Author Topic: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--  (Read 5472 times)


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"The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« on: 30 September 2012, 22:12:26 »
Ok, got some feedback and it was a little (lot) slow (+TLDR, lol)  I also kinda made it hard to start with the 'Holovid" quotes. ugh..kk.

So I think it's obviously better to start the arc with something a bit more exciting- and then later we can revisit the 'this is how it came to be" side of the story. KK sorry have not figured out where exactly on the periphery this takes place.. its the edge of fed com space somewhere.. Year prob around 3060.

Ch 1

The sprawling command bridge was a screaming howl of noise and vibration. The ship trembled and strained as it burned into the upper atmosphere, it's crew-members shaken and strapped to their grav-seats on a rollercoaster drop into what was certainly someones hell this week.

Few dropships as massive as the Ogre ever made planetfall.  The 68 thousand ton citadel tore the atmosphere in its plummet, cascading a giant plume of smoke behind it like some massive meteor hurtling towards certain destruction.

Superheated atmospheric friction produced a brilliant red corona preceding the ships shielded aft as the planets gravity pulled it ever faster towards its embrace. Flames erupted on the external cam holoscreens.
The red strobe lights on the bridge cast a fiery, dancing complexion on the faces of the hundred plus men and women scattered in its various alcoves and cubbies.

“Is this really necessary!?” Maximillian strained over his com, his fingers white gripping the arms of his g-seat.

 Each of the crew was probably thinking the exact same thing as Maximillian. However, Max was probably the only person on that bridge who would ever consider questioning Hauptmann General Brieltons orders. Or as the crew knew him, “Lord Ax.”

Brielton surveyed the crew, most of them were faring far better than Maximillian. But Max was more than double the age of most of them and had mentioned more than once how he abhorred the rigors of space travel.

A particularly violent bump jostled Brieltons thoughts.

It was a helluva ride Brielton smiled.

Going through a landing like this would bond the crew even more, not that it was needed Brielton thought shaking his head. Looking at the tri display in front of him, pertinent information cascaded in a constantly updating stream. Structural integrity was holding at 100%, despite the occasional bone jarring lurch.

The command seat was tiered above and overlooking a colossal sized rectangular table which occupied dozens of personnel at its various stations. The table itself projected a brilliant 3d holographic panorama of the space around them with tactical information flowing around dozens of icons represented on the enormous display. Reaching 5 meters to the ceiling it shone brilliantly even in the strobing red glaxon lights.

At over 350 meters wide and 200 tall, the Ogre resembled a massive mushroom with 4 enormous engines jutting from its stalk.  Dozens of holoscreens tracked and plotted its descent, the looming planet apparently quickly approaching. Brielton activated his com. “Nickelson, kick the engines in, but after we've given them a good scare, eh?”

Maximillian heard the command but wasn't sure if Brielton was talking about the crew or the countryside. The sonic boom would reverberate for hundreds of miles and the ship would sound like an enormous bomb dropping near wherever the Ogre would land, the landing itself another act of audacity.

Nickelsons voice came through the com “Engines online Lord Ax, I'll keep her screaming, but we can get comfortable.” The ship shuddered as her engines roared to life, instantly stabilizing the ship and diminishing the descending howl considerably inside the command center. The red klaxon lights ceased, and the warm glow of the bridges lights replaced the hellish red glare.

“I would have preferred this all along..” Maximillian commented.

Brielton glanced at him and explained. “They won't be able to ignore us now Max.”

The planet they descended on was under siege.

A Renegade lordling, proclaiming himself a 'Baron' now,  had seized 3 systems in as many months. These lightly defended periphery worlds had been mostly stripped of their garrisons, sent now to protect and reinforce the front against the clans during the current detente.

 A prize which proved too tempting for 'baron' Hakkaris to not take advantage of.  Many of the edgeworld systems had often spoke of 'independence' and such, but this was an act of greed, pure and simple.

The 'consul' Hakkaris had politically and forcefully manipulated his way into the higher realms of a small mining planets government. -Eventually seizing control of key production facilities and wealth centers.
And now, Intelligence reported he had been backed by a particularly notorious brand of rim scum, who had apparently broadened their criminal activities into new realms.

With access now to real capital, the would be Baron began hiring the type of rogue mercenary units which would do the bidding he desired. Even including raiding and occupying Fed Com worlds, if the price was right.

Subduing a worlds token defensive forces made it trivial to force the rulers to sign declarations accepting the 'barons' rule and also formed a quasi-legal condition meant to deter Fed-com retaliation.

But The Archons had no intentions of letting a petulant man like Hakkaris run rampant, stripping the empire of its edge worlds.

However finding the force to stop him now was no small matter, a fact the 'Baron' was counting on. Recalling the militia was an impossibility, the front they were assigned to was still understrength, and removing them now would invite calamity to the empire.

 The 'Barons' forces had grown now to at least 8 regiments. And four were suspected to be on planet, now pummeling the vastly outnumbered militia badly in the past weeks fighting.

The local militia was at this point barely functional, but Brieltons message to them 24 hours ago had brought a renewed sense to the defenders and they were valiantly holding the planets capitol in bloody street to street fighting.

The planets defenders played their meager hand well. Initially, deception and sabotage had denied the attackers an easy victory. But now their options had become increasingly limited. They had decently stockpiled  their remaining resources throughout the capitol, but they were dwindling quickly under the sustained attacks against the city.

The fighting now had expanded to three fronts, with the attackers ever probing for weakness in the deadly city battlefield. Large tracts of buildings had burned and crumbled along the citys perimeter and the fighting moved steadily inward by the hour.

The defending forces had been reduced now to mostly infantry, their remaining six mecha were positioned for fire support missions only, as they were now the last thing preventing the defenders from simply being overrun.

If the attackers had known the defenders had been so weak, they would likely have simply rushed their positions. But the high cost in equipment and life that accompanied the deadly urban combat had  prompted a more cautious approach by the attackers. Now it seemed their caution would pay off in the next few hours or so, as the defenders were obviously being steadily pushed back.

But change was literally in the air. The screaming plume of the dropship emerging from the sky became the focus of the battlefield, the near deafening noise reaching 50 miles in any direction. It looked as if it would crash, and deep in the city at that, when suddenly the giant boom of the ships engines roared to life and began the ships counter against the inevitable force of gravity.

The Ogres engines roared from deep within the city. Followed by massive columns of smoke, dust and debris choking through every open space in the downtown center. Finally billowing over the buildings and pouring out of the city. It would have seemed the Ogre had crashed if not for the definite sound of her still firing engines emanating from the corridors of the city.

“Setting her down now Lord Ax.” Nickelson reported over the com. The Ogre had hovered for a few moments at between 20 and 30 meters. The cities sprawling central park provided enough space for Nickelson to find a place to land her, and now the sustained firing on the landscape had charred the area to a hardpack which would support the ship well enough.

It was a good thing they had warned the defenders of their intent to land in the park. They had taken precautions against the whirlwind of debris which they had been warned it would produce. Several blocks around the park had been evacuated, and Nickelson hoped they had all gotten out, or had a way to breath in the duststorm they created, which at best would take a few hours to settle.

With a small tremble the ship finally placed herself down, its mechanical undercarriage system of supports slowly transitioning from the engines now in supportting the giant dropship which was now looking down on the forty and fifty story buildings around her.  The Ogre was the newest mega building addition to the large city.

The Lord Tactician was out of his chair the moment the ship paused and begin issuing orders to the various personnel around him.

