Author Topic: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)  (Read 31825 times)


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"Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« on: 15 March 2012, 02:23:37 »

"The Universe is ruled by those who show up."

-Tranh Truk Ngo, 2781, from "My War: Fighting Amaris."  Ia Drang press, 2791.

3067.12.23, Anembo system, LCS Kowloon (Fox Class)...

"Is it confirmed?" Duchess Elizabeth Ngo, of Kowloon, asked.

"Yeah, the serum works, and the vaccine works."  Dr. Mai Huyn confirmed over the HPG vid-linkup,  "The Adder docs were good to their word, their version is the same as ours, chemically and structurally.  Now, you want a REAL wrinkle?"

"Tell me." Liz stated.

"Seems that the Adders have something brewing back toward the homeworlds they'd rather deal with, instead of staying on Arluna, they've offered to recognize any government the natives choose-so long as the choice is legitimate-they even offered to leave...but only if they can negotiate with a native government..."

Elizabeth chuckled drily, "Of course.  Arluna's spent most of this year off the Lyran tit, the DeSotos are dead, along with most of the petty nobles, they're playing to push 'em into independence or secession, then they can justify it as defending a weak state against a powerful bully, and in the zone, it's likely going to work."

"Like the Independence party on Kowloon needs ANY help with that?" Huyn asked.

"Exactly." Liz said casually,  "The Adders don't want to commit the forces to hold this area-they were withdrawing from Inarcs before the LAS Arluna taskgroup even arrived-they looted the factories, but they elected not to stay-for a reason...anyway, I'm damn glad you confirmed the medical data works."

With that, the timer chimed, and the call was over.

"What was all that about?" Kapitain Michael Collins, the CO of the warship, asked, "You held your entire conversation in Vietnamese, I caught only a few words."

"You weren't supposed to understand it." Liz said, "but we have confirmed that the Eighteen Alpha serums work as advertised, which means your crew can have a shore-leave if you decide you need it."

"That's a relief." Collins said, "Did you know I spent my first tour working in the Drive rooms?" he asked casually, "I picked up SOME Viet."

"I expect you did, I also expect a Free Skye man who just spent five years in prison for agitation to keep his trap shut about whatever he MIGHT have heard some Periphery Rednecks talking about." Liz told him, "amiright, or am I right?"

He laughed, "Just as long as it's not armed rebellion? I don't care."

"It isn't.  Just local politics.  I don't suppose you'll see your way to stopping at Arluna for a few days at the next jump? I want to see how these people-the survivors, go about organizing themselves." Liz said coyly.

"You've picked your horse, haven't you?" he asked.

"I might've." Liz said, "There's a kid down there, she's dealt with EVERYBODY, shows up in all the reports from the Guard, smart, organized, good potentials, and if things go like I hope, I can short-circuit the Clanners' plans with a rare, but legal, move on Tharkad...besides, I think Maggie Doons is going to love her...and she's a family friend on my Brother Patrick's side."

"Patrick...the one who died at Tamar?"  He asked.

"Yeah, our potential's poppa was in his unit, they were drinking buddies and he was going to be Pat's best man at the wedding." Liz said, "Of course, he's dead now, but his kid has what I call 'good fundamentals', I want to see her in action, and decide if she's worth the effort."

« Last Edit: 07 April 2012, 04:39:37 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #1 on: 15 March 2012, 02:52:32 »
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #2 on: 15 March 2012, 03:58:20 »
Grantsville Civic Area, December 10, 3067...

Pol Nguyen watched her walking across the park, and studied his own feelings for a brief moment.  she's too young for me. a voice in his mind-his mother's disapproval, She's white, with a white-trash background, she's Goyim, a pork-eating offworlder...and yet...  He sighed, and turned back to filling out the weekly patrol roster for Alpha company.  I will not be a creep...I will not be a creep... But, in his heart of hearts, he thought Debra MacAulliffe was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen-even with the reddish marks around her eyes... Dammit, I'm Twenty-Three years old, too old to be having a CRUSH on a girl in her teens!


"Major Monroe, y'allgot a minnit?" Debbie asked, and the NIOPS officer looked up.  "Sure." he said, "What's the Ombuds want from me today?"

"Funny." She said, and sat down at the picnic table.  "I'm a farmer, a land-holder, a land-owner.  ah am NOT th' ombudsman or leadah of anythin'..."

"Sure...and people just come to you to deal with...everyone because you're unlucky." Al said with a laugh.

"Mah problem t'day, is Ah don't know, what with finishing the preparations, if next harvest, Ah'm sellin' in Kroner, Dollahs, oah lettin' some Byoo-ro-cret Clan Muchant give me whut th' Council thinks is meahly mah 'share'."  she said bluntly.  "Ah want t'know ef th' Stah League'll be heah fo' us, an' who ah'm doin' business with."

"Those are good concerns." Al said, "The Lapse is being pulled out, but I've got authorization to set up basing in the Arluna system-assuming it doesn't go Clan."  He said.

Debbie nodded, "Cu'ong tol' me th' same thang." she drawled.

"Seems to me, you've got to take the initiative." Al said, "Call people you know-folks who have bigger enclaves, get some of them together, and make a decision for yourselves... I'd say you should either go Lyran or Indie, but if you go indie, you need to ask the Clans to leave-you won't get a choice if they decide they want to stay, so maybe you should push for returning to the Alliance-that way, at least, you have allies..."

"Ah need help gettin' word out." Debbie said, "Cu'ong's already agreed, but y'all cover areas the Guard doesn't, Ah'm hosting at th' farm-we're going t' have a...gatherin, delegates, form a provisional guv'mint, an' deal from that position-kin ah count on y'all to back us up?"

