Author Topic: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time  (Read 190742 times)


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #510 on: 14 July 2013, 19:42:38 »
It was just a thought.
Lyran Commonwealth,6th Donegal Guards-Nightstar
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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #511 on: 14 July 2013, 19:56:30 »
I'd like to interject quickly, I disagree with my Clan's problem with the Spirits as well as the writers handling of the Spirits in WoR.

In case that doesn't work.. my name is, uh, Joe... um, Smith, yeah.  Joe Smith, that's me.  Just in case you decide you need a mech to blow up after the first step with a "notable" pilot aboard. :D

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #512 on: 14 July 2013, 20:27:54 »
Exactly. C refits with no wasted tonnage.

Heck even do straight up swaps ... maybe only upgrading lasers to pulse and LRM/SRM's to larger launchers.

You still get a pretty cool mech.  A Crab with ER Lasers? YES, Please ... just have to bracket fire at times.
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #513 on: 14 July 2013, 20:28:20 »
Doesn't matter, any Star Adder needs to fall in some pointless and odd (or at least amusing) manner to make a Blood Spirit giggle.
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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #514 on: 14 July 2013, 20:59:18 »
New update from my game. We ran three battles today. The first two each representing a skirmish between the Blood Spirits and the periphery proto-nation they've taken cause against. The first two battles were each against a defensive strong point (one was a fort, the other an aerospace base) with it's garrison. The defender had the option to retreat certain forces off the board, and if they did so they could be used for a future battle - set in the major city. The third battle was a space battle between reinforcements from the proto-nation vs elements of the Blood Spirit fleet. Any forces that got through would be available for next week's fighting.

The first fight went terribly for the Blood Spirit players, who vastly underestimated the forces they needed. They sent an single Nova of Battlemechs & Elementals plus two points of Combat Vees, 3 points of Protomechs and a point of Aerospace. The defenders had an expanded company of Militiamechs, an extended heavy tank company and two companies of conventional infantry plus the fort itself which had four heavy turret towers and a heavily armored block house housing two sniper artillery in a turret plus a curtain wall and trench works AND a mine field. The Combat Vees and Protomechs tried picking their way through the mine field, but suffered heavy casualties doing so under fire by the defender's artillery. The Nova tried a flanking attack but the defenders tanks and militiamechs actually held them at bay. By the time the combat was over, the defenders lost only one tower and had a couple of holes through their walls and lost not even a quarter of their overall forces.

The second fight was much more in the favor the Blood Spirits who hit with a full trinary of Battlemechs (9) and Protomechs (30), a Star of Elementals and an Aerospace Star. The defenders had two extended companies of light armor, two companies of Conventional Infantry and a two squadrons of conventional fighters (36) and a flight of Primitive Aerospace (6) plus six armed bunkers surrounding the aerospace base. There were also command detonated mines in several patches, mainly around the armed bunkers. The defenders had a CAP of six Conventional Fighters in the air while launching two more a turn. The Primitive Aerospace needed five turns to begin to get airborne. The Blood Spirits Aerospace utterly massacre the defenders CFs in less than two turns and begin bombing the heck of of the aerospace base, knocking out most of CFs and Primitive ASF before they can get off the ground. Meanwhile on the ground the Blood Spirits Battlemechs and Protomechs split into three stars of 3/2 points respectively and square off against the defending forces. I swear, each turn saw a lance and a half of the defenders vees explode and a platoon of infantry massacred. Nearly the entire defender garrison was wiped out - only the remnants of three platoons and two lances of combat vees managed to withdraw off board.

Third fight was the shortest yet most brutal fight. The Blood Spirits defended the planet with a single warship and a star of dropships with three trinaries of aerospace fighters. The proto-nation attacked using a half dozen primitive dropships (all aerodyne transports of the same type) and two squadrons of primitive aerospace fighters plus a squadron of small craft assault craft each armed with a nuclear tipped anti-ship missile. Not a single proto-nation fighter or small craft would survive the battle. The nukes were almost all intercepted by PD, except for one which missed. One Primitive Dropship made it to make planetfall. The Blood Spirits took negligible damage.

