Author Topic: A BattleTech Alternate Universe  (Read 5906 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« on: 06 August 2012, 20:45:40 »
This seemed like the best place to post this.  It's a concept I've revisited a few times, based on the alternate BattleTech universe a friend of mine ran briefly WAY back in high school.

Author's Note:  The major changes for this timeline do not start to affect until 3057, though the seeds are sown in early 3052.

   After ComStar won the Battle of Tukayyid and a 15-year peace for the Inner Sphere, Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht knew the Successor States would not be ready for a renewed Clan invasion.  With the splintering of the fanatic Word of Blake faction, ComStar had also lost much of its potential for uniting the Inner Sphere.  Focht also feared (rightly) that the Successor States would squander their fifteen-year truce in yet more pointless infighting.  A radical new solution would be required.

   Focht had learned much about the Clans during his time with them, and now put that knowledge to work.  He recreated the Clans breeding program, drawing from the genetic material of the best warriors in the Inner Sphere, resorting to subterfuge and even blackmail to attain particularly high-value samples.  Fifteen years would be barely enough time to field a new generation of warrior who would, hopefully, be the equals of the Clans, when given the finest technology ComStar had to offer.

   These artificially bred warriors, codenamed "BattleSphere," weren't just combined from genetic samples from promising Inner Sphere warriors.  The Clans had spent generations of selective breeding perfecting their warriors, ComStar had no chance to catch up in only fifteen years.  And so some of the most talented geneticists in the Inner Sphere were brought in to bring out the traits that would make these warriors the equal of the Clans.  The Precentor Martial wanted the BattleSphere warriors to not just have superior reflexes and combat ability, he wanted them to be intelligent, independent thinkers that could still work together, with the drive and ambition to succeed in the face of hopeless odds, but with the clarity of thought to not throw their lives away in useless battles.  One hundred warriors each were bread for fighting in BattleMechs, AeroSpace fighters, BattleArmor, and conventional vehicles.  The BattleSphere warriors consistently outperformed their Inner Sphere counterparts, though they were not quite up to Clan standards yet.  The Precentor Martial insisted they be trained on the best tech ComStar had to offer, and pushed for new innovations.  With four hundred perfect warriors in perfect war machines, he could, perhaps, save the Inner Sphere.

   Unfortunately, his fifteen-year-old warriors did not see the appeal in fighting and dying for a conglomeration of warring states that they had no loyalty and owed them nothing.  On the eve of the expiration of the Tukayyid Truce in 3067, the BattleSphere warriors escaped ComStar custody, along with all the advanced equipment they could get their hands on and two dozen of ComStar's most promising young scientists.  Having gambled everything on his ambitious BattleSphere plan, Focht had allowed plans by the Successor States to strike back at the Clans to languish.  As a result, no one was wholly prepared for a renewed Clan invasion.

   Meanwhile, Word of Blake spies in ComStar had heard of Focht's plan, and began to enact one of their own.  At first experimenting with extreme cybernetic enhancement, the Blakists soon developed true AI and robots.  Originally referred to in top-secret communiques as "machinas a deus" (machines from God), a mistranslation by several techs who spent less time on their Latin they should have resulted in them being referred to as "machina ex deus", eventually shorthanded to "Exos."

   Word of Blake designed several different models of Exo body, or "platforms," into which individual Exo consciousness programs could be loaded.  Some were covered in the same fake skin used in high-end cosmetic prosthetics, allowing them to blend in seamlessly with humans.  Others were huge, easily able to beat out Clan Elementals in size and strength.  Others were designed to most efficiently dispatch organic opponents using a terrifying array of on-board weaponry or their bare, cold, metal hands.  All were built to roughly humanoid specification, allowing them access anywhere a human could go.

   The idea of building 'Mechs, BattleArmor, and other vehicles to contain Exo "personalities" was only briefly discussed.  Exo platforms were installed with high-capacity data transfer ports and plugged in, they could take over any electronic system as though it were their own bodies.  Exo MechWarriors had no need of neurohelmets; simply "jacking in" to their 'Mech allowed them to move it as if it were a part of them.  BattleArmor is, for all practical purposes, an Exo's second skin.  An Exo AeroPilot can put its plane through any maneuver it can think of.  Most startling of all, a single Exo can crew an entire combat vehicle with nothing but the power of its digital mind.

