Author Topic: Protomech of the Month: The Roc  (Read 23608 times)


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Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« on: 09 July 2012, 18:16:14 »
Welcome to the first in a series of new articles dealing with those half-pint pests we call Protomechs.

The first installment deals with the model that is pretty much the yardstick by which all other "trooper" Protos are measured by: The Roc.

The Roc is one of the so-called "first generation" Protomechs, which is the end result of research going back to the 30th Century. Or,when the Jaguar scientists figured out that their Clan's "All About Warriors, All Of The Time" policy was screwing the pooch. Trade, colonization, resource exploration, etc,etc. had been neglected to the point where the worlds they did have were running low on resources. So, the scientists began research into mechanized units that used minimum resources to build and maintain, but retained a high level of combat effectiveness. These new units would combine the best attributes of Battlemechs and powered battlearmor. Working in secret for decades, the project ran into roadblocks, both technical and genetic. However, the breakthrough they had been waiting for came about during Operation:Revival. Using a modified form of the new Enhanced Imaging technology, they solved the problem of scaling down a cockpit, and was able to eliminate the need for a gyroscope. They were also able to use pilots of the aerospace phenotype to get around the inability to create a new breed of pilot for their new toy.

These breakthroughs came about at the right time. The problems that the Smoke Jaguars were having on their OZ, were putting a great strain on their already dwindling resources. Resistance was hot and heavy during the years of Jaguar occupation of worlds belonging to the Dragon, thanks to citizens and displaced soldiers following the Dictum Honorium. Unfortunately, by the time the first Protomechs were ready for production and deployment, they were being used to defend Huntress from an Inner Sphere task force, rather than securing the OZ.

This stunning debut caught the attention of the other Clans, especially resource starved Clans like the Blood Spirits (who would become prolific Protomech users in the Homeworlds). The technology quickly spread after the fall of Clan Smoke Jaguar.

Enough with background history. On to the Roc itself......

The Roc was the end result of lessons learned from work on models conceived before it. Thus, it has an excellent balance of firepower, armor, speed, and mobility. Weighing in at seven tons, it proved to be the most successful design at that time, and was very popular with it's operators.

The base model is powered by a sixty ton rated powerplant, allowing to cruise along at fifty-four klicks per hour. Or move at 86 kilometers per hour balls to the wall. This 5/8 movement rating gave the Roc the ability to pace the faster heavies among Clan 'Mech forces. Throw in the 150 meter jump capability, and you can see why some consider the base Roc to be a sort of "Super Elemental". It's highly flexible, like the classic Clan battlearmor, able to operate in most terrain types and areas of operation with little loss in combat performance.

The Roc's firepower is nothing to sneeze at. Sporting a extended range medium laser in a main gun mount, it can be a threat to lighter 'Mechs individually. In a full Point, it can serious hurt heavier units.

The base model is protected by 1,550 kilos of integral advanced alloy armor, giving it an armor factor of thirty-one. The torso and legs are the most heavily armored, at ten and seven points respectively. The Main Gun has three points of protection, the arms four each, and the head unit has an armor rating of three points. One could argue that the armor isn't too bad for a Protomech of the Roc's tonnage.

All of these combined make the original Roc the quintessential multi-purpose "trooper" Protomech, sharing traits and similar mission profiles with it's "trooper" 'Mech cousins. Not to mention, the Roc's smaller kin, the generalist BA suit. The standard model Roc is pretty much the ultimate expression of what the development team set out to do: create a unit with the better attributes of 'Mechs and battle armor.

The Roc soon spread to other Clans' Toumans after the fall of the Smoke Jaguars. You would think that the phrase "Don't Mess With Success" would apply here. But other folks among the Clans had other ideas. Thus, we get to the variants.

The Roc 2 attempts to give the Proto more punch by replacing the solid ERML with a heavy medium laser. However, the Roc 2 sacrifices some range, and (more critically) armor protection, in order to mount this potent close quarters weapon. This variant came about in the 3060's, when the heavy laser craze was heating up among the Clans (especially among the Crusader faction). Whether or not the trade offs are worth it is up to the individual player. As for me, I don't much care for it. In the AO's where HMLs will be most used, the ERML is good enough in my opinion. But it's still a workable variant if played in the right environs.