“Begin Landing operations. Prioritize defense transition. Med bays prep for incoming. Lets get our eyes open.” He gripped the railing ahead of him, surveying the landscape around him, information was rapidly arriving from the ships massive sensor banks.  Brielton continued his orders, “Tag teams 'you're up'. Comm: get me some private time with the Baron if you can. ALRIGHT PEOPLE lets do this.” The ship was suddenly a hotbed of activity, Landing bays opened in a dozen areas as the Ogre began its deadly operations.

Ok, first draft.
 -brawls a comin' if anyone thinks this is the right direction-  BTW, The Ogre is a 68k FedCom Mil-project btw. Far too expensive to enter ordinary production, with a ridiculous speed and a 45 structural integrity. Holds about a reinforced regiment of combined arms- i will post details later. Holler and throw me some encouragement if you liked it.  or feel free to tell me not to quit my day job ;)
« Last Edit: 06 October 2012, 09:22:53 by Axias »

mighty midget

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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #1 on: 02 October 2012, 09:46:43 »
I like this start much better.  Any chance you could add the specs for the Ogre in the Aero designs?

Thanks for sharing.
Slavish adherance to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about.

Total Recall

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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #2 on: 02 October 2012, 15:32:49 »
I liked where you were going with the first version but the beginning was very confused. This works much, much better!  O0


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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #3 on: 02 October 2012, 23:31:12 »
The Ogre is posted in the Aero section, with a ton of fluff.

thanks for the feedback!

Ch b

The focus across the battlefield had shifted. The screaming dropship breaking orbit was an uncertain surprise to the mercenary forces, who paused their attacks in momentary confusion and caution.
The 'scream' arising from the hurtling dropship gave pause to Hakkaris's forces.

Hakkaris stood on his open balcony, surveying some small part of his command.
“Bah, Pups.” Thought Hakkaris of his poor troops.

But he was mesmerized himself by the strange and shocking sight.

Hakkaris was perplexed, and that always got him nervous.  -His thoughts began racing. “Why don't they fire their engines? How big is that thing!? -It must be supplies. What else would prompt such a ridiculous effort? She'll ground herself permanently-a ship that size can't manage planetary operations -can it?!”
Hakkaris reined in his hurried thoughts.

“Bah, I dont care if they have 2 regiments of mechs in there. We'll still outnumber them two to one.“ And with that thought, Hakkaris' next thoughts were obvious: Another rich prize for 'the Baron' perhaps? Hakkaris face began a slight smile, before considering what else this new Battlefield complication meant to him.

"-And to risk landing it in the city?" Hakkaris followed his train of thought.. his smile vanished.

"..They are becoming desperate." His eyes narrowed.

Hakkaris tightened his fists in rage. A prolonged and desperate defense of the city would not be good. It meant more payoffs to the mercenary forces which made this large scale heist possible. The plan was to keep as much for themselves as possible, not hand it over to 'the help'.

Hakkaris doubled back to the small com in the 'confiscated' mansion he had taken residence in, while several of his partners and the small command staff planned their actions from the open-air plaza in the surrounding area. Most of the staff now stood idly around in the summer heat, gazing and speculating about this strange sight. Hakkaris would need to call his private patron, the notorious Jenan. They would need to discuss this situation immediately.

His holovid was already buzzing when he reached it. Jenan obviously, as no one else knew he was here.  Hakkaris answered it immediately but was greeted by a close in shot of Lord Ax instead, who seemed to be peering intently at and around the self-styled Baron .

“Who the Hell are you?” Hakkaris Demanded.

“Ahh, 'Baron' Hakkaris I presume? I am Leftenant General Brielton. On order of the Archon I demand your immediate surrender.” Brielton said in a formal tone, before adding in a more comical tone: “Barring your surrender, I would advise your immediate evacuation.”
The Barons sneer turned into a contemptuous laugh. “You seem a bit young for a Leftenant General. What other bullshit do you have for me? “The Look on Brieltons face had him unnerved however. ”-Very crafty however you finding me like this. If you'll tell me how you did that I'll perhaps spare your lives.”
This time it was Brieltons turn to laugh. “I'm not making myself clear I see.” -The holovid cut.

Hakkaris stood dumbfounded for a moment before he heard distant hollow 'thumps' followed by an eerie whistling. He dashed quickly.

Moments later the air around Hakkaris's compound erupted in the white noise of ringing explosions. Concrete, steel and glass shattered under the explosive heat, buildings crumbled. The bombardment lasted only moments. It's destruction wrought was evident before the dust settled: the Hakkaris Command section was nearly annihilated, some few survivors lucky they had been under the cover of reinforced walls.

Hakkaris himself had hastily fled to the Manse's basement, narrowly avoiding death. The basement was deep and Hakkaris knew to keep running. Despite that, he was relatively sure one of his eardrums had shattered and the dust and debris in the air were quickly making his position untenable.

Almost stunned, he made his way back up the hall, and up the stone stairs, coughing from the choking dust and barely able to see, he half crawled and limped in wracking coughs towards a scene of absolute shock and horror.

The luxurious mansion was gone, wiped clean away. Stumps of walls remained. The stone floor shattered in areas. The roof and surrounding structure simply was gone. There were pieces of the house, and of his previous command, everywhere the 'Baron' surveyed.

The Baron fell to his knees, trying to catch his breath and still too shocked to even consider what his next move would be, he just stared..
« Last Edit: 04 October 2012, 11:44:22 by Axias »


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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #4 on: 04 October 2012, 18:57:45 »
Ch c

The massive holodisplay dominating the Ogres command bridge showed a panoramic 50 kilometer scale. The details were quite impeccable in the bright sections. Other sections of the giant map had grid patterns for some landmarks and some areas were entirely black, or gray filled in with older satellite photography. While other areas of the map seemed to fill slowly.

All of it was the result of the Ogres reconnaissance and intel teams at work. Battle Armor, recon vehicles, and vtols all fed information into the main computers, via coded hyperburst transmissions while simultaneously receiving back the accumulated information from the Ogre.  The result was that many eyes worked together to make one.

And more eyes were being added.

A husky female voice came through the com “Lord Ax, SAT should be online.”

A sudden blip appeared on the holodisplay towards its ceiling, followed by a graphical representation of the satellite in orbit, hovering along the edge of the enormous 3d display.

“Lets have a look at our handiwork.” Brielton announced.

 The Com operator to his lower left nodded and began working several consoles around her station. The holovid rewarded her by revealing a live picture where previously only computer vectored graphics had been. A blurry picture representing the small affluent suburb some 18 klicks away from the city center now appeared in ever increasing clarity.

Maximillian stood several feet to Lord Ax's right, surveying the scene himself. He spoke calmly “I doubt many walked away from that.” The artillerys effect was obviously a deadly affair, the damage was plainly visible.

Brielton observed also. “Enlarge scene please.”

The holovid magnified itself around the area. A few survivors could indeed be seen. Several very fast hovercycles could also be seen arriving to the scene from the east. It was soon evident they were hastily collecting survivors, of which there seemed to be a half dozen. 

 Maximillian ran his fingers through his beard. “Another blast from the guns would take care of that.”

 Brielton nodded in agreement. “Yes Max, it would, but I think I'd rather see where everybody’s going. Comm, make those bikes the satellites main priority.”

The raven haired comm officer nodded again, but spoke this time. “Lord Ax, The militias CO is here and would like to speak to you.”

Brielton acknowledged her, “Thank you Melissa.”

 This was technically a Fedcom ship, but casualness was an accepted part of life on the Ogre, except for formal or very serious things of course. For the most part, Brielton, who had been a stickler for the 'authority and discipline' route had done a complete 180 regarding his opinion. These were some of the Universe's best soldiers, and most of them were signed on for life. There was no reason to enforce something which occurred naturally.  And there were other reasons they were nearly all on a first name basis.

