Author Topic: Isaac's Icers  (Read 4054 times)


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Isaac's Icers
« on: 28 February 2011, 04:17:01 »
OOC Note: Haven't actually done anything with this unit. Yet. The idea occurred to me one day and refused to go away, however, so I figured I'd write it down.

Crouching Dragon, Hidden Fox: The bandit-mercenaries that weren't.
Circa 3025

The nearly-open secret is that Isaac's Icers, as they are marketed currently, have ties to some great House. They showed up on Galatea with too much stuff in too good of a condition, with too many of the same spare parts - all carefully scrubbed of serial numbers - fat on cash, and knowing each other a little too well. They're very close-lipped about their past, and recruit carefully.

And occasionally Isaac Eis, as he styles himself, gets unusual messages in the mail. Meets with unusual strangers. Makes odd decisions on what contracts to pursue. It makes you wonder if maybe Isaac still has ties to a certain Successor State. Most of it is innocuous - since the Icers have a reputation for taking unusual jobs, unusual offers seek them out. They do recruit - but very cautiously - and their actions sometimes skirt the fringe of apparent outright banditry. Occasionally Isaac will claim to fulfilling a contract that his subordinates haven't heard of before. He plays his cards close to his chest.

In private meetings with the other officers, his older comrades sometimes address him as "Sho-sa" instead of "Major," when nobody but the electronic listening devices are eavesdropping. Isaac speaks fluent Arabic, English, Japanese, and Swedenese. And the BattleMechs, well, it's true that many of them can be found across the Inner Sphere, and Isaac did actually purchase his infamous "Jump Dragon" on Galatea as a replacement for a destroyed Archer, but they do seem to be configured in a rather particular fashion. Even his destroyed Archer carried a pair of large lasers and fifteen-racks rather than twenties. It's not hard to venture a guess as to what military Sho-sa Eis might have been associated with previously.

When asked why the BattleMechs are configured that way, Major Eis is blase about it. "Why, that's the best way anybody's ever figured out how to fit out a Shadow Hawk," he might say. His force is highly mobile, with nine jumping BattleMechs. The slowest (and heaviest) machine in the entire company is a Charger. It's a fast raiding crew - one that has carried out smash-and-grabs for hire with quite some success.

What is perhaps not obvious is that the company was put together in the Federated Suns. There are precisely two military machines in their TO&E that were manufactured in the DCMS itself - Isaac's Dragon and Luke Umbra's Slayer. Everything else has simply been refit to the Kuritan standards. Isaac's unusual fluency in Swedenese is a consequence of his love of languages - carefully studied, rather than native. Isaac keeps in occasional touch with the DMI, rather than the ISF or O5P.

The Icers do take real jobs, and not all of their odd raids and missions are DMI-related. And sometimes, as in the series of anonymous raids he launched on a series of Lyran worlds near the border with the Draconis Combine in 3020, his trusted subordinates aren't aware of any payment going into the unit's coffers other than the booty taken from the raids. Pirate, patriot, or perfect mercenary? Only Isaac Eis knows for sure.

Primary Units

DropShip: Newton's Folly, Seeker-class DropShip, 6700 tons [reconfigured]

Aerospace assets: Slayer, 80 tons; Stingray, 60 tons; Sparrowhawk, 30 tons

BattleMech assets: 4 lances of 3 BattleMechs each;
   Command lance: Grand Dragon, 60 tons; Quickdraw, 60 tons; Griffin, 55 tons
   Assault lance: Charger, 80 tons; Wolverine, 55 tons; Phoenix Hawk, 45 tons
   Fire lance: Shadow Hawk, 55 tons (x3)
   Recon lance: Jenner, 35 tons; Spider, 30 tons; Wasp, 20 tons
Code: [Select]
(P/G) Model    Tonnage BV    Unit         Name
(5/3) SL-15    80      1,546 Slayer       Cpt. Luke Umbra
(4/3) SPR-H5K  30      701   Sparrowhawk  Sgt. Nemo Utis
(4/4) F-90     60      1,458 Stingray     Pilot Jessica Vasquez

Average ASF skills: (4.3/3.3)
Average ASF mass: 57 tons
ASF BV: 3,705

(4/3) DRG-1G-I 60      1,935 Grand Dragon Maj. Isaac Eis
(3/2) QKD-4G   60      2,169 Quickdraw    Cpt. Eva Eisling
(4/3) GRF-1N   55      1,755 Griffin      MechWarrior Hiro Ikine

(4/3) WVR-6K   55      1,248 Wolverine    Lt. Carver Irons
(5/4) PHX-1K   45      1,073 Phoenix Hawk Sgt. Tara Mayhem
(4/5) CGR-1A1  80      1,020 Charger      MechWarrior Grant Lee

(4/3) SHD-2K-I 55      1,634 Shadow Hawk  Lt. Shade Feather
(5/3) SHD-2K-I 55      1,421 Shadow Hawk  Sgt. Amanda Steele
(6/3) SHD-2K-I 55      1,350 Shadow Hawk  MechWarrior Natalia Hawk

(4/3) JR7-F    35      1,395 Jenner       Lt. Jeremaiah Bullfrog
(4/4) SDR-5K   30      578   Spider       Sgt. Tom Smith
(5/4) WSP-1K   20      376   Wasp         MechWarrior David Jones

Average MechWarrior skills: (4.3/3.3)
Average BM Mass: 50 tons
BM BV: 16,428
The Icers have some light support, but this is largely non-combat and thus not included in this listing.

