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Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« on: 12 February 2011, 16:51:09 »
I am restoring back this post for anyone who is interested in the history of the rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic.  The information is combined from the two Periphery sourcebooks and Handbook: Major Periphery States.

Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic

1. Hector Worthington Rowe (ruler from 2250-2305) (founder)
The founder of the Rim Worlds Republic, Hector started off as undergraduate student studying classical history and philosophy at the University of Thebes on Alexandria when the Outer Reaches Rebellion erupted.  Hector volunteered by joining the 3rd Alexandrian Militia in 2237 and defending his own university from March to June 2238 against the 14th and 29th Alliance Special Combat Battalions until they were forced to withdraw from Alexandria.

After the Terran invasion was defeated, Hector founded a quasi-political club which he would dub the “Theban Legion” to continue on with a war against the Terran Alliance.  On July 7, 2244; Rowe and 500 members of the Theban Legion hijacked several jumpships belonging to Skye Freight and Goods.  Rowe and his followers traveled to the nearby system of Luciana where elements of the Terran 151st Altairian Fusiliers were stationed.  The Theban Legion seized the Terran barracks and captured the garrison in a surprise attack.  The 350 prisoners seized were tried as “war criminals” by Hector and burned at the stake after being found guilty.

Realizing that he could not go back to Alexandria because a jumpship had fled with the news of the massacre of the Terran garrison, Rowe led his Theban Legion with their jumpships in a pirating expedition against the worlds that would eventually form the Tamar Pact and seized women, slaves, and supplies.  He would lead the Legion through the Dark Nebula and find the world of Apollo and official proclaim the Rim Worlds Republic on September 8, 2250.  Declaring himself First Consul of the Rim Worlds Republic, Rowe set up the society in a warp version of his favorite philosopher, Plato.  Hector Rowe would commit suicide in November 2305 after his son drove him out of the government.

2. Maxwell Achilles Rowe (ruled from 2305-2339) (third son of Hector Rowe)
Maxwell came to power with bribes of precious metals and slaves to senior members of the Rim Worlds government.  The bribed members were instrumental in driving Hector Rowe out of power and placing Maxwell as First Consul of the Rim Worlds Republic.  While in power, Maxwell abolished slavery but still kept a disenfranchised Helot caste on Apollo.  Maxwell also contacted nearby worlds like Star’s End, Steelton, Wotan, Toland, Bensinger, and Anywhere that had been settled by refugees from fighting in the Inner Sphere to join the Republic with trade and educational agreements.  Maxwell also promoted the Republican colonization of Icar, Persistence, Winfield, Derf, Golandrinas, Lackhove, and Gotterdammerung.  After three jumpships of the Republic were mistakenly destroyed by the Tamar Pact, Maxwell went to the Pact in March 2339 and negotiated a treaty of friendship and alliance.  While returning from Tamar, he learned that his daughter had arranged a coup and overthrown him.  He fled with his supporters on the jumpship to an unknown fate in the deep Periphery.

3. Arabella Rowe (ruled from 2340 -2376) (daughter of Maxwell Rowe)
Arabella came to power with the backing of the newly enfranchised Helot caste in a coup while her father was on Tamar.  After taking power, Arabella continued the expansion of the Republic by colonizing the worlds of Barcelona, Black Earth, Beta VII, and Malibu.  She also created the Rim Worlds Army while refusing to develop a naval force that might provoke a military response from the newly formed Lyran Commonwealth.  She also changed the Republican society with the education of the newly freed Helots and the expansion of industry and commercial development in the Republic.  Gradually the Republic would change into an absolute monarchy like 17th century France during Arabella’s reign.

4. Michael “Mishka” Durant (ruled from 2376 – 2406) (son of Arabella Rowe)
Michael became the next First Consul of the Republic after his mother’s death in 2376.  Michael also continued the gradual expansion of the Republic by slow colonization of nearby systems.  Michael greatly improved the economic and military strength of the Republic by offering cheap labor and production plants in return for military technology.  The Republic became a producer of cheap commercial goods for the Lyran Commonwealth, Draconis Combine, and Terran Hegemony during Michael’s rule.  Personally, Michael was a hedonist who overindulged in food, liquor, and scantily clad women whom he appointed as his personnel advisors.  Heather Durant took over as First Consul after Michael’s death.