Maximillian looked at Brielton. “Are you sure you want him in here?”

Brielton shrugged. “He's seen her already, we'll put the gag order down later.“ referring to the general secretive state of the bridge, the Ogre did not casually advertise her capabilities.

A set of double doors on Brieltons far left opened. A 7 foot suit of battlearmor escorting an older gentleman in a very worn pair of grey khakis approached them past rows of battle cubbies engaging command specialists within. The older gentlemans eyes were examining the room quickly as they walked, obviously quite impressed with the technological display in front of him.

The Battlesuit stopped in front of Max and Brielton. Its wearer had its helmet cocked back and a grizzled short bearded man with a Star tattooed eye delivered a salute. “General Connery Sir.” But his accent made it sound like “Gen ral khan nerry Sahr."

Brielton returned the Salute, “Thank you Marik. Please stay a moment, the General won't be staying long.” Mariks battle armor quielty clicked to the side wall beside a dark aclove which sat behind the Captains seat. Marik glanced over his shoulder at the dark glass and took a small cautious step to one side of it before assuming a relaxed stance.

General Connery stood rigid. His face seemed stern. Maximillian had picked up Brieltons command jacket which sat on his chair and coughed gently. “Excuse me, Hauptmann General Brielton, your coat sir..” he said in a semi-formal but perhaps somewhat mocking voice, as he handed the jacket to Brileton.

“Ahh Yes, forgive me. We take these things a little lightly around here.” Brielton commented, accepting the jacket.

General Connery was confused again it seemed, and had expected Maximilian to don the coat, not the young man. This was a common mistake for Brielton, who traveled nearly everywhere with Maximillian. Newly introduced guests usually assumed Max was the General, and Brielton his aide. A ruse they had played on some occasions to expedite their objectives.

Brielton continued casually buttoning his coat, well aware the protocol would be for the junior officer to initiate a salute, and was waiting to see what The generals reaction would be.

The general realized this, and quickly produced a salute. Brielton returned it as formally, and then began to take off his jacket.

“I think better with it off, though it seems you think better when I have it on..” Brielton half-smiled at the general, it was the privilege of higher rank to jab other senior officers in such ways.

General Connery wore a hard expression. He looked towards the command center as he spoke. And then spoke in a strained and almost condescending manner, provoked all the more by his scottish accent. “This is a fancy piece of hardware you have here. I thank you for your aid general, but I must say, we were expecting a little more. Where are the other dropships?  And why aren't you engaging Hakkaris' forces by now? My men have told me you've witdrawn from some of the northern command lines. We fought hard for every inch of that and you just abandoned it-”

Brielton cut him off. He had listened to the generals tirade for a moment. He had sympathy for the generals plight. His men had fought hard and died bitterly. And now this general found himself having to explain how to fight a war to someone half again his age. 

“-I understand your concerns General. I will gladly address them all. Please first of all, at ease. I'm grateful you appreciate our ship. It was the Archons wish to send whatever relief could be found. We've burned hard for 4 weeks getting here. As far as more dropships, we've actually brought a couple, but they're busy in orbit and won't likely be seeing us anytime soon.”

Brielton moved to the Bridge railing and adjusted some controls on the virtual screen around it. It showed the northern edge of the city in detail.

“Your northern lines were too extended and I have no use for that flat terrain.”
Brielton adjusted more controls and the perimeter of his defense became clearly evident, with arcs of interlacing fire shown across long lengths of streets.”

General Connery was examining the situation for himself. He privately admitted to himself that his northern line WAS too far extended, and the interleaved fire patterns he saw in Brieltons defense plan seemed unusually good. Connery wasn't too hard on himself. It would have occurred to him to rein that front in, IF he had the kind of tactical awareness this Holounit brought to the control room.

“That still doesn't explain why you haven't engaged. The Baron will bring his regiments to bear down on this precious ship as soon as he assembles them. You should break out and try to engage them piece meal. -How many Mechs have you brought?”

Brielton answered him calmly. “Twenty-four, on the Ogre.”

General Connery looked at Brielton as if he were a complete idiot.

Brielton of course saw this and made several more adjustments on the holovid. This time showing an area roughly three times the size of her defensive perimeter. A large cylinder encompassing that perimeter extended into space on the holovid.

“I own THAT.” Brielton said matter-of-factly, pointing at the computer drawn radius.  “I don't care if they have two regiments or two corps. It would be futile for them to engage us.”

Connery took pause for a moment. “So what do you expect them to do?” General Connery asked smartly.

“I expect them to engage us.” Brielton said smiling.


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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #5 on: 08 October 2012, 20:28:39 »

Suddenly the lighting on the Ogres command bridge dimmed and a single klaxon activated in the corner of the control room. The Main holovid now showed 3 incoming targets, at considerable speed.

The command room came alive with a heightened sense of action.

A loud, but calm voice from the right side of the holovid erupted. “Three light aero confirmed. They're coming in at speed. ETA 90 seconds.”

Many eyes around the control room looked to Brielton.

Brielton wore a smug smile and proceeded to sit at his command seat. His trinary display activating immediately as he sat.  He activated some controls and spoke. “Lyran Justice, you're up. Fox stand by for targets, fire on acquisition.”

The holovid showed the ocean to the west abutting the city. In the center of the downtown area, the giant green city park held the Ogre, which looked like a mushroom emanating from the dark patch of ground around it.

The long, rigidly aligned streets gave the towering dropship many perfectly straight avenues of viewing north, south, east and west and almost made the Ogre seem like a planned part of the city.

-Except for the fact that the Ogre dwarfed most of the buildings around her. The preplanned city seldom had need for skyscrapers, as land was cheap and plentiful, and transportation was easily accessible and fast.

To the Northeast the three bogeys continued their vector towards the imposing Ogre.

Two ships quickly entered the map from the east, clearly labeled “Lyran Justice” and “The Fox”.

The Justice was apparently making speed toward an intercept.

General Connery spoke up in his scottish twang.  “They're just recon, but they're fast. Are yeh sure you want to throw that elephant at them?”

The General was referring to the “Lyran Justice” obviously, as the holovid center constantly updated and displayed information on everything it saw. The general knew now that it was a two hundred ton attack craft, and it's speed and agility compared to the light fighters would be pathetic.

Brielton humored the General. “They're not going to see her until she's pretty close. She's stealthy with a host of electronic counter measures.. Of course they won't miss her once they spot her. But what would you do if you saw that coming at you?”

General Connery looked towards the holovid. “I guess I'd probably crap myself and then break. -Of course I'd radio home what just showed up.”

The scenario was about to play out.

The light aeros veered before coming within anything close to weapons range of the Ogre, and the incoming 'Lyran Justice' altered her course to keep an intercept.

It looked like the light aeros were doing a close in sweep of the surrounding area, probably looking to get an idea of the defensive situation within the city.

As the distance between the opposing aircraft rapidly closed the holovid suddenly erupted in lines of red death spraying from the 'Lyran Justice', which came swooping down unexpectedly on the recon fighters tight formation!

The massive roar of the Justices engines and six “LT” Rotary cannons firing at their maximum speed nearly drowned out the pilots simple message over the comm:


The Holovid showed the three aeros breaking hard against this elephantine threat.

Each of the small recon fighters were a fraction of the Justices mass, but far more maneuverable, they broke immediately in different directions the moment they realized the sudden attack.

 The smaller aerotechs sent salvos of missiles erupting toward the Justice, with little or no apparent effect. However, the center aero on its upward arc to escape the red sheet of death presented by the cannons could find nowhere to hide and disintegrated almost instantaneously under the deadly hail!