"Sure." Al said, "we were wondering when in Syrinx' name you'd get around to taking charge of might invite the Clanners too-they're going to want their say, and it's easier if you can get them saying it with their mouths instead of heavy weapons."

Debbie nodded, "Ah'll git an' appointment wi' theah Stah Colon'l Truscott."

"You mean SaKhan." Al said seriously, "We picked up enough traffic on the bands, we're not telling the Lyrans, but..."

"But y'all will tell me?" she asked.

"I figured you should know who you're really dealing with, Deb.  He's high enough that any deal he makes, the rest of them either have to uphold, or beat the shit out of each other over breaking."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #3 on: 15 March 2012, 04:23:57 »

TO: Peter Steiner-Davion, Archon, Lyran Alliance
From: Elizabeth Ngo, Duchess, Kowloon, acting Margrave, Quarantine Zone.

RE:Peter, I need a favour that will help the Lyran Nation.

When your mother was Archon, I was a fifteen year old orphan who'd inherited a ducal title on a world in the middle of a civil war, under the mismanagement of a foreign-appointed noble.  After I, without your family's help, removed the corrupt Regent and took over, I supported your sister over Victor, there was a considerable amount of anger involved in that decision, but I won't retract it-Victor admitted it himself-he's no good at governing.

That's out of the way now.  With a few missteps, including letting Rowe get too close to the throne, you've still been a better ruler than Katherine was, under much more difficult conditions, though I would say that appointing me to a diplomatic position last year was a major blunder, it wasn't so bad that it cost the Alliance as dearly as it could have.

That's all vapor out the airlock now.  I need you to do me a favour, and it will be really good for the nation.  I'm going to exercise one of the prerogatives you gave me when you put me into this job-I'm going to recommend someone for elevation to the upper nobility.

I don't want your co-sponsorship, it would leave questions about the legitimacy of the recommendation, especially with Donegal, Coventry, and Skye.  I need you to twist some arms behind the curtain, in favour of Debra MacAulliffe for Duchess of Arluna.  This is going to piss the Howe family off a LOT, Peter-they're cousin-by-marriage to the DeSotos, and I fully expect Tom Howe to raise a stink over this...but MacAulliffe's got something no off-worlder has in this situation:

She's got the respect of outside powers, including the Star Adders, which means she's got the best chance of doing the job effectively, plus it will short-circuit some independence movements in the region if you co-opt their poster child to the Alliance, instead  of trying to impose a stranger who didn't suffer with them during the plague. 

Before I do the formal recommendation, I'm going to meet her, get her measure but you need the heads-up on this, because if it is to be done, it best be done swiftly once the decision is made.


"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #4 on: 16 March 2012, 02:40:06 »
Now that is a promotion. Farmer to Duchess. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #5 on: 16 March 2012, 03:08:22 »
MacAulliffe Farm, 1 January, 3068...

NIOPS power-armoured troops driving Nighthawk PAL units were, (especially while bored) pretty good at construction.  Deb mused on that, while she watched Company C of the NIOPS team putting up the new Horse Arena, one fitted with bleachers, and the Kitchen section of Patrol 12, Coast Guard, finished digging and lining the barbecue pit.

"Happy birthday, Debbie." Al Monroe said from behind her, and Deb jumped a bit.  "Not 'til th' Fo'teenth." she reminded him.

"Yeah,  I know." He said, and sat down on the porch next to her.  "The guys seem to be happy to have something to do that isn't admin or patrol work.  You talked to the Adders and the Scorps yet?"

"Ah did.  Th' Addahs will be sendin' som'on t' th' meetin'." she told him, "Speak theah piece, an' they'ah lettin' th' civvies in theah areah send reps sep'rate."

"Got your speech ready?" he asked.

"Ah'll have t' do it in spanish." she said sheepishly, "Ah am told thet mah accent in English is damneah imposs'ble fo' most people, but since th' DeSotos used Spanish, most everyone bein sent c'n understan' it."

"That doesn't make-wait, you're joking." Al said.

She grinned and nodded, "Ah am, Ah c'n...Speak Clearly when I have time to prepare."  her voice kept some of the lilt, and a tiny hint of the drawl-drawn out musically, she then frowned, "Hahdah t'Do in Germuhn...hard t'find a Rythm, an' Ah don't speak it wuth a shit t'begin with."

"Let me guess...singing lessons?" he asked.

She nodded, and singsonged, "singing is not as much fun as reading, and it makes my throat sore if I do it too much, but most folks still alive are not exactly big readers...who's that?" she pointed as a black car rumbled up the drive, escorted fore-and-aft by Coastguard flagged four-by-fours.

Al checked a readout on his PADD.  "THAT would be Duchess Ngo from Kowloon." He said, "The LAS Kowloon and its escorts are in-system...I guess she argued her way to a landing."

The car pulled up on the open gravel of the new parking lot, and the side door opened, giving Debbie and Major Monroe a good look at Elizabeth Ngo as she got out.

Elizabeth Ngo was...petite.  Slightly shorter than average, thin, with thick black hair spilling over a pale complexion fixed in a look of concentration made more severe by the thick glasses she wore, and her figure was flattered-to a point.  Five months' pregnant is hard to hide.

Still, Duchess Ngo walked up the remaining twenty meters with a pace that told the world "Keep up or back off".

"Y'grace!" Debbie curtsied...