The Roc 3 came along around the same time as the second type. Instead of a heavy laser, this variant mounts a medium pulse laser. In exchange, it loses less armor than the Roc 2. But it also loses the all-important jump jets in the process, as well. The jump capability  is one of the things that gives the Roc it's excellent flexibility on the tabletop. So, losing that doesn't sit too well with me. Fortunately, running it in areas where there is plenty of cover (like cities) compensates to a large degree.

The Jihad-era Roc 4, on the other hand, is a specialized variant that I can get behind. Optimized for electronic warfare, this variant sports heavier armor than the base Roc and retains it's jump capability. This mobility and armor is necessary in keeping the valuable Clantech ECM suite intact and in operation. As far as weaponry, the Roc 4 carries a single anti-personnel gauss rifle, fed by a two ton magazine, for defense. I say "defense" because this isn't a variant to take on the Bad Guys in the shooting gallery. It's a pure support variant to muck up the other side's electronic toys for the benefit of the actual shooters on your side. "Use it smart, or lose it quick", as we say in my playgroup. With that in mind, this is a popular support variant amongst my group's players.

The "latest and greatest" Roc variant comes to us compliments of those sinister, mustache twirling villains of The Society. As folks familiar with the genocidal conflict known as the "War of Reaving" know, The Society made heavy use of high-tech Protomech variations, even to the point of coming up with new classes (superheavy and quad). Even though they came up with new models, the scientist-led cabal didn't discard the older tried and true machines. They simply added to the list of variants to expand their shadow army.

The Society variant, known as the Roc Z (Heh. Reminds me of IROC-Z. Wonder if mullets were popular among it's pilots.  :D), offers some interesting features. One of note is the use of the Hell's Horses designed Medium Chemical Laser, supplied with a ton's worth of chemical "charges" (enough for thirty shots). What's cool about this choice is that with Protos dealing with heat, and mounting heat sinks, in the same manner as AFVs, chemical lasers don't require power amps (AFVs) or additional heat sinks (AFVs and Protomechs). It makes sense that someone would eventually mount this new weapon on a Protomech (though LCLs are too bulky for Protomech use). The only downside is the need for "ammunition".   

The other cool feature is the addition of Protomech-scale magnetic clamps, a technology developed from Capellan battlearmor mag clamps. As with the battlearmor system, it allows Protos to hitch a ride on a 'Mech (conventional or Omnimech). While there are limitations, the system has it's benefits. One is the quick deployment and evacuation of slower Protomechs by faster Battlemech models. Though, in the case of Ultraheavy Protomechs, it might not be worth the weight dedicated to the MCS in the eyes of some, since a 'Mech can only carry one Ultraheavy (as opposed to two standard Protomechs). And the standard external cargo rules apply, since Protos are larger and heavier than battlearmor. So the faster the ferrying 'Mech, the better. However, the Roc Z maintains the same ground speed as the Clan military Rocs, so hitching a ride might not be necessary except in an emergency.

Well, that's the meat and potatoes of the existing variants of the Roc Protomech. As usual, one must remember that the Roc, like any other Proto, is a team player and well-tailored to combined arms operations. Each variant of the original has it's good and bad points, and areas of operation that each does the best in. Work as a team within the Point, coordinate with other units, use your mobility to the hilt, and use cover whenever it's available. All of these make for a successful recipe for effective Protomech usage in your game.

Hope you guys find this enjoyable and informative.

And as always, my two cents worth in the mix.

« Last Edit: 09 July 2012, 18:25:22 by oldfart3025 »
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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #1 on: 09 July 2012, 19:24:54 »
The base model was designed for operating in the OZ right? Was basically COIN? If so a Micro pluse laser would be nice, for killing infantry

Southern Coyote

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #2 on: 09 July 2012, 21:21:46 »
Yeah, but ERML gives a much bigger bite and it wasn't designed solely for hunting infantry. 

The Roc is one of those machines that should be included in every force possible, especially Protomech forces.  A point of them is vicious and a star of them is a nightmare.  In any fight I put them in, they almost always walk away from it with atleast 2 kills.  I love Protos and the Roc is the crown jewel. 

Great article.  Looking forward to more!


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #3 on: 09 July 2012, 21:45:37 »
You know...I have not done much with Protomech Mag Clamps..
I know there is a discount on the Protomech tonnage for OmniMechs...does one then
allow the 'mechs standard carrying capacity before dropping the speed?
Or does one drop the speed after the tonnage "discount" for omnimechs?