Next weekend, we'll have the big city fight.

On the RPG side of things, the Blood Spirits have sent one of their four galaxies off to the other disputed world. They've also impressed (terrified) the locals of the industrial planet enough that they're being given the basic supplies their fleet needs. The locals aren't sure about the Blood Spirits except they know they don't want to tick them off. The Blood Spirits have mixed feelings. They don't consider the  the Deep Periphery denizens to be the same as spheroids but there's a glint in the players eyes that they may yet just try to conquer the place.


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #515 on: 15 July 2013, 21:42:45 »
Well gents, I need your help. Its not a Blood Spirit scenario, but a nice little historical one I need to set up for early next month.  I'm finishing off our Klondike Campaign with the Wolverine Annihilation and I want to do the last stand at Barbados's. Essentially I plan two Stars of Wolverines and three Stars of Wolves (One of the Wolf Stars is already made up) on a vast satellite map of some Pine/woodlands. What I need your help with is the make-up of the Wolves and the Spirits and what would you guys think their Piloting and Gunnery should be and any good idea's for conditions. Anyone have any ideas to through out there?
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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #516 on: 16 July 2013, 07:11:32 »
I'd throw in some Mercurys and Mercury II's ... and Stags for the Wolverines.  They're fast enough to keep the Wolves occupied longer for their fleet to make further progress towards escape.

Try the Pulverized with it's Enhanced ER PPC ... see if it's really that much better than a standard ER PPC.

oooh and create a 100 ton version of the Orca (previous april fools joke iirc, it was a 200 ton mech) ... that'll surprise the Wolves.
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #517 on: 16 July 2013, 16:06:19 »
Last night: Rather than wait for the other battles to resolve, the available players sent Blood Guard Keshik plus Alpha and Beta Galaxies plus their Heavy Cruiser and one of their Frigates off to the capital world of the proto-nation and blasted their way to the surface, killing the ruler and his immediate family save his infant child (who the Blood Spirits made a baby bondsman out of) and forcing a surrender upon the proto-nation. Tentatively diplomatic efforts through an Ilchi have been made to form a new government from the various worlds (including the ones they've liberated/going to liberate) and have a peaceful transition to a Blood Spirit friendly democracy...

Tonight: ...BLAM... I just murdered that idea. The conquered proto-nation government, Alpha and Beta Galaxy have just been nuked by a dozen warheads in an attempt by the proto-nation's elite forces and regular forces surviving generals to overwhelm the Blood Spirits in an all out attack. Three Clusters are basically gone (2/3tds to 3/4s destroyed), two more badly damaged (1/3 to 1/2 destroyed) and those who surrendered the proto-nation to the Blood Spirits are dead. When we resume from our dinner break at 6pm, we'll see how the Blood Spirits will react. I expect nothing short of an absolute massacre.


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #518 on: 16 July 2013, 18:17:52 »
@Terminax... ouch!

 @Stormlion pilots 3/4 with one a 2/3. The wolves and spirits are veterans of Klondike.These guys should reflect that.

 As far as mechs go... fast hard hitting mediums and heavies. Royal shads and griffins excaliburs.., maybe the Star commander wiuld have an exterminator from klondike.

 For the Spirits... I'd go with heavier, slower support type mechs since that would be their roll. A highlander of cource, archer, warhammer, stalker, thunderbolt.
Lyran Commonwealth,6th Donegal Guards-Nightstar
Marian Hegemony, II Legio-Cataphract
Clan Hell's Horses, Gamma Galaxy-Summoner
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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #519 on: 16 July 2013, 22:55:33 »
I got a PM asking me why I don't name the proto-nation or get into its details. I don't feel this thread is the appropriate venue for that. Eventually a full write up will be done in the non-canon unit forum. I also got some very upset comments from a couple of my players about the nukes but the more experienced players took it all in stride. What can I say? They had warning this Deep Periphery power had nukes and weren't afraid to use them to even the odds. I can't say I did it lightly either but they wanted things to end too pat for my liking and after some thought, I didn't think the proto-nations military (and internal security forces) were quite as willing to roll over as the surviving political leadership was. I also thought the players weren't getting as much push back as they should, particularly since they lucked out with the Homeworld Clans especially the Star Adders haven't shown up, I wanted to see how'd they do.