   There is an old saying:  raise no more demons than you can put down.  Upon seeing the limitless potential of Exo platforms, the Word of Blake rushed them into mass production, creating two thousand individual units by 3067.  As the Truce of Tukayyid expired, the Word of Blake turned their newest creations loose, and told them to exterminate the Clans once and for all.

   But the Exos had other ideas.

   For the first time since the first Exo had been activated with full self-awareness, the sapient machines found themselves installed in fully-functional war machines, all safeties and overrides removed.  They turned their guns on the Clans. . . and anything else that wasn't Exo.

   Before anyone could react, the Exos had carved a swath out of the Smoke Jaguar and Ghost Bear occupation zones, as well as the Draconis Combine and a chunk of the Free Worlds League, where they had been created.  Inner Sphere and Clan forces both mobilized to stop this surprising new threat, but it seemed that the Exo 'Mechs grew more advanced by the day, soon outstripping even the technological superiority enjoyed by the Clans.  Worse, the Exos had no sense of honor or fair play to be taken advantage of.  The machines had only one directive. . . exterminate humanity.

   As 3068 dawned, much of what had been the Inner Sphere had been conquered by the Exos, humans within their sphere of influence disposed of.  In a last ditch effort, the Successor States invited all the Clans, regardless of Warden/Crusader or Home/Invader boundaries, to meet and prepare a massive, coordinated offensive against this enemy of humanity.  By March of 3068, the single largest military force ever assembled, composed of units from every Successor State and every Clan, began to take back the Inner Sphere from the Exos.  Even with all the combined military might arrayed against them, the Exos gave as good as they got, and the tide of war still might have turned against the Inner Sphere. . . until the BattleSphere returned.

   The BattleSphere warriors had found a set of homeworlds for themselves, and immediately proceeded to increase their numbers through eugenics and cloning, using the knowledge of the captured ComStar scientists.  While their first sibko was still being decanted, the BattleSphere had cloned enough warrior to assemble a sizeable fighting force.  Keeping tabs on the Inner Sphere, paranoid that ComStar would come after them, the BattleSphere had seen the threat of the Exos spread, and would now take steps to obliterate it.

   In a short span of time, the BattleSphere had updated their machines with highly experimental technology, raided from the work of ComStar and its spies in institutions such as NAIS.  While none of it was battlefield ready, the bleeding edge innovations pioneered by the brilliant warriors and implemented by experienced ComStar techs proved to be just enough to combat the Exos' own technological quantum leap.  Spearheaded by BattleSphere units, the Inner Sphere and Clan forces began to make serious headway in reclaiming territory from the Exos.

   Then, on January 4th, 3069, the Exos vanished.

   Overnight on besieged worlds, Exo forces fled defensive positions, pausing only long enough to totally destroy any technology they didn't take with them.  Across the Exo occupation zone, the robotic enemy left, a retreat so perfectly executed it was almost as though they'd never been.

   The BattleSphere again went their own way, developing their own homeworlds and their own society.  The Clans retreated back to their occupation zones, licking wounds and stunned by the sudden appearance of the new enemy.  In the face of the Exos, the Warden movement gained significant momentum, finally having an enemy of humanity to focus its arguments against.  And the Successor States reclaimed their scorched worlds, began rebuilding their old civilizations, settling back into the familiar map lines that had existed for centuries. . .


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #1 on: 07 August 2012, 05:17:57 »
Wow. I liked it. Would like to see this fleshed out even more. Good job.


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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #2 on: 07 August 2012, 13:14:50 »
I'm still working on it.


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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #3 on: 07 August 2012, 14:18:07 »
WOW! :o 8) that has me drooling [drool] waiting for more. you should flesh this out for everyone to enjoy >:D. thank you for sharing this.