Because, if you allow the standard carrying capacity before slowing the mech down,
then a star of 40 ton Omnis could carry a point of Rocs at 1/Omni without slowing down,
thus allowing some rapid deployment of the already fairly fast Roc...
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Southern Coyote

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #4 on: 09 July 2012, 22:08:37 »
I honestly wouldn't see the point.  The Roc is already a relatively fast unit. 

I used the Minotaur variant with clamps once and found it...interesting.  I'm not sure how I feel about clamps just yet.  I'm surprised a Proto abuser like you hasn't already tried them...


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #5 on: 09 July 2012, 22:40:10 »
I've had a little experience with Protomechs, mostly on the receiving end, and I've definetly learned to respect the Roc. While some of the variants have some potential, I'd generally rather have the armor and range of the standard.

The Jihad-era Roc 4, on the other hand, is a specialized variant that I can get behind. Optimized for electronic warfare, this variant sports heavier armor than the base Roc and retains it's jump capability. This mobility and armor is necessary in keeping the valuable Clantech ECM suite intact and in operation. As far as weaponry, the Roc 4 carries a single anti-personnel gauss rifle, fed by a two ton magazine, for defense. I say "defense" because this isn't a variant to take on the Bad Guys in the shooting gallery. It's a pure support variant to muck up the other side's electronic toys for the benefit of the actual shooters on your side. "Use it smart, or lose it quick", as we say in my playgroup. With that in mind, this is a popular support variant amongst my group's players.

That single AP Gauss is worthwhile for dealing with infantry (Protecterate Militia more than MD) while you jam enemy electronics. And if you concentrate your full point, you can deal with Light BA squads fairly easily as well. But your main mission with a Roc 4, as well as your highest priority, is still making good use of that ECM.

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #6 on: 09 July 2012, 23:06:22 »
Yeah, but ERML gives a much bigger bite and it wasn't designed solely for hunting infantry. 

The Roc is one of those machines that should be included in every force possible, especially Protomech forces.  A point of them is vicious and a star of them is a nightmare.  In any fight I put them in, they almost always walk away from it with atleast 2 kills.  I love Protos and the Roc is the crown jewel. 

Great article.  Looking forward to more!
I was talking about in addition to the CERML, which would be pretty good for killing the sort of armor COIN would be up against but you need something to kill the infantry


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #7 on: 09 July 2012, 23:39:01 »
I honestly wouldn't see the point.  The Roc is already a relatively fast unit. 

I used the Minotaur variant with clamps once and found it...interesting.  I'm not sure how I feel about clamps just yet.  I'm surprised a Proto abuser like you hasn't already tried them...

Well, considering the speeds of some of the Clan 40 donners(IIRC, isn't there an 8/12 40 ton Clan Omni?), while the Roc
is a pretty speedy unit, being able to drop off a poiunt of them as part of a rapid envelopment attack can
definately be useful tactically.

As for why I have not tried the PMC yet? Until the Roc Z and the Minotaur from TRO:P, there have not been any
canon variants with it that I consider viable. And we do not have canon record sheets for the TRO:P units(or
any protomechs beyond those put in RS3060u and WoRS or XTRO:Clan).
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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #8 on: 09 July 2012, 23:44:00 »
Well, considering the speeds of some of the Clan 40 donners(IIRC, isn't there an 8/12 40 ton Clan Omni?), while the Roc
is a pretty speedy unit, being able to drop off a poiunt of them as part of a rapid envelopment attack can
definately be useful tactically.

The Dragonfly/Viper fits the bill.
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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #9 on: 10 July 2012, 00:57:31 »
Well, considering the speeds of some of the Clan 40 donners(IIRC, isn't there an 8/12 40 ton Clan Omni?), while the Roc
is a pretty speedy unit, being able to drop off a poiunt of them as part of a rapid envelopment attack can
definately be useful tactically.

As for why I have not tried the PMC yet? Until the Roc Z and the Minotaur from TRO:P, there have not been any
canon variants with it that I consider viable. And we do not have canon record sheets for the TRO:P units(or
any protomechs beyond those put in RS3060u and WoRS or XTRO:Clan).

Pretty sure protomech hitching a ride decreases move speeds

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #10 on: 10 July 2012, 01:17:36 »
Give me the Roc with the heavy medium laser any day of the week.  I love that darn proto.
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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #11 on: 10 July 2012, 08:38:28 »
Well, considering the speeds of some of the Clan 40 donners(IIRC, isn't there an 8/12 40 ton Clan Omni?), while the Roc
is a pretty speedy unit, being able to drop off a poiunt of them as part of a rapid envelopment attack can
definately be useful tactically.