Anyways, after the nuking the Blood Spirits retaliated wholesale. The Blood Guard and what was left of Alpha Galaxy fought the Battlemech equipped "Elite" of the proto-nation - around three battalions of 3025/SL era Battlemechs (the rest is off world spread across the Empire or died already)... within six hours the "Elite" were smashed. Beta Galaxy clusters had been spread out and were under assault by the proto-nations internal security forces (basically a paramilitary army) and a few regular army units. Though heavily pressed, they turned back every assault inflicting heavy damage to the locals.

(also to note, the players owe me battles during the week while I'm working. All these will have representative battles)

Meanwhile the Warships got extremely busy tearing apart the Proto-nations primitive jumpship fleet. Now I know how JS fared during the 1st Succession War. When the marines were sent to take their primitive spaceyard, nuclear scuttling charges went off, severely damaging much of the facility and denying the Clan the most valuable prize.  An HPG message was sent back to Gamma and Zeta Galaxies respectively telling them what had occurred. Gamma was ordered to send two Clusters onwards to another Proto-Nation world while Zeta was told the same but to go to the other world. The fourth and final system was to be targeted by a Militia Cluster from Zeta.

In the capital system, two battered Clusters of Beta Galaxy was sent to the systems second world - a farming planet and took it easily.

Thank goodness the Blood Spirits have Sibkos coming due.


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #520 on: 17 July 2013, 06:36:27 »
I got too tired to finish the report last night.

At the end of the night, the Blood Spirits had basically broken the back of the proto-nation. Most of the local forces have been either destroyed or disarmed and surviving personnel have been placed into temporary detention camps. The bulk of their military was located in this system. The primitive shipyard for all intents and purposes has been destroyed, the primitive military industries on world were mostly taken intact. The proto-nation's remaining forces are divided amongst four worlds and the Blood Spirits will have forces in each system before they'll get word of their capitol's defeat.

Some discussion has taken place with their "liberated" allies but the people there are stunned and terribly unsure of what to say or do after seeing the proto-nation which has been their central focus for decades just go poof.

I get to deal with some of this today since I'm taking the day off - I got a touch of sunstroke or heat stroke yesterday while working and I'll get back to you guys on any happenings.

alex blood spirit

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #521 on: 26 July 2013, 16:26:57 »
nice to see the Spirit's are creating all kinds of havoc and expanding their territory
 ;D O0


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #522 on: 28 July 2013, 10:35:23 »
My original plan was for the players to establish a friendly neighbor before they moved onto the Coreward Confederacy but that idea lies in tatters and is being stomped further into the ground. The Blood Spirits have now occupied the former proto-nation worlds (five systems, six habitable worlds), and freed from occupation another four systems, two of which have been mentioned before. The other two worlds are lightly inhabited by IS standards - less than a million souls each - that had each had a small garrison that the Blood Spirits took out without any trouble. The proto-nation's worlds and inhabitants are now Blood Spirit property and the Blood Spirits have made a series of agreements with the other four. The new nation's official title is the Blood Spirit Union. There's a further six independent worlds that the proto-nation knew about but hadn't occupied, that they raided or traded with every few years. Debate continues on what the Union will do.