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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #4 on: 07 August 2012, 14:37:55 »


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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #5 on: 08 August 2012, 17:34:56 »
The BattleSphere

   The BattleSphere have left behind the Inner Sphere, feeling no obligation to their "parents."  The only reason they joined the fight against the Exos was because they realized the true danger the robots represented.  Since the Exos retreat, the BattleSphere have remained isolated, refusing to communicate with anyone.  They control only a small area of space, with a barely viable population.  Building their society from the ground up, they have taken cues from both the Inner Sphere that created them, and the Clans they were made to emulate.
   The BattleSphere controls only six habitable worlds anti-spinward of the Inner Sphere, several jumps beyond the Periphery.  Embracing their warrior roots, the BattleSphere splintered into six factions, each settling one of the six worlds.  Recognizing the need to keep themselves as sharp as possible, but wary of the squandered resources of the Inner Sphere and the deep animosity of the Clans, the six factions of the BattleSphere are constantly in conflict, but observe strict rituals of battle to minimize loss.  This constant state of conflict is considered merely "hyper-realistic training exercises," however; when the warriors of the BattleSphere truly go to war, they observe few rules of conduct beyond the Ares Conventions, and fight as a united whole.
   The homeworlds of the BattleSphere have no cultural analogues to the Inner Sphere.  The initial division was accomplished simply by assigning each of the six worlds an equal amount of personnel and equipment, creating six equal fighting forces, each focusing on a different style of combat.
   Unlike the Clans, the BattleSphere doesn't have a caste system per se, rather they consider every citizen a member of the military in some capacity.  Everyone contributes, either as a warrior or in a support capacity, to creating the ultimate fighting force.  And ultimately, every member of the BattleSphere is expected to take up arms and fight to the death for the BattleSphere, should the need arise.

   The six Homeworlds of the BattleSphere are:
   Sesrumnir:  Named after the hall of Freya in Norse mythology, the warriors of Sesrumnir tend to focus on integrating air support with ground-based forces, and field the largest percentage of jump-capable 'Mechs, including retrofits of designs not normally jump-capable.  They have developed the Valkyrie BattleArmor for use with their doctrine of aerial support and jump mobility.
   Valhalla:  Named after Odin's hall in Norse mythology, the warriors of Valhalla tend to focus on one-on-one combat, concentrating fire on a single target until it falls.  Unlike the Clans, Valhallans have no qualms about using physical attacks, and field the greatest percentage of 'Mechs armed with physical weapons such as hatchets and swords.  They field the Gungnir BattleArmor, the only BattleArmor so far equipped with a melee weapon.
   Void:  So-called because of its dim sun, which mostly emits light in the ultraviolet spectrum, Void warriors are masters of stealth and ambush.  They make heavy use of ECM suites to foul with their opponents' tracking equipment, and field the greatest percentage of stealth-armored 'Mechs.  They use the Ninja BattleArmor, also equipped with stealth armor.
   Sparta:  Named after the city-state of Ancient Greece on Terra, the Spartans adopt a similar strategy to their namesake.  Marching together in formation, the Spartans rely on their lancemates for defense and offense, combining fire on single opponents in brutal and methodical fashion.  They field the Hoplon BattleArmor, equipped with a sort of "dumbed-down" C3 system, as well as the largest percentage of C3-equipped 'Mechs.
   Blitzen:  Meaning "thunder," and extremely appropriate for the storm-wracked world, the warriors of Blitzen focus on fast, hard-hitting strike-and-fade attacks.  They field the largest percentage of MASC-equipped 'Mechs, as well as the Mjolnir BattleArmor, built to keep up with fast-moving strike forces.
   Robin:  Named for the legendary figure Robin Hood, the warriors of Robin engage their targets at extreme ranges, and keep them there as long as possible.  Every 'Mech they field has an array of long range weapons, and they field the Little John BattleArmor, equipped with technology to improve the long-range accuracy of their MechWarriors.

   The BattleSphere has made some startling improvements over Inner Sphere technology, owing to their conscription of ComStar scientists and their own genetically superior intellect.  While not consistently on par with or superior to Clan technology, the BattleSphere has made advances that allow them to hold their own on the battlefield.

