Author Topic: (Answered) BattleForce conversion and criticals  (Read 1799 times)


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(Answered) BattleForce conversion and criticals
« on: 20 November 2012, 19:16:45 »
Okay, first the quoted text:

Quote from: p 380
If the Element was destroyed, check for critical hits per standard rules upon conversion.

My element (a 'Mech) was destroyed during the BF game, and now I'm trying to determine the amount of damage in CBT terms. The 'Mech also took two crits during the game. So, as I'm doing the BF->CBT conversion, should I be rolling for crits every time I roll for my 5-pt group on internal structure, or just translate the two in-game crits I absorbed? Clarification question: can any crits be received during the conversion process?


- Rev

Edit: for notification of replies (06Dec12)
« Last Edit: 14 December 2012, 01:36:04 by Xotl »


  • Dominus Erratorum
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Re: (Research) BattleForce conversion and criticals
« Reply #1 on: 14 December 2012, 01:32:06 »
Page 379 - 380 Strat Ops when a Unit survives a Battleforce scenario apply only the Crits suffered as the Rules on page 380 under Critical hits.

If a Unit has been destroyed (ALL Battleforce internal structure crossed off) you must apply critical Hits as normal meaning for every 5-Point Group that goes internal check for critical Hits and add the 2 Criticals recieved.

In BattleForce play, if a unit is destroyed by damage on a hit (no structure remaining), you skip rolling for critical hits.
In converting, this could lead to a Total Warfare unit that has no critical damage and never had a chance of critical damage at all.  (First shot to hit internal destroyed all the internal, never rolled for critical hits).
Therefore the conversion process for a destroyed unit requires the player to roll for critical hits during the conversion, to "fix" the BF rules skipping that process.
If the unit was not destroyed, then the critical hits were all rolled for already.

In converting from BF to Total Warfare, when rolling for structure damage, if the unit was destroyed in BF, roll for critical hits as you hit structure in the converting process.
If the unit was not destroyed, do not roll for critical hits as you hit structure.

If the original example, despite receiving two critical hits during BF play, the rule that the unit was destroyed in BF play and therefore structure damage in the conversion process checks for criticals still applies.
If the unit had not been destroyed in BF play, the two criticals taken in play would be the only criticals converted.  Structure damage in this case would not check for criticals.
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