5. Heather Durant (ruled from 2407 – 2463) (daughter of Arabella Rowe)
Heather Durant created the Republic intelligence service of AsRoc after she took over as First Consul.  Heather also declared the Republic to be neutral when war broke out between the Lyran Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine.  Heather would loan an intelligence team from AsRoc to the Lyran Commonwealth to participate in the raid on Hesperus II that would provide both the Commonwealth and the Republic with the newly developed Battlemechs of the Terran Hegemony.  In return for a guaranteed supply of Republic battlemechs and secret training grounds in the Republic, the Lyran Commonwealth gave the Republic several Lyran worlds.  In 2451, Heather would become sexually involved with the wife of the Terran ambassador, Lady Teren Amaris that would continue on until her death in 2463.  Heather would appoint her lover Teren Amaris as the next First Consul since she had no children or any close relatives.

6. Lady Teren Amaris (ruled from 2463 - ?) (Heather’s lover, appointed head of the Republic after Heather’s death)
Lady Teren Amaris was the wife of the Terran ambassador Lord David Chi Wong.  Lord Wong was previously married and had two children which Teren adopted.  In an agreement with Lord Wong, their own children kept the last name of Amaris.  Lady Amaris and her husband were assigned to the Republic to investigate its possible connection to an attempted assassination of Director-General Jacob Cameron.  While on Apollo, Lady Teren Amaris became Heather’s lover.  Heather would first grant Lady Teren and her husband citizenship in the Republic and then would make Lady Teren her heir-apparent.  After Heather’s death, Lady Teren would take over as First Consul and establish the Amaris family’s control of the Republic until its end.

7. Unnamed son of Teren Amaris
Unfortunately, no information is available about the sixth First Consul

8. Gregory Amaris (ruled from unknown – April 2575/September 2596 – 2599) (grandson of Lady Teren Amaris)
The seventh First Consul of the Republic, Gregory Amaris alienated his countrymen by his support for the newly formed Star League by using military force against dissidents and a series of suppressive measures like the Universal Act of Loyalty and the Manchester Directive to force the Republic citizens to support the League.  In addition, Gregory Amaris tried to greatly expand the industrial base of the Republic but alienated his people even further with massive tax increases, seizure of large amounts of property, and favoritism shown towards foreign scientists, engineers, and technicians that had immigrated under preferred status to the Republic to expand the industrial base.  Gregory was the first to set up the Amaris family as the owners of all of the commercial and industrial companies in the Republic as well as the major landowners on all the Republican worlds.

Gregory Amaris would be overthrown in a coup when the 7th Amaris Legionnaires and 8th Amaris Fusiliers Battlemech regiments revolted rather than put down a workers strike in the Diplass Battlemech factory on Apollo.  Gregory withdrew with the few soldiers still loyal to him to his estate in the southern continent of Apollo after the coup.  He remained under virtual house arrest until he was freed by invading Star League forces on Apollo until 2595.  After the surrender of the Rim Worlds Provisional Government, he returned to his former position as First Consul until he was assassinated.

9. Rim Worlds Provisional Government (April 2575 – September 2596)
The Provisional Government’s came from the Rift Republican Army.  The RRA was an association of retired members of the Rim Worlds Army and their descendents with meeting halls on every Republican world.  The RRA was suppressed with military force by the Manchester Decree issued by Gregory Amaris which drove the RRA underground.  Members of the RRA were the leaders in the strike at the Diplass Battlemech factory on Apollo.  After the 7th Legionnaires and 8th Fusiliers defected to the side of the strikers, the workers at the plant formed a provisional government which took control of Apollo.  Over the next several weeks, the Provisional Government took control of the entire Republic.  However, the majority of the battlemech forces of the Rim Worlds Army stayed loyal to Gregory Amaris and withdrew from the Republic by either going to the Commonwealth or staying in their bases.  The Provisional Government broke the Republic away from the Star League and then fought against the Star League which invaded in 2581.  The remnants of the Provisional Government surrendered to League forces in September 2596.