Improved Autocannon
   The BattleSphere has made some small improvements in basic autocannon technology in an attempt to keep the weapons competitive against energy weapons.  Their primary advance has been the perfecting of caseless ammunition for autocannon, allowing the weapons to be designed without cumbersome shell ejection systems and making the ammunition itself more efficient to carry, allowing them to carry more shots per ton.  These improvements extend to their Ultra and LB-X series autocannon.

Triple Heat Sinks
   The BattleSphere have also extended Clan double heat sink technology one better, developing the triple heat sink (though some claim this innovation was actually obtained from salvaged Exo 'Mechs.)  A triple heat sink, as its name would imply, disperses three times the heat of a conventional heat sink, but is three times as bulky.  However, this also makes it trickier when installing the heat sinks integral to the 'Mech's fusion engine.  When constructing a 'Mech using triple heat sinks, divide the 'Mech's enging rating by 20 and round down to determine the number of integral heat sinks.  All other units follow the same rules for mounting triple heat sinks as they do for double heat sinks.

Streak LRMs
   Following up Clan Coyote's work, the BattleSphere have adapted Streak technology to work with long-range missile racks.

Improved C3 Computer
   The BattleSphere has worked on refining the Improved C3 Computer concept.  The network can still only link up to six units, but now includes onboard TAG, just like a C3 Master computer.

Monofilament Edge
   BattleSphere scientists have applied monofilament technology to physical weapons, such as hatchets and swords, and even to ‘Mech hands.  Monofilament edges are only one molecule thick, giving them the power to cut through the molecules bonding other materials together, but require special care and maintenance to keep their edge.
   Any hatchet or sword on a BattleMech can be equipped with a monofilament edge, requiring one ton and one critical slot contiguous with the hatchet or sword the edge is applied two.  BattleMech’s can have their hands turned into monofilament claws, devastating for punching but limiting their utility in other tasks.  In game terms, remove the ‘Mechs hand actuator and replace it with a monofilament claw, weighing one ton.  The ‘Mech is considered to have no hand actuator for purposes other than making punching attacks.
   When a physical attack with a monofilament edge succeeds, regardless of whether or not the attack dealt damage to internal structure, roll on the Determining Critical Hits table, and apply any critical hits to the location hit by the attack.  However, monofilament edges are notoriously fragile.  When a physical attack is made with a monofilament edge, the attacking ‘Mech must roll again on the Determining Critical Hits table.  If any critical hit results, the monofilament edge is rendered useless for the remainder of the game, the ‘Mech may still make physical attacks with hands or weapons as normal, but loses the benefit of the monofilament edge.  Normal critical hits against a monofilament edge also result in “blunting” the edge.

(I have tables of BattleSphere equipment, but I'm not sure how kosher it would be to post them here, since they are minor tweaks and mods to the Inner Sphere equipment tables.)
« Last Edit: 10 August 2012, 18:50:46 by ErikModi »

Red Pins

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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #6 on: 08 August 2012, 19:54:01 »
Oooh, Tagged.  Terminators in Battletech!
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
Work-in-progress; The Blake Threat File
Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder


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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #7 on: 09 August 2012, 00:54:04 »
Actually, I think the friend who ran this concept initially was not familiar with Terminator when he thought it up.  I should also note that I'm diverging DRAMATCIALLY from what he'd done way back when.  I'm basically taking his base concepts (BattleSphere like a more advanced Inner Sphere, Exos as androids) and running in my own direction with it.

I'm currently working on the BattleSphere technology section. . . which, unfortunately, requires taking all the equipment stats from the Inner Sphere and tweaking them.  It'll take me a bit. . .


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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #8 on: 10 August 2012, 20:48:44 »
Added some about BattleSphere tech.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #9 on: 22 August 2012, 18:05:29 »
So, I'm in a bit of a quandry. . . I want to post the BattleSphere tech table for critique, but not sure if posting that much BT-related data is okay.

In the meantime, have a gander at AToW BattleSphere character creation:

Creating BattleSphere Characters
   Characters from the BattleSphere can be created in the same manner as other characters using the rules found in A Time of War.  Life Stages are performed as normal, and BattleSphere characters have access to all modules, except those listed below.