It would be unlikely the Justice would have another presentation against the other two nimble targets, which were now successfully maneuvering their break away.

A new voice broke over the sudden white noise of engines on the Comm line. “This is Fox, thank you Justice, targets hot.” before silencing again.

The target acquisition gear had done its job.

East, from over the water, five missiles erupted from the Fox. They quickly sped the distance at supersonic speeds before splitting to their targets.

 Two of the missiles caught the right aero and her pilot ejected a moment before the weapons fatally kissed their target, sending the light aero tearing through an abandoned block of urban housing below it in a smoking fireball of wreckage.

The final light aero had engaged its afterburners and made several agile maneuvers in an effort to shake the incoming doom.

The first arrow nearly collided with the small craft, but detonated in a manner that the light craft only took some small damage.

The second missile however slammed into her left wing and tore off a fairly large portion of it! As well as presenting a massive blast to its center fuselage, -but it kept flying!

On the Ogres bridge, eyes watched the scene, emotionless. Brielton spoke up. “Comm, tell the Archons we're nearly ready for them, keep them in the loop.”

Brielton adjusted the Holovid, it zoomed showing the area where much of their adversary’s forces were gathering. Currently there were at least two regiments formed within a large marshalling area, and all out of The Ogres focused fire artillery range, some 24 miles away.

The live satellite feed showed a sudden flurry of activity. Zoomed out, several other indicators of large troop movements became evident.

Brielton stood again and addressed Marik, who still stood quietly in the shadows, encased in his battle armor. “I think the General may wish to get back to his men.”

General Connors had been engaged studying the battlefield, and showed some disappointment at this announcement.

General Connors voice now carried a tone of humility as he spoke. ”Excuse me General Brielton, my men are carrying out the civilian evacuation to the waterfront areas quite well I'm sure without my assisstance. I would prefer to stay and observe the defense of my planet if at all possible.”

Brielton glanced back at Maximillian, who merely raised a brow in response.

Looking back at General Conners, Brielton spoke. “On one condition General. Everything you see on this operation is classified. Everything. If I have your word that what you see here will remain private between us, then you have my permission to stay.”

Connors answered understanding. “Yes Sir, and thank you.”

Brielton glanced back to Marik now, who was emitting a gentle electric hum as he tapped his armored and motorized finger on his thigh impatiently at the Generals announcement.

“I suppose you'd be wanting to get back with your unit then?” Brielton asked him.

Marik merely smiled before activating his armor to exit the command bridge.

Brielton joked with the soldier in a familiar manner as Marik began to mechanically lumber off the Bridge: “Are you sure you don't want to stay? Theres some great coffee in the foodbev..”

 Marik grunted, and answered in his Gaelic accent. “Ahhh, ats a-right' Gen-ral, ife hud abut enufh of huw the uther haf lif for neuw, summins gat ta be doin the worhk.” He wryly replied, before pointing a finger a Maximilian, “Aund yoov ben uhh-voidin mah pohker tayble, ah woants mah crehdits bahck.”

Maximillian feigned innocence. “I promise Marik -I'll be down as soon as all this is over with.”

Marik shrugged. His action was magnified through the battlearmor in a caricature of his movement.

“-Tachraidh na daoine, ach cha tachair na cnuic.” Marik said as if to explain.

He paused for a moment -

“Dis all aint nevuh ovah.“ He said prophetically, as the command doors shut behind him.


Dave Talley

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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #6 on: 08 October 2012, 20:48:53 »
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #7 on: 10 October 2012, 15:16:56 »

The quiet on the Ogres bridge was more from her crew being busy than anything else.

Even the 'Coffins and Pits' were quiet, -the nicknames for the alcoves in the command room. Not a job for the claustrophobic, these small cubbys were crammed throughout the bridge.

Each 'pit' might have 3 to 5 people in it.  Grav chairs set around a central holotable could rotate around to the full vid and controls inset on the walls and provided massive information capabilities to each unit. These pits often coordinated a specific combat team, and unit regalia and markings were decorated on many of the pits entrances.

The remote weapons as well as the ships main weapons were generally operated from 'coffins'. Small stairs inset around the first and second tiers led sharply down forming a very short hallway. Inset in the walls to the left and right were two to six 'coffins', -permanently reclined seats you would climb and strap into. With precision controls and wraparound 3d information integration, it allowed the operator extreme flexibility at each station. 

Having these teams closely integrated into the command worked well. Information filtered in a collaborative manner. Being tied into the main holovid also added another layer of security to their information structure. And of course their main advantage: while most other combat teams would not be used to having an entire support team assisting them, on the Ogre this was the norm, not the exception.

At the opposite end of the holotable from where Brieltons command chair was, a larger set of arched stairs submerged below the first tier. This led to a comfortable lounge, consisting of foodbev and hygiene facilities and a decorated deck with some couches, chairs and tables. All set themselves in various tiers.

Much of the command crew could spend a decent amount of their shift here, as the ships sensors always gave them plenty of time to get to their posts. They weren't expected to spend an 8 hour shift in a 'coffin'.

However, the lounge was empty now. And every cubbie and coffin on the Ogre was full and busy. Maximillian had the bev machine all to himself and filled a large tray with drinks before bringing them out. There were three left when he finally reached the two generals, who were currently discussing the situation while leaning into the light wooden railing overlooking the main holovid.

The holovid showed a grand panoramic again. The sun was about to set in the next hour or so, and long shadows were apparent on the landscape.

Maximillian handed the men drinks and Brielton made a toast before they drank.
”To the Archons.. and Unfair Victories.”

General Connors spoke after sipping his drink. “You mentioned the Archons were coming earlier?”

Brielton thought for a moment, “ Ah yes, Will and Wraith.” He pressed a few keys and an additional display cube showed the two Military AeroDynes.  Each less than a third of the size of the Ogre and  carrying a special complement which aided the Ogre in her overall mission.

Brielton explained, despite the fact that the cube was now showing the stats as well. “The Archons Will is primarily a fast deployable aerodyne. 42 mechs as well as a mixed unit of vehicles and battlearmor can unload from her in a few minutes, hot dropping if necessary.  Her twin is The Archons Wraith, our mobile Aero wing. 42 Aerofighters operate from her. She keeps a great lookout up there, and can swoop down from orbit with about 15 minutes notice.. her aeros considerably quicker.”

Brielton adjusted the holovid control, now showing their armament. “Beyond their cargo, the both of them are beasts themselves.  88 Weapon systems on each, including LT roto cannons, gauss weaponry and artemis equipped LRM's. They'll give pause to anything sent against them.“

Brielton shifted the holovid again. “Max, you'll never guess who survived- .” A recorded satelite vid had a positive ID on the 'Baron' Hakkaris and it now appeared on yet another smaller holocube within the main display.

Maximillian nearly choked on his drink. “You're sure he doesn't have a twin?” He asked incredulously, examining the video. 

Brielton was shaking his head no. “I may have tipped our hand with the 'evacuate' comment.”

Brielton had explained the situation to General Connor, who was quite amused with it. It had been relatively easy to access the civilian com system they had foolishly been using. The invaders had stopped that nonsense quickly enough.

Time was growing shorter, but much of the activity in the streets surrounding the Ogre seemed to be coming to a halt. On the vivid holounit hundreds of small icons glistened on the map around the imposing dropship. Even several klicks out, dots of various equipment deposited by the busy ground forces shone like small jewels on the darkening horizon. 

Brielton finished his drink and deposited the disposable cup in a waste recycler before speaking.
“I'll be rather surprised if they wait until night for their attack. But it doesen't look like their ground forces have any chance of reaching us in the next hour-”

His sentence was cut short by a warning klaxon as the bridges lights dimmed, warning of imminent danger.