Internally the Union is basically split between the Blood Spirits and the industrial world, with the other three planets all in theory being also equal partners but aren't really. The industrial world has an overly large military for being a single world, call them "space America" if you will. They have an army, aerospace force, (surface) navy, a marine corps but it's all equipped with age of war era technology. "Space America" can't sustain the military at it's current size without an opponent bearing down on it - its populace is tired of conflict and with the threat of the proto-nation gone they'll soon want to downsize in order to refocus on rebuilding. The rebellion world also has it's revolutionary forces but together are a fraction of what the industrial world has. The other two alliance worlds got nothing but aspirations. The deal is to reorganize the Alliance forces along Clan lines but with a more conventional ranking system and organizational changes. Then there's the ex-military forces of the proto-nation that the Blood Spirits are keeping together for a number of reasons - they might suck, but right now the Blood Spirits need every body they can get. They also know they can't risk letting that many military personnel loose to potentially cause havoc. The Blood Spirits have essentially segregated these remnant forces from their own and will orient them to the Clan way, viewing them sort of like wayward children and recruits who don't know any better. The best of them will be culled and incorporated into the Blood Spirits Touman eventually/

The Blood Spirits themselves are exhausted and badly need at least three to five years to reorganize themselves. The players are planning a relocation of all the Clan population to the former capital binary system of the proto-nation while relocating the natives to the other three systems and establishing enclaves on each of it's allied worlds but that'll take decades to do it all. Militarily, the Clan is in rough shape. All four of it's Galaxies are about 50% of what they were when they left the Homeworlds and replacement equipment is scarce. Salvage from their recent conquest will help, but the Clan won't stoop to using the proto-nation's militiamechs. Personnel wise they're in much better shape. They've got an accelerated training program that'll see them get three clusters worth of troops from the Sibkos and another cluster, maybe two out of recruiting from lower castes but they just don't have the equipment to outfit them out yet.

Technology wise, the Blood Spirits bring allot to the table. They've got centuries of experience of getting every last ounce out of what they got to work with and for the first time in generations they've got access to more resources than they could hope to ever use. The technological advantages they can share with the alliance worlds will greatly benefit everyone and if integration proceeds well, the Blood Spirit Union will be potent indeed. The greatest asset the Clan possesses, are the various mobile facilities it possesses, including the Society space station which is a Godsend after the partial destruction of the proto-nation's shipyard. The Clan figures it can setup a temporary facility within a year and have a permanent facility started in two years with full production resuming in five. The Union has chosen to mothball all the primitive jumpships and dropship it captured in favor of using the Clan fleet until they can be scrapped for material and re-manufactured into modern vessels.  They got quite a few primitive factories out of the proto-nation but it's most likely they too will be scrapped and re-made because updating the facilities as they are to Clan standards is just about impossible. That said the Blood Spirits did bring what they could from the Homeworlds. Aerospace Fighter, Battlemech and Omnimech production are all desperately need and are a focus of much effort to get going. Protomech and Battlearmor facilities will come online soon, as will vehicle production. The allies also bring considerable industrial capability but it's AoW level of technology again makes it difficult for upgrading wholesale.

All in all, they've got potential but they also have internal disputes to settle. The alliance is shaky, with nobody yet convinced that it's going to last. The Blood Spirits still have divisions over what some view their Khan. His Bloodline is considered poor by the traditional powers that be and the uprising he crushed during the flight from the Homeworlds didn't endear him to the Clan as a whole. He's seen a transitory Khan at best and while he still has a few years left it before pressure becomes too great. He may surprise his detractors yet though. To keep his opponents from coalescing he's sending out units on missions that will take months to accomplish while he consolidates the Clan and his power base. The biggest hurdle facing the Union isn't the proto-nation worlds, theyv'e accepted Clan rule quite readily, might makes right was already part of their lives but instead it's the industrial and rebellion worlds. The industrial world is extremely wary of the Blood Spirits. They suspect something is going on that the Blood Spirits haven't explained yet. The rebellion world likes the BS but it's far from a unified world itself so it's divisions of it's own to deal with.


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #523 on: 29 July 2013, 22:05:45 »
I just got and read Wars of Reaving ... I was ok with most of what happened.  I think it was cheesy for the SA to down us the way they did.

Ok, why did every clan go ape-spit over the Vipers ... for the Adders???  I mean, it was a Star Adder mission, but every other clan sacrificed themselves for the Adders ... who had the largest and most capable touman anyway.