"Are you Debra MacAulliffe?" Liz asked, and before Debbie could answer, "Of course you are.  Nice house, you realize I've been reading about you since July...oh, dammit, get up, I'm not your better, hell, you're the closest thing to my social equal on this whole planet-everyone else is either better, or worse...stand up and let me have a look at you!"

For some reason, Debbie was reminded of her grandmother-though Duchess Ngo was younger by some years than her father had been.

"We'com t'mah home." Debbie said, "Y'r Grace."

"Look, we're not around a bunch of people who care, but I'm glad you know your manners, I want to hear something from you-and it isn't honorifics..." Liz said testily, "What kind of government are you hoping to build here? What kind of vision do you have for Arluna?  And speak quick, I'm not a well woman, and my time is ticking fast, I want to know if I want to back you or smash you flat-so Start Talking."

Al reflected that the reports on the Duchess were entirely and absolutely correct-the woman was intense, blunt, aggressive, and, despite her size, intimidating.

"Someday, the fields were green,
someday my home was beautiful,
Someday my world was peaceful.

We will be again.
Our kin lay in quiet ground,
from empty roads to empty town,
but someday it will live again.

We will be stronger, then.  We will be our own again."

Deb stopped.

"Good start." Liz stated flatly, "Not a great one, but a good start.  We'll talk about specifics on the way to Tharkad after your meeting. When I talked to Tom Howe about what he wanted, he kept talking about what was in it for HIM.  I'll hang around and watch the meeting, if you can move those folks in the right direction, it'll make this a lot easier.  Don't think I'm going to cut you a break just because you turn seventeen in a couple weeks-I was managing a civil war at fifteen, I expect a similar level of performance from you-the singing is a nice touch-people are a lot easier to reach if they can't get a tune out of their heads."

"Tharkad?" Al and Debbie both asked at the same time.

"Yeah, a new Duchess has to swear to the Archon, that's easier on Tharkad, it makes it a lot harder to challenge the legitimacy of the elevation." Liz said, "So...come about May, you're going to be in front of the Archon of the Lyran Alliance, where, at the recommendation of members of the Advisory Council, and with the acknowledgement of the Estates General, he's going to make you a Duchess, which should fill your five-year obligation to the State, after which, you're coming back here, to fix this mess...with help."  Elizabeth stated it as if it were entirely a done deal, "If I keel over before you get there, Maggie Doons will be the primary sponsor, If not, then she's my co-sponsor of the meantime, I'm told you have a mild speech impediment, so you're going to be spending some of that intervening time with a certfied speech therapist and a bunch of tutors who can show you the ropes of your new job-you've got to learn statecraft, economics, criminal justice and land-law...though I expect a Farmer's daughter knows a bit on the last two."

"What if she refuses?" Al asked, curious...

"Drafted, ever heard of it?" Liz told him, "It's either the ducal seat, or the infantry for five years, and I guarantee, an infantry berth is going to be hell on earth, I have ways to make CERTAIN of it."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Dave Talley

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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #6 on: 16 March 2012, 03:56:30 »
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #7 on: 16 March 2012, 09:44:42 »
Interested  :)


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #8 on: 17 March 2012, 02:19:50 »
Rowe McClaren Corporation offices, Triad, Tharkad...

Sir Thomas Rowe greeted his guest with a warmed cup of red wine, "Arthur, what brings you to my corporate office?" he asked.

Arthur Luvon, chief justice of the Alliance Supreme Court, accepted the wine, and sat down.  "Tom, we have a major problem now." he said, "I can't quash the lawsuit this time, and Peter's watching too closely."

"Lawsuit?" Rowe asked.

"One of your subsidiaries was accused of pawning substandard goods at jumpship maintenance yards, last year, remember that?" Luvon said.

"Yes, I thought we were covered there-that the evidence showed it was a setup." Rowe replied.

"I don't know if it was, what I do know, is that Lockeed-CBM, Alarion Aerospace, and Ngo Industries have pooled their briefs, their disclosures, and their evidence.  She's coming after you, Tom." Luvon said, "And this time, I can't get the others to dismiss it-they've got a fourth party and some other...evidence."

"What kind?" Rowe asked.

"Bribery, extortion, corruption of serving military personnel-Daphne and Adam aren't in the clear with this, either-the suit's tied to criminal charges."  Luvon sipped his wine and set the cup down on the desk.  "Lohengrin and Loki are involved."

"We WILL be cleared, Arthur." Tom said with confidence, "I wouldn't condone that sort of-"

"The Restitution Act." Luvon countered, "They've found a paper-trail right back to your company-your Family, Tom, bribes, payoffs, slush-funds.  I'm supposed to preside on a grand-jury indictment that includes fifty-some-odd members of the Estates General, Tomorrow."

"I take it it's a closed session, if you're telling me about it, instead of my legal team."  Tom observed, "Since you're having to preside, I assume more than one justice is in attendance, and it's being observed by...who, Lohengrin?"

"Likely." Luvon said, "I'd suggest taking a vacation somewhere secure, Tom, at least until the evidence clears you and your family of wrongdoing..if it clears you.  When your nephew tried that idiot stunt with the Archon, it cost you big, not even the Order of Cincinattus is going to touch it now."

"I'll take that under advisement, Arthur." Tom said, "but until Adam and Daphne are fit to make an appearance, I'm afraid I have to remain here, to oversee the firm."

"So, the rumours are true?" Arthur asked, surprised.

"Adam survived Somerset? yes, they are true.  Assets from the Firm were expended getting him out of that mess alive.  Daphne has been with him since-I don't exactly know WHERE, but I do get messages from time to time."

Arthur frowned, "Why is she in hiding?" he asked.