10. Admiral Hakim Wbika (military dictatorship from 2599 – 2604)
Admiral Hakim Wbika personally assassinated Gregory Amaris with his own laser pistol in 2599.  Then Admiral Wbika set up a military junta with Gregory’s son, Richard Amaris, as a puppet of the junta.  The Admiral also changed the title of ruler from First Consul to President.  Admiral Wbika and the other members of the junta would be assassinated by Richard Amaris in 2604.

11. Richard Amaris (ruled from 2604 -2619) (son of Gregory Amaris)
Richard Amaris was surprised when he was not executed during Admiral Wbika’s coup.  Kept by the military junta as a puppet First Consul, Richard Amaris cultivated the palace guards and arranged for a series of miscommunications to occur while playing General Samuel Macao (Admiral Wbika’s chief military aide) against the Admiral.  When the Admiral and the General got into a shouting match, Richard Amaris personally shot both men and had the palace guards kill the remaining members of the military junta.  Richard Amaris then took absolute power until his death of brain fever as the first President of the Republic.

12. Amanda Amaris (ruled from 2620 – 2621) (daughter of Richard Amaris)
Amanda Amaris announced that she would restore democratic elections to the Republic but was assassinated in a botched coup attempt by her cousin, Willard Amaris.  Willard would also be accidently killed by crossfire during the coup.

13. Jeffrey Amaris (ruled in 2621) (son of Richard Amaris)
Jeffrey Amaris stepped into the breach as the third president after the death of Amanda.  After one year of rule, Jeffrey resigned as First Consul in place of his infant daughter, Selenta, and established a protectorship to run the Republic until she came of age.

14. “Protectorship” (ruled the Republic from 2622 – 2639)
The Protectorship was composed of three leaders who controlled the Republic: Jimmy Siever, Honor Chan, and Gregory Wong.  Gregory Wong would be killed in a mysterious car crash a couple of months into the Protectorship and replaced by Jonofra Marcus.  Selenta would eliminate the members of the Protectorship who were engaged in plots to remain in power with her as a puppet from the Republic after she took power by promoting them as ambassadors to the Magistracy of Canopy, the Terran Hegemony, and the Free Worlds League.

15. Selenta Amaris (ruled from 2622 – 2687) (daughter of Jeffrey Amaris)
Selenta took over as the fourth president after having the three members of the Protectorship promoted to ambassadors in 2639.  Selenta was stricken with a rare form of cancer in the late 2640’s.  She appointed a dangerous rival and her cousin, Tadeo Amaris, in her place as regent while she undertook medical treatment.  She also set Tadeo up by playing the Star League council against him.  After he was discredited and removed from the government, Selenta took back control of the Republic and ruled it from her bed for the remainder of her life.

16. Tadeo Amaris (Regent of the Republic from 2649 – 2653) (cousin of Selenta Amaris)
Tadeo Amaris was Minister of Military Affairs to Selenta Amaris and also a rival to Selenta Amaris.   Tadeo was appointed by Selenta to be Regent while she was undergoing cancer treatment.  She also insured that the palace guards remained under her direct control.  Tadeo began a massive military buildup of the Rim Worlds military and stationed them along every border world along the Lyran Commonwealth.  Archon Sarah Steiner-Dineson, with the support of the Star League Council, led a major demonstration of Star League forces on Black Earth that forced Tadeo Amaris to back down and disband his expanded army (but not the navy).  After embarrassing the Republic, Tadeo was forced to step down as Regent and replaced by Fiona Amaris as commander of the Rim Worlds military.   Fiona and Selenta would implement the Rim Royal Guard Act.  The Act would establish an imitation of the “Krumper Act” of Napoleonic Prussia that would quadruple the size of the Rim Worlds military with the recall of reservist.  Fiona and Selenta would also massively expand the military-industrial complex of the Republic.