As for why I have not tried the PMC yet? Until the Roc Z and the Minotaur from TRO:P, there have not been any
canon variants with it that I consider viable. And we do not have canon record sheets for the TRO:P units(or
any protomechs beyond those put in RS3060u and WoRS or XTRO:Clan).
There's also the Phantom of 9/14. The thing is that Proto clamps aren't really designed for faster protos (unless you're air-dropping the mech, running a long distance, or using the Proto as armor).

Pretty sure protomech hitching a ride decreases move speeds
Nope. Check the TW-errata it says that a Mech can carry up to 10% of it's tonnage before it takes a tonnage penalty.  Here's a little more info on it:
The magnetic Proto-clamps work like the BA-clamps, which in turn act like BA riding an omni, with a few rules changes/mods.

* Quad and Glider Protos can't use the Magnetic Clamps
* A 'Mech can carry up to 2 Protos if each are 9 tons or less
* A 'Mech can only carry 1 Proto if it is 10 tons or more
* Protos are carried on the front and rear CT (front CT only if the proto is 10 tons or more)

If the 'Mech is a non-Omni:
* It can carry up to 10% of it's tonnage in Proto tonnage with no movement penalties
* If it carries more than 10% of it's tonnage in Proto tonnage, cut it's walking speed in half

If the 'Mech is an Omni:
* Subtract up to 3 tons per Proto to determine the total Proto tonnage carried for movement penalties (see the rules for non-Omnis above).

Example: a Mad Dog can carry a single Minotaur P2 with no movement penalty
60 tons x 10% = 6 tons total Proto tonnage
9 tons of Proto - 3 tons b/c Mad Dog is an Omni = 6 tons total Proto tonnage

However a Stormcrow (55 ton Omni) or a Galahad (60 ton non-Omni) carrying the same Minotaur P2 would each suffer a movement penalty.

So a Gargoyle can carry a single 11 ton Ultra Proto, or a pair of 7 ton Protos (say a Roc if it had Clamps).
I won't claim to have any insider info or psychic powers on the Roc with clamps, I was just pulling out an example that fit.
« Last Edit: 10 July 2012, 09:09:31 by wantec »

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #12 on: 10 July 2012, 11:06:46 »
The Roc is really one of the best protos, and I think that the basic, TRO3060 Roc with out any new specal post TW stuff can still be very competitive in the modern era speaks to that.  Its quick enough that you can't just come in and swat it like the 7 ton pest it is, though enough that you have to try anyway, and with five MLs across a point it can really make you feel the pain.

And the Heavy and Pulse veriants are fun takes on an established theme, and also very good.  Though I still tend to gravitate to the ER in this context.
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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #13 on: 10 July 2012, 12:04:22 »
The Roc is really one of the best protos, and I think that the basic, TRO3060 Roc with out any new specal post TW stuff can still be very competitive in the modern era speaks to that.  Its quick enough that you can't just come in and swat it like the 7 ton pest it is, though enough that you have to try anyway, and with five MLs across a point it can really make you feel the pain.

And the Heavy and Pulse veriants are fun takes on an established theme, and also very good.  Though I still tend to gravitate to the ER in this context.
The standard Roc, in my mind, seems to be a great balance of speed, weapons, size, and armor. Moving 5/8/5 it can get most anywhere and generate a +3 movement modifier to help keep it alive. The ERML has great reach and damage. Being only 7 tons, with the one weapon, it's generally a small enough target to be ignore since most will see it and think they can take it out in one turn when they need to.


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #14 on: 10 July 2012, 12:56:57 »
Speaking as one who does not use protos, but has faced them many times, to me the Roc is a deci-Thor. Like the Thor, it has good speed, enough armor that you have to work to kill it, and while the throw-weight doesn't mean you have to kill it right now, it has enough that you can never ignore the things, and the sooneer you drop them, the better off you'll be. And just like the Thor, the maneuverability means that cornering one for a quick kill is like nailing jello to a water buffalo: the best case scenario ends with you stomped flat into the mud with multiple extraneous orifices to worry about.
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Ian Sharpe

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #15 on: 10 July 2012, 20:03:53 »
Still my fave Proto.  All three of the original variants have given me excellent service when I've used them.  The ECM one sounds interesting, will have to give it a try. 