"Elizabeth Ngo." Tom said, "Three assassination attempts, we don't have enough evidence to go public, but..." He opened his desk drawer, and laid two items on the blotter.  One was a toothpick, the other was a knife, made of ferroglass with a grip made of tungsten alloy cording.

"Someone sent her an Elbar Toothpick."  He clarified, "and the last assassination attempt was a lone operator armed only with that knife-a style of weapon first used on Kowloon during their abortive war against the Rim Worlds Republic in 2729, it's still radioactive, by the way-mild, not dangerous, but definitely there."

"You're sure it was Elizabeth?" Luvon asked.

"Who else would send a threat of impalement, AND dispatch an assassin armed with a 'Dao găm (của) Tự do?"  He asked.

"a what?" Luvon was perplexed. 

"Means 'Dagger of freedom'." Tom explained, "It was one of the symbols Tranh Truk Ngo adopted when they succeeded in rebelling against Amaris in 2769-the originals were made from wrecked Rim Worlds 'mechs and other debris from the Dinh Diep strike.  back in '66 when we pushed Restitution through, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, gave the Kowloonese a second thought-or I would NOT have let them be included in the redrawn province...and now, it's too late."

"Those ARE evidence." Luvon said.

"Only that some people with either extensive historical research, or Kowloonese, or for that matter, any of the hundereds of enemies a successful enterprise has, knows how to stage a psyop.  Best we could do, is note a sentimental link, which is not evidence, per-se.  it might have been, but the damn assassin fought to the death rather than be captured."

"Well, old friend, I warned you." Luvon said, taking his leave.

"I know, and I thank you for it...don't worry, Art, you won't have to see me go to Blackgate Prison..."


"Begin the next phase." Thomas Rowe sent the order out on Word of Blake's HPG net to specific deep periphery locations known only to himself, a few comrades, and, of course, the faction of the Word that was assisting the Rowe Family in reclaiming a heritage lost centuries ago.

He contemplated the Dao găm (của) Tự do, and the small, wooden toothpick.  You're no threat, but you are a possible obstacle.  Shame that your security people caught our agent... 

"I need to place a call..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #9 on: 17 March 2012, 02:44:23 »
Sauergarten, Arluna, Star Adder Zone,  3067.7.12 ...

James Manus woke to the sound of something coming through his front door.  Two Elemental infantry in power armor, and one 'mechwarrior in field uniform with Solahma insignia denoting a Star Commander entered 'dynamically'.

"James Manus?" the Clanner asked.

"y-yes?" Manus looked around, noting that his escape routes had new shadows on them.  Covered, front, sides and back, and the trapdoor is under that suitie's feet...  "What do you want?"

"You have a message from someone on Tharkad."  The Clanner said, "Normally, we would not see a need to intervene, but under the circumstances, it would be dishonourable to allow you to read this message unattended...and more dishonorable to let you carry out the instructions by simply turning away."

"What?" Manus asked, nonplussed, "what are you-"

"You are under arrest for the crime of being affiliated with the Rim Worlds Republic, and for conspiracy to commit murder."  the Clanner said, "the evidence of said conspiracy happens to have shown up, by way of HPG, this you have anything to say in your defense?"

"What are you talking about?"  Manus asked, feeling a cold chill moving up his backbone.

"Take him outside."  The Star Commander ordered, and the Elementals were all too willing (and none too gentle) at going about the task.

There was a rope tied to the streetlight out front of Manus' home, and an oil drum below it.

"I Demand a LAWYER!!!" Manus howled.

"You are in no position to demand anything.  If you provide useful evidence, you MAY be able to bargain for your pathetic life." the Clan Warrior stated, "For instance, telling everything you know about Rowe McClaren operations, their ties to the Rim Worlds Restitution movement, and such sundry items, may be enough, but if you know so little that it is of no use to US, well...I would rather save the cost of ammunition-alternatively, you might ask to be turned over to the Coast Guards, we will, of course, supply THEM with the same evidence we have against you-your chances are not as good as making a deal and providing intelligence to the Clan, but the procedures are, I believe, more akin to something you are used to..." the Clanner gave a wry smirk, "Of course, I personally find crucifictions to be highly distasteful displays, but once in their hands, with their Duchess-your target on-world?  I think it likely you would be groaning from a cross before noon to-morrow, and fervently wishing it was CLAN justice you were facing..."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #10 on: 17 March 2012, 02:51:49 »
Grantsville, Arluna...

"...wants his day in court, I was amused a bit by it, and we can always convict using CLAN rules of evidence..." Star Captain Gennifer Kaly said, "However, since it is something more akin to our witnessing a crime and intervening, and not something directed AT the Clan..."

Commander Anh Cu'ong looked over at Elizabeth Ngo, whom was also present in the conference room.

"He is an Arlunan citizen?" Liz asked.

"He is...or so we believe." Gennifer said in response.

"Then, he should be tried by Arluna's laws." Liz stated, "THEIR world, their government, their law-we are just guests here."

"They currently HAVE no government." Gennifer noted.

"They are forming one." Liz countered, "Anh, take charge of the prisoner, hold him until after the meeting at the MacAulliffe place, if they have a government coming out of that, they can deal with him, if not, then we revisit this issue-Sooner or later, Debbie's going to have to face this kind of thing, better if she faces it sooner, rather than later."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #11 on: 17 March 2012, 06:29:35 »
"...I found that Duchess Ngo's reputation for cruelty was somewhat exaggerated."