17.  Betram Amaris (ruled for one day in 2687) (son of Selenta Amaris)
Betram Amaris was assassinated by his cousin, Gregor Siever, by having his throat cut in the Presidential Palace before he could be sworn in as president.

18. Carl Siever (ruled from 2687 – 2695) (cousin of Betram Amaris)
Carl Siever came to power by killing his brother Gregor Siever in a knife fight only 15 feet away from the dead body of his cousin, Betram Amaris.  Since he was the only adult member of either the Siever or Amaris family, Carl Siever was appointed the fifth president of the Republic.  Carl Siever became increasingly unstable as a ruler over the years as the knowledge of having murdered his brother continued to haunt him.  Carl Siever stepped down as president when Cynthia Amaris came of age and went into reclusion in a monastery for the rest of his life.

19. Cynthia Amaris (ruled from 2695 – 2751) (granddaughter of Selenta Amaris and grandniece of Carl Siever)
Appointed the sixth president of the Republic when her uncle Carl Siever retired to a monastery, Cynthia continued on with the policies of her predecessors.  She married the industrialist Stefan Gorienko in 2717.  In 2718, she gave birth to her only child, Stefan Amaris.  During her reign, the High Council of the Star League began a series of oppressive tax measures against the Periphery states and independent worlds that Stefan Amaris would exploit in setting up the Periphery Uprising.

20. Stefan Amaris (ruled from 2751 – 2779, Emperor of the Amaris Empire and First Star Lord of the Star League 2767 – 2779) (son of Cynthia Amaris)
Stefan Amaris became the seventh President of the Republic upon his mother’s death in 2751.  Stefan Amaris used his control of the Republic to finance and support Periphery terrorist groups against the Star League.  He also set up the dummy companies that provided training centers and equipment for the 50 battlemech divisions that would engage the SLDF when the Periphery Uprising occurred.  By acting as a sycophant to Richard Cameron, he was able to get the SLDF out of the Republic.  He also faked a military battle to insure that the Republic appeared to be loyal.  Gradually, he set up the Rim Worlds Army to be positioned for the coup against First Lord Richard Cameron when the RWA was allowed to deploy to the Terran Hegemony.  Stefan Amaris personally assassinated Richard Cameron with a laser pistol while Richard was sitting on the Star League throne as a signal for Stefan’s coup-de-stat.  Within days, the Terran Hegemony was conquered by the RWA.  Stefan declared himself the new First Lord of the Star League and Emperor of the Amaris Empire after having every member of the Cameron family on Terra massacred in the Star League throne room.  Atrocities became commonplace in the Terran Hegemony after the RWA took over the nation.  After a bloody seven year campaign with massive atrocities being committed by the retreating Rim Worlds Army, Emperor and First Lord Stefan Amaris personally surrendered to General Kerensky in his Orion by laying the pistol that he used to murder Richard Cameron at the feet of Kerensky’s battlemech.  Stefan Amaris and his entire family would be executed by firing squad under the personal command of General Kerensky by the SLDF.  Stefan’s body would languish in New Samarkand Medical School until his remains were tossed into an unmarked grave in a potter’s field near the hospital.

21. Mohammed Selim (ruled as Regent in 2767)
Selim was appointed as Regent of the Rim Worlds Republic by Emperor and First Star Lord Stefan Amaris because of his fanatical support of the Amaris family.  Selim was overthrown when the SLDF conquered the Republic and was lynched by rioting crowds on Apollo for his support of the Amaris family. In addition, all members of the Amaris family in the Republic were either killed by mobs or murdered by members of the SLDF.  The related Marcus, Siever, Wong, and Chan families flee from the Republic.