Wouldn't it have made a modicum of sense to let the Adders and Vipers beat the snot out of each other first?

Either way, the Diamond Sharks really did kick us in the groin early on.

Ok, done with the rehash of the very beginning of the thread.

*** back to Terminax.  Do the Spirits get that primitive does not mean useless? ... Mech Mortars, Rifles, RL's ... I could see some Spirit created militia units being allowed to use massed fire.  Medium and Heavy Rifles are poor weapons, but they can still hurt.  I've got a 39ton hover craft moving 7/11 with a primitive engine, primitive armor, and a Heavy Rifle ... It doesn't seem worth upgrading b/c it still does its job.
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #524 on: 29 July 2013, 23:38:59 »
I think at the end every Clan had something to prove and that was that they were still strong and by pitting themselves with the Vipers they proved themselves still strong. Any Clan that didn't would be seen as either weak or supporting the Steel Vipers and then hence next on the docket for annihilation or absorption. The Spirits lost too much fighting the Vipers I think and it cost them later.
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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #525 on: 30 July 2013, 03:05:34 »
I think at the end every Clan had something to prove and that was that they were still strong and by pitting themselves with the Vipers they proved themselves still strong. Any Clan that didn't would be seen as either weak or supporting the Steel Vipers and then hence next on the docket for annihilation or absorption. The Spirits lost too much fighting the Vipers I think and it cost them later.

The Spirits sacrificed the most to destroy the Vipers. Would that that had been held in consideration when the votes against
them were being considered. They lost half their Touman, and then could not start new Sibkos for YEARS after the WoR
due to the inspections to make sure the Society had not corrupted their genetics. Frankly, it almost seems like they were
set up for the fall that hit them. I wonder if there is anyway that Adder Watch agents in the Cloud Cobras in the enclaves
the Cobras trialed for in the Coleen system could have caused the catastrophe that killed one of the planets?
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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #526 on: 30 July 2013, 07:10:07 »
caused the quakes? ... nah, I like the natural disaster at the worst possible moment scenario.  Although, you'd think that some sort of exo-geoligist would have been making sure both planets were stable.
"We're caught in the moon's gravitational pull, what do we do?!"

CI KS #1357; Merc KS #9798

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #527 on: 30 July 2013, 07:14:40 »
Ok, why did every clan go ape-spit over the Vipers ... for the Adders???  I mean, it was a Star Adder mission, but every other clan sacrificed themselves for the Adders ... who had the largest and most capable touman anyway.

Because the ilKhan said to do it. The ilKhan is the Clan war leader; you do what he says, no questions asked. The Annihilation of the Vipers was not a coalition of Clans for the hell of it. It was a combined Clan army under the leadership of their war leader - just like REVIVAL.


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #528 on: 30 July 2013, 08:02:07 »
Because the ilKhan said to do it. The ilKhan is the Clan war leader; you do what he says, no questions asked. The Annihilation of the Vipers was not a coalition of Clans for the hell of it. It was a combined Clan army under the leadership of their war leader - just like REVIVAL.

It also made perfect sense. Honestly, I think that if the Vipers had not given the Adders a reason to, they would have
made one. The Wars of Reaving were brutal and divisive to the Clans. One of the best ways to unite a group is to give
them a common enemy. The Vipers were, frankly, the BEST common enemy: Too strong for any one group to take on
alone, but perfectly capable of being taken down by all the surviving Clans working together. They were also the Adders
only remaining rival for power in the Homeworlds at this point. The Vipers had to die for the Adder agenda of being the
kings of the Homeworlds to be fulfilled.
Blood Spirit's jumping into the Viper guns to crash through and defeat the SDS around the Viper capitol was just a
welcome side benefit for the Adders. It could just as easily have been the Coyotes going to prove their loyalty.
Or the Cloud Cobras could have tried to break it, as they were, with the Ravens gone, the Masters of Aerospace
left in the Homeworlds. Instead, the Spirits became the ones who paid the price of a mile for the Adders.

