Author Topic: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr  (Read 27224 times)


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Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« on: 28 January 2013, 13:53:04 »
Mech of the Week: Night Gyr

(Sorry I'm a couple days late, power was cutting in and out all weekend after the snow storm as the tried to get my neighbors lines fixed)

First appearing in the Inner Sphere when the Falcons returned from electing a new Ilkhan, the Night Gyr is a powerful omnimech tipping the scales at the top of the heavy weight class.  The Night Gyr is a no expense spared machine sporting a 300 XL power plant, Endo steel structure, and eleven and a half tons of Ferro Fibrous armor.  The Night Gyr also has four fixed jumpjets much like the Falcon favorite Summoner.

Before I run down the configurations I would like to point out that the Night Gyr appears to address the shortcomings of the Summoner.  The latter’s lack of pod space and armor is rectified by reducing the engine size and using more high tech materials for chassis construction.  The result is a slower machine but one that is very much heavily armed and armored.  In fact most Night Gyr configurations are capable of handing out damage above their weight class leading many to refer to them as “pocket assaults.”  The Night Gyr works just as well anchoring heavy stars with the 5/8 classics as it does in mobile assault stars with starmates like Warhawks, Blood Asps, and Executioners.  The Night Gyr’s take on the slower gun-boat heavy drew the attention of Clan Nova Cat when they used the mech as the basis for their new totem omni the Nova Cat.

It does however seem that the Night Gyr is on the way out with no production in the Inner Sphere and the Ironhold facility getting whacked by the Vipers.

Prime:  The first Night Gyr config is a day-ruiner for other mechs.  The prime sports twin ERPPC’s in the left arm for long range combat as well as an Ultra 10 autocannon in the left arm for medium range heavy hitting.  As backups the Night Gyr prime carries three medium pulse lasers with one each in the torsos and head.  Eight additional heat sinks bring the total to 20 and allow the prime to throw some serious damage around without over heating.

Using the prime is easy, punch big holes at range then get in close for accurate MPL shots or wait for good numbers to double tap the Utra 10.  The number of weapon firing combinations is high and they all work well.  Use the jump jets to control terrain especially against faster 5/8 mechs.  And remember, you’ve got more guns than them!

A: As with most omni’s we need a close in fighter.  In the case of the Night Gyr we get pure unadulterated in your face firepower.  The left arm now sports the pulse lasers with one large and two mediums.  The right arm gets the monster Ultra AC 20 with 15 reloads.  Also, for good measure each torso gets a Streak SRM 6 sharing one ton of ammo.  The head mounted medium pulse is retained from the prime.  All this firepower is great until you realize to make it fit they had to drop four extra heat sinks off the prime.  You have to watch the heat indicator on this one, though not religiously.

This one should be pretty self explanatory.  It’s for tight confines, cities, etc.  Rely heavily on jumpjets for mobility and generally eviscerate anyone silly enough to stand in front of you.  The Large pulse gives you a little bit of plinking and decent range but really just get close, smash them with the big bore cannon and lasers.  Then follow up with the lasers and SRMs to fill in holes.  The pulse lasers are helpful against those pesky vehicles scooting around as well.

B: The B config is the long range fighter.  Twin gauss rifles and LBX-2 Cannons are the entire armament.  Stay way the heck away and rain down gauss slugs and golden BB’s.  You can’t over heat it so just fire whenever but remember you only have 12 shots for each gauss rifle.

Use this thing as a sniper.  Jump into good firing position and send a barrage down range.  Then bounce back in cover.

C: The C is long range fighter version 2.0.  This one get three class 2 autocannons , though this time they are Ultra versions and mounted in the left arm.  To accompany the cannons you have two ER Large Lasers in the left arm and a Medium pulse in the head and left torso.  The big deal here is that all these guns are tied to a targeting computer.

Once again you want to fight at range, but unlike the Night Gyr B you are not hindered by minimum range, and your shots are more accurate with the TarComp.  Up close the medium pulse and ER Large combo with TarComp guidance can put a serious hurt on something.