22. Lucien Dormax (ruled from 2772 – 2775)
Lucien Dormax was the senior leader of the underground Rim Republican Army.  After the SLDF had conquered the Rim Worlds Republic, the RRA took over control of the Republic and Dormax became the eighth and last president.  When the SLDF withdrew to begun their liberation campaign of the Terran Hegemony, the Rim Worlds Republic was besieged by terrorist attacks launched by Stefan Amaris supporters, worlds being seized by renegade military units or the remnants of Rim World Army supporters of Stefan Amaris, and finally a full scale invasion by the Lyran Commonwealth.  The Dormax government collapsed along with the Republic when the LCAF conquered the capital of Apollo in 2775.  Lucien Dormax disappeared after being taken into Lyran custody.


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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #1 on: 12 February 2011, 17:04:03 »
So to quickly summarise: The rulers of the RWR, be they Amaris, Rowe, Seiver or whatever else were a bunch of murdering tyrannical bastards.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #2 on: 12 February 2011, 18:07:56 »
So to quickly summarise: The rulers of the RWR, be they Amaris, Rowe, Seiver or whatever else were a bunch of murdering tyrannical bastards.

Deadborder, that was harsh. Some of them were born in wedlock.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #3 on: 12 February 2011, 21:20:33 »
Admiral Hakim Wbika personally assassinated Gregory Amaris with his own laser pistol in 2599

A bit of foreshadowing, I wonder, or a coincidence?


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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #4 on: 12 February 2011, 21:53:54 »
A bit of foreshadowing, I wonder, or a coincidence?

I believe the term is 'tradition'. 8)
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #5 on: 12 February 2011, 22:04:29 »
Murdering someone with their own laser pistol is such a BattleTech cliché now. But, no surprise, the Amaris family has no sense of decorum.  :P

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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #6 on: 12 February 2011, 22:52:37 »
Ruler of the RWR was basically similar to committing homicide and suicide.


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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #7 on: 13 February 2011, 00:47:05 »
Ruler of the RWR was basically similar to committing homicide and suicide.

Whether from the Rowe or the Durant-Amaris lines, sucession almost always followed a death. But then, that’s true of most monarchies, now isn’t it?
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #8 on: 13 February 2011, 06:33:01 »
Wow. Great work. The Amaris are a true wicked dinasty. And I tought the Mariks were tough. Rowes and Durants were much better. For the RWR the Star League era was a era of darkness.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #9 on: 13 February 2011, 13:08:03 »
anyone who does anything bad to the star league i'm okay with, i say long live the house amris

good work
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #10 on: 13 February 2011, 23:30:36 »
You know this is the first time I ever read the history of the RWR's historical  leadership. Frankly I'm not impressed, it went downhill right from the start.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #11 on: 14 February 2011, 00:19:35 »
You know this is the first time I ever read the history of the RWR's historical  leadership. Frankly I'm not impressed, it went downhill right from the start.

Is it really any worse than the historical leadership of any of the five successor states? ;)
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #12 on: 14 February 2011, 09:51:49 »
Excellent, excellent work bigmac. Considering how incredibly important the Amaris family and the RWR were in the history of how the CBT universe became what it is today, it's amazing how little most fans know about their history. As a fan of the RWR, if only for the sheer maniacal glee that comes with burning whole cities to the ground, I have to say it's nice to see a well-researched write-up to act as a sort of "primer" for anyone looking to get into Civil War-era play.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #13 on: 14 February 2011, 10:44:45 »
Wow, that was quite a sad little place...definitely adds some more character to the whole Inner Sphere though. Which is a good thing.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #14 on: 14 February 2011, 11:30:13 »
Wow, that was quite a sad little place...definitely adds some more character to the whole Inner Sphere though. Which is a good thing.

The Rim Worlds seemed to the thrive despite the leadership. It was a very popular destination for Hegemony immigrants in the 2600-2750 period, which helped fuel the Rim Worlds' explosive growth. Hegemony settlers wouldn't put up with abuse when they could write home and have the SLDF spank the RWR until it was nice to the Hegemony settlers.
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #15 on: 14 February 2011, 11:33:58 »
Heather Durant created the Republic intelligence service of AsRoc after she took over as First Consul.  Heather also declared the Republic to be neutral when war broke out between the Lyran Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine.  Heather would loan an intelligence team from AsRoc to the Lyran Commonwealth to participate in the raid on Hesperus II that would provide both the Commonwealth and the Republic with the newly developed Battlemechs of the Terran Hegemony. 