-Star Captain Gennifer Kaly, Clan Star Adder

"Taking responsibility means sometimes you don't get to do the things you really, really, want to do.  I wanted to torture Manus for days, see how long I could keep him begging for death and what he'd volunteer in the process.  But I left his fate in the hands of a provisional government instead, to underscore that this wasn't a game, and that they HAD to deal with their own issues internally.  Debbie's solution was a bit quick for my taste, but then again, she's got a chance of growing into someone that good people can follow with a clear conscience-I, on the other hand, was hell-bound when I was born,  with it cemented the day I chose to be a monster, instead of a doormat.  Debbie won't have to be a monster like I was-she's got a chance to be better than I am, or could ever be...and she's got a full life ahead of her in which to rue all the mistakes made in haste...she has the time to be someone GOOD.

-Elizabeth Ngo's personal Journal, 20 July, 3067

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #12 on: 17 March 2012, 08:41:03 »
Commandant Otto Maurus, ARWH-1Z ArcHammer, Maurus' Minutemen
Captain Obadiah Sykes, OSR-5FCR Ostroc, Second Filtvelt Citizens Militia

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Confucius
Noli Timure Messorem
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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #13 on: 17 March 2012, 13:50:34 »
I really want to see the reaction to Debra on Tharkad after she blew away a LCAF liason officer in the last story...
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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #14 on: 17 March 2012, 14:17:36 »
I really want to see the reaction to Debra on Tharkad after she blew away a LCAF liason officer in the last story...

The last story happens in Debbie's future. (Yeah, it's a little complicated.)
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #15 on: 17 March 2012, 14:56:49 »
*goes back and reads the timestamps*

Or I could be more attentive.  :-\
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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #16 on: 18 March 2012, 06:21:02 »
MacAulliffe House, 15.01.68

School was in session on the MacAulliffe farm.  "...first loyalty Must Be to the people you govern." Elizabeth Ngo insisted, "You can swear all the oaths in the book, but when it's what's good for your people versus what the Archon wants, the Archon loses."

"What about consequences?" Debbie asked.

"You take them." Liz told her, "It's part of the job description.  Outsiders' opinions don't mean a damned thing, if you don't put your people first-ahead of yourself, ahead of anyone outside, they won't be able to help you, if you do, you have a chance, if you don't, you're a lapdog and when you need Tharkad, it won't come.  The Estates General has over seventy seats for worlds that haven't been Lyran in a generation-most of them are filled with lapdog inheritors to land-grants that don't mean anything-Including worlds in the Rassalhague Rep-er, Dominion, as well as the occupied zones coreward.  Tharkad's job, that is to say, whoever's the Archon's job, is to try and hold onto the entire Nation-which makes worlds like ours expendable-space for time expendable.  Planets that didn't look to their own first, fell faster and easier-and that's true whether you're talking about the Clan wars, or the Combine, or even the Free Worlds League.  The minute you start thinking that they care about you, or me, or anyone outside the Triad, that's when you've opened yourself up for disappointment."

"B'cause they don' caeh?" Debbie asked.

"Because..." Elizabeth paused, "They can't afford to care.  The first thing you're going to need to ram through, once the others have agreed on a government, is a policy-The Alliance taxes Gross reciepts, you're going to pay their percentage...of the NET reciepts, not the gross.  In other words, they get what's left, after expenses, not what they're asking for before expenses."

"but...ain' thet illegal?" Debbie asked.

"How do you think Kowloon could afford to send thousands of men here during the Plague?  How do you think we can afford a 'police agency' better armed and larger than most Planetary Militias?"  Liz asked rhetorically, "Kowloon hasn't paid its forty percent of the Gross since I took charge in the fifties-we're paying the Alliance what we have gotten from them-off the net surplus only...and I know how to do that, and make it legal, and you're going to learn how too-because you need it, because it's good for the region, and because lining up like the Estates General thinks you ought to is suicide."  Liz paused, "If you're offended at that, consider that your 'noble' predecessor was doing the same thing-only he was skimming for himself and his cronies offworld.  all we're doing, is putting the funds back into redevelopment-raise the standard of living, get the economy going strong enough, and Tharkad won't NOTICE that the Archon's Forty Percent isn't forty percent of the gross domestic product, but rather, forty percent of the receipts from discretionary spending."

" we do it?" Debbie asked.

"Same way DeSoto was doing it, but instead of filling offworld accounts and buying luxuries, you plow those funds into redevelopment HERE." Liz told her, "Plus, you've got help-because I sit on the Board for the Lyran Central Bank."

"but DeSoto, din't he have a lot more to tax than I do?" Debbie asked, "Ah mean, we'ah down t' what, two million? mebbe less?"

"yeah, but I know his account numbers." Liz said, "I know where he put a lot of the money his family's been embezzling.  I can get a good chunk of it back for you...but only if you're going to use it the right way."
« Last Edit: 18 March 2012, 06:24:20 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #17 on: 18 March 2012, 07:29:37 »
i like ware this is going


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #18 on: 18 March 2012, 10:32:46 »
More please!


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #19 on: 18 March 2012, 10:52:22 »
The Alliance would be in a worlds of hurt if Liz ever decided to make the Ngo School of Accounting a correspondance course.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #20 on: 18 March 2012, 17:38:23 »
The Alliance would be in a worlds of hurt if Liz ever decided to make the Ngo School of Accounting a correspondance course.

Actually, the Alliance would benefit in the long run. A world that is more prosperous due to internal investment is better in the long run for the Alliance.


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #21 on: 18 March 2012, 20:59:10 »
Actually, the Alliance would benefit in the long run. A world that is more prosperous due to internal investment is better in the long run for the Alliance.

