Author Topic: Tesla II pods free to play @ ChiCon 7!  (Read 2029 times)


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 91
Tesla II pods free to play @ ChiCon 7!
« on: 24 August 2012, 21:04:49 »
I was just getting my schedule set for next weekend's ChiCon7 (a sci-fi and fantasy convention in Chicago, and this year's WorldCon to boot), and just realized that they're going to have six Tesla II pods set up for BT and Red Planet whenever the concourse is open. The best part? They're free to play for anyone with a convention membership! Which, granted, is about $200 for the whole weekend, but hey, I was going anyways. So I got to nominate and vote in the Hugos, am going to the award ceremony, and have access to BT pods for five days. My inner 14-year-old is having a stroke from the anticipation!