I recently read this elsewhere, but it's not supported in the BattleCorps version of the Lyran raid on Hesperus II. The most I could find on this was that the Lyrans used some JumpShips in false Rim Worlds livery.
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

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**"Describe the Clans." "Imagine an entire civilization built out of 80’s Ric Flairs, Hulk Hogans, & Macho Man Randy Savages ruling over an entire labor force with Einstein Level Intelligence." --Jake Mikolaitis

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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #16 on: 14 February 2011, 13:41:06 »
I recently read this elsewhere, but it's not supported in the BattleCorps version of the Lyran raid on Hesperus II. The most I could find on this was that the Lyrans used some JumpShips in false Rim Worlds livery.

It might have been retconned, but it was mentioned in The Periphery (1st Edition) and the House Steiner: Lyran Commonwealth Sourcebook. I can’t remember off hand if it was mentioned in Handbook: House Steiner though.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #17 on: 14 February 2011, 13:59:16 »
It was a nice touch, but from what I've seen both in the Battlecorps story and the morer ecent retellings and overviews, it does seem to have been retconned. A real shame though, as it lent an extra air of potency to a faction that ended up playing a huge part in CBT history. It's nice to see the RWR actually given the credit for being a "Great House on the Periphery." Otherwise, the entire Amaris Coup seems unlikely and uneventful.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #18 on: 14 February 2011, 14:05:53 »
It was a nice touch, but from what I've seen both in the Battlecorps story and the morer ecent retellings and overviews, it does seem to have been retconned. A real shame though, as it lent an extra air of potency to a faction that ended up playing a huge part in CBT history. It's nice to see the RWR actually given the credit for being a "Great House on the Periphery." Otherwise, the entire Amaris Coup seems unlikely and uneventful.

Who, in universe, wrote the BattleCorps story. It could be a case of history being written by the victors? ;D
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #19 on: 14 February 2011, 14:21:49 »
Who, in universe, wrote the BattleCorps story.

Herb himself. This might be worth bringing up in Ask the Writers.
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

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**"Describe the Clans." "Imagine an entire civilization built out of 80’s Ric Flairs, Hulk Hogans, & Macho Man Randy Savages ruling over an entire labor force with Einstein Level Intelligence." --Jake Mikolaitis

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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #20 on: 14 February 2011, 15:26:34 »
Herb himself. This might be worth bringing up in Ask the Writers.

As much as Herb is BattleTech, he's not an in universe writer.  ;)

Most straight up fiction (such as novels and intro short stories) don't have an in universe writer, just perspectives of the parties in the story.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #21 on: 14 February 2011, 15:53:17 »
Herb himself. This might be worth bringing up in Ask the Writers.

Thanks. I did as you suggested. I look forward to the response.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #22 on: 14 February 2011, 17:01:48 »
Wow, that was quite a sad little place...definitely adds some more character to the whole Inner Sphere though. Which is a good thing.

The Rim Worlds seemed to the thrive despite the leadership. It was a very popular destination for Hegemony immigrants in the 2600-2750 period, which helped fuel the Rim Worlds' explosive growth. Hegemony settlers wouldn't put up with abuse when they could write home and have the SLDF spank the RWR until it was nice to the Hegemony settlers.

Cray is right about how the Rim Worlds Republic expanded during the Star League.  In the original sourcebook, the Rim Worlds is described as being organized similiarly to 17th century France before the French Revolution.  Hegemony citizens (especially those with college degrees) who emigrated to the Republic were given preferntial treatment and were exempt from most of the laws pertaining to the desendents of the original Helots of the Republic.  The Republic was the most heavily industrialized of all the Periphery states with widespread exportation of goods into the Lyran Commonwealth, Free Worlds League, Draconis Combine, and the Terran Hegemony.  In my guesstimate, the Rim Worlds would be the equivalent of the modern day People's Republic of China with a more unstable leadership.


