TDR-5S (4/5) Thunderbolt
Mechwarrior Robert Lancaster:  RFL-4N (4/5) Rifleman
Lady Christine Pursley:  VLK-QA (5/5) Valkyrie

Lieutenant Han Wu Di:  HBK-4P (3/3) Hunchback
Mechwarrior Latisha Washington:  HBK-4G (4/5) Hunchback
Mechwarrior Kevin King:  VND-1R (4/4) Vindicator
Mechwarrior Mark Ryerson:  BJ-1 (4/4) Blackjack

Coyote Company

Captain Rachel Relle:  SHD-2H (3/3) Shadow Hawk
Lieutenant James Hunter:  SHD-2H (4/4) Shadow Hawk
Mechwarrior William Adams:  WVR-6R (4/5) Wolverine
Mechwarrior Morgan Wahl:  SHD-2H (4/5) Shadow Hawk

Lieutenant Tylene Trakar:  FCN-4N (3/3) Falcon
Mechwarrior Urian Radovan:  FS9-H (4/4) Firestarter
Mechwarrior Alexis King:  STG-3R (4/4) Stinger
Mechwarrior Duane Milford:  STG-3R (4/4) Stinger

Lieutenant Michael Ramirez:  PXH-1 (4/4) Phoenix Hawk
Mechwarrior Themis Kardanes:  OTT-7J (5/5) Ostscout
Mechwarrior Lawrence Pickens:  OTT-7J (4/4) Ostscout
Mechwarrior Melissa White:  WSP-1L (5/6) Wasp

Shadow Wolves air support
Lieutenant Doug Pakhurst:  SB-27 (3/3) Sabre
Ensign Allen Smith:  SB-27 (4/4) Sabre
Ensign Anton Devir:  F-90 (4/5) Stingray
Ensign Sarah Markson:  F-90 (4/5) Stingray

Black Wolves Battalion
Alpha Company:  Special Forces- 1 Elite, 1 Veteran, 2 Regular Platoons.  Equipment is allocated per mission parameters.
     Assigned Four Kestrel VTOL’s for transport.
Bravo Company:  Air Assault- 1 Veteran, 3 Regular Platoons.  Two Rifle, One Machine Gun, One SRM.
     Assigned Two Karnov’s for Transport.
Charlie Company:  Mechanized- 1 Veteran, 2 Regular, 1 Green Platoon.  Two Machine Gun, Two SRM.
     Charlie Company is assigned Four Maxim Hovercrafts for Transport and Support.
Delta Company:  Six Cavalry VTOL’s.  They are assigned as needed for close support.

One Coolant Truck
Two Ammo Trucks with trailers
One Battlemech Recovery Vehicle

Tech Support
Chief Tech Jason Prager(Elite)Mech
Mech Techs:  7 Veteran, 15 Regular, 8 Green Techs. 
Aero Techs:  3 Veteran, 4 Regular, 5 Green
Medical:  Doctor Mustafa(Veteran), 5 Regular, 20 Green
Admin:  Archibold Anderson(Veteran), 3 Regular
Mechanical Techs:  4 Veteran, 14 Regular, 2 Green. 
Space Support Group
Captain James Gillet:  Union “Worg”
Captain Rodney Michalene:  Union “Pit Bull”
Captain Erin Brokel:  Condor “Raptor”
Captain Tara Waugh:  Invader “Den Mother”