If everyone started taxing their net income, there would be no income for the central government because all the local governments would start running in the red. The locals would do fine, but not the cetral government.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #22 on: 19 March 2012, 02:47:44 »
Jumpship "New Apollo" (Coordinates redacted), January 15, 3068...

"old friends." Daphne Rowe raised a glass.

"Absent companions." Adam Steiner tinked his against hers, and they drank.

"How long until we reach our destination?" he asked.

"About ten weeks." she answered, "Which is a bit on the long side." she was fingering an old holo contemplatively.

"Who's that?" he asked, "I recognize you but-"

"Me,  Penny Doons is the redhead, and you ought to be able to recognize Elizabeth Ngo." she told him, "She didn't change much from when this holo was taken, and when she shot the Kowloon Regent."

"Um...she's smiling, Daphne, I didn't know you KNEW her..."  He said.

"Sarah Dineson School...remember when I told you I was a wild child?" she teased, "Well,  I spent some time there."

"Not familiar with it." he said, pouring another glass of wine, "Boarding school? you were what, thirteen?"

"Fourteen, Liz was Eleven, Penny was the oldest-not exactly a normal boarding school.  Daddy thought I was taking drugs, Penny's mom-Maggie Doons' oldest daughter, Caught her using Flash, and Liz..." she shook her head, "Troublesome Elizabeth...they didn't know until the screening came back-she'd been using Morinol-we were all in treatment, but being rich girls from important families, the 'treatment centre' worked under cover as a boarding school."

"My god, you had to deal with her?" he asked, feigning shock.

"She knew how to laugh back then." Daphne told him, "other than the aches and the difficulty sleeping, she was normal-jesus, we were friends..."

"I find it difficult to believe Elizabeth Ngo ever had friends,'s just too weird."  Adam said, "I dealt with her before-the woman is anything but personable, and when that meeting broke up, I felt like I needed to count my fingers to make sure they were still attached."

"It didn't really start out that way, Adam-Penny was really our 'heart',  I think we were both 'Penny's Friends' more than anything..." Daphne stopped, and looked at her husband-to-be, "That ended when Penny Overdosed and died-our last summer before I was going to the Nagelring.  Liz...had just been almost killed by her own mother, and wasn't out of the hospital...we'd agreed to look out for each other, but she was thirty Light Years from where we were..."

"I heard something about that-the mother, I mean..." Adam said, "She took it hard?"

"Liz decided I was responsible for Penny.  The last time I saw her in person she swore she'd make me pay for Penny's death." Daphne said,  "Like I was supposed to stop her from- It's not fair, Adam-I wasn't even there that day-Daddy had me doing extra training reps in the Chameleon on the practice ranges."

"'s not JUST business between you-she hates you, personally." he said.

Daphne nodded, "Liz was always stubborn,  even when we were kids-once she decided on something, it would take an act of god to change her mind... for a while, I thought maybe, if I could just force her to deal with me, I could get through to her..."

"So, Restitution, was...what you intended to use?" He asked.

"It was convenient, It's why I made sure that I was named in command of the new province, but it was in the works a long time before any of...this." she waved the holo for emphasis, "of course, it all fell apart before I got my chance...and she's going to die soon-I won't ever GET another one."

"I heard she's sick-" Adam said.

"Sick? she's got Cholmann's Syndrome and she's PREGNANT."  Daphne insisted, "There might have been a couple more years-now, she's as good as dead the day she gives birth...or miscarries.  Two thousand documented cases and not ONE has survived carrying a child to term."

"You're awfully well informed." Adam said, "Care to share?"

Daphne ticked off on her fingers, "One, major corporate rival to Rowe-McClaren, and one of our major sources for equipment,  Two, Liz Ngo managed to tell the Estates General to go ****** themselves in 3056, and she made it stick after not only 'Executing' a man, but doing so on live Trideevee, using a handgun, to the face, Three, she scares influential people and weilds enough corporate and political power to be a rival to Rowe McClaren all on her lonesome, Four, she's got a planet and population that, in the face of all logic, have embraced her for all the things the rest of the Lyran Alliance, along with most sane people, hate about her.  Five, the first man she ever slept with was Jaime Wolf...and he got her pregnant.  Do you suppose maybe she'd be worth expending some of my intelligence resources to keep an eye on, even MINUS the personal vendetta she's got with ME?"

"EW...he's, what, SEVENTY something?" Adam said with a disgusted look.

"Imagine what Liz has, as a disease that gives you 'dog years', honey-they're both right near the end of their lives, she cleans up pretty good, and she won't ask him for anything-no help, no Dragoons, no influence with the Terries...that much I know about Liz-totally obsessed the age of ten, with being self-sufficient and never owing anyone-and she only got worse after her parents...died."

"You mean after Penny Doons died." He said.

"Yes...and no-hell, the report said Elizabeth's mother shot her in the bath, maybe there was brain damage?  or maybe the trauma just flipped her, I don't know, what I do know, is that the girl who found us new and exciting ways to sneak out after bed-check, turned into...the Liz Ngo you met."

"Losing everyone does that." Adam said, "Or CAN do that...I knew men in the Strikers who just kind of...turned off after that last failure...hell, it could have happened to ME-I was damn close to it."

"I'm glad you came back." She said, tossing the holo away, and snuggling up to him. 
« Last Edit: 19 March 2012, 03:21:03 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #23 on: 19 March 2012, 03:20:33 »
MacAulliffe Farm, 16 January, 3068...

"...a leader can be feared, a leader can be loved, it is best to be both, but if you can't manage to be both, it's better to have people too afraid of you to threaten you, than to rely on people to do what you want because they like you."  Elizabeth stopped, "DO you know what the fundamental flaw of that is?"