D: Again as with most omni’s we get a missile boat load out.  The Night Gyr D sports four LRM 20’s with Artemis IV fire control.  The launchers can block out the sun in one salvo but they only have six tons of ammo to draw on allowing only nine shots per launcher.  As back up weapons the D carries a large pulse laser in the center torso and a medium pulse laser returns to the head.

I am personally a big proponent of using Clan LRM’s up close since they have no minimum range.  The best way to use this one is to get to medium range and jump around lobbing missiles at opponents.  Watch the heat since the D sports the base 12 double heat sinks.  Use the pulse lasers in stead of a pair or launchers to conserve ammo.

E:  Typically the ATM launcher config the Night Gyr E only sports one ATM 6 with two tons of ammo.  You will want a ton of ER and one of HE since it already carries and SRM 6 as well.  Along with the missiles are enough pulse lasers to arm a star of light mechs.  Each arm sports a large and two medium pulse lasers while two more mediums land in the center torso.  This config adds four extra heat sinks to the base 12, so watch the heat indicator.

To use the E you need to get in close, again use terrain and jump jets to maneuver.  Use the pulse lasers carefully.  Mix in missile to crit seek or the HE up close.  The E can do impressive damage through massed firepower.

F: Only a matter of time before somebody jammed a HAG on this thing.  The F has two a 30 in the right arm and a 20 in the left arm.  The 20 comes with 3 tons of reloads and the 30 with 4.  The HAGs are backed up by a pair of ER Medium Lasers.  All the guns are tied to a targeting computer.  The F also mounts and ECM suite for electronic warfare.

You can’t over heat this one and the Tarcomp means your shots should count more often than not.  That’s a lot of mid-sized hits with impressive accuracy.  Once again just out gun the other guy until his mech falls apart.

H: The heavy laser config only has one, a large in the left torso.  It carries a gauss rifle in the right arm with two tons of reloads and an Utra 10 in the left arm with two tons of reloads.  The medium pulse is back again in the head.  Like the F the H sports an ECM.

Yet another variant you can not over heat.  This thing is a brawler, get to medium range and bounce around.  Pick your shots with the gauss as you close.  It’s a bit light on ammo so make the gauss rifle shots count.

The Night Gyr seems to get infrequent mentions around the forum but it is a beast in most every configuration.  Fighting these things takes either an assault with more armor or using another heavy with more speed.  Most of the configs out gun almost everything close to it in size and the jump jets make it mobile enough to control a fight.

Personally, I think the Prime and A about cover every need a clan warrior would ever have minus infantry control.  The other configs fall off a bit but are all pretty good.  The Night Gyr prime for me will always be a favorite.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #1 on: 28 January 2013, 14:13:12 »
Nice article! It is a beast of a mech. Unfortunately, it is so good that settled a trend towards 4/6 "pocket assault heavy mechs". The Nova Cat is also a fine example of this. I have faced the prime a lot of times and the D. D is a evil beast, only BV forbids more use of this fine machine of throwing LRMs and LPLs.

Prime is also evil with lots of firepower. Lots of firepower every turn. Very high in the "to kill first" list.

C is also surprisingly good. UAC2 are not that good but with them BV is lower. TC and ER Large are the real deal here and it is a good, good sniper. Lovely against tanks at long range, like a Pike with more guns.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #2 on: 28 January 2013, 14:22:49 »
Nice article.

Only one detail: Laser Heat Sinks. They are interesting piece of equipment, perhaps worth mentioning.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #3 on: 28 January 2013, 14:32:44 »
Nice article.

Only one detail: Laser Heat Sinks. They are interesting piece of equipment, perhaps worth mentioning.

Yeah, the Night Gyr was the test bed for the laser heat sink project but it glowed in the dark and made it easy to shoot.  I edited it out because it does not effect game play and I was trying to focus a bit more on that side of things.