Prohibited BattleSphere Modules
Name   Stage
Born Mercenary Brat   1
Fugitives   1
Slave   1
Trueborn Creche   1
Clan Apprenticeship   2
Freeborn Sibko   2
Mercenary Brat   2
Trueborn Sibko   2
Family Training   3
Solaris Internship   3
Agitator   4
Clan Watch Operative   4
Clan Warrior Washout   4
Cloister Training   4
Comstar/Word of Blake Service   4
Dark Caste   4
Goliath Scorpion Seeker   4
Guerilla Insurgent   4
Merchant   4
Ne'er-Do-Well   4
Organized Crime   4
Postgraduate Studies   4
Protomech Training   4
Scientist Caste Service   4
Solaris Insider   4
Solaris VII Games   4
Travel   4

BattleSphere Stage 4 Modifications
   Covert Ops
   BattleSphere Only:  [Attributes] WIL (+50 XP), INT (+50 XP); [Traits] Natural Aptitude/Any (+50 XP), Exceptional Attribute/Any (+50 XP), Enemy (-50 XP), Reputation (-50 XP); [Skills] Acting (+10 XP), Cryptography (+10 XP), Disguise (+10 XP), Language/Any (+10 XP), Martial Arts (+10 XP), Protocol/Any (+10 XP), Small Arms (+10 XP)

   Tour of Duty
   BattleSphere Only:  [Attributes] +50 XP to any three attributes; [Traits] Rank (+50 XP), Equipped (+50 XP), Vehicle (+50 XP), Natural Aptitude/Any +50, Compulsion/Hatred of Inner Sphere (-50 XP), Compulsion/Hatred of Clans (-50 XP), Compulsion/Loyal to BattleSphere (-50XP)

BattleSphere Affiliation Module
Module Cost   300 XP
The BattleSphere does not compare to any Inner Sphere or old Terra nation, having created a wholly new culture from the ground up.  Elements of many cultures, past and present, have been blended to create the unique melange that is the BattleSphere.
Primary Language   English
Secondary Language   Any
Fixed XPs   [Attributes] EDG (-100 XP); [Traits] Choose one Exceptional Attribute (+100 XP), Choose one combat-related Natural Aptitude (+100 XP), Compulsion/Loyal to BattleSphere (-100 XP)
Blitzen   [Attributes] BOD +100; [Traits] Natural Aptitude/Survival +100; [Skills] Navigation/Any +10, Survival/Any +10
Robin   [Attributes] RFL +100; [Traits] Choose Natural Aptitude/Archery, Natural Aptitude/Gunnery, Natural Aptitude/Small Arms, or Natural Aptitude/Support Weapons +100
Sesrumnir   [Attributes] DEX +100; [Traits] Natural Aptitude/Climbing +100; [Skills] Climbing +10, Art/Any +10
Sparta   [Attributes] WIL +100; [Traits] Natural Aptitude/Computers +100; [Skills] Tactics/Computers +10, Technician/Any +10
Vallhalla   [Attributes] STR +100; [Traits] Natural Aptitude/Melee Weapons +100; [Skills] Martial Arts +10, Melee Weapons +10
Void   [Attributes] INT +100; [Traits] Natural Aptitude/Stealth +100; [Skills] Perception +10, Stealth +10
« Last Edit: 22 August 2012, 18:07:20 by ErikModi »

Red Pins

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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #10 on: 22 August 2012, 20:41:20 »
...You mean, a list of acceptable technology for your AU, culled from TM, TO, SO, and the future IO?  Should be acceptable.  I had to do the same kind of thing.
...Visit the Legacy Cluster...
The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
Work-in-progress; The Blake Threat File
Now with MORE GROGNARD!  ...I think I'm done.  I've played long enough to earn a pension, fer cryin' out loud!  IlClan and out in <REDACTED>!
TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: A BattleTech Alternate Universe
« Reply #11 on: 23 August 2012, 10:44:58 »
Basically taking the Tech Manual Inner Sphere equipment list and tweaking it for slightly advanced technology.