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #16 on: 10 July 2012, 21:52:37 »
There's also the Phantom of 9/14. The thing is that Proto clamps aren't really designed for faster protos (unless you're air-dropping the mech, running a long distance, or using the Proto as armor).

So ONE Omni can carry a single Proto at these high speeds with slowing down, you'd need a whole star to move a point, not really worth it


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #17 on: 10 July 2012, 22:55:32 »
So ONE Omni can carry a single Proto at these high speeds with slowing down, you'd need a whole star to move a point, not really worth it

What else are you going to do with those Phantoms?  They are not exactly high performance machines so strapping on a Proto for some extra kick is not a bad idea.

Also, the Viper can also do the job at 8/12/8, but unlike the Phantom it can actually fight so I would be less inclined to saddle it with Proto taxi duty.

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #18 on: 11 July 2012, 00:41:03 »
Lets see, to make it actually worth using the Omni must travel an equal or greater distance in 2 turns less then the Roc's themselves would
solve for x is 4 and 2/3 so five turns, which comes out to 40 + hexes you want to move the proto's


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #19 on: 11 July 2012, 01:50:54 »
Lets see, to make it actually worth using the Omni must travel an equal or greater distance in 2 turns less then the Roc's themselves would
solve for x is 4 and 2/3 so five turns, which comes out to 40 + hexes you want to move the proto's

Now, do the calculations in Battleforce, or on the Strategic level, which is where I see the Magnetic Clamp and Chem laser
variant coming into its own...greater strategic level flexibility
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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #20 on: 11 July 2012, 02:03:30 »
Now, do the calculations in Battleforce, or on the Strategic level, which is where I see the Magnetic Clamp and Chem laser
variant coming into its own...greater strategic level flexibility

That was what I was thinking as well.  Load up your Striker Star with a point of Protos for extra firepower on a raid.  You have the greater speed of the fast mediums to get you in and out, and the extra firepower and armor of the Protos to add some extra muscle to your raid.  You could also do the same thing to quickly reinforce a position that is being overrun with more force than would normally be possible with such a fast formation, but either way the Protos are not going to be getting back on until the fighting is over or it is time to retreat.  Of course, you can run into problems if you loose more 'Mechs than Protos, but there are some risks you have to accept in war.

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #21 on: 11 July 2012, 03:37:43 »
That was what I was thinking as well.  Load up your Striker Star with a point of Protos for extra firepower on a raid.  You have the greater speed of the fast mediums to get you in and out, and the extra firepower and armor of the Protos to add some extra muscle to your raid.  You could also do the same thing to quickly reinforce a position that is being overrun with more force than would normally be possible with such a fast formation, but either way the Protos are not going to be getting back on until the fighting is over or it is time to retreat.  Of course, you can run into problems if you loose more 'Mechs than Protos, but there are some risks you have to accept in war.

Even if you have to double up on Phantoms and dragonflies and ice Ferrets, they are still faster on the strategic level then
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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #22 on: 11 July 2012, 03:59:31 »
Even if you have to double up on Phantoms and dragonflies and ice Ferrets, they are still faster on the strategic level then

I thought it said it cut the 'Mechs movement in half to carry two.  That would bring the 8/12/8 Viper down to 4/6 which results in a net loss in speed.  Of course, 5/8/5 is really not that slow so if things get ugly the stranded Proto may be able to get out on its own, but that is not likely to be too big a concern.

I am assuming you are not talking about doubling up on 'Mechs here because it is generally hard to get more 'Mechs, and at least with the Viper I will be using as many of them as I can get a hold of weather or not I need them for transport.

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #23 on: 11 July 2012, 05:39:33 »
I thought it said it cut the 'Mechs movement in half to carry two.  That would bring the 8/12/8 Viper down to 4/6 which results in a net loss in speed.  Of course, 5/8/5 is really not that slow so if things get ugly the stranded Proto may be able to get out on its own, but that is not likely to be too big a concern.

I am assuming you are not talking about doubling up on 'Mechs here because it is generally hard to get more 'Mechs, and at least with the Viper I will be using as many of them as I can get a hold of weather or not I need them for transport.

No it cuts movement in half when you carry more then 10% of the 'Mechs weight, just remember on Omni subtract 3 tons from the PROTO's weight when calculating this


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #24 on: 11 July 2012, 07:43:58 »
I thought it said it cut the 'Mechs movement in half to carry two.  That would bring the 8/12/8 Viper down to 4/6 which results in a net loss in speed.  Of course, 5/8/5 is really not that slow so if things get ugly the stranded Proto may be able to get out on its own, but that is not likely to be too big a concern.