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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #23 on: 14 February 2011, 17:32:03 »
In my guesstimate, the Rim Worlds would be the equivalent of the modern day People's Republic of China with a more unstable leadership.

China overtakes Japan as world's second-biggest economy (Link)
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #24 on: 17 February 2011, 21:39:54 »
The established canon portrayed the average Rim Worlds citizen to be a blue-collar factory worker who was generally apolitical until pushed too far (see: Manchester Directive). It's likely that the government functioned efficiently, and worked to insulate the nation from the worst of the Amaris excesses (eg. Stefan Amaris was shrewd in selecting a regent who 'made the trains run on time,' Mohammed Selim). There's no question that the Rim Worlds prospered until the Usurper killed Richard Cameron. Really, only two Amaris, Gregory and Stefan, caused the nation real problems. Not a bad track record
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #25 on: 17 February 2011, 22:38:56 »
The established canon portrayed the average Rim Worlds citizen to be a blue-collar factory worker who was generally apolitical until pushed too far (see: Manchester Directive). It's likely that the government functioned efficiently, and worked to insulate the nation from the worst of the Amaris excesses (eg. Stefan Amaris was shrewd in selecting a regent who 'made the trains run on time,' Mohammed Selim). There's no question that the Rim Worlds prospered until the Usurper killed Richard Cameron. Really, only two Amaris, Gregory and Stefan, caused the nation real problems. Not a bad track record

And if not for Selim being killed by an angry mob, there's a decent chance that Kerensky would have allowed him to continue on as regent. He was loyal to the Republic, but didn't actually commit or even help any of the atrocities. He kept the RWR going in Stefan's absence, and he allowed the RWRM to fight the war. The SLDF did invade after all.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #26 on: 13 March 2011, 12:58:13 »
I recently read this elsewhere, but it's not supported in the BattleCorps version of the Lyran raid on Hesperus II. The most I could find on this was that the Lyrans used some JumpShips in false Rim Worlds livery.

See, that's because they did it secretly that's how good they were. :) It's mentioned in the old periphery book though a 'clandestine support group' that used false colors from it's own nation does seem a bit arch.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #27 on: 13 March 2011, 13:11:28 »
I personally think that the explanation in The Periphery (first edition) worked fine. The Rim Worlds Republic and Lyran Commonwealth conducted a joint operation of AsRoc and Loki. Now, as you know, the Republic heavily encouraged Terran settlement. There were more citizens of the Republic who had dual citizenship in the Hegemony than any other Periphery State, or even Great House. Naturally, you would expect some of their citizens to have come from the planet and city that the BattleMech was designed. If you were really lucky, they might have even been employed there in some capacity, perhaps something that new the buildings layout, security procedures.

But back to the operation, the deal was that AsRoc personnel would work in tandem with Loki personnel to acquire the design specifications of the BattleMech. The Commonwealth were the ones that wanted it, and that was fine with the Republic. They were not to be paid in information. The Commonwealth offered them a wide swath of worlds for their efforts, which they eagerly took. I don’t see the problem of special ops assistance for worlds.

But the powers that be ruled that because the Republic didn’t start fielding BattleMechs until much later, they couldn’t have been part of the operation, so retconned that part of The Periphery (first edition), and said that Loki borrowed a RWR DropShip.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
1979 - 8 November 2009)
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #28 on: 13 March 2011, 14:13:14 »
The joy of retcons. How much later? It looks like they still have them for the reunification war, and could have had them for some time before. It could still work with them getting the plans then, but just having developmental and production setbacks (including Loki and Terran interference) hold them back.
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Re: Rulers of the Rim Worlds Republic
« Reply #29 on: 13 March 2011, 14:17:00 »
Well, the writers have officially retconned that part of The Periphery (First Edition). But in your own game, you can make whatever you want cannon. Most of us do.
Dan "Albatross" Schulz
1979 - 8 November 2009)
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