Debbie sighed, "You can't make people afraid of you, without supporters-and if your closest supporters fear you enough-they'll kill you." she said.

"Right in one."  Liz was helping to dig the barbecue pit for the evening's meeting.  "the way around it, is to make sure either enough people, or enough of the right people Respect you.  Respect isn't love, respect is earned, Love is unconditional, but fleeting."

She set the spade aside, "You can't buy it, either-you can't, I can't, Tommy Bradford and Duke Brewer can't.  Bribes don't get you respect, and someone who CAN be bribed, doesn't deserve it."

"You tol' me earieah thet Everyone has their price." Debbie said accusingly.

"Yeah, but 'price' doesn't mean 'money'." Liz told her, "It can mean a show of respect, or honor, a thoughtful word at the right time, or doing a task they know must be done, but don't have the stomach to do themselves-Katherine sat on the Estates when I gunned down Condit, in part because she KNEW he needed to be removed, she sat back on what we did to those pirates, because it worked, it needed to be done,  Nondi wouldn't do it, and she didn't know which military commanders WOULD do it-I got a pass because I did the dirty work that the Archon couldn't afford to be seen doing."

"Is that how y'all got aroun' the limits on ducal troops?" Debbie asked.

"Sort of." Liz said, "I found ways to use the red-tape of the Government to cover my tracks, and it helped that Kowloon's viewed as pretty much a non-player in Lyran politics."

"You a'hn't." Debbie said.

"Me-the-individual, Deb.  I have resources beyond my homeworld, Ngo Industries supplies most of the manufacturing equipment that the big military contractors need, and we repair and refurbish it as well-they need us, and that's a lever-if used judiciously, overuse and they'll just nationalize the firm and be done." Liz stated, sitting down at a picnic table.  "WE need to figure out the 'killer application' for Arluna-something that they need or want, are willing to let shit slide to get, but not so badly that you end up with a Garrison in your office telling you how it's-a-gonna-be."

Debbie sat down with her, "Ah don' know anahthin' we got ain't someone else got moah of, 'cept empty buildin's and unburied corpses." she said plainly.

"Real estate." Liz said quietly, "you've got lots and lots of real-estate, predeveloped, waiting for colonists who'll pay well for a title to their own little slip of ground, especially if they don't have to pay a petty noble, AND a duke tithes for the rights to it...hell, there are people from Skye to Coventry and down to Alarion who'd sell their eyeteeth and their mother's organs to own their own home and not pay rent, or sharecrop...and I'd BET there's enough of them, that even if you only lured in a fraction of one percent, you'd be able to redevelop Arluna into a Class 1 full-self-sufficiency world."

Debbie puzzled over this..."Flah in th' cake bein' thet folk tend to make wherevah they go, jes lahk wheah they lef'."  she said.

"True... I'll get some psychologists to work up a profile of 'desirable' colonists-people willing to fit in to the system you're building here, with the kind of valuable skillsets that can redevelop the planet, then I guess we talk to the marketing guys, and figure out how to GET them to come."
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #24 on: 19 March 2012, 06:37:54 »
thats smart , hehehe, hope she turns into a good bad ass like her mentor soon  >:D


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #25 on: 19 March 2012, 09:18:08 »
Turns into a badass?  She's a redneck, that's not a problem.  We're genetically disposed towards violence.

Also, one note Cannonshop on the accent.  You mentioned that it's supposed to be a mix of Northeastern Tennessee and West Virginia but what you're actually producing here is more a mix of West Virginia and South Georgia.  NE Tennessee doesn't sound any different than WV, Eastern KY, SW VA or Western NC.  They're all included in the Appalachian dialect, which is different from the Deep Southern and Ozark dialects.  Similar, yes, but still distinct.

Other than that nitpick, great story as always CS.


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #26 on: 19 March 2012, 13:43:27 »
Turns into a badass?  She's a redneck, that's not a problem.  We're genetically disposed towards violence.

Also, one note Cannonshop on the accent.  You mentioned that it's supposed to be a mix of Northeastern Tennessee and West Virginia but what you're actually producing here is more a mix of West Virginia and South Georgia.  NE Tennessee doesn't sound any different than WV, Eastern KY, SW VA or Western NC.  They're all included in the Appalachian dialect, which is different from the Deep Southern and Ozark dialects.  Similar, yes, but still distinct.

Other than that nitpick, great story as always CS.

I should fix that...or just fix the "This is what I'm trying to write" statement on the dialect.

Fact is, it's HARD to write "in Dialect" and still make it readable, and I'm not as conversant with dialects east of Texas as I ought to be to write Debbie's lines phonetically, so I do appreciate your patience.  My intent is to make it clear: Debbie's native dialect is so thick it actually qualifies as a speech impediment off-world, one that she's got to go through some lengths to deal with, and later on, only slips out when she's under stress/pressure or very angry.

[but gosh, it's good to see that people are reading AND thinking about this...]
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #27 on: 19 March 2012, 14:15:10 »
Data Link enabled, Transcontinental...Arluna...Hernandez/Grantsville

"Hey, Debbie,  As you can see, we've got full visual up on the net now."  Al Monroe was sitting in Ciudad Los Hernandez, on the Bolivar continent, where NIOPS and Coast Guard operations were still in phase 2-locating Survivor enclaves and re-establishing communications.

"Ah see thet." Debbie said with a smile, sitting in her father's den, 5000 KM away.  "Y'all gon' make th' party?" she asked.