 Earlier, vtol elements had been swift in depositing the sensor extenders. The Ogres early warning system now tracked a two thousand mile grid of airspace, giving them a twenty minute lead on even the fastest fighters.

Information was unfolding now on the holovid. Thirty, then forty, now eighty aerospace fighters were incoming from the far east. Eta 28 minutes.
“Maximillian whistled.”That's a bit more than intelligence had suggested. The Baron has some new recruits perhaps?”

General Connors answered him, “Ill wager he's stripped his dropships of their aero wings for this assault. That'll be risky.”

Brielton agreed with the General. Any dropship wishing to debark would be left relatively undefended in the event of their aero support loss. Trapping them on planet likely, as risking the dropships without adequate protection might prove suicidal.

Brielton was studying the statistics as the fighter makeups were coming in.

Few first class heavy fighters were among them, but what disturbed him more was that the computer had determined by their speed that quite a few were loaded with conventional bombs, in addition to their normal weapons. It was not difficult to figure out whom they were intended for, and it required a small shift in Brieltons plans.

Brielton took his Command seat. “Ground forces, go pattern 'BIG', relaying coordinates now.” Brielton loaded up a larger perimeter establishment. It was weaker in some senses, but seriously decreased his troop density.

 On the Holovid, the 46 BCV heavy vehicles which formed the core of the Ogres defensive force began rolling out to their new locations. 24 Heavy mechs also received new coordinates and found themselves supporting the vertices between and behind the BCV's.  Inter-spread through them all were the barely noticeable battlearmor, some leapt on the BCVs and hitched rides, others jetted, clearing 90 meters per stride. The repositioning was extremely well maneuvered. 

The Holovid showed the 'Barons' lighter ground forces reaching the far edges of the city now, at least 8 miles away. The larger mecha were still trodding towards their destination, but would certainly not make it to the citys edge before their aero element could engage.

General Conner of course noticed the screw-up. “They've boondoggled it. Rather obvious they wanted to hit us at once. -But I doubt the Baron has much experience coordinating combined arms across four regiments.”

Maximillian chimed in “Especially without his forward command staff.”

Brielton spoke now. “I doubt he'll have his aero attack wait for the ground forces, though it is a possibility. But that will mean night combat flying, and I'm not sure how comfortable his air command is going to be with that.” 

Brielton was adjusting elements of the holovid as he spoke.

“No, I think they'll come straight at us and let the ground forces try and catch up with them. I doubt they expect much from us in the air, probably still wondering why we sent out the Fox and Justice to deal with a recon wing, when a few medium attack fighters probably would have been more effective.“

“I'd certainly bet they don't know we have the Archons Will and Wraith ready to pounce, not to mention a dozen heavy fighters of our own.” Maximillian added.

Brielton selected an airspace above his extended perimeter on the holovid control and set a schedule for all of his aero assets to intercept the incoming threat. This started a series of timed processes between the ships, all in order to coordinate their arrivals, and maximize the firepower they could project.

Flight operations began immediately in the Ogres cavernous flight deck. The mag lev lifter not only moved a pair of one hundred ton heavy fighters into place every other minute on the flight deck, but also 'catapulted' the aircraft into the atmosphere assisting their engines and further lessening the normally required liftoff distance of the bulky craft, even when burdened with the extra armament they all carried for this mission.

Under the wings of every assault aerocraft were two independently fired guided missiles which would be controlled by operators in the Ogres 'coffins'.  An additional surprise for the invaders.

General Connors was observing the fighters and their loadouts on the main holoscreen. He questioned Brielton: “All heavy and assault craft? You've given up quite a bit of flexibility there.”

Brielton nodded, agreeing with the assessment. “Yes, but those roles are more than adequately covered by other elements of the Ogre's arsenal. Our aero have a very specific and narrow mission statement: defend the Ogre. They are a very large hammer in that regard. But we only present that hammer when there's a nail to bang. -My philosophy just doesn’t mesh with using them as a general assault force, unless absolutely necessary.”

Conners nodded as he considered the strategy. Up until now, the invaders had not seen a single aero from Brieltons command. They would be in for a rude surprise when Brieltons aero assets suddenly appeared to counter what they no doubt believed was the supreme air force on the planet.

Light and agile Vtol craft had been used instead of aero assets for ferrying battle armor and their 'gifts' to the edges of their defense periphery. The Ogres VTOL pilots were honed in the finer points of navigating urban battlefields. Being smaller, and ECM cloaked also, they presented a much more covert way of operating compared to their bulkier aero counterparts.

For heavier pieces, the 80 ton wheeled BCV's often ferried in components in their spacious 5 ton cargo bays to awaiting engineers, clad in special battlearmor modified for their deadly tasks. The result was an initial line of unmanned turrets and sensor banks, mined approaches to firing solutions and other devious surprises the Ogres master urban combat specialists had devised in their operations.

At 17 minutes ETA, the Ogres first set of heavy fighters lifted off, which would be proceeded by another pair every other minute until her full complement of fighters had launched.

At 11 minutes ETA the Ogres holovid alerted of a speed change in the main incoming aero group. Not coincidentally at about the same time the Archons Will and Wraith broke atmospheric orbit, in their long glide en route to relieve their sister ship.

Unlike the spheroid design of the Ogre, the Aerodynes were sleekly long and slender. They could glide into the atmosphere and make massive strafing runs before either needing to land or reengage with enough thrust to again ascend into lower orbit where the low gravity would once again allow them the maneuverability to repeat the task. 

Brielton studied the situation carefully as the forces steadily closed with one another.


  • Corporal
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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #8 on: 10 October 2012, 15:21:18 »

The smell of sweat, fear and greed permeated the spheroids small control room. It's ancient enviro controls did not perform well with overloaded quarters, and sixteen people now crammed into this crowded room.

The small crowd stood around a singular one and a half meter holounit with eight smaller holovid screens in place around it, all arranged against the rooms largest wall.

 With only eight chairs, the 'escorts' of this menagerie were forced to stand, making an uneasy situation even less bearable for many of them. This was a precarious alliance of certain incompatibilities, and the eight men and women sitting at the consoles represented the 'players' with the most interests at stake in this dangerous game.

 Sitting at the center console, Jenan XiaoLong, notorious for exploits of pirating in the deep rim, tapped the console with her wickedly long fingernails to the obvious consternation of the man to her right, the 'Baron' Hakkaris who stood gripping a bloody rag to his right ear while staring at the limited feeds they received from the holocube in front of them.

Two aero wing commanders and four mech based regimental leaders made up the rest of the motley crew. Jenan was notably not the only women sitting there. Tara McGruder, a disgraced aero pilot, commanded the larger of the Aero wings.

Although none of these commanders had anything resembling a full regiment, but closer to half that at least, each of the persons sitting in the room commanded a respectably deadly force.

Tara now was talking over her Aero counterparts words, “Well TELL your damned pilots to slow it down! If they've got two aerodynes who in blazes knows what else they have! We've got what? Six or Eight aeros coming from a parked dropship?! Who the hell knew they could do that!?”

Taras aero counterpart was a younger man with a brooding complexion, and rather abnormally large for an aero pilot. Karok of Karoks Raiders, led a collection of ragtag fighter pilots, often piloting lighter and faster variants.

Hotshot pilots who preferred the recklessness of mercenary work rather than the slim odds of ever piloting an aero in one of the sphere militarys found a home with his band.

Karok wanted speed. That was what kept his men alive. But his mission was to escort Taras heavy assault fighters, now laden with heavy explosive bombs intended to destroy or at least seriously damage the massive dropship which stood defiantly against their intended conquest.

And just now Taras ground crews had  identified two signatures of aerodynes, estimated to be some 20000 tons apiece, breaking atmosphere in an intercept course.

The initial hopes that the unwelcome guest they now called “The Mushroom” would have no conventional aero assets had been shattered for some minutes now.

 The entire table was stunned when reports verified that craft were indeed landing and launching from a giant bay on  'the mushrooms' structure. This was done usually in orbit, where weightlessness and fine jet control could launch and disembark aero assets, but on the ground?!

Karok spoke up again now that Tara had ended her shouted observations. “Lets turn this damn enterprise back now, wait until daylight and continue our assault, I don't like the feel of this.”

Baron Hakkaris spoke, disagreeing with Karoks advice. “Don't you at least want to drop those bombs?! That damned pup nearly killed me, and he killed many of your officers.”

  The group looked at one another. They had all lost good men in the artillery and holovid fiasco, mostly front line junior officers, who had now met the harsh finality of war.

One of the ground force generals spoke up now. A large dark haired man, with a spiked black beard. His deep, gravelly voice addressed the group. “The dropship Antreaides is already begun her descent, she'll be landing on the northern edge of the city in 15 minutes. Another 40 mechs and eight companies of infantry will not be comforted by that two new dropships are heading their way.”

The man to his left, Darren Jupiter, was a youngish aged mercenary himself, who had inherited much of his command. The older man accompanying him often advising the rather green commander in his duties. Darren Spoke now, “My heavy lances are just now making it to their rally areas, I could have them redeploy to support the dropship. “
He was cut off by another of the Mech commanders sitting with them. Boris Illurivich was an oversized man himself, mostly of the unnecessary weight kind, but his stature was indeed formidable. “And my battalions should lead an attack on their own? Or why are we having moved all our damned force into artillery range?” He demanded half standing as he spoke in his heavy slavic accent.

They were all quite relieved that their several areas of massed mecha and vehicle groups had not been spotted by 'the mushrooms' obviously limited artillery. It's only appearance having been the holovid disaster, which prompted a much stricter communication protocol between the groups, one they were scarcely prepared to handle.

Tara spoke now again. “Damn it then. Fine, lets drop that ordnance, but at least lets get to altitude. Then we'll swing back and provide defense to the Antreiades from whatever the hell they're dropping on us.

Karok disagreed with Tara again, “My light aeros aren't made for dropship busting. We do hit and run-”

Karok was interuppted by Tara again, who had one hand over the microphone in her ear. “There's at least thirty heavy aero behind those dropships!”

Tara began screaming in her com: “Abort! Abort!”

The panic was contagious. Marok followed suit and hastily began issuing orders. “Cancel, repeat cancel attack! Pull back to support the ground forces. Prepare for incoming aero and dropship attack!

The other generals also warned their men of the new threat, and their troops began to arrange themselves on the far western outskirts of the city to repel aero threats. Mecha and vehicles began to spread, their weapon systems scanning the darkening skies for any new enemy.

Commander Illurivich barked orders at the men commanding his thirty thousand ton dropship the Antreaides, which was poised to drop on a shallow bay north of the city. “Nyet! Nyet! Back! Back!”  -Well aware that structural damage to the ships frame was a real possibility in trying to 'yo-yo' back into orbit after beginning a descent.

At least now the combat pilots of Taras and Karoks wing commands had some warning of the impending counter assault.

The setting sun in its brightness had obscured the telltale signs of low trajectory atmospheric entry.

Unlike the Ogre, which 'dropped' itself on planet, the incoming defenders glided swiftly across the upper atmosphere and were gaining speed at an alarming rate with this rapid maneuver.

The advantage of speed derived from their height would soon quickly close the gap against the 'Barons' air wing.

Despite having broken and turned away from their planned assault, the retreating air wings would still find themselves in range of at least a salvo from these new defenders before they were able to reach their own ground forces, now just moments away, in who's safety they would find several regiments of ground  to air support, -before they must themselves turn again and engage.

Complicating their predicament, the aero elements from the damned mushroom had simultaneously engaged at full speed against them and somehow they too would be on their backs before they had any real opportunity to turn to face this new threat. -To do so would mean breaking from the group, who were all in desperate desire to reach the much safer airspace above their ground comrades.

The unopposed attack launched from the combined fighters of the Archon and The Ogre took a heavy toll.

In the crowded musty control room Taras scream echoed the sentiments of the others sitting there, stunned: “NOOOOOOO!!”

The heavy aero fighters had devastated the retreating air wing. At least a third of their force was currently burning somewhere now in a wide swath of abandoned blocks in the western part of the city.

The terrible event was already clouding the darkening sky from the smoke of dozens of fires and explosions which pierced the nights quiet from the rapid execution of so many aircraft.

The firepower from these new defenders had been startling, -alarming even. And coordinated in a precision none of the commanders had believed possible. 

The remaining fighters of course were panicked, having seen and heard the after effects of that sudden concentrated attack. Most of the pilots were veterans though and knew what must be done. Having now reached the airspace with cover from their ground troops the aerofighters swung sharply to engage and give retribution to their fallen.

But the swiftness was for naught, the defenders turned attackers were not there. Apparently having withdrawn after that singular massive display of firepower which had grievously wounded the aero wings.


  • Corporal
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  • Posts: 53
Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #9 on: 19 October 2012, 08:08:59 »
Im unmotivated when no one gives me feedback... Hook a brother up! Criticisms welcome.


  • Lieutenant
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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #10 on: 19 October 2012, 17:11:04 »
looks good so far :)

mighty midget

  • Master Sergeant
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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #11 on: 20 October 2012, 09:27:46 »
Good story thus far, the only suggestion I have is to continue to flesh out the background by adding the units over in the fan designs section.  I enjoyed the write up on the Ogre and it added to the story quite nicely.
Slavish adherance to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about.


  • Corporal
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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #12 on: 20 October 2012, 09:43:00 »
TY serack+ MMidget!  (its crazy unmotivating when you see several hundred hits on your story and no feedback. Makes me think : "It must stink..").


 On the Ogre, the mood was quiet for victory. The air was confident, the crew was calm and collected. Brielton, Max and General Connery stood over-viewing the battle statistics.  The brief engagement had been distinctively one sided. The Ogre had not a single casualty while the Barons forces had suffered  the loss of some twenty eight aerocraft. More than a third of the force sent to attack the Ogre.

Max could tell from his long friendship with Brielton that something troubled the young general. “What could possibly be bothering you after that display?” Maximillian asked the stiffish looking Brielton.

Brielton paused a moment before answering, framing his answer. “It was checkmate if they had pursued their attack even a few moments more.” Brielton said as he adjusted a few controls. A large holocube appearing before them. It showed a 'what if' scenario where the Barons forces had not broken their attack.

The outcome was devastating.

The extra time would have exposed the attacking aero group to the combined firepower of the three dropships and a significant amount of their ground forces. The simulation showed 90 to 100 percent probable losses to the Barons forces compared to Brieltons zero to 5 percent. 

Brieltons aero force was at least able to gain that one concentrated attack, thanks very much to the coordination granted by the ships complex attack computers.

After which, with no intention of exposing his aero elements to several regiments of ground forces, Brielton quickly ordered them to their holding positions to deliver another hammer blow should it be needed. The two aerodyne Archons even now reaching back up to orbit with a portion of their air wing following.

General Connery chastised Brielton. “That was the finest display of aeromech tactical application that I have ever witnessed. That you are lamenting the situation -well thats just ridiculous.”