Custom Variants:
The DRG-1G-I "Jump Dragon" is a customized Grand Dragon. Delete LRM-10 and LRM-10 ammunition; add 5 jump jets (1 CT,2 LT,2 RT); 1 heat sink (CT); 1 ton armor (4 FLT,4 FRT,2 RA,2 LA,2 LL,2 RL). This spikes the base BV2 value to 1,402 (adjusted BV 1,935). If the optional Quirks rules are in place, recommended quirks are Stable, Command BattleMech, Difficult to Maintain, and Poor Performance (while installing jump jets and upgrading the computer systems, Isaac introduced some persistent problems). If restricted to canon units, use a stock Grand Dragon (Adjusted BV 1,794).

The SHD-2K-I is a near-copy of the SHD-2K. Delete 1 heat sink (LT); add 2 jump jets (1 LT, 1 CT). Base BV is 1,184 (adjusted BV 1,634/1,421/1,350). This reflects the fact that Eis did not, in fact, begin with actual -2K models, simply good descriptions of them. After enough descriptions of them as Griffin knockoffs, he attempted to reproduce the Griffin's performance more closely. As the model is externally indistinguishable from the SHD-2K, the extra jump can be a nasty surprise. If the optional Quirks rules are in place, recommended quirks are Unbalanced (due to the now-asymmetric jump jet layout) and Improved Life Support. If restricted to canon units, use stock SHD-2K (adjusted BV 1,583/1,376/1,308).
« Last Edit: 28 February 2011, 04:20:05 by TJHairball »
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Hawkeye Jim

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Re: Isaac's Icers
« Reply #1 on: 28 February 2011, 11:48:18 »
Why the odd 3-mech lances? That's not standard anywhere.


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Re: Isaac's Icers
« Reply #2 on: 28 February 2011, 23:34:24 »
Why the odd 3-mech lances? That's not standard anywhere.
A couple reasons, really.

I started off with a reinforced company using a Leopard and Seeker. Then I decided that although having the Leopard hot-drop made for great flexibility, I really wanted something that could be easily controlled by a single commander and didn't require a lot of docking collars for what it did, so I pared it down to what could fit on a modified Seeker while keeping most of the main cargo bay intact.

When I pared down to twelve 'mechs, I found they fit very naturally into lances of three. There were only three >5 MP jumping 'mechs to include; so the scout lance only needed three. There were only three non-jumping 'mechs to include; so they made a very natural non-jumping lance.

Another reason was administrative overload. I wanted the Icers to have a measurably large dose of "insiders" and an oversupply of officers, and I wanted their org chart to look big and branchy enough so that Major Eis's claim to be a major - when he's commanding what amounts to a company of BattleMechs on the ground - didn't look totally absurd. This is a lot easier when you can claim a hojillion small subcommands - 5 lances of front line units, a DropShip, some miscellaneous assorted light forces (my inclination is towards organizing that as a lance of light vehicles and 1-2 infantry platoons, but I keep fiddling and revising the details). That makes for 3-4 captains underneath the major and a fistful of lieutenants.

The ASF "lance" ended up being a non-standard three in large part because the Seeker has a 432 ton secondary cargo bay and a reconfigurable interior. It's easy to imagine pushing 18 tons under the other side of the partition and converting the secondary cargo bay to 3x150 fighter slots. When those two elements fell together, it seemed so very right to use 3-unit lances, so I decided to stick with it.
President-designate of the Dead World Collective. We control more worlds than any faction since the Star League!
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Re: Isaac's Icers
« Reply #3 on: 01 March 2011, 02:12:29 »
Interesting unit. Very quirky but should be fun to play.
The 3 mech lances are one of my preferences. If i get an extra mech it is easy to slot them in a lance with minimum disruption.
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Hawkeye Jim

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Re: Isaac's Icers
« Reply #4 on: 01 March 2011, 18:49:54 »
Interesting concept. New to me, but if it works for you, enjoy. How well does it work out in actual combat?


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Re: Isaac's Icers
« Reply #5 on: 18 March 2011, 04:28:37 »
Interesting concept. New to me, but if it works for you, enjoy. How well does it work out in actual combat?
Unfortunately... untested.  >:( However, my usual playing buddy has expressed some interest in having a bit of a continuous campaign, so we'll see.
President-designate of the Dead World Collective. We control more worlds than any faction since the Star League!
Khan of Clan Iron Elephant. We remember. And if you know who we are, we're going to have to make you disappear.
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Re: Isaac's Icers
« Reply #6 on: 22 March 2011, 14:41:20 »
How far advance will you take them?

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
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That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016