"I thought it was a meeting...and yes, we've got some extra guests-there's four or five big enclaves down here who've agreed to send their reps, and a dozen smaller ones who're sending their actual leadership, We should be taking shuttles on the hop in about...four hours."

Debbie turned serious, "It is a meetin'." she said, "An' it's th' bigges' thang Ah evah 'magined."

"How're you holding up with the Dragon lady?" He asked.

"She's a drivah."  Deb said, "Twenny houah days,' Ah think she don' sleep th' othah fouah, jes keeps workin'," she said with a yawn, "T'day, f'rinstance, she help'd dig th' fahr pit, then we went'n visited twenty or so Enclaves, makin' lists've what's needed, an' consultin' w' th' locals 'bout what they want from a new guv'mint."

Al shook his head, "She's pushing you pretty hard, I take it?"

"Woman's a slave-drivah, Lahk Ah said-in between, an' on th' way, she insisted on discussin' ever'thin' from guv'mint philosphy t' how an ahmy wuhks... she pitched a fit outsahd Branderberg, an' th' Corpsman was all kinds of pissed she was shortin' her meds." Debbie paused, "but Ah'm learnin' a lot-not jes what Ah need t'be doin', but what ah don't."

"Sounds like you're at least not eating it whole." Al commented.

"Nope.  Liz has good ideahs, an' she has all kinds of pract'cal knowledge, but Ah jes don' see mahself as turnin' into someon' lahk her..."

Coast Guard Base Arluna, Grantsville docks...

"She's smart enough to argue with me." Liz said with a satisfied look, "Girl's not a doormat."

"that's what you want?" Anh asked.

"No, I want her to be independent enough to argue with me-intelligently- she's almost there." Liz countered, "If I can't steamroll her, she's at least got a chance with those parasites in the Estates General.  In five or six months, she'll be ready to play in the big-leagues on her own.  I just have to figure out how to cram enough raw information into that hillbilly head of hers so that she isn't taken in by the big city boys...the NIOPS guys get that Datalink up yet?"

"This afternoon, there's now a TelNet hub in every continent, plus the bigger moons in the system." Commander Cu'ong said with satisfaction,  "I've already gotten inquiries from a half dozen or so Rockjack combines looking for prospecting rights in-system."

"Make sure they understand that we're just placeholders here, the Arlunan Government owns those rocks out there until the ARLUNANS decide differently." Liz told her, "It's easier that way-if we start letting prospecting or mining claims in the outer system without their cooperation, it'll make a mess later."

"What's your goal here, Your grace, if you don't mind my asking?" The Coastie Commander was Rockjack born, but ground forces by choice.

"Allies." Liz said, "allies in the Estates General, specifically.  Arluna-as-a-client is worthless, arluna-as-an-equal, and an ally, is priceless-same plan we're running on Winter, and negotiating with LeSalle on Inarcs-if the region comes to the Estates General as a unified bloc, or at least as a bloc that acts on their shared interests, maybe we won't be abandoned and steamrolled next time the Clans feel...'frisky'."

Cu'ong suddenly looked thoughtful.  "Duchess...why are YOU here then?  Why the special attention to the MacAulliffe girl?"

Liz looked at her, "Debbie Mac has charisma, she's got an interesting background, she's not traditional Lyran Nobility with all the baggage it carries, she's got the potential to be a regional leader after I'm gone, and she's young enough she might be able to influence things for a long time...and she's healthy.  I'm just damn glad she isn't stupid."
« Last Edit: 19 March 2012, 14:19:02 by Cannonshop »
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #28 on: 19 March 2012, 15:02:01 »
I should fix that...or just fix the "This is what I'm trying to write" statement on the dialect.

Fact is, it's HARD to write "in Dialect" and still make it readable, and I'm not as conversant with dialects east of Texas as I ought to be to write Debbie's lines phonetically, so I do appreciate your patience.  My intent is to make it clear: Debbie's native dialect is so thick it actually qualifies as a speech impediment off-world, one that she's got to go through some lengths to deal with, and later on, only slips out when she's under stress/pressure or very angry.

[but gosh, it's good to see that people are reading AND thinking about this...]
Either way works, but you're right about trying to write "in dialect" is hard.  It's harder still if you're not as up on the language as some are, but you're doing okay so far.  As for her dialect being so thick that it qualifies as a speech impediment off-world, I can believe it.  As I mentioned earlier, this isn't terribly far removed from the dialect that I grew up with and even for me there's times when I can't quite catch everything that is said.

If you're interested in brushing up on the Appalachian dialect, since it's the lesser known of the two dialects, Wikipedia has a decent write up on it here, but one of the best resources that I've found is here.

As for using her speech as an indicator of her anger/pressure levels, I'd say not only her speech itself would suffice but her vocabulary as well.  After all, it's one thing to say "Hi got hall dress'd hup fer services, only ta fin out thay'd been calt off" and another to say "We's a fixin' ta head on yonder down tha hollar for Sundie meetins when we got word thay's calt off causa snow.  Wasn't nuthin but a lil' skiffa snow, but we pult slap up and head'd back".

Either way though, this should be interesting to see how things fall out.

Dave Talley

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Re: "Redneck" (FGC based AU)
« Reply #29 on: 19 March 2012, 19:39:34 »
As for her dialect being so thick that it qualifies as a speech impediment off-world, I can believe it. 

oh yeah
CS great stuff!

as far as the accent, I had a job at a university grad admissions office for a couple years, and I have talked with people from all over the world, the hardest ones for me to understand arent chinese or indians, it folks from Mississippi and Alabama :-)
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker