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Ian Sharpe

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #4 on: 28 January 2013, 14:36:17 »
The Night Gyr is a fantastic mech.  I don't see them as a replacement within the Falcons for their 5/8/X heavies, but rather a more efficient design with firepower in excess of the 5/8s.  They replace slower, less mobile assaults.  Agree about the Prime and A being the real prizes, although I would prefer a gauss rifle over the UAC on the Prime.  Still, I can't really call any of them bad configs, save maybe the one with the dual LB-2s, but dual gauss make up for that to some extent. 

The downsides are the looks; I hate them.  The giant barrels are kinda silly looking.  The mini is sadly faithful, so while I have one or two, its usually something I field because its a 4/6 to pair with Warhawks, Kingfishers, etc.  I'll also complain about the fixed JJs.  While not an IJJ fan, the Night Gyr, with its high pod tonnage but somewhat cramped crits, could use some of that for extra mobility.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #5 on: 28 January 2013, 14:57:28 »
I actually replaced the UAC on a Night Gyr mini with the gauss rifle from a Highlander IIC.  Drop a couple heat sinks and it works great.

The prime can still devastate most anything.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #6 on: 28 January 2013, 16:25:36 »
I really wish the jump jets weren't hard-mounted so modern variants could mount improved jump jets. That's allowed stuff like the Nova Cat (which is IMO an inferior but still quite potent knockoff) to exhibit a bit more diversity.  On the other hand, then we wouldn't need the Flamberge, which is pretty cool, although except for the IJJ capability it's an even more inferior version of the Night Gyr.

It's too bad they're not making them anymore, although I suspect that the surviving Night Gyrs will be crucial components of Falcon heavy and assault stars for a long time to come.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #7 on: 28 January 2013, 16:57:48 »

It's too bad they're not making them anymore, although I suspect that the surviving Night Gyrs will be crucial components of Falcon heavy and assault stars for a long time to come.

Probably come with the same honor as getting asigned something like a Warhawk in the post Jihad. 

The Homeworlds seem to have some as well.  I imagine the Adders prize them since it was Stanislov's ride.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #8 on: 28 January 2013, 17:01:07 »
The Night Gyr H may be the most overlooked and most evil heavy Omnimech in Battletech. That thing is a beast- I'm not a heavy laser fan, so I love a config that doesn't beat me over the head with 'HEAVY LASER BOAT' setups, just includes one as part of its power. And what power- the laser gives me a modest-ranged sixteen point hit to go with the fifteen-point hit from the Gauss, a pair of tens (if I'm lucky- have we met?) from the Ultra, and a seven because why the hell not? And the computer to ensure it all actually hits. Marvelous- if you've never tried one, put away the computer and get a game started with someone RIGHT NOW.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #9 on: 28 January 2013, 17:49:28 »
That's the thing about most of the Night Gyr load outs.  You can smack your opponent with a whole lot of hits.  They may not all be head cappers but taking all the hits from some of the configs will take a mech apart.  It's not crafty with cool tricks, it just hits really hard with multiple weapons every turn.

The hardest part about using the thing is figuring out which weapons to fire when, simply because the choices are pretty awesome.  It's just hard to decide which way to mess something up. ;D

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Savage Coyote

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #10 on: 29 January 2013, 08:27:30 »
This is a `Mech I want to love, but some of the configuration choices don't work and the BV's a little on the high side on your more deadly configs.  JHB did mention the H which does actually look good and is BV I might actually spend.  The pulsy-ness of the E is also interesting.  Dunno, maybe because I've never cared for the Falcons I just have a bias against it.  I've used it before, and tend to rather have a Timber Wolf *shrug*  While their BV's match up pretty well, I also morn the loss of armor on the Gyr; it's not a huge deal, but it always left a sour note in my mouth.

Maybe I'll work up the one miniature I have and do up a Star Adder star or something
« Last Edit: 29 January 2013, 08:29:15 by Savage Coyote »


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #11 on: 29 January 2013, 08:38:17 »
Great article for a great mech  O0
I've used the Night Gyr a lot (primarily on Mekwars servers), and never once i regretted paying for its BV.
I remember one game ending up with a duel between my nearly pristine Night Gyr Prime and a (similarly untouched) Direwolf Prime. The due ended in mutual destruction  ;D
That's just one episode of course, but i  think it speaks volumes about the effectiveness of this design.
The D would be my second favorite (the E is too cheesy for my tastes). Very expensive to field, but the withering firepower more than makes up for it. As noted, using the pulse lasers when the TN's are not that good will leave you enough ammo to finish a battle. If zellbrigen is not in place, a ton or 2 of swarm ammo will make a mess of enemy formations.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #12 on: 29 January 2013, 08:44:55 »
I used the B a few times as well and always performed OK.
I was a bit surprised to read all the praise of the C config; while it looks very good on paper, my actual experiences with it have not been as good as with the other variants. It is indeed a good sniper, but if you're balancing by BV, i feel that for a relatively small price discount it loses the best part of the brutal firepower of, say, the Prime and D. The TC'ed UAC2's are very nice against vehicles, though.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #13 on: 29 January 2013, 09:53:56 »

Maybe I'll work up the one miniature I have and do up a Star Adder star or something

Everybody needs a star of Star Adders O0

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #14 on: 29 January 2013, 09:55:50 »
I really need to pick one of these up, for when I need to put the weight of a broadsword behind the rapier that is the Summoner.
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E. Icaza

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #15 on: 29 January 2013, 18:23:52 »
Do Not Like.   :P

I will not deny its effectiveness, but it's butt-ugly and when it comes to Clan Heavies, if it doesn't move at least 5/8 then I'm generally not interested.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #16 on: 29 January 2013, 20:31:15 »
Do Not Like.   :P

I will not deny its effectiveness, but it's butt-ugly and when it comes to Clan Heavies, if it doesn't move at least 5/8 then I'm generally not interested.

No need to hold back, tell us how you really feel.  ;)

 Yeah I like the TRO art; it looks like Ray Lewis in mech mode.  The mini is  abit gangly.

I will say that the Gyr ruins all the 5/8 heavies in tight terrain.  It just flat out guns them all and only the Summoner can jump (and the one Timby).  Its not a cavalry mech for sure but in a duel it can take anything else in the weight class.

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E. Icaza

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #17 on: 29 January 2013, 21:09:38 »

No need to hold back, tell us how you really feel.  ;)

 Yeah I like the TRO art; it looks like Ray Lewis in mech mode.  The mini is  abit gangly.

I will say that the Gyr ruins all the 5/8 heavies in tight terrain.  It just flat out guns them all and only the Summoner can jump (and the one Timby).  Its not a cavalry mech for sure but in a duel it can take anything else in the weight class.

Like I said, it is effective and a scary machine.  I've used them a couple of times in the past and it does the job of killing stuff damn well in pretty much any configuration.  Ditto with the Turkina.  The REVIVAL era Falcon that I am at heart still prefers the Summoner or the Hellbringer
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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #18 on: 29 January 2013, 21:31:48 »
I hear ya.  On a large battlefield it can certainly get outmaneuvered by the 5/8 mechs.  I tend to keep my Night Gyrs and Nova Cats in the company of 4/6 assaults.  A star with the pocket assaults backed by Blood Asps and Warhawks is a lot of firepower that no one will take likely.

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Alex Keller

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #19 on: 29 January 2013, 22:48:50 »
The Night Gyr is going extinct after the destruction of the manufacturing facility on Ironhold.  Dang Vipers!!!!

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #20 on: 29 January 2013, 23:12:31 »
Probably my favorite Clan Heavy.  But since I'm from the "Wall of Steel Clan", it's a little light for me.   :)   I also don't like fixed jets.  Never have.  All that said, I'll probably field one over several 4/6 assaults, because it actually has more throw weight than the Kingfisher, Warhawk, or Executioner.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #21 on: 30 January 2013, 11:41:54 »
The Night Gyr is going extinct after the destruction of the manufacturing facility on Ironhold.  Dang Vipers!!!!