Brielton was not upset really, more just disappointed his opponent had seen the deadly hammer falling upon them before it would have been too late. Brielton found a half smile overlooking the damage his forces had achieved. And not a single loss.

 He activated the com unit. “Outstanding work ladies and gentlemen. We inflicted 28 aero losses, which registers some hundred and fifty million c bills worth of armament, and its unlikely they'll ever consider mounting another focused air assault like that again. Be prepared for ground assault. Begin night ops at 20 hundred hours. Good luck and be careful out there.”

Brielton sat in his command chair, its speedy tri display flashing to life as quickly as he sat. He adjusted several controls again and this time the main holovid switched to an extreme scale. The city which the Ogre found itself resting in suddenly dwarfed in scale. The planets coastal boundaries showed next, then the continents.

Between the continent they were on and another continent to their far east, a smattering of rotating diamonds shone on the holovid as the geometric shapes were beginning to make their way across a large ocean.

General Conners saw them. “Are those some of his remaining aeros?” he asked.

Brielton nodded, his smug smirk back. “Experimental rounds, just a simple tracking device really. We're still not quite sure where they're parking all those aeros. If they're using a civilian airport, they’ve done a fine job of hiding the fact. Looks like they're sending some of the damaged ones back to their base though doesn’t it? I was about to get another satellite up to help look for them too..”

General Connors smiled back, a rare sight on the man. He was beginning to see why they had made this young man a general.

Brielton zoomed back in on the city. The ships sensor net showed the ground forces of Hakkaris still conglomerated in the north and east, nearly ten miles from the dropship Ogre.

 The current count included some four hundred and two mecha, at least one quarter of them heavy or assault variants, and some two hundred and fifty vehicles, including heavy tanks, srm and lrm carriers, harasser and vedettes and a bare smattering of support vehicles.

Supporting this army were at least 3600 ground troops. Lightly armed and relatively useless against armored targets, they nevertheless mounted a potent threat to other conventional forces they might meet, but were mostly employed in looting, rather than committed to any action against mecha and armored vehicles.

Unfortunately for them, they found themselves in the midst of the action on this planet whose militia had struggled unusually hard, which had reduced Hakkaris to committing them in the street to street fighting in aid of his beleagured mechs, who found themselves swarmed by infantry unusually brave in the generous cover afforded by piles of rubble in the urban battleground.

Brielton suspected the Barons forces would take up defensive positions. Instead it seemed some of the units were beginning to probe into the city. The few aero assets they had left behind now circled in lazy arcs behind their positions, perhaps still waiting for their revenge.

A single klaxon began its ominous wail and the bridge again darkened to tactical lighting, emphasizing the enormous holovid and casting the command crew again into its eerie light.

A voice rang on the com from one of the coffins. “Roto Three -Contact!”

On the holodisplay the remote turret magnified, mirroring the turrets view.  An agile jenner scout mech had just jumped some sixty meters with assistance from its integrated jets when it detected the turret. Rapidly the jenner picked up speed racing down the corridor, quickly acquiring the turret in its sights.

A terrible noise erupted form the street. A deafening curtain of sound -Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap! Fire rained from the turret as four of the Lord Tactician model rotary autocannons each delivered six massive cannon rounds at its target. Some seventy percent of the rounds found the jenners legs and they crumbled midstep, exacerbated by her speed, as a single pulse laser misfired from her pilots lurch. The Jenner crashed loudly on its face.

Three previously unseen battlearmor erupted from the bruised streets. One of them nimbly jumping the distance to the streets intersection where it deposited a large package, while the other two quickly power sawed the panicked jenners pilot from his now one legged mech. The battle armor threw the stunned pilot over its shoulder while the other attached what had been his backpack on the disabled jenners torso.

The rotary cannons aim had been impecabble, and it seemed it may have another chance to exhibit its skill as the jenners lancemates were now closing on the doomed scout mechs location.

Brielton selected some screen parameters and the unmistakable noise of the Ogres artillery firing was soon heard. The trajectories showed the munitions landing considerably behind the advancing lances mechs and did little damage it seemed.

Other lances and a small fleet of missile carriers were now drawing behind the advance position to support the attacking lance.

On the holovid, an assault lance and two medium lances could also be seen assembling into the streets towards their target and elsewhere in the city other probing attacks were also beginning as light mechs scrambled into the crowded city streets looking for targets of opportunity in this dark urban theater.

Maximillian announced the obvious. “Seems they wish to have another go at it.”

“Maybe..” Brielton answered.

The scene around Roto Turret Three was getting anxious. The two medium mechs would arrive at the intersection simultaneously it seemed, and should be able to attack and direct fire on the turret which had dispatched their recon element so quickly. The medium mechs were considerably better armored as well, and should present a much greater challenge than the small jenner had.

Much good it did them not.

The package left previously in the intersection exploded the moment the two mechs had adeptly arrived at the intersection while simultaneously the quad roto turret fired over the downed jenner at the higher legs of these two mechs', the turret capable of splitting its fire it seemed.

-Once again emitting its terrible noise, armor flayed from the two mediums mech legs as their gyros attempted to stay themselves from these terrible blasts.  In that same instant, pulse lasers erupted from shattered building spaces and alleys from hidden battlearmor adding to both the damage and confusion the two medium mechs absorbed.

 The two mecha fell on their own weight now in the savagely fast and coordinated blow: A left and right leg respectively now grossly damaged on the mechs.

The two mechs seemed to pause a moment before both came toppling over from the effect of the massed firepower.

Six armored battlesuits now jetted to the downed mechs, again cutting the immobilized pilots from their cockpits.

Their actions were nearly cut short at this as the attacking lances heavy mech finally came lumbering out, and only a single block from the intersection. The imposing mecha immediately began firing its small lasers at the diminutive targets.

However, the battlearmor were too quick and stealthy, and took only minor blast damage from the small explosions around them. One of the battlearmor even shielding the unconcious pilot it had just sawn out from the fallen mech. The battlearmor and their two prizes were soon jetting off the streets into smaller corridors that the ninety ton monster pursuing them would never fit.

The assault mech reached its two downed lancemates and quickly turned, directing its staggering firepower towards the turret now. Fire control directions were hastily sent to the  vehicle assets which the assault mech knew supported its attack. The missile carriers behind it raced forward to find firing solutions with their new coordinates.

The LT roto cannon turret was again screaming its defiance at the bold assault mech which was seeking to close the distance between them. They exchanged fearsome blows.

As the assault mech advanced to where its former scout had fallen, the special charge planted by the battle armor triggered, and the jenners engine suddenly exploded in a blast of blinding light!

 The resulting blast dimmed the central holovid on the Ogres command bridge as it compensated for the white hot light which erupted from the street -practically casting the command room in darkness for a moment.

Outside, a thousand meter radius became brighter than daylight for several seconds as the fusion engine explosion consumed the heavy mech and the two five story buildings beside it in an eighty meter mushroom. 

The blast propelled debris and dust in a powerful ground plume which blossomed out of the city streets like some choreographed light show finale: the wave of dust illuminated in its arc by the eerie blue afterglow cast from the exploded fusion core.

The two buildings caught in the blast crumbled into wreckage in a tremendous cloud of dust, fire and burning metal. Finally collapsing into the crater where the blast had centered.

Even as the dust settled, the blast echoed through the corridors of the city.

At the same time the advancing missile carrier group began experiencing their own problems. They had stumbled into a dense minefield! The earlier blast by the Ogres artillery had not overshot their target, but instead laid a deadly obstacle to would be long range attackers. As the first victim of the minefield became apparent, an lrm carrier which had its track blown off, the unmistakable noise of the Ogres artillery firing once again sounded.