(Also..I will say that I find it refreshing that Ben still follows our threads, and will post to them, even if it is just a simple
post like that.)
"Victory or Debt!"- The Battlecry of Mercenaries everywhere

"Greetings, Mechwarrior! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against---Oops, wrong universe" - Unknown SLDF Recruiter

Reality and Battletech go hand in hand like a drug induced hallucination and engineering a fusion reactor ;-)


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #529 on: 30 July 2013, 08:14:36 »
Instead, the Spirits became the ones who paid the price of a mile for the Adders.

I had the feeling at that point of writing that the Spirits would jump out in front and lead the way due to their arrogance (thanks to Karianna) and need to validate themselves as a military power after the brutality of the WoR.

(Also..I will say that I find it refreshing that Ben still follows our threads, and will post to them, even if it is just a simple
post like that.)


Pretty sure you'll all hate me in three years, though.


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #530 on: 30 July 2013, 08:20:37 »
 What do you mean in 3 years?  ;)
Lyran Commonwealth,6th Donegal Guards-Nightstar
Marian Hegemony, II Legio-Cataphract
Clan Hell's Horses, Gamma Galaxy-Summoner
Clan Grinch goat- gamma goat.

Pa Weasley

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #531 on: 30 July 2013, 08:28:39 »
Pretty sure you'll all hate me in three years, though.
Gesh, you're going to make 'em worry and fret for years in advance? Are you trying to make everyone feel like a pre-ER:3145 Nova Cat fan?  :D


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #532 on: 30 July 2013, 09:25:45 »
Trust me, it won't take three years. ;)

I disagree with the Spirits having a need to prove themselves as a military power. They stopped caring what the other Clans thought long before the WoR, and if anything, the WoR should've further reinforced that isolationist mindset. But unfortunately, that particular bad writing choice wasn't mine to make. At least, not in a printed sourcebook. I happily ignore that stupid plot development for all of my own games. :)

And spare us the woe-us-poor-Nova-Cats. We were fretting and worrying long before the writing was on the wall for the kitties. ;)
"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson

My Personal Units: Thuggee Warrior House Nagah (Capellan Confederation), 29th Blood Drinkers (Clan Blood Spirit), Nightmare Galaxy (Clan Hell's Horses), 1st Raven Rook Cluster (Raven Alliance)
Favorite Factions: Capellan Confederation • Clan Blood Spirit • Clan Smoke Jaguar • Clan Hell's Horses • Raven Alliance • Fronc Reaches • Rim Worlds Republic • Magistracy of Canopus
Favorite Characters: Malvina Hazen • Kali Liao • Katherine Steiner-Davion • Anastasia Kerensky • Danai Liao-Centrella • Karianna Schmitt • Lady Death • Tara Campbell • Katana Tormark
Favorite Units: The Golden Ordun • Wolf Hunters • 1st Horde Cluster • 1st Rasalhague Bears • Thuggee Warrior Houses • Hikage • Raptor Keshik • Kara's Scorchers • 1st Star Sentinels

Pa Weasley

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #533 on: 30 July 2013, 09:37:14 »
Oh hush now.
And spare us the woe-us-poor-Nova-Cats. We were fretting and worrying long before the writing was on the wall for the kitties. ;)
Hush now, we're all part of the Dead Clan Fans club. Arguing over who saw it coming first only makes us sound hipster.   #P :D


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #534 on: 30 July 2013, 09:41:25 »
I'm fine with that.  ;D
"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson

My Personal Units: Thuggee Warrior House Nagah (Capellan Confederation), 29th Blood Drinkers (Clan Blood Spirit), Nightmare Galaxy (Clan Hell's Horses), 1st Raven Rook Cluster (Raven Alliance)
Favorite Factions: Capellan Confederation • Clan Blood Spirit • Clan Smoke Jaguar • Clan Hell's Horses • Raven Alliance • Fronc Reaches • Rim Worlds Republic • Magistracy of Canopus
Favorite Characters: Malvina Hazen • Kali Liao • Katherine Steiner-Davion • Anastasia Kerensky • Danai Liao-Centrella • Karianna Schmitt • Lady Death • Tara Campbell • Katana Tormark
Favorite Units: The Golden Ordun • Wolf Hunters • 1st Horde Cluster • 1st Rasalhague Bears • Thuggee Warrior Houses • Hikage • Raptor Keshik • Kara's Scorchers • 1st Star Sentinels

Pa Weasley

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #535 on: 30 July 2013, 10:01:39 »
I already have a penchant for french-press coffee I don't need to go down that road any further. Plus the thought of myself in skinny jeans necessitates a good brain bleaching.  [wildandcrazy]


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #536 on: 30 July 2013, 10:18:35 »
And just so it's said, I was rooting for the Cats and for Katana Tormark. The BT universe is a much less interesting place without our two Clans. :(
"Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson

My Personal Units: Thuggee Warrior House Nagah (Capellan Confederation), 29th Blood Drinkers (Clan Blood Spirit), Nightmare Galaxy (Clan Hell's Horses), 1st Raven Rook Cluster (Raven Alliance)
Favorite Factions: Capellan Confederation • Clan Blood Spirit • Clan Smoke Jaguar • Clan Hell's Horses • Raven Alliance • Fronc Reaches • Rim Worlds Republic • Magistracy of Canopus
Favorite Characters: Malvina Hazen • Kali Liao • Katherine Steiner-Davion • Anastasia Kerensky • Danai Liao-Centrella • Karianna Schmitt • Lady Death • Tara Campbell • Katana Tormark
Favorite Units: The Golden Ordun • Wolf Hunters • 1st Horde Cluster • 1st Rasalhague Bears • Thuggee Warrior Houses • Hikage • Raptor Keshik • Kara's Scorchers • 1st Star Sentinels

Pa Weasley

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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #537 on: 30 July 2013, 10:24:37 »

But now let us sit back and watch the madness unfold. An IlClan isn't going to happen without a whole heap of chaos, backstabbing, and destruction. I can't wait.  >:D


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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #538 on: 30 July 2013, 10:26:59 »
Well there is still hope for the Nova Cats, as a Clan for now there dead but survivors did escape. At least two of them that I can think of, one in the FWL and the other that escaped Combine space and it may be possible some may have been within the RoTS when the walls went up. Might be enough to rebuild a Clan if they could all get together in one spot and not get wiped out somehow.

And I still think there are Blood Spirit survivors.
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Re: Clan Blood Spirit Enclave: Heroes of Our Time
« Reply #539 on: 30 July 2013, 10:46:31 »
I had the feeling at that point of writing that the Spirits would jump out in front and lead the way due to their arrogance (thanks to Karianna) and need to validate themselves as a military power after the brutality of the WoR.


Pretty sure you'll all hate me in three years, though.

Ben, the more and more I think about it, the more I think that, ultimately, the death of the Spirits can be put on
no-one other then our beloved Khan. She was a charismatic, inspirational, and a rallying point for a Clan that was
in the depths of its own sort of depression when she took over. And, we followed her gladly down the path that
lead to our own destruction. I really, really think that if we had had another Khan at the time of the Burrock Absorption,
the Spirits might actually have survived the Wars of Reaving.

And, you know what? If we don't hate you for killing the Spirits, I don't think we are going to hate you, no matter
what your project in 3 years is.

I will also say that I agree that the Spirits HAD to prove themselves. They saw the writing on the walls, they knew
that anyone who was weak, would be a target after the Vipers Absorption. It was not that they did not care what
the other Clans thought...they really didn't. What they cared about was would the other Clans use them not giving
a good showing in the Viper Absoption as an excuse to target them, next. And, frankly, they thought they were that
good...I would not call it "arrogance"...I would call it what it ultimately was: "Hubris."
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Reality and Battletech go hand in hand like a drug induced hallucination and engineering a fusion reactor ;-)