I am assuming you are not talking about doubling up on 'Mechs here because it is generally hard to get more 'Mechs, and at least with the Viper I will be using as many of them as I can get a hold of weather or not I need them for transport.
Like SCC said and like I said above, the movement penalties only kick in when a Mech carries more than 10% of it's tonnage. Omnis get a bonus. Any Mech can carry 2 protos if each weighs 9 tons or less or 1 proto that weighs 10 tons or more The formula is a little hard to explain so I'll try to write it out in a way that makes sense.

Omnis no movement penalty:
(Proto #1 tonnage) - (3 tons to a minimum of 0) + (Proto #2 tonnage) - (3 tons to a minimum of 0) < (10%)*(Mech tonnage)

So a 40 ton Phantom, assuming all protos have clamps, can carry without a movement penalty:
2x 5 ton (or less) Protos
1x 4 ton (or less) Proto & 1x 6 ton (or less) Proto
1x 3 ton (or less) Proto & 1x 7 ton (or less) Proto
1x 7 ton (or less) Proto

That same Phantom, assuming all protos have clamps, can carry with a movement penalty dropping it's speed to 6/9:
2x 9 ton (or less) Protos
1x 10-15 ton Proto


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #25 on: 11 July 2012, 15:51:45 »
Like SCC said and like I said above, the movement penalties only kick in when a Mech carries more than 10% of it's tonnage. Omnis get a bonus. Any Mech can carry 2 protos if each weighs 9 tons or less or 1 proto that weighs 10 tons or more The formula is a little hard to explain so I'll try to write it out in a way that makes sense.

Omnis no movement penalty:
(Proto #1 tonnage) - (3 tons to a minimum of 0) + (Proto #2 tonnage) - (3 tons to a minimum of 0) < (10%)*(Mech tonnage)

So a 40 ton Phantom, assuming all protos have clamps, can carry without a movement penalty:
2x 5 ton (or less) Protos
1x 4 ton (or less) Proto & 1x 6 ton (or less) Proto
1x 3 ton (or less) Proto & 1x 7 ton (or less) Proto
1x 7 ton (or less) Proto

That same Phantom, assuming all protos have clamps, can carry with a movement penalty dropping it's speed to 6/9:
2x 9 ton (or less) Protos
1x 10-15 ton Proto

Ok, I was right it does cut the movement in half if you carry two so doubling up with two protos per 'Mech would be a bad idea.

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #26 on: 11 July 2012, 16:02:02 »
Ok, I was right it does cut the movement in half if you carry two so doubling up with two protos per 'Mech would be a bad idea.

Close enough, it may cut it in half if you carry two


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #27 on: 11 July 2012, 17:23:26 »

The good news for Omnimechs is that they allow the player to subtract 3 from the weight of the carried Protos, when calculating the "external cargo" tonnage. The ability to carry up to six BA troopers without a MP penalty allows for this helpful little rule.
"That which I cannot crush with words alone, I shall crush with the tanks of the Imperial Guard!"~Lord Solar Macharius


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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #28 on: 14 July 2012, 02:19:01 »
I consider the 'Base model" Roc to be just about perfect the way it is, and I really don't see any need to modify it.  It's a 5/8/5 unit that handles terrain that gives most 'mechs fits, they work Per the Clan ROE in groups of 5 (and in play all five move on the same 'tick' of hte clock), and it's about 50% of a Nova for firepower, while being somewhat harder to one-shot the whole Point, wihtout losing manuever.

Role's easy too: they work to escort slow assault machines (Turkina, Dire wolf, Clan-variant Annihilator, etc), can do many of hte same duties as a good medium 'mech (point for point, there may be an edge for the protos here-distribution gives terrain advantage, after all...), and they have better mobility in an urban fight or wooded area than "Proper battlemechs".

"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."

Trajan Helmer

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Re: Protomech of the Month: The Roc
« Reply #29 on: 14 July 2012, 15:26:16 »
I see the Flamberg 2 (or 3)  has a new job to play at. That seven hex jump would be great for hopping Rocs around.
Anyone can redesign the Hellbringer's base chassis.  Real men work only with the pod loadout- Natasha K (forum poster)

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