This time deadly airburst munitions rained down on the vulnerable soft spots atop many of the armored vehicles. And worse, it began setting off the mines which surrounded the group! The intensity of  the Ogres guns picked up, and for forty seconds the guns rained death on the armored group.

When the dust began to settle, two badly damaged escort vehicles which had luckily been at the groups extreme edge, were all that were left to limp away. The small square they had been in a moment ago was now a landscape of craters and burning vehicle husks.

Brielton sat still in his command seat examining the scene.  His battlearmor were already coordinated on the scene where the missile group had been annihilated and they left more surprises among the burnt hulks and along the intersections for the next round of incursions.

 But it seemed this initial foray against Brieltons defensive line had a halting effect on any other intentions the Baron may have had, as his forces now were once again backing off from their probes and returning to earlier rally areas.

 Brielton sat looking at the three lances which had been forming and observed them pause then turn away from the now blunted attack. The holovid showed the sister ships the Fox and Lyran Justice had been approaching to engage, but now broke away in a lazy arc back to their holding area at Brieltons command.

One of the Ogres eighty ton BCVs with an engineering complement of battlearmor sped towards the moderately damaged turret to effect field repairs while a dozen other battlearmor returned to their posts after their detonation of the mecha engine core.

Zooming back out, it was obvious now that the Barons forces were 'calling it a night' as the troops began a fairly orderly withdrawal.

General Connors had been quiet observing the workings on the command bridge. The comm relayed important chatter on the field and showed the incredibly tight integration of the components of Brieltons command. A ready response seemed to be available for every move the Baron had, and the Generals admiration of Brielton continued to grow.

A full lance of mechs, and three companies of missile craft were added to the butchers bill, and Brieltons forces had yet to suffer a single casualty.

Connors could scarcely believe that four hundred mecha poised against Brielton and his relatively tiny force were finding themselves withdrawing, as their leaders surely struggled on how to crack this 'mushroom' they faced.

Brielton made a final command before arising from his command seat. “Comm, tell Goldy we'll have an airport for him within the hour.” The holovid showed the earlier damaged aero units a quarter of the way around the globe now, and it was apparent they would soon be landing on one of the small islands in that vicinity.

Brielton addressed Maximillian and General Conners, “We should grab something to eat, it's likely to be a long night.


  • Corporal
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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #13 on: 20 October 2012, 11:22:15 »

Brielton Combat Vehicle  (BCV) is now posted in vehicle section:,23994.0.html

been meaning to do it for awhile.. just kinda reached the limits of my drawing ability..


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Re: "The Lord Tactician" - New start--
« Reply #14 on: 06 November 2012, 10:01:25 »
The activity on the special operations flightdeck berth was purposeful and quick. Large cylinders, twice as long as the men, were placed in the center of the crafts rear opening berth in a neat pile, one per man.

The ten battle armor were all painted in dark night ops colors, matching the eighty five ton wing in ground effect craft.  The crafts short stubby wings held oddly angled soft propulsion jets, and the stealth profile of the craft gave it a distinctly insect looking appearance. The commandos matched her appearance tonight, their specialized suits seemingly integrated into the craft.

His men completely loaded now, the special ops commander finally entered the berth and made his way in between the quarter ton boxes attached to his troopers battlearmor, each swung now in front of them and confining the large cylinders between them.

The men chanted in unison and respect, drawing out their commanders name as he entered the craft: “Goaaallld.”

 Their commanders namesake gold and ceramic monocle took the scene in quickly and he acqueisced his troopers with a nod before taking the last seat and tapping his comm. “Locked and loaded, lets git.”

Gold leader kicked back as the WiGE jacked forward swiftly out of the large bay doors into the cold night.

Plotting a low course around the northern coast, the insect like vehicle quickly went into ground mode, skimming the ground several meters above the landscape at supersonic speed.

The commandos in their bulky armor tried to get comfortable for the four hour flight across a sixth of the planet. Gold leader himself fell asleep almost immediately, only waking for the last twenty minutes.

The crafts ultra stealth mode kicked on now as they flew slower and closer to the water. Now north of their island destination, the commando craft approached from a less obvious end of the island, towards rocky shallows and cliffs,which looked quite inhospitable for any type of landing.

The craft glided into the very shallow water and soon grounded itself on the shallows as it eased back on its engines. With few words and a practiced unison, the battle armor troopers swiftly released from the crafts hold as the bay door opened with a splash. Each trooper now rotated their package to their back and grabbed one of the long cylinders as they exited into the brisk night air.

 Gold leader, whose armor was distinctively different than his troopers except in color, looked to be the odd man out.  Wearing a much lighter variety of battlearmor, with special properties lending stealth and detection abilities, gold leader played 'lookout' for the squad: directing a hopscotch of movement towards their destination while maintaining their secrecy in the very early morning darkness.

A quarter mile from their target, the battlearmor approached the small aero-port from a copse of light woods. Civilian housing and adequate cover became sparse now as they approached the airway strip and gold leader halted his men along a treeline which gold found adequate for their purpose.

Activating his mimetic suit, gold leader apparently 'vanished' as his electronic camouflage masked his quick bursts of movement as he rapidly closed on the camouflaged netting hangars across the runway.

  Further across the field, a few technicians affected some emergency repairs, but otherwise the aero field was deserted in these late hours.

Gold leaders monocle now switched into action. Targets were carefully chosen and soon a complex set of firing angles had electronically assembled themselves in 'Goldys' digitally enhanced view of the quiet field.

Switching to a more tactical view gold leader could make out the spherical shape of a largish dropship parked at one of the aero-ports dropship pads only some quarter mile away. The line of roofs now programmed in his tactical computer provoked a look of opportunity on Goldys face. He activated his comm and spoke quietly: ”Gold 2, targets set, mark firing at ten minutes, then make your way back to the wig, I'll meet you there.”

Gold two wanted to communicate his disapproval but knew it would do no good as he watched Goldys position on his troop monitor make a dash around the field towards the far end of the aeroport. He set his timer for firing and awaited the countdown.

Goldy surveyed each area as he dashed between cover. The aeroport was grossly under guarded: no roving sentries, and apparently just the sensors aboard the dropship and buildings watching for threats.

Goldy took to the roofs. In between the personnel sensors and below the air net, he evaded the sensor net his complicated visual gear mapped out. Several leaps later he found himself another single jump from the dropship.

“I'm getting too old for this.” Gold leader thought as he propelled his suit to its maximum jet height landing him high on the curving arc of the dropship.  As his magnetic boots activated, he began a plodding ascent towards the top of the ship where her communications array tied into the armored plates.

  A few deft unlocks against integrated handles revealed a small electronics box to which Goldy added several matchbox sized pieces of metal to. Another ring attached around the wire coupling and Goldy carefully closed the box as he had found it before reversing his steps back towards his troopers.

There was barely a minute left to spare when Goldys mimetic armor 'decloaked' within his unit again.

“Ok, let em rip.” he announced to his squad.

 The long tubes attached now to the boxes the troopers had brought and arranged in different directions to the fire positions earlier set, began their quiet operation.

Calibrated bursts of compressed air lofted the stealth munitions as small micro rockets guided each  capsule to to their target. The packages attached to their targets across the broad airfield in several rounds of dull metallic claps as each ended their brief flight. The minimal noise apparently raising little or no attention, the commandos picked up their gear and hastily made their way back to the Wing in ground effect vehicle.

When once again in the insectoid looking craft, gold leader activated the larger craft com and sent a tightly coded message: “Package delivered, plus one leech.” before once again finding a comfortable position and nodding off as the tiny craft began its long trip home.