If I was the Adder Khan, which I am not.  This would be the one mech I would prioritize to be back in production first in the homeworlds.  It fits the Adder's combat style perfectly and works well with mechs they have in abundance (it can anchor a star with lighter heavies like the Mad Dog or ride with the more mobile assault stars).

Based on what's left in Adder hands in the homeworlds they are lacking a high end heavy to produce.  With Blood Asp production probably slow due to the plague on Sheridan it can't hurt.

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Ian Sharpe

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #22 on: 30 January 2013, 15:12:59 »
Probably my favorite Clan Heavy.  But since I'm from the "Wall of Steel Clan", it's a little light for me.   :)   I also don't like fixed jets.  Never have.  All that said, I'll probably field one over several 4/6 assaults, because it actually has more throw weight than the Kingfisher, Warhawk, or Executioner.

I don't go as far as you(the Warhawk is a very sexy mech IMO), but I like the concept of using the Night Gyr over the 4/6 assaults.  Its very Clan, doing more with less resources. 


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #23 on: 31 January 2013, 15:37:10 »
Great write up about a mech I completely forgot about, I think I faced one once, a long long time ago.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #24 on: 31 January 2013, 15:44:50 »
It's a fugly mech.  But that doesn't matter since it will be leaving an epic wake of death and destruction. 

It's a mech a local player like to abuse before he moved away.  I hated it so much I had to get one myself.  Now it only sees the field when I'm feeling nasty...much like my Hellstar, Stormcrow, Executioner, Turkina, Savage Coyotes...the list goes on.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #25 on: 31 January 2013, 15:52:59 »
Aye the Gyr is a brutal machine, it shows what happens when you get a clan mech and make it balanced and rational, with the intent of creating something that will do nothing but horrific things against anything it sets its sights on.
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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #26 on: 31 January 2013, 16:43:26 »
Yup, like many of the 3058-60 omnis the Night Gyr flat kills mechs dead.  The real world time that elapsed after the clan invasion and subsequent fluff on the clans seems to have rubbed off on the mech designers of the time.  They start to make a lot more sense across the various load outs.

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #27 on: 31 January 2013, 16:50:52 »

No need to hold back, tell us how you really feel.  ;)

 Yeah I like the TRO art; it looks like Ray Lewis in mech mode.  The mini is  abit gangly.

I will say that the Gyr ruins all the 5/8 heavies in tight terrain.  It just flat out guns them all and only the Summoner can jump (and the one Timby).  Its not a cavalry mech for sure but in a duel it can take anything else in the weight class.

I need to field this 'Mech more often. I've always had a soft spot for it because of the TRO artwork. The mini just doesn't feel dynamic enough for my tastes. I don't even mean the pose - just the lines of the 'Mech.


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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #28 on: 31 January 2013, 16:51:19 »
Yup, like many of the 3058-60 omnis the Night Gyr flat kills mechs dead.  The real world time that elapsed after the clan invasion and subsequent fluff on the clans seems to have rubbed off on the mech designers of the time.  They start to make a lot more sense across the various load outs.

Oh aye instead of

Mech designer 1 "I know..lets see how many random weapons we can fit on this 65 tonner!"

Designer 2 "Won't it need armour, or heatsinks, sure that mix is powerful but a stiff breeze will punch through its hide."

MD1: "Who LB-2Xs should be just about fine..."

MD2: "On a brawler config?"


Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Mech of the Week: Night Gyr
« Reply #29 on: 31 January 2013, 18:28:57 »
I have to admit, for all the gripes i see about the Night Gyr's looks, i can't see it. it's somewhat ungainly, but far from ugly. if anything it's notably bland, rather than actually looking bad. it's a large, mostly generic design that ends up being somewhat top-heavy due to the large shoulder sections that are apparently omni hardpoints, and the massive cannon barrels in the arms. the effect is enhanced by the cockpit being  somewhat flat, which gives it an impression of being lower than it is next to the shoulder areas.

but aside from looking a bit like a football defensive lineman, there's really nothing that sticks out about the design. you're lucky you're so effective, Night Gyr or you'd be